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■jlttEW 'NOVELS. : NEW" NOVELS, j ■"Ponjola," by Cynthia. Stockley^ price 6s. ' "Two Shall be Born," by ■ Marie Con- ; • way Q'emler, ..price ,6s-., .' . ..""■' i "Zarah the Cruel," by John - Conquest, ' '; price'.6s. . :-' ' ,'■ ■ • ' , "The , Great Moment," by; Elinor Glyn, i ■ " price 6's. . ,' .-- ... i ; "Side-Shows," by 1.. A. R. Wylio, •"price ■ ! -OS. .■ •■ : ■ ■■; •■' ' '. •-■ ';.-..■ -. | ; Wo havo just received a fresh supply ; of Rob6rt:Kcables famous novel,: "Simon j Called -Peter," price ,55..,-' „'.:.'. '■ I Postage'Bd. extra on,each book. ■ NORMAN AITKEN'S'BOOIC ARCADE, ; i "'" " "Whoi-'o Alf Tram's Stop," "' " " : ! 5, Courtenay. place,; Wellington, j !' :' WANTED TO SELL. KITCHEN Tables,-'22s:- 6d; Dining i . , ! Chairs, 12s 6d; 3rdrawer Duchesse : :50s; Sideboard, £5 15,; and '' Wire, 455. Only had at D.F.S.; 141, Man- ' ne'rs^t., opposite King's. ': ' ' •■■ •. : -iT7;ELLINGTON. UPHOLSTERING ■ >T T CO., Temporary" Promises,' Luke's '; lane, off Lower Taranaki-st.,-are still open i to. tho ' public." Chpsterfiold Suites, £14 ' ilOs. • ' •'' ■-. ' ; ,y "'■'.;■- ' . ■ '',•■■-.■ '• "■ '■ ULLETS, Pullets—W. Leghorns; Pad- ; man Nixon strain. -10 months (lay- ; :ing),: choap, : snip: ,69, ..Queen's. drive, -\ Lyall Bay. ; : .„, . ... ■. ■• . „ ■ ■ ; Dining-room and '. ■m- , Bedroom £47 10s." Open-7.30 iill-,9 ' iFnday. Art Cabiuct. Co.,' 48,: Martin-it. ,: Cash or terms. "' ''■■"'■ ■.'■:■'■ ; - ■:' ' ''■ • /V RT. Cabinet Co. . for, Furniture;'low- ! --£*•, «st, prices; highest'values;, easiest payments." 48, Martiri-st. n (off Lower' Abel ! ;Smith-st:).-' .-•...- ' -.•■■• :•-.::■•, • ;.,-. „. ■ i -HY ■pay.,big- prices 'when' you get ! ' Furnituro-at'wholesale prices for I .terms? The' Art CabiricV Co.' Tel. .22 ; 356. C1 ENUINE Ceylon /Teas, '300 ■ 51b boxes i , ' for sale, at reduced-p.-ices.uritil'3lst ' August;. original, prices,' - 13s '6d, 15s, re- ' duced pncos-12s-6d;-145.; chests, 551b at 2j ; 2d. Isaajj., 9. .Hiinter-st.. ... ■...'•"■■'/ ! !"l 'fin satisfaqtion by using ; ;J-V" ■ Barnard's' Hill^rowri "Ceylon : ;Tea.; „pnces. 2s. 10d..ana..3s- 4d -lb.~-When '■ ibetter teas grown Barnard '.will sell them. Samples, ring, call, or write R. Barnard ;T.e1."24.-160,, -lM.'-Jlirirbul-gt'.,'Wellington:-FIREWOOD— Good'4ft. Birch, by-the ■ truck load.. .A. .H:, Ydung,- Ka'itpke, ■ 'Wellington^ . • " -'.v. ■ , „ ;: •■ : P"REBBLf i S - W.L. Chicks; .Buy N\Z7 ; best^ it pays. 15, with'fireloss brood- : er and instructions^ '20s; 25 ' for' 30s-: 50 '' ■forsss;iqq for.£s 10s;-200 and over at i Xo'per 100. .. Settings '15' eggs'.posted' 10s. ] Prebble.-Belmont ■, .:i ' •-. '.-' 9P IN £1 per week-pays off. any amount ' ..•■• of iFurnitiire bought at.'AH'Cabi:net. Co:.. .48, Martjn-st.-.,- Tel:; 22-356. -. i f|?OR, SALE, 40 sound birch Fencing ; X .-■ Posts,. £3;-.'50: Bags of dry mixed ' •JTirewood ; - birch, and rimu, •£5 10s, at i Thorndon Station. Apply'Box'4,'Upper i Hutt:'"'. ■■--■--■-;-■ . .-■-. " ■ .- ; jXfOR..,,'SALE; T-'Cp'al'.-.-.-.Business, , Horse, : !*;' 'Brake,' Saw, and'Bbnch;'gobd' biisi-' i noss. Apply;4l3;" Evg.' Post.'. ..'■..■ | •050. KIRCHNEIt Piano for.-Sal©.' iron ' ** .frame, splendid• condition,.nico* tone; i must. 6e11.-'.''Wrjte.4.l7, Evg.'.Po'st.'. ';-.;: • BAKERY Biisirioss—^A good proposition i , .'„;.'.'. takings .'£2oo "weekly-;' -lease' s'years;' '< rental £3; abspl^lo.',gift,.;.£s2s,; :-.Call> oh. ■' tiia CentralLaiid Ageiicy,.'37j Courtenay- ' pi. -Tel: : 22r539.v-'.-'-,-i--s |- *.;-:.^'—'. | |Q.' NEW .Black :,Massa ..Fur-Coats, good i -.^f, for motoring, >tp" Sell at •half-prico. : '/Temple;.and ■Co.,.;Bpulcott"C'himterß.V "X? j IQINGER.', Troadle ; '--Machine for Sale" "' I yj late :model;'perfect brderi cheap 'for > cash. 9, Manly terjae'e,'Colombo^., ! ;Newtown.: :'■.:.'-': ..'i-.-: ■„"»,..''...:.'v ; -, 1;-.' • j ''S^^l^'■Mattresses;* only 'had" at i P-F-S,; .Singles, 21s;-doubles, '355. ' Th« Price, Cuters, 141, Manners-it., oppo- ; jsite King's. ■/ . ••-■'"•' '.--. . r«-. ■ MORRIS- Couch,--'complet-e-'-with"'cush-'- ' ■ ions,, light or dark, all latest - ma- ' Aerials, frilled, 58s 6d. p.F.5.;:141,- Man- : 'ners-s't., 1-'; opposite King's. „; s '--„" ;X\OUBLE Shop, well stocked, ifruit,- con I '„, ■■•f«wfaonery,,--tobacco,\-:going■ ■'cbncerh, : (with,fittings, and 5 living rooms. C. T. i ■ Sullivan arid.Co.,*43, Courteriay-pl.' ■■' . ' riHESTERFIF.LD Suites,—Chostorfield ' '•\-> Suites, Chesterfield Suites; Ches- i .'terfield'Suites,- : best- .value, only had at ' iD.F.S.. '141, Manners-st., opposite King'g. I^C.S,, -full 'course with school, for.dis- • ■'ppsal:'Must sell; first: offer. ,Particu|lars, write'so9,'.Evgl Post. /'. - AlßDßESSEß'StGhairs—2 i First<lass , Chairs for:'Sale:-Apply AVhitehall i Boardirig-housq, Plimmcr'a, steps. •■.> '. I KIR." SALE, * exceptionally good Violin, ' ;comple'to?.with case-and bow. Will .'take £18, as no-further use'for same. Tel ';21V793:v .-.::. .; . ...\.' ;, .•-.. ,■: .. :..>; :1 -.'. : TpOR. SALE, 1, halfrton. Ford .Chassis ~Ju7t ;X , .been- thoroughly overhauled. Write !520; .Evg.'Pbst'. '.'..'•.- -; , : ; ; ;■'■.; -'■•• ■ ./■ INPLISH; Piano, almost .'new,-£75; cxi tended : iron frame,' overstrung, un- ! iderdamper;action:'-Write-511, Evg. Post: ifllQ:. SELL, ,-on: .account .of a ill-health" of : X owner, w.ho'jis'.leaying -Wellington, ! iEstablished:Dairy Business,,.central; good .'stand- s:rd.:. dwelling attached, cheap rent, ! all.' 7 conveniences;' sacrifice for ' quick" sale" " i£275: Write '512,' Evg. Post.; V:\ \ ' ; PAIR nice/Boots'.(3), white tops, laced '' "" "at:'side,"'also pair -'Crossed-'Strati ' ;5h0e5..(3),,30a-lqt. ; Apply.29s, Cuba-st. ' ! XjTOR : SALE, Oak: Roller Top :Desk ■ \~JP (Cutler), 4ft"6iri, gbodas new; £25 : :.Write^44,-Evg'.r.Pbst.., : ' -, - ; ■-. ':'.' ' • ■ i • TT\QiR f S^LE, 1. Motor r ßike ... (Bat); ■ also, i •:"JD'. to Let, :Shops. Apply Dairy,'. Pa- , 'ado: Island Bay. ;■; • \ ■■ > r : T7OR .SALE; 3^..h.p. 'British-X- Motor- : X I . • cycle, sporting mouht.-.fiSO.';Care'of Max Wall and Co., .Tory-st..' ! . , ;./, : ' FOR .SALE, -Motor Launch Engine, ferrp 2-strpke,; .sJ.'h.p'.', complete :with gear, .shafting,, propeljpr,. and magneto ; . good ; as ; new. ! - Apply' Standard, ;'Greytown;- ■''■■'■-.'*. '■ -'- .'/■■ WANTED 'to Sell, Dinner' Suit. ,Prac-; tically' new. Best, material. *Reasonable. Apply.- 87,; Tasmari-'st., '. ... i Tn|T ANTED „5e11,,.,5-seater:;Car, good , -TT '.running order, any „ trial," nearest offer. ;to: £70. ■ Write •537, Evg. Post.. ■ W ANTED Sell,; pair beautiful '-Brocade Evening! Shoes (gold -arid black), small 4,": never .Boen-worn;-' also- pair 'size ■ B'Football' Boots; worn-once. ■■lApply?sl3 Evg. Post. . '■- ; .'-:;■ - .:■ '-;'■; "■>. ' \XT ANTED ; Sell, Grocery. . Business; X?T,. good--,position,, rare' chance couple secure • payable. little. concern. About* £400 ■cash. Particulars from 545, Evg.- Post. WANTED :to Sell, Caliphont,' almost 'new," cost" £16,; will take;£2; .Linos, and' Furniture.. 173, Willis-st: ; . . WANTED. Sell, a :few-, Rhode .Island : , Rod .'Pullets,.- laying, '- ,7s;.' 6d "each; : Apply" 106,' Nelsoh;st.,' Petone. :.- ■ \\T ANTED; Sell, quiet. Cow", mear calvsT.T: ing. Apply Convent," Lower -Hutt.' 'xjn?ANTED'-.tb".Se.U,'- 5-seater'Fo'rd,i in TT. perfect /order. -"'Termirius - Store, Islanaßky/' Tel: 24-507? - '' ? -V-. .'.i ■ ■«fTANTED- Sell,-good :Confectionery. T T.-- : and- Soft .>vDrihk..';Business, -good stand, steady trade, - 5 - good living-rooms, all • conveniences, " good lease,' £480 ;■; take £290Fcash;'- balance; £200, as-.deposit on-S or '6-rd. -House;' no. agents ■ need apply. Write :570,AEyg. Post: ..: - '■ 7 .-.. •\T|rANTED.vSeIIi;;- Horse • Cover,; ,guar- - TT an'teed;good order,-price 32s'6d, also about:soft; Garden 'Hose,' -255.... At 'East Lynhe Tea^ Rooms',;R6na-Bay. ■■ . "l^ANTED: : Sell,:;>Yireles3 .Set, Arm- ; •W-: strong': regenerative -valve". receiver, Lhtgh''.grade,-riejyV-price £15.*- Apply-523, ' Evg. Post.- . ■". •■'■- v ■■-■■' ' : Xjrr ANTED: to,. Soil, Blafck'-SealtMus-.T T; quash: Coat, J: length,-• squirrel'collar• arid cuffs.* £30. Address.,'Evg. Post.:-' ' W -ANTED; Sell, Pomeranian- *Pup,' Surobrad.v few-months old. Apply 507>vEvg.^Pbit. -■:- '.-. ■•'■-.•• ..... ..

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 1