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' LAST TWO'NIGHTS! :-' V 'f;> V " V iAST Vw6'SIGHTS • ".WE- ?,9-i RLET CAR,"v,Starrin ? : HERBERT RAVVLINSON, ; ;.'THE CUB REPORTER,"; Stan-ing RICHARD xALMADGE! COMMENCING ' ' ~" V." " 2.30./ — FRIDAY. — 7.30. '■"". . 'AT THE cdsiEST.THEATR^.IN WELLINCiTON-' ;r '" ' ' ;'. •..WEED'S.:;; Sfcffi?:.: v...aiJEfeS'S.;.;.'' : -'- PA-RAMOXJNT PICTURES presents the Drama of 4. MI3L-1-, whose vast wealth brought vast unhappiness' to. its owner, and love, to .two young ';. ■ ; ' hearts.; Tlie'.' ; ' r \ ..' /' " ':'. .' . •■' ; REX -.ING3RAM ' '■ " Tim ;; conqueM^ - i^c^Eii,":: Starring -. I ALICE "TERRY, and :. r ..'.. '}:^':^'■ . "[' ;,:.'.; ■l|; i i :/-; ';'. RODol'pb^^lenti^D: I :-:...~... . -His Hoarded -Gold. : rneant-.more ;to._..P.ere_Gra_ndet..than..anjthing ..else, in the, w0r1d,..-and day after aay\he'lovingl^-.counted~air"im^''~~'''' i- - - me.nse wealth;secreted;in-hijhome^-eviny-p!anning'-the-wluio. until ' '„', ' •' •" :'. • one day something; went wrong! ' •■■ - ■"• -■' ■:- i", ..'.-'..' 'JI _" ;.-'";JFU££ISIJPPORTII^-PR^ y- i f;, i ■- Together with; WELLINGTON'S BIGGEST-AnDBEST ORCHESTRA--' -' :. Q P:E;E:'N-' S-:-. : -. ; G;R&ft tip}fr&&:R&sti&A.^ i '.'-.••:.. ..'/UnderHhe -Eminent Conductors'h'ip of im.'A.'ti'. VerOME:'.' .' :" ;J Wadestown .Cars leave- corner of Cuba and Btrefets after the shW'-' V ' ■■■■■■ ■:-.:■■-■; r- ':■■ r;-■•■■:■>■- I ;-'::■' r-':- :::i- ' '-..■> ■■ v -.; '' : ;':LAfeTTWO:DAY&h;tAST,TWQ.NI^^ ;' ' " .■;.; "TOUR LAST :CHANCE OF'SEEING'-THE PICTURE SENSATION-' '"''< '-'••■ - ..I . [.:-.:. i. ", ': Pc THEiYEAR;: .; ■ .-' -; . - .-: zr .• ! 'I With the .'GREATEST: CAST THA't'.hJs-E-VER- BEEN^ SEEN^n^ohe Picture. -;-...'. „ .Poor, .Maligned.Hollywood!",HihilrriThat;.theyrsay:abput- it-is-true":". i■ ' ; . .. .; . . .- Jt must b«-a terrible. plaW.',' -■ ■} '• ■•■■■ .'. . ;;;:;:. See "night.^life |in- Seolly^ood," .■■ ; . '■"" : ■^■D, dFindoiit.- It-is an-ans'wer ,tp the public, demand for. truth. ' "\ ■ )-J -■'•'-■•■. ■EXCELLENT's'DPPOETS r Ir I cIu'din X: •-■ - "■ ; ;.r-FRANK;MAY;o inV"TEffi/AtLTAR'^iSTAIRS^'" "^ ' : ;same"progr^3!^e:Wrtcraft;: •'. i artoraft. i ;-••-;;-■:-..;-. Pkn"'at Utiiity' and' Bristol ■ .^ ' \ J , /': ,A- •'-,;:: :FRiBAY--'i dri^en:^ I. ■;;• ■ , v'\ • . ; - ;"-..THE EGQNOMIC-SHOE-STOREi •"■■■: '' ■ '.-, „ '--*-.:.■' ' ' ;.OPPOS.ItE PUBLIC TRUST.OKFICE :' " ! -. "56-C-ASES GEOT* ROOTS' AND SHOES.-These Boots aiid: Sh'ora were , ----in-tr^t^B.d-our.-bi^or-madoaSpbt.'CaJsl^^^^^^^ •■■■■ accepted:-We..are'iiiorG:tharripleased!wjtli..tlie-bargairi he rhaae; We''are- ' j 'going, to sell every' -pair, at prices that' will' astonish the" boot -r trad6 of :— • Wellington. THIS IS-WHAT BARGAINS EOR.GASH WILL-DO-:.72,'I;S_'_BpX;.CHROM-A-DERBV BAiS-Leather-line'd, sewn' .sbl'as'j- i .-English make, ..■'■/ , ..'t-... . , ' :,:.:■-.-■ .; ■:-. ; j • 'ij ■■ 22s- 6il n nnir ! -68-pairs' GENTS' -V,ELVE.:BOX CALF'DERBY BOOTS-Engh'sh muko , ' 72 pairs GENTS.GLACE. KID DERBY BOOTS—HaIf-watertight toiiKues^Arajs i .■:&r- 1 3Sirs-GENTS' ; ; BEST.BOX..CAL]?;DERBY BOOTS-Mada in Eif R "a?i'/. , , ; : 56.pairs;GENTS' BEST. BOXDALF—CIose fronts, English make' ' 26? 6d d' uiir 62 pairs GENTS'- ZEBRA; CALF ENGLISH.BALMORALS—Stout solor ' ;• j 68Vpairs. GENTS', RJeAI/'SCOTCH BROGUE 'SHOES—Very stout spies&::'*'^"' i, ■ ' . i,-- -• ' '" " "! . .'. .' ■' :'. ' > *'-28s1 6d a pair ' ' 42' pairs 1 "GENTS' GOLF- SHOES—A-'RpurHohe'st Shoe .■•'.;- .28s'6d a'pair ■ -50.pair.5-&ENTS >-' rrRAMPING.'BOOTS-:-Sl6ut soles,'%vkt.ertight;'-irith' "triimping- !•"-.". -.-hoßg iri:!sbJes- •.- ••,:■.'. ■:■::'...■- ■:.--... ■■•■'.•:' . ■'■■::■■<'■ :■■':■:; 3S s '6d;a- uair 1 ■•■."-";.;V v-i. ' :■- '•■•-■ '• '-„, ..TWO SPECMirMNES'. ' ■■"'■■-^ :-\ : i ; .:• < ;.•..•":... -.-,' ; ■• 48:' pairs -GENTS' -SOUTH .AFRICAN FIELD ..BOOTS—Tlicse-'bopts are- welted'/.' ; ..._—'.Ayith.full. watexUghttonguea; with'.very;ligavy. b'olea. (^in thick)-' '' ;V :,- ■. -,- ; ! "'-. ' • " .:'.,.■:.. -■-'"• .*.•:-.-. '.-., "Woiare going to ■sell:t.hemat'32s 6d a pair' I '48'pait-s: WEATHER-BRO.OIi I.BOpTS T -SoTOn spies;-very, heavy. This boot .-has-, no.' i;: :toecap,'aiid 'will;stand any-'.wear .you can give them .; *■.''...". . _■' ■': '■■: '• „..//■--■ -■■-.-'.: The: price for a. fpw. day s will be 525-6 d ; ~"~' '"'"• ";'COUNTRYvCUSTOMERS?-Wo will post .to you at the above .pribes '■ ! ---■■-::-''..-.-;. . . „....:„..- .' " ■.■""by return mail. \ '.. ',' T j ; -MA;KE,STRAiaHT,EOR- "'...; , ■ ' ' '; ■ ;.-,-, --.--.-. , :■ THE :^EGON(M[p. -SHOE- ■•: SJsDfiiJg[- ; .vr-pPPpSITErPUBLie-.TRUSTj.Q^ -■ ' ''-"""A/ CAREER;'Manager^ ;;

'HONORARY -JUSTICES' ASSOCIA- • ; .-■-:--:•■- ■.- -- ■■? ION-;-:-.'. :-.'■•- '.•■■ •'■'. ' ■ 'A['lip Justices "of the Peace aro.'c'allod to ■ jGil—'atfehd at' the Magistrate's ..Court-; ihouse, TOfMORRQW- EVENING, at . 8 jo'cloaky wheii- G.j E.,"Matthews, Esq.,- ; will ideliver ■ah (Address 'on the;," Evolution ,of itha-5T.Z.--.Eriaon.:Sy«tem.*'j : • •-..:- ..'•.. j/.; : ;.X : .SAI J EK J .Hon;j Registrar. ■ ! WECLmGTOIf..' FEMALE 1 PRINTERS 1: ! - A'SSISIA'N-TS^:UNION. „;.'...: EMPLOYERS' are -hereby notified -.that. ... -tha'.'JLwaid: for' above; workers: dates^. Ifrb'm 9th 'Jn1y.,..1923.'.,'-.Tlre-wages:payable; J from that ;date-,are;:' Fifsi^.six month's, £1; 13s: 6d;.'second isix ihbnths"£l 6s; second :yea-f;-£l'.lls;:third,..£X; 16af fourth, 22.15;" 1 fifth, £2 lls; thereafter,. £2 16s. ' * ' .; -, ! /ilTho^TlUmoh.:KasTbeetC; granted-;-prefer-. ;- ence ,and ..intetids-to.' enforce lthis\; clause !against t.non-mqmbers. .':'.. . .''..,'.'"-./ ' \ \ ■"■''. a-ii./chapman; ..:; .-' ! ".' ' "... , " : " : Secretary, i ,18th July,, 1923.; .. 'T. -^ . -;; i j WELiINGTON. CITY CpiINOIL. - ■—■; • -■• BASIN "RESERVE-. _ .; " ■ . '"NtfOTICE. IS-HEREBY..GiyEN.'. that a i-Ll ■ ...charge .will-!be made''as under.:for 'aarhission-to th'o BASIN RESERVE.', .on SSATUEUAY.,.. the•-, 21st JULY,-, -1923,. :under:, -the -^Wellington'".".Cityi 'Reserves \ Charges -.Byrlaw.; (N. 6. ,17)-,- .1912, .after* the IKbur'of 12 o'clock- (noon )j:— /;-,■.:. i Adults :(6ver,l5 l-#ea!rs''"o£ age) ,: One Shil- ■ ->■ 'lihg;- •' ■-■■ ■-."•■■-.. :.■■:.:.. ;..-; ■!:...• Children.(under. 15. .years ofage), Free. ;■■ Persons' wtip havo enicrodrthe'ißeserve' ; before " tlib' >hour above-mentioned," and. !>Vlib femain;aftG(;-Buch hour,' are.liable.-to" ip'ay. th"e';abovo charge.:. -..!..:..■.- .; : ■-. i ' - ■ ---.JNO. R._EAtMER,I " i .'"■•.-•■■■■i-.::'..• ;.';.? ;To>Yn' .Clerk.- -■ ! ■" WELLINGTON-CITY. COUNCILS." i TENOERs'IOR "KKAIN :PIPES FOR :.: ONSLOW. ; AND; .KAiRORI DIS- ! : -TRICTS. . -;; :':. ■:.-'■ : -, . '--. „' - ■ rpENDERS •■will;be -received.-at. the. office :jL. of .the undersigned up-to 3/; ;on •T|IURai)AY;-. the 16th "AUGUST. :ig23., : 'fbr.the Manufacture arid Supply, of Glazed, .Stoneware, • Socketed Drain Pipej for the' Sewerage 6£' vOndlow'' and.'Kirori iDistricts...—. _.....__ ,- . '■ ' ■ Spebification'Sj " r etc: y ma,y .be seen, at "the office of the City-Engineer, Slercer street, ■■City.',-'. .-•.■-'- ' ;■- ;■-■-. .•:-. .; ;.. ; . ■;. ■-.. ''Tenders' "to<be•■endorsed,..'-' Tender for Drain .Pipes _for Qnslqw and Karori Dia-. t-ricts.". . - '"■,'"".'.'■ 7. ':■•-.•-..-, ,•' '' ■■.'.. '. JNO.' R. PALMER, •;• '.'.,'■-..' ■••■■'' ..; •". Towii Clerk. '• "18th July; 1923.- : ' ■ :. •L./:. FUNERAL NOTICE:. .■" riTHE 'Eriends..of^Athpl' Di.Bairi are, re.A spcctfully invited tq attend the Funeral .of. his ,lato" beloved wife;' JVlillicent, which wall Ipavo his. r^idcnco, %. Sydney Street, Pctpno7 on 'Thursday, 19tli-" July, 1923, at 2 p.m.,'for Taite Cemetery. '- w - „...•-. X/R/CRbFT,' . ■■ ■ '.Undertaker, VHutt' arid Pefone; ' -Teleptorie:362l:(3 .rings): ..„. j.i...... __: w -', w FUa\EftM,-.NOTICE.■'".. / I 'Funeral -,of. the . beloved inlant £~ ■'.-■ 'S ll!1' °f Francis James." and .Jean IJons Bartosh will leave • their", residence, Sn 1'I'^ N™att^ 'ro-morrow (Thursday), 19th July, 1923, at 11 aimi, for the'Coinetery, Taita. ." ••■[•■ ' ... : ' BIIOWTSr AND AILFN ■ The HuH Valley■'-Funeral Furnishers,

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 2