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OUR „GRE"AT. STOCKTAKING SALE , QR^GREAT STOCKTAKINGS-SALE I :' ; GOING -STRONG"! jßrown anStGrey Suede Skin Gloves^ 5p 6d \' k ,Pair ... ' M -:.;/•;;:' ', ■: 7 ■■? ■-■"-. ;*!!"^'°° l Homespun Hos.e,:2s 6d "pair ' "'''"■'{ jAll-wool Gauntlet-Gloves, 2s'lid pair-'--'•' Xadies- Tweed Coats,. 21s - -. ( . ; jthichess Satin,'36in" wide,'Bs lid'yard. : . ■ ,- ■ ...-.-i..^.'. .7 o ' . ;CHE / APSJDE,:;vT -* ;-':;r-v ; •- T ,. i -.•■; .''.'•■ .• <'.;-upp.';cuba; street. .'VATANTED;'poiitibn in ■ House'by younir. !pLT 'Y 0"1 ■"■ - IFgQ^fr- ■ WriU 666,' jPost T'Petone.' - y ;v';i:-c5 jWANTED, Two Afternoons, weekly 1-! ■ »T Sewing bf"MeriHing"'Hdteror"Dri--■jvate .Writg 488, Evg. Post T P : tWANTED. Knovm^ardencr, ■ witii ■; ».».• bnglishiand^ColoniaKexperiehce, requires iSituation, town or country; thor.oughly oompetent in- all- branches. Apply 487,. Jjjvgy. Post., ',;„..... ; . .; -. .. j IJAKJSR ; requires" " Situation;" njorried/ fDAKER,. disengaged,.-. Brea d' and Small \*-*., Goods; references', country "preferred. -r.~r--r'.r- 'i;.,'., f ■-. ; JTIUILpER'S-.Foreman seeks engage- !•*-* ■ mentvexperienced in': heavy obnstruc'-T tioii.,'; work; etc:'f'Firsf-class"*.references. Write -.'so^.' EVg.-.'Post: > r--: : :■■;;. }•■■:..>,'.. ■.■.- /?JIJEF (or: Second' Cook); hotel,', restau\^i'•' »nt."experience, requires Situation: isso,'.Evgryost:'?J: ■'■'- ■:"-'■';.■:;■>;, jT^ISENGAGED-^Certiacated " Nurse, [-*-*; ''daily,- assist' light housework,'-. Apjply 494-."Evg: 'Post:; ".■■.-. ;- ■n■ v > ~C iTETEAD Pressniaker of one of South-' jXii ; 'land's- 1 lAding.' "^Drapers';'<- Shops;? iw.ould accept^positibn-Nbrthi-if offer were fsatigfactbry. Apply' 530, Eyg. Post... ';. MAN,- Well' educated, ■in " reduced r cirv oumstances, "requires-'Work, any de-[scription;-highest cr.esjentials. Apply 332^. |Evg: Post'•:-..•'. . . .■..•-. ■ . ■■. -. ••■.... DT.QR E,yMechapic-(maJTied); seeks Situation, either- truck or car; |14, 'years'-;,; experience.; X Write t6l-,. Eyg. J "DAINTING; .Eaperhahging}', wanted •; by- - JL; .■: experienced .Tradesman. Write 557, iEvy..;.-E05fc.^.1.:.^J._...;:,_ j .v_ ;. ; i"OEFINEp,-. Capable- Womafl^7],wouid" J-w-1 take'positipn pX Housekeperl to'-gen-1 tlejnan c orj. business .couple,; ...references fpod • maiiajer:-:-Reply;-with' -particulars, 043, .EvgU.Po»t;y/ ■i^>-i) >'v...:j.» r ; .Tiv;v- - ' ; T» ; ELIABLp, Lady ,would r like ■tWy Position as::Ladyhelp,iinißm'Bll!fam-S i1r...499..,Ev g ..J05t..::. •■.■;■ -v^ ICJITUATION", :• "H6usekeeper, "• widower 1^?, ipr^. bachelprSr'.'own,. mistress.' .cbuntryi !preferre'd.'C'Wfite?sol,'Evg: Post. '*' ''- |r|SHO(ROUGHt-, I.;;Experienced7V7Bbolt-'; [ •*■ '■• keeper, clerk, commercial, experience, [capable:traVeller.Hsal^sman.'i.good; refer.-; jenccs, requires l Position.'. 571,.Evg'. Post'/ jV.RUNG-rMan,-.experienced, .20,: desires i ■*-■ 'Poaiiioni.-a's.Clerk..'or roUier"''empl6^.': jm'ent.- Apply';so4;. Evg^Post. ■'. .' <- •'V'PUNG-Msnlwants-Wprk^any'.kind,: I •*Oi>;wiH -ingr.p:ay.;,sbonus-:riifew. a nionths'-: I work. » W-rite^s64,.^EvgV,-Post. " " "'"£ BtXJtbVEB. prepared": ejroct". limited', hum-: , . '_^«r 5-rd. RouglicMt'Bup;t»lbw«,'Lowlerlim*; for £850. .For further .particulare 'and pltna.';writo:s9.iEv(r.; Post. ■:'} ..'" : ■„; „; D RESSMAKING, 'Hemstitching Veto:';"- - raleo:-few''imported i'Model 'FrookeV- \ Mrs. Norton, Parliament ;Cbrher, t; Lamb-' fto n :qy.-;---> ' ■>■■■■■<*■■■ ,: :^v-y./,: ■■■■■.:, RESSMAKINGrT-nay -„ and,, Evening 'Frock's", a>;Specialty;';'Re'mbdellih'g. jMiss -.pasaey,; 13a;,-.;Cburtenay-pl., ,tram ■terminus.;.:'- IT",; \". :."•,;"'.'.-!.' ." •;-■.", :„„ jTTEMSTITCHINGi ,4d -.per : yard, .in j "■"!-%' black ; and '-w^ite;i-other shades: extra.; ■A.- C. H^dger, 2()B;,,Lambton-qy.''>■' ,'...-.'■; ITTEMSTITCHING, .also:; Dressmaking: :Xj;-Miss;New>lo2,uWilliß-st.;: first :floor,"> ;Rbom * 10,-: rifext^Empress.'':-Tel. ■ 2152/t ,:i- .., ISS,!SHAWvpre:ss*Speci.listr, 66; WiP . '•' li.s-st., Day and .Evening ■ Gowns/ iCoat Costumesf.'Re'mpdellihg: etc.'- Tel. 1 1746; -,■ '...: .- -.. -. ■;;■■)- -'-'■■ ■";; WANTED, by /competent . Carpenter, Alterations, 'Repairs,- Additions.----i Prices" reasonable,:^ workmanship^ 'guaranteed," estimates Tgrven/ Write ' 521,"" Evg. Post.'' •.;■>.•:-;•-.;•■■. ;'-,t >-, ,t ■ ■ v""-"' WANTED,- -by. Export Upholsterer, .ReHcovenh'K- -Work; -lowest -.- rates :- ; competence an d comfort assured;' estimates' Uree.:-:\yrife^99; j;EYgV.'P6st. .-:.!.:; ;;iy I V^TANTED,- by. oompetent Upholsterer, ; T »....'Recovering'Work, any .description,, •at your/ home • or—workshop;:;■ tafisfactibn"' iguarariteod; - Write -5Q.; Eyg:. Post' :; ;-■'■■} % L: •:■■....•..■ ""£2':BONTJS:" ; - • .: j " A '.DYERTISER;';:": haying ' experiencp; i -&>■ store, 1 office;'' railway,- theatre,' and general,^ business;-, requires 'Pbsitionj. any capacity../ ';Wr'ite''-555;'Eyg.'Post. > ;■■■■''-r»] i : "'"" r'" ' f;MIBCELk^>tE«ItIS..-;:rt'.Vv;U^ WANTED KnownV-Gireat Display of English. r Teasets .from ■. ,255,- >ivorth ;50s^ See/us "at once. "Great Value.' The 1 Sims Hardware:-; ■ -. ....;.... : ' - » '':■ WANTED— Onwithithd dance. Ladies' Brocade.; Evening ; Shoes,- clearing [22s 6d pair. 'J. W, Martin!g Busy Boot Store, .Train \ Terminus, 1 Cburtenay-pL ' 1 Tier ANTED. Known—Take no risks, with ! y »■"■ the !flu; J -Keep •'Brittain's ; AntiiGrippe'in.. tKe. hbmeV.VH. Brittajn, .Chem'Tr l«t,'/'s6i ■'Mannerß'-st.,,'.Wellingt6ri.. .': •' ••'-. : \\7 ANTED Knownrrßest Cassiroles, in ; T,t electro-plated..stand.' Usual' prices ■ 35s and <!40s, :,-a'ndv42s ,"6d.-, ;• Now, all one ! price "20sV Great Value: ' The Sims 'Hardware;..;; „.,.•.. .. ; ;. . ■ - .. -. i-.-.. ,■-.->.'• r\jfj ANTED—Striped!; and-iCheok Skirt T : T.; : Lenethsr *. to> b° cleared less: ■■than cost;.'call:'.and. ■'■ inspect.; •Morgan's Sale/ 115,^Ciiba'-Bt.h.: i.M •■■■';,:/'. -, v-:-:^? "¥T|rAN.TED^J;.- r W, Martin's;'Cburtenay: .•»»-'j-pl»ce»*best and/cheapest;place lii. town for;Fclt Clippers'; "Ladies'- siies:2s 6d, Gent's 3s lid, .Children's lglld. y W -ANTED. -to Borrow..- for, 12. months; '£100,; p priyately, 16' per cent. '■- inter-' c'st,''chattel security,^insured,-£450,.* quarterly, repaymontsiby'-business-people. 428, EVg. Post.' '" -.-'< ."•"■•;'•:,:..:.:,.:; ''->■ WANTEDr— Ladies% your opportunity: Secure pair. Dorothy Dodd Patent Court Shoeßii seiltag-18sr9d. pair.'>' Jirf W. Martinis,_jTram- Tnrminus,' - Courtena|r-pi i WANTED Kho*&n^The v proven remedy for Influenza is Bnttain's AntiGrippe.,; Hi Brittain, Chemist, 56, Man-hers'-st.,. Wellih'gtpri.; ', <'..;. .;•,;'-.,-;-i; ■-,''!!"'■ ■ANTED—Great - etock clearance -,L*dies'- Coloured. .Satin >,Evening. Shoes,' 12s '6d pair. J;- W. Martins Busy. Bopt^Store;."Tram*;Terminus,' Courtenay* .place :. /.... ... , .: „ '..' . :. 'ANTED* Knbwn-^Gardeners,' now" is . your chance.fSpades 55,,65, 7s 6d,ißs 6d, 11s 6d, 13s'6d. A fine selection.' The Sjnis 'Hardware.! n r; .'./;.; ' [.^ ■■■■ :• /. "*' T^TANTED— Hero we are again. Men's TT— Light- Chrome:..Working-Boote,' 18s 9dpair." J.:W.fMa'rtin's';Busy Boot Store, Tram Termiuus/S; Courtenayrpl.';.-. . 'ANTEp;^-,Tp.t.%;Soctibn. Owners:' Plans', randvt Specifications "-.prepared for . buildings -■ suit" your? requirements; low fees. ■ ,Applyr2s, .Mein^st. /,' , W' 'AN.TEpi-Bumping.^em out. Gent's .. Englnh .Glaoe Oxford Bals;- real snip.;-^265;6d./'Martin's'Busy Boot Store ■Tram iTfirminuß; ;Cpurtenay,-pl.:. "'. ... -;.. .'j HXT ANTED- uiKnown-^ardcn ,} Forks" jy;W e ediF.Qrks7iTi»wels >J Rakes,, and H,ocs^ .S.e« ur display of garden ; tools: trho.:Sim*',,Hardware. ■' ■-■: :..; ■„ ■ TXT ANTED' Known—Ladies' :Bostock '..TV-'-Gla'ce Oxfbrd; Shoes.: ■ Smart shape ■ pate|it:caps,i2Bs 1 9d-,pair. J. W. Martin's Bu»yiißp.ot.;Storc, Courtenay-pl.

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 1