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Great Win for Men! Wholesale Stock Bought at 10s. in the £—Spot Cash! The tale is soon told. We made a sporting offer A/?/"%"5 i^a^^^^l approximating 10s. in the £ for the whole of the #"Ma^^^^^^^^^^^^B . extensive warehousemen's stock of Messrs. Roberts, fj^ i »W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cooper Ltd., and it was accepted. Thii is something \ flMz^ &$r '"ca3S2l^*^w^^^ss»? to make a noise about, and no mistake. You fellows Jl§ 1i ' who want new suits, orercoats, underwear, shirts, Jsmll h and so forth, are on a pretty good wicket. We were iSijTw/ : lucky in buying —so will you be. We made a )T /f/fHj sporting offer for these goods—-our offer to you is I Weßasl equally sporting. Included are several hundred I WsjjjmMm thousand yards of Linings, bought direct from the I $®BJJGSS . manufacturers. These are in large demand by the £ d^^^&i. trade, but we prefer to give the general spublic—our m Wsrss,. '/^^ll% - oustomers —the full benefit of this lucky deal. Jll^k Just to make the next two or three weeks live llidßiill *5*L in your memory, we are including in this sporting offer our own stocks, still further reduced in price <!&W in conformity with the startlingly low prices on wlili»^s*^ W%< Roberts, Cooper's goods. ' iSsmskji^'/MP\^\ SPORTS SUITS. SPORTS COATS, jS^^W*^S^^ JF 50 Men's Sports Suits—ln Mid., loo.Men's Odd Sports Coats— • * .JE^^^W^^-^r / Cray and Light Grey Diagonal In Heavy Light-Brown Tweed, / itimffimstfA ~^F / X Tweed. This is a great wear- yoke and half-belt, with four f tfßM^/^Z&ykjJF *«»^S^ss-- King- cloth, and makes a useful patch pockets. You will re- , f Jm&MwW WfLmsS?^ "*^^~tf?^r*. M M ' change, or, holiday suit '* , squire to come early to secure * '/ WiiSgSS^ -/zzS&^mkY Regular price £slsh one at the price we are quot- • I j^HwKaSffilß &&BB? J iWXsZs&f^X Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 63/- ; ing Regular price. £4/4/- I M&MmM *JKmr S wffi&r^S I' I 50 Men's Sports Suits—ln two Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 39/8 - - ttßßHHiraPE^MriMPtfuv' wM^&I 1 '■:< "-•' - Shades of Scotch Tweed, in 50 Men's Sports Coats—All-Wool BiiHllm!ili»B2£^SEiHgf\\\\\\\\\\, sBIkJ^B 1 check effect; perfect fitting, Scotch Tweeds, in grey, fawn, •. wSsSßmS^^S^^!^M^M\\w^^^9^^ "" E" *' "* yoke and half belt, and lined. and dark brown. The major- '■ , '• ' K^SHE(WKS^V^Mmm\\\\jßlff> *1" " " through Regular price £7/7/- \ . ity.-of these Coats are made • J^MB^^B^^lAvMliKM^wWar I Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 70/- with expanding shoulders, and HPI_»L I 50 Men's Sports Suits—ln Fawn should interest golfers : ' 1 All-Wool Superfine Quality Regular price £4/15/- .*r \ "" Tweed- This is an exception- ' Roberts, Cooper Sale. Price 45/- ■ •»* hßgß^'W TafflMlffißiEaßE^ ■ 1 - " move quickly at the price ; TROUSERS. ■' ■ ' ' I'Vi f T_~i '* iV^^B^Kl^^SS^B^^." * *!' *"~ Roberts, Coop^Sal^Price B*/- S o pairs of Men's Trousers-In' ;': V \lr^3&i/JI *H®3^ I T™eedSl Worsteds> andlSports 4 ifSIKSaB// Biß^Elm / ' Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 63/- durability and absolutely un- , . , 50 Men's Sac Suits— Extra good . „ tearable Regular price 19/1 r ■ auaiiiv Diagonal Tweed A Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 12/9 : qumiiy mugunai 1 weeu. a » ■ r ' . nnvQi nvEDPnire ucorcov real serviceable garment, well BOYS OVERCOATS. MERCERY. r1 1 ' OVERCOATS. j; 250 Boys' Mackintosh Coats—To 200 dozen. Men's Wide-end Ties Roberts Coon^r salenprice 7fl/- 56 Men's Doubled Breasted :• fit boys from Bto 16 years. A -Latest patterns in good Tm 1' ?S i?w!i Overcoats—Half-belt back, in good, strong coat, to button quality silk and silk mixturesIndiKO Ser«e This cer serviceable dark gtey striped right up in neck, and one that Regular prices 3/6, 4/6 SSiJ Lf 1^; tweed, lined through. A bar- : Avill turn the rain; all 1 sizes Roberts,, Cooper Sale Price 2/6. tamly one of the best lines . > { „_..«> : ■ Regular prices 3 s/- to SS /- Men's Huather Mixed i Hoseoffered, and will move qmckly *> Re&ular price £5/5/- .Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 18/6 Sjzcs 10/10J, and 11-inch at the price; offered _ Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 59/6 100 Boys' Tweed Overcoats- Regular price 7/6 pair Roberts Cmdw Sale Prise ml- So Men's Doubled Breasted '■> double breasted, half-belt Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 4/11 7o Men's sLsuits-fn Dark Overcoats -i Half-belt back, backs and trench' style with Men > s Fancy Brown cashmere CreV Worsted- one of the dark brown check tweed; one ! loose belt Sox-Extra fine quality ■ Kaß^eneS^rke , that will wear well and keep Roberts, Cooper Sale Price from Regular pLe 6/6 with mo** npnnip Vnn havp Its shape to the last *7 'B Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 4/6 som ws¥m ssse "esmm- - 2S Men's Sac Suits-AII-Wool dark grey Coloniial all-wool ;. ;„- lo j and „ Usually ?/lI indigo Dye Serge ;long lapel? c. d; A Ime that will move. BQys , AN[J MEN , S HATS _ RobertS| Cooper Sale Prjce 4/11 two-button, specially tailored quickly at .me price _ „ M Jg Colonja , Woo | Flannel with uptimo fronts _ - -*%£* «.£ Prire Ml. Men's Soft Felt Htto-Assorted Unders-Full, roomy make, - Regular price £9/9/-,■■ olSf*? te C| i ° n P', r a b«mKSP Al I- sizes> E°od qualitJ'' latest ' double sewn seams^ Kaiapoi 7 Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 100/- So Men s Single Breasted All ishapes .. and Petone brands SO Men's Sac Suits—ln All-Wool To«L_Ti; wf V- T u p Re^l" P»ces 21/"' 2S/-, to' 47/6 , Regular prices 8/11, 10/6 Dark Oxford Crey Cheviot. Co"ts-Jl d r t t Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 10/6, Roberts, Cooper Sale Prices . This is one of the very best very latest cut with stitched , 15/6) 16/6> t0 2g/6 .S'falti^U^V^ • MjftJ^^J^gJj Robert, SKft rSfSHI^E ' o r ev^^ !iv« !Sft3a&pS^-' as" j 59^^^^ R^ertco£ e^^ 6rice 3s 2/6 ■ the wear and tear of every-day with check lining ; step collar noberts , Cooper Sale Prices 4/11, KODe"SI V 2/6 u/9 21/- 2»/G S n a rthe AngEr f perice fittinS Msh s8 Men's Tweed Co.f^cVpS ■«•' P>i>- sl^sief (o SUlt 3t R gullr p^S/S/- Roberts, Cooler Sal. Price 29/6 Sf M« s and T» m e«J um Olf pat C t^ S s , ft boys 6to 13 years; good onharts flnnnur «Bflle PHrs qi/- 5° Men's Ramcoats^-Style as -..«.:„«. fi i tri _i washing patterns Lits Rta? Irish above, in better quality gab. Slzes i? e i. O u J r 4 mlce , /6 ./„ . Regulai prices u/6 to 15/6 SO Men S oac bUltS —Itoai irl&n > . .■» . /•_i_i • • regular piICC 4/0, 4/n nnhprtc finnnsr Qaln Prira o/ii you are rough on clothes, try So Men's Ra ncoats-In extra :^ ;fawn brown light grey, and Colours .are grey/fawn, and one of these at the price special quality gab.; very black; sizes 65 to 7J white; sizes 36, 38 . offered. You will no!-, regret strong, and a real rain- * Usually 10/6, 12/6, 15/-, 17/6 _ .„,. .J. eSK^ it . Regular price £9/9/- turner; lined with best Union Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 8/11 Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 18/9 Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 105/- _ (*ec. k Regular price £6/6/- 37 Men's Felt Hats—Slightly All-wool • Sweater Coats—Fine 2 only Men's Sac ! Suits—ln ■ Roberts, Cooper Stle^ Price 59/6 , soiled ■; -.. dark grey,' black,' ribbed, medium grey only; Dark Crey Worsted; size 4. 5 S° Men s Raincoats—Superior brown, green; sizes 61 to 7i sizes 36, 38,.40, 42, 44 Regular price .^4/4/- ' quality very heavy gabardine, , R ob er«s, Cooper Sale Price 4/11 Regular price 59/6 Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 45/- beautifully lined, with storm Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 28/9 ,25 Men's Sac Suits-AII-Wool _c °uj*r Regular price '■ LIN | NC s Boys' Crey All-wool Sweater Indigo Dyfi Serge, tailon fin- Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 75/- LININGS.., Coats-New Zealand make; ashed with uptimo frontsand • ' ■ ' ; s,oopyds. Stripe Linings—4o m. • sizes to fit boys 5 to. 14 years best trimmings. To see is to - BOYS' SUITS. wide, white and dark grounds, Rdberis, Cooper Sale Prices \ buy Regular price £10 ''■ . suitable for overcoats, cos- .. . 12/6, 13/6, 15/6, 17/6' Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 110/- 200 Boys' All-Wool Tweed 'Var- tume coats, sleeve and vest Men's Sock Suspenders—ln as- „ 10 Men's Sac Suits —In Dark sity Suits —Including leather linings; ; also some Cambric .sorted •• colours; -good firm : , v > ■ Crey Check Tweed. The lat- belt. These are genuine Pc- ' Finish, which could be used /elastic. , v . Regular, price 2/6 est cut, combined with quality . tone Tweeds, not' flannel; in ' as shirting, beautiful quality ' Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 1/4^ and elegance several shades; and made with. and finish, and designs arc Boys' Navy and Saxe Jerseys— Regular price. £9/9/- over-shoulder pleats, with ex- neat . Regular, price 3/9 With Polo collar; sizes ,1 and-2' c : Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 95/- tending tabs to button on Roberts, Cooper "Sale Price " only; fit boys'",i.,-'tq ■":.»■•. 50 Men's Sac Suits—ln Dark shorts; sizes o to 8 ' : '■• >■ 1/11 yard English make; 2/1 'ribBrown Check Tweed. A most Roberts, Cooper Sale Price, Coo yds. Double-width Italian Regular, price 8/11 serviceable pattern, and ,one Size 0, 21/6; rise 1/- size Cloth—ln grey, brown, and Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 4/11 that will stand the hard■ wear 500 Boys' All-Wool Sports Suits black; a strong useful-cloth Good, heavy Wool and Cotton of a business suit ' f —Special brand in superfine ■ for linings, aprons, shirts, etc. Underwear—Shirts or pants; Regular price £616/- qualities; light and ... dark 1 ', ' Regular price 4/6 yard men's and O.S. men's; real Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 70/- greys, fawns, browns,' £md Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 2/11- *> ■ hard'< wearing ■■' '■"■ ; '50 Men's Sac Suits—ln Superior heather mixtures; also indigo 1,006 yds. Black Pocketing—A Regular prices 11/6 and 12/6 Quality Brown Worsted. A • blue serge. Sizes range from good, strong, serviceable Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 9/6 cloth that will give the great- 3 to 18. Prices quoted to fit ' cloth, which could be used'for" 136 dozen White Hemstitched . est satisfaction in ,wear, and boy 9years, size 8. a variety of purposes, includ- Handkerchiefs—lrish lawn. a perfect fitting garment Roberts, Cooper Sale Price, ing strong working shirts Regular price 1A each Regular price ,£9/0./- Size 8, 45/6 j rise and fall 1/- •. ' Regular price <s/6. Roberts, Cooper Sale Price Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 105/- size Roberts, Cooper Sale Price 1/11 6 for 2/11 Money goes a long way these days, but such money-saving opportunities can't last much longer. Make the most of this chance, and come along to "^^l^^^ Corner Cuba, and Manners yStreets " :•

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Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 41, 17 August 1921, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 41, 17 August 1921, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 41, 17 August 1921, Page 11