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p W. PRICE, ' AUCTIONEER, AT THE ROOMS, 80, LAMBTON QUAY. FRIDAY NEXT, Ist SEPTEMBER, At 11 am. Favoured with instructions from MELTZBR BROS.. Of the Anchor Exchange and Loan Co., 131," Manners street, Will Sell by Public Auction, UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. Also, An Accumulation of Pledges taken over from the Estate of the Late Mr. P. Metz, of Christchurcb. 1 CROSSOVER DIAMOND RING (valued £50) 1 S.S. DIAMOND RING (valued £85) 1 PAIR GOERZ BINOCULARS 1 PORTABLE CORONA TYPEWRITER 1 KEYLESS GOLD ROTHERHAM WATCH AND CHAIN 1 GOLD EXPANDING ROLEX WRISTLET WATCH ' 1 RICH-TONED VIOLIN , 1 EXTRA HEAVY GOLD CHAIN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GUNS, ' CUTLERY, PLATE, JEWELLERY, CAMERAS, TOOLS, SUITS, CLOTHING, TRAVELLING RE- I QUISITES, etc., eto. EVERY ARTICLE MUST BE SOLD. 1921.-* th April, 2005, D.S.S. Ring; 6th, 2006, D Ring; 7th, 2007, Brooch; 9th, 2013, Camera; 11th, 2019, G Ring; 15th, 2030, IG. Brooch; 18th, 2038, Pen and Watch; 26th, 27, Rug, Suitcase, etc.; > 27th, 2069, Cutlery; 27th, 2071, Watch; 27th, 2087, Ring; 28th, 2079, Watch; 29th, 35, Rug; 30th, 38, Overooat; 2nd May, 2087, Bangle; 2nd, 2088, G.F. Watch; ' 3rd, 2091, Watch; 3rd, 2092, Rings and ' Bracelet, 3rd, 41, Coat and Vest; sth, 2100, S S.D. Ring; sth, 2101, 3 G. Rings; sth, 2012, Brooch; 9th, 2113, Wrist Watch; 13th, 2121, 2 G. Bangles;'l3th, 2122, Watch, 16th, 2127, ,D. Ring, 16th, 2128, Suit Case; 16th, 2129, Watch and Chain; 17th, 54, Bag and Contents; 18th, 56, Breeches and Leggings; 19th, 2143, Gun and Revolver; 23rd, 2150, Bag; 23rd, 2151, Watch; 23rd, 2153, Ring and Brooch; 27th, 2167, G.F. Watch; 27th, 2168, G Links; 31st, 2186, Range Finder; 31st, 76, Suit; 6th June, 2195, Watch, Cham, eto ; 6th. 2196, Watoh; 6th, 2199, Ring and Brooch; 6th, 2201, Watch and Broooh; 7th, 2207, Razor; 7th, 2208, Bracelet; Bth, 2212, Fitted Case; 9th", 2220, G Ring; 9th, 2221, Pen;,loth, 2227, G., Cham and Pendant; 13th, 2235, G. Chain; 14th, 2240, G. Ring; 15th, 2245, Chain, Pen, etc.; 15th, 95, Bag and Blankets; 15th, 2247, dg\ Case; 17th, 2255, G Chain; 17th, 2256, D. Ring; 17th, 2268, Suit Case; 17th, 2259, Brooch; 18th, 2263, G. Ring; 21st, 2260, G. Watoh; 21st, 2271, G. Chain and GF. Watch; 21st, 2273, 2 Razors; 21st, 105, ' Suit; 22nd, 2274, Lamp; 23rd, 2277, G. Chain; 27th, 114, (Overooat; 30th, 122, Shoes; 30th, 2307, Links and Pin; 4th July, 2318, Broooh; 6th, 2325, G. Neck-chain, etc.; 7th, 2329, G. Bangle; 9th, 2341, G. Ring; 12th, 131, Raincoat; 13th, 2351, Camera; 14th, 2357, S. Watch and G. Ring; 14th, 2358, S. Chain; 14th, 2360, Took; 14th, 2369, G. Chain; 15th, 2370, M. Watoh, etc; 15th, 2371, G Watoh and 3 G. Rings; 15th: 2373,, Comet; 18th, 2382, G. Ring; 19th, 2385, G. Ring; 19th, 2387, G. Chain; 20th, 2388, Cig. Case; 21st, 2396, Jewellery; 22nd, 2398, S. Spoons and Forks; 22nd, 2399, Watch; 22nd, 2400, G. Ring; 23rd, 2403, Boots; 26th, 2417, Wrist. Watch; 29th, 2431, S Watch; 29th, 160, Rug; 30th, 2432, Ring; Ist August, 2436, Bangle; Ist, 2439, G. Links; Ist, 2441, G.F. .Watch, G. Chain, etc.; 2nd, 2447, Cutlery; 3r3:, 2451, S. Watch; 4th, 2454, Camera; 4th, 2455, Bracelet; 4th, 2459, Wallet'; 6s, 2472, G. Watch and Chain; 6th, 2473, Razor; 6th, 2474, S. Watch and Chain;' Bth, 2475, G. Bangle; 11th, 2495, ,G. Chain; 11th, 2499, G. Ring; 12th, 2507, 2 D. Rings;* 12th, "2508, S. Watoh; 15Eh, 2513, Watch and G. Chain; 15tb, 2515, Cash Box; 15th, 2519, 2 D and R. Rings; 15th, 2520, G. Ring; 16th/ 2521, Plane; 16th, 2522, G Ring; 16th, 2525, Plane and Irons; 16th, 183, Suit^ 16th, 186, Krt, Bag; 17th, 187, Paroel; 17th, 2528, Brooch; 17th, 2529, G. Ring;, 18th, 2351, G Ring; 18th, 2532, Cig Case; 18tU, 2534, G. Ring; 22nd, 2540, Punch Ball; 23rd, 2546, Spoons; 23rd, 2551, Bangle, Chain, etc.; 23rd, 2554, Glass Cutter; 24th, 2560, G Chain and Locket; 31st, 2580, S. Watch; 31st, 2584, G. Bangle; 31st, 2585, G. Pin; September, 2593, ' G. Ring; Bth, 2606, 2 Rings; Bth, 2607, Chun, Ring, eto ; 9th, 2611, S Watch'; 9th, 212, Suit; 9th, 2612, D. and R. Ring; 15th, 2638, Photo Frame; 15th, 2642, Gramophone; 16th, 2656, Bonds; 16th, 2657, Camera; 17th, 2658, G. Chain and Pendant; 17th, 2659, Camera; 19th, 2662, G. Ring; 19th, 2663, G. Cham; 20t£ 224, Suit; 22nd, 2683, G.F. Watoh; 23rd, 2687, Guitar; 24th, ,2693, G.F. Watoh; 26th, 2697, Mandolin; 28th, 2718, Carven; 28th, 233, Suit; 30th, 2725, Bag; Ist October, 2727, D. Ear-rings; Ist, 2728, Typewriter; 4th, 2731, D. and S. Ring; 4th, 2735, Bracelet; 6th, 2741, G. Ring; 6th, 2742, Flask; 7th, 2748, 2 Rings and ' Ear-rings; 7th, 2749, G. Ring; Bth, 2752, Binoculars; 10th, 2755, Bangle, Ring, and Brooch; 10th, 2756, 2 Rings; 11th, 2760, Wallet; 11th, 2761, Camera; 11th, 276?, G.F. Watch; 11th, 2763, Jewellery; 11th, 2765, G. Coin; 13th, 2770, Bite in Case; 15th, 2777, Instruments; 15th, 245, Overooat; 17th, 2780, G.Ring; 17th, 2780, Camera; 17th, 2782, Bracelet; 17th, 2783, G.F. Watch; 17th, 2788, S Watch; 18th, 2789, Tools; 18tb, 2790, Watoh, Chain, and G Ring; 18th, 249, Suit; 19th, 2795, G. Ring and Pendant; 19th, 2798, Watoh and Chain; 20th, 2807, S. Watch and Pendant; 21st, 2813, Field Glasses; 21st, 2815, Brief Bag; 21it, 2816, G. Ring; 21st, 2821, G.H. Watoh; 22nd, 2825, 2 Soys.; 22nd, 2827, Bag; 25th, 2834, 2 G. Rings; 25th, 2835, G. Ring; 26th, 2838, G. Ring;' 26th, 2839, S. Watoh; 26th, 2840, G. Bangle; 28th, 2347, 2 D. Rings; 28th, 2848, Broooh, Cham, and Bangle; 28th, 2849, D. and S. Ring; 31st, 270, Fur; 31st, 271, Suit; Ist November, 2865, D. Ring; 2nd, 2866, Camera; 2nd, 2867, Gold; 2nd, 2870, Clook; 2nd, 277, Suit; 7th, 2880, Ring and Brooch; Bth r 2858, Brushes; Bth, 2889, D. Ring; Bth, 2890, G. Ring; 11th, 288, Overooat; 12th, 2908, G. Ring; 12th, 2912, Tools: 17th, 295, Suit; 21st, 303, Bag and Suit; 21st, 2936, Pins and Ring; 22nd, 2939, G F. Watoh; 22nd, 2940, S. Watch and Chain-, 23rd, 2946, Cornet; 23rd, 2947, Ring; 23rd, 2951, Watoh, Chain, and Field Glasses; 26th, 2966, G. Ring; 26th, 2967, G. Ring and Pin; 26th, 2969, G. Chun and King; 28th, 2971', C.F. Watch; 29th, 2975, G.F. Watch and 2 Rings, 29th, 2976, Kit Bagj 29th, 2977, Watoh and Chain; 29th, 328, Raincoat; Ist December, 2984, S.S. Ring; Ist, 2986, Hammer; 3rd, 2990, G. Ring; sth, 2998, G. Neck ohain, etc.; sth, 3000, G.F. Watch; 6th, 3004, Suit Case and Suit; 6th, 3005, G. Watch; 6th, 3010, Banjo; 7th, 3020, Coiona Typewriter; 7th, 3021, Brief Bag; 7th, 336, Trousers and Vest; Bth, 3023, G. Chain and Medal; Bth, 3025, G. Ring; Bth, 3026, Chain and Pendant; 10th, 3036, G. Bangle; 10th, 3038, 2 Watches and Gold Chains; 12tK, 3046,- D. Ring; 13th, 3052, G. Watoh; 13th, 3054, Camera; 14th, 3056, Piccolo; 14th, 3058, Watch; 14th, 3060, 6 Rings; 14th, 3062, Watoh; 16th, 3075, Watch; 16th, 346, Raincoat; 19th, 3078, 8 ; Brooches; 22nd, 351, Suit Case and. Brief Bag; 22nd, 3091, G Ring; 24th, 3097, G. Bangle; 24th, 3099, Suit Case, 28th, 3*09, Watoh and Cham; 28th, 3110, GF. Watch; 28th, 3111, Field Glasses; 26Tn, 3112, G. Bracelet; 29th, 3122, G. Ring; 30th, 3123, Razor, 30th, 3125, Spoons and Boot Outfit; 30th, 3126, G. Cham. 1922-6 th January, 3155, Bugle; 6th, 3158, Shoe Outfit, Carvers, and Spoons; 9th, 3165, Cig Case; 24th, 3241, G. Chain; 25th, 3427, GF. Watch, '25th, 3250, Accordion; 25th, 3251, D Ring; Ist, February, 3288, Brooch; 2nd, 3292, D. Ring, 2nd, 3293, Watoh, 3rd, 3294, D Ring; 7th, 3310, G.F. Watch and Chain; Bth, 3317, N Cham and Pendant; Bth, 3319, N Chain, etc , 9th. 3321, WatcTi and G. Chain, 10th, 3328, G. Ring; 10th, 3329, G. Ring, 18th 3364, G Chain, 21ft, ♦06, Rug; 22nd, 3390, G. Ring, 24th, 3398, G. Cuff Links; 25th, 3401. G Ring; 7th April, 455, Suit; 21st, 470. Underclothing; Slit, 471, Suit and Trcuitrs; j 3rd May, 484, 2 Raincoats'; Uth, 489,1

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Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 49, 26 August 1922, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 49, 26 August 1922, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CIV, Issue 49, 26 August 1922, Page 10