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-- • - : "SCANDAL." "(The' "boom," Play) was laot night ao- ',; ■ - claimed by one and all to be -'■—■- - - • . . an even "_' - GREATER . SUCCESS Tb.ari it..-was when originally produced h6reil2.7iinonths- ago;-. xProbably..Jta.-. res '.- ..'CBption-last-nignt.-uras .one of"the~. ..7 . ~..:::. ...-MOST ENTHUSIASTIC* --I\J. ■ "riA.ccbrded [ ''in. .the' the>triqai^history 'of "_ f-'i ;-Wellinirto'n. . The new^^star,-' -'-;'•' ' . ."• v"',' :DOB ; is iPuiiN'E, t , ;■ -';./; - ' • DORIS DUANE,:, ."..- "".;-' ..« :•, -..i.Dpßls;p'tlANE,r. :; ; \_ ..,, Prored. herself a ..charming-and delight-. fnl'actresaV and- broke'-dcAvn-' -aiii.-010/.-^e* -judice-salient the immaturity. 9f .youth. ' in"; "Leading >wo'm"an"-^r6les.-'-She' brings' with,her a .thriqe welcome, note of,fresh--17-:.nes's"''to::the.'Aiostfalasian 'afage.v"' '■. ■ ■ <~..' w::-.'-.: v AR w.h°j: Saw-^;l^ "'' ..,, : "SCANPAL" ■■ '"SCA-NDAL" —•aQANDAi?'--- . ••; : -"sganpal" -. ■ •v'^SGANI»AL'> . -i ■-; :,-''SCANDAL".-, ....t'SGANDAL''- '' «' '■' "SCANDAL"^ V "SCANDAL 1-*■« '• -: --"SCANRAL" "II'SGANDAL-"--'~------ '-"SCA-NDAE":'" 'Last-ni^ht' were' deligh^-with' both_the_ ■,cßarmi^gv" ; Ettle".;pTay.sari"d "tneW^bri.lliant caßft 1 Many-of-them-. w|ll'.b6 pr'eSe.ritrat'fhei "^fEXND'. ~r ! QPERAT;".-. ■ -.HPUSE.' •vy.BANP'.. \-j. ;7 : ' Chouse: "Wiienak'.iYm. be .presented, again- To-nifrht byiHarry: It.-Cohen ,(bjrrari!anfe'ement:.with ' t A'~l' JiiC:'.'Williamson, Limited)'. ■■'• '■. ' -rr—,-i^iXBT.:LFOUB. 'NIGHTS! 11.'-;^'-;;-.; TifoSe ilKo. Liqiaaed last' n'ipKtts'j-Rerform'-, : ,*»S C 8: have''only."to"a'sk"theif .friends^, and '•;•':" f. :rt^ey'y-win''be--"<<)ld,,that-/--' J- \' ; "—"'" ■r'''""''''S(iANpAL"" C::".;, ..■.K,,,--.-.,- "SCANP'Ari" ; . .-^-/S-y.:. Is- tmdonbfedl3r.-"the.; l be.Bt::yet,"- and; that .theyiiwouldJ'-beJoolish .to^miss this'vde--lightful little ..comedy, -'interpreted, by'i'a' ■ iiiri-.v./ oast^ jof^-.traie!^excellence.; ,'Vl".:"- ' ''■Bo^Pla^WTHe'Bristol;--- "-'' "'. "' ' ' Day'Sales/*t''Bluebird;.-"; :; - '■•'.; : . _Price.srd3j;_4v::3B,.\ls ..6d:;. Early .. Door .GaUery,-. 6d. extra.".. All Ipricestjjlus' tax: .. .fRRIT-ANNiA. Goritinuous, from': **RITANNIAV ; ;: ■: _; Il.aimypail3j.-y 1-Tl ' .'_:!.^OW.;SHOWING. ''''-V' ' ':;;:-VT : Jje:Cr^e::;<s£::tne.' BKmd^'V \v • I"::'r7^^:''giZZ^ANtAf \\ ] '■<■". ..... / ~ :i ' \ '.-"]' : V'li'a""fiazzdmg-, it's .cheerful. , ''•';'.' ";~;i~—^&a eyßfal/an^earfui-^-r, ■ -.... ,-- - ::.~.'';:;;rr ,*rfA22adANiA,f" ~::'.':": Vr.- ---•*" . ";(v T ""JA'zzMANiA,",.-..';;;;;^',-; *.;,., • ".-.••■ " _-, .'"*t(j,.ljasitaie.":rv "' ■ , V? ; ■.Featuro Jlor 2^-, i;: "■'-'-.'-J^'.'. •:•'. .-. " !; ;^' 4y:'^''cikEtipKr A'l'l'';\; ; „" , "EOYII jSo.UNTEQ:.'^ ;" -'"" :; -..,.- -^"J^i't^&ctirring.story, by.--.'_ ; r :,- V"-' ..Feature JJo.-,3-^- T „-( . .,' „•: .• "' ■ )^"^T^ißA^VgDfG>{:l:'fV'•---rfi^ryfefest... chapter ;pla^ ' Q£.,sciejico is ■ .. ~-rauly.a--rev.eTati.on-of'the-raaid-a-rti'---- : '-"-.-""•■A^xPictur^-Badio" EnthuaisiV V ■' ''"..<• ■:--'!'-rSHould JNbt>Misß- ..•*■■ ■ v ■.-i.r'-i'THEat/APioL king:"- ■ >■ ] y ' r J("-::\:.l 52elephpne»358. .0:.: „X\,,'. } /aUB. THEATRE, ... iNEWTOWN^-\J..-.lzcU .-,;: ,U:^'~^-:u.-} -,Ca'i z;/.-^-: t TO-NEGSfiT-o' ' Atr..7;30- i -TO-NIGHT ,i..w:;.;.a''Giea,t"iP»Br>leSa^Elay; .'-- -v. OSCAR WILDE'S .„--.-::,: •'•Ai'VKOStajir:-©?'.-'iiSGf-i3iCPOSTi4Nc®;"; "A:'CT,©MAg i ;OF N.O.;;.IMEQRTANCE." "A WOMAN OF NO.-IMPPRTA'NCE.V; * Fea-Ble^ly; i %thr^s,.the i trie'.a'ge-jjld; prol^e^is*'of''thej'jjbfljan.""-wW vi6res wisely but" tbo";\yelT. ' •'-> CEeopmmended -by the Gensor"for' Adult" "■'"':'■ .-.'"l-X-afiaiencei' -Only.)'-'" ■'■'"-'- \r ..- "AANGER'.p.^i.._i.(Mermaia Comeay)-' ~'\--r\ .vi"r,L:"-I cLv...TAn3i''-v.-, ■ .O.&'.'.ViJi. \ •••■/' TX>ffICTAL ( : ■;;JNLZt^N-A.VYf." eARTO6N ■•• . . PICTORIAL^ -. L -i--.; ■.\^iia/-. jOUR. JKfiCSESTRA;-;'-;.^*:.'^;;,.- ---• ipiCTySES,;'; LYALIVbAY., A Senaaffonal Pr'am'a"bT "Sobie'tiea' Sinr '„ . . • ~-j--;and-Follies.-'-'-r;--.-- V- -.' ■ ; ■':!-"RTCH.MEN'S^wrVESv"■■:"" s ■.;-.:i_I»IC2H:^ES T?S.WIVES.ri: :....' .lAr-.las.'iah.fße^'en-ieeF.'Hrama 1 of.->tHe'"-'Swen.i ;..';•.;!taeth .Century:;'Sihs-ian*;Follies '-'■ •:::r ."RICEbMEN'S WIVES '.'; ':»,•-'! _..' V .r.-; <<Ra:cH..a!iENi&:wiVES. •?:.■ < „.-i ..'.:-.i--.'_—.-%•;"• Starririg--.-,:-, /.•■; > > 4i\.z,A\.3'i *A' : .Brilliant . Cast;'.,/'•-*-,"'.'.i -Hotose -Peters,^, , 'i. Olair,^{Windsor;! ' ? r o9T^--'i EJI?^y'"^"'~j---Gaaton-, Glassy?c &.-?} Mfl d cag^~but-are(they Jhappy ?,- y:^;:^iiTiii SAMK--PROGRAMME' AS •'P' .',,-',' -'4^-EARIAMOTOIT^-;; 'i"\'/,.' r . ■---'■- Commencing-'7!4s'.psni' '■'• ' '„,-- '^. •■.;;;;:::-J^lanp"bay,;, .'"/.' V"-' '■U.-;<;-:BND^SAL---..T^iTOk::.-:.-.-^--! .TO-NIGHi'^^^TO'iI^ORROW. NiGHT ....... v.':.-IPR|Se.ILLA.PEAN",';,'in . '-.■■■ '■ ;";.'; "the'.-flalsce'of-lib^ •■•■': v- •••'•; ''THE TLAME OF LEFE,"' r,'" v ".V~'h 'T"-;o " '& Uniyersar s Jevi(el. v .;.., .';. : -■.H'tR'ESENTAT"ION OF. PRIZES ' - :;...PRESENTATION"OF PHIZES''- ;' ' .TO-NiGHT; ■'•"" .;:-' - 'T^NiG^ 1 vTO-nigpt;- .,~C-~-:: $-mGM "■-j;.T,Oi.Winners b-f-, .fiyente-at tEe Recent \ ■'. ■■■.-■'■'■ :'".'.,■,,:■ Carnival,..,. ' '..„..- ---1 "By~ ' '"■' '''„ • . T ,.,..-,.D. J. M'GQWAN, EBQ.,- ' ■' . ;..;".■, ;''■.: -.:; -.'.. A{ th re •'. ''' ",: - \ ';: " ' : '"ROLLER '" RIN3K\ypLOSSEUM. j, ;ROLLER RINK"' '~::;,,'.].-.', „,V.-.j 'VhriaaVstreet. 1. :•'; - '-V-\_ , T^^^^.Your : Practice;^', ..." ! \; .;Look.ou^.foT.-.the.Next;Big',Event f>,"\:. JpETONE;"', TEC^ICALJ/vSGHOOL.--:K;'''VI^CTURE' .ON -TVTRiELES'S' . "' ' By.;.MR, .J. K-'.SMITH, Deputy-District . -. . ■ ' Engineer,." " : .. •■' " . ■■:. „ „FRn>AY, 20th-JULY r -:_■;■;. -•Broadcast- 'Messages', ,'received'" duVinir erenmg'.' ■'- ■"*""".. '~"V-- •'.■'■ -■ ■ --Admission, . JJree..'. .v!.: ..-i;. (: "'; ;-: Young;'people .d'e'sirmjr to join'i"a" class" ifl.iVKireles3.are_inYited.tq send their'nanies Jo.,the pixectoK.. .-. .:'".. ?..;,•'-. „-.[■" -, . ;'>,-:.-:--':i;7^:-;.\w.. /BEDJNGFiTELPPu •:;■•' t-- -if.-■■■...,.,..!.,^r,i;:.,; :l :: , v , ■..,■ j/Directorl/- ---..,, „'.</;■'-. oT .Sii j!:>;j: ,^:ii>oU -.1,,^;. n\ MARIS'E--.-BRCffiHERa'_^GLDI. BOYS' •r- ;■■■•' .^u,BAZAAR,;. . . : . . ' - -' No. '2: Queen", Miss' N. Mofley." """ ■ O^A^'^id of.fJeSabpve'.wilYbe -.£&-■ hDld"in" the'Newtbwn _Lib'r'arT ' on THURSDAY;-,l9th July. LafSt,-American MnsFcS- by '^Wellington';Tra"m^a'y 'Band. ■ •■''Sirbs'l :';G6fltle'men-23~'6'd; Ladies'ls-'6d. -1 Supper V.-.>■'_.:•..'■*■■'. —•'-■/ ■'' '.__:'_--?--?' --•' >/ THISTLE FOPTBALt CLUB.-:" . fT!HE:abbvo .Club will hold a Social anW .--■-• PaViceVin' the ScottishOHall,"-Lower Cuba'street, oa a'OESDAY-NEXT 24th' lijst., at 8 p.m.: - ; „" ;"'.-., '.■•' •< Music, .Singing," Pancinjr, Rijfreshnients.' -:.Tickets:', Ladies Is,6d; Gents 2s. . ■ ''""" -;" •'" H. SMITH,, .1 ' '■'"' Hoii; "^Sooratary/-'- -,

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Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 15, 18 July 1923, Page 2