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cotSprLs Half-Yearly-10 Days 7,500 yards (no mistake, about ■ ■' ' — '•__. the quantity either) Rich Wash- IT 1 ff| **m mm ■■ ing' CHARMEUSE SATIN— If f|H At \AAAAH I 1 B ■ ■■ 40 inches wide, in 25 shades |-|l|-> IH/INliri L M I I and black and white; perfect JUIIU VI UvtUHJU k A ■ Mm condition f> ■ Mm Usual Town Price 13/11 I ■ * Sale Price 6/11 yard 'fg*\±-~t lil I ll 1 1,321 yards Double-width "Lus- tV/Vll^ OOFQI Wrndr mh mXmmm^mM trous" JUMPER Slt.K —21 ' *W « «t^M^^ effects ■> All at 5/11 yard 2 's^rs-iS "" w Commences To-morrow at 9,30 a.m. Usual 8/6 quality For 5/6 • ■ - ■ ■ ■ r ":.. ■ ■ -.-'■ "EVERY ARTICLE MARKED TO BEDROCK" THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUR RULE. Each Sale has been a Record I —Can we go one better this time? The prices have tumbled downward, and remember this—Sale Prices finish this month. TEf* DAYS' BIGGER BARGAINS IN THE SHOWROOM { 10 only Black Fur Coats—ln Few only Navy Serge Costumes Heavy Knitted Wool Jumpers—ln latest styles, perfect goods. —Straight cut, in_ smart lines, blues, rose, grey Usually 39/6 Less than half wholesale prices ' trimmed silk stitching: and Half-price at 18/11 £11/19/6 braid Usual 11 guinea value LadieV vinn Pn« 9n ri r»rai Fashionable Cloth Costumes-ln Bargain Price 119/6 Sleeveless Knitted Jumpersbrown; long coat, tnmmedself- smart Lot of Afternoon Frocks- Trimmed with blade military coloured buttons Usually 120/- Navy merv., vieiix rose eoli- \- braid .30/- value „ Half-price at 59/6 enne and taffeta, pink and ame- All at Sensational Price 7/11 Fine Navy Serge Costumes-ln thyst crepe-de-chine, etc.; etc. . cmgham House BlouLtl phun styles Usual ,40 Usual la 6 /. value AII at 69/6 V . O.j*tan .^6 louses-Jn Smart Tailor-made Costumes-ln " ?™rt^ 00! J?"" ! kirff~ In sizes Usual 10/6 v.alue For 5/11 black and white checks, pockets assorted browns, purples, blues, Ladies' White Foxaline Neckletsand belts, worsted finish Jade> etc 7O'vXhZ Usua-! 50/" value To Clear 25/6 Usual 140/--value Half-price 69/6 < . ™r 29/" Foxaline Sets— 75/- For 39/6 Ladies' Tweed Costumes—Smart 7 Smart Foulard Silk F/ocks—ln Mufffon Necklets—ln large full walking-styles, good materials rose and ml: small .designs sty i es Regular 6 guinea value Usual 120/-value Half-price 59/6' Usual 5 guinea value , For 69/6 39 Ladies' Tweed Dress Skirts— . am to go at 39/6 And Everything in this DepartIn good up-to-date styles Ladies' Blanket Tweed Coats— ment not already showing a Big Regular 25/- quality Large collar, smart and amply Reduction bears a 25 per cent. Marvellous Price 13/11 cut ; Usual 120/- value For 69/6 Discpunt (or 5/-in the £). TEN DAYS 1 BIGGER BARGAINS IN THE JUVENILES Girls' Serge Coats—ln navy, 31 Children's Imitation Fur Sets 37 pairs- Infants'Shoesgreen, brown, purple —Muff and necklet 12/6 value 2/g quality Salvage Price 1/7J 34/- value To Clear 14/11 All at */11 29 infants' Hats—Mostly in silk Clrls' Cream Serge Cloth Coats— 5 doi. Children's Wool Jerseys— 6/6 to 7/6 values All at 2/11 —Also Cashmere 30/- value Tan, navy myrtle; small sizes 23 doz. Bibs—All kinds: some To Clear 9/11 8/11 value All at 4/11 slightly soiled. About, half Cirls'Shower^ofßain^ats- I"™* Oela^^rocks- f In .r^^^.^ \ . Cirls' Trimmed Velvet Hats—ln Children's Wool Pilchers — AsOirls' and Children's Sports saxe, red, navy, 1 brown ■ sorted lot Worth s/5 to 6/ii Coats—ln vieux rose, navy v 12/6 value For 2/11 - , All at 3/11 etc.; pure wool; belts; smart 9 d o *. Salvage Sample Toweling 9 doz. Children's Cord Velvet . Were 27/6 to 33/6 Feeders—Some soiled Hat3—ln Peter Pan'shape. All to go from 19/11 to 24/6 2/9 value For 1/4£ 3/11 value For 1/TEN DAYS' BIGGER BARGAINS IN FANCY DRAPERY 100 S'ds. Ceorgelte—To Clear s/11 Waitress Aprons— 6/6 For 4/6 25 only Natural Fur Collars—l 2/6 bream Bretonne Net- 2/t, Ladi6 s' UmbreHas- ; Ladies' Coloured and TeaJnVr ?° r V ll ■•,. To Clear 4/11, 5/11, 7/11, 10/6 Hose- Warehouse price 5/6 Safety Pins— 3d. dozen , . • n ow 2/ii Tapes-Assorted widths > S&^ ,££ «L'rM,%' c!?? 8h" L«"ies' Black Silk Ankle Hose--6 pieces for 7k. mere Hose and Chid s Sox— /6 For 2 , 6 : ' *■ , Less than usual landed cost 4/ ■' Coloured Cotton—loo-yard reels Ladies' Coloured Silk Ankle Hose i/*i dozen 67 dozen Women's Hose—To clear ,5/6 For 3/11 Embroideries-6id. for 2^., njd.. 5/6 value for 2/11, 6/6 for 3/6, Ch|d , A ,,. w00l Hose 3_ Si h forGid., ioidfor«4d., i/ufor 6/11 for 3/11, 8/11 for 6/6. All fi , >fa F 9J-d 11-M for SJ-d. V ■ m perfect order. 5) °»" 4/u r -t'° b ? d., n 3 a. tor 5 2 a. Ladies' Coloured All-wool Cash--175 yds. Silk Ninon—l 2/6 value 980 pairs Children's Sox— mere Hose — 9/6 For 5/11 For 4/11 To Clear 9*d., i/-, 1/fi, 1/1^ Child . s H alf-Sox (All Wool)_ s White Elbow Kid Cloves—All t . .„,„ wh!hl „„,, «»h rm and 6 2/11 quality sizes 18/11 For 12/6 50 dozen White, Black, and Col- Salvage Price 1/6 ... oured Lisle Qloves — Perfect oai»»&e rnce 1/0 Ladies' Black, and Navy Aprons— order 2/6 value Child's Half Sox—Sizes 2, 3, 4 5/6 For 3/11 • salvage Price 9|d. 1/11 For 1/H TEN DAYS' BIGGER BARGAINS IN DRESS DEPARTMENT 375 yds. Blanket Cloakings— 18/6 147 yds. Union Pyjama Suiting—' Black and' White Check Tweeds— 1 For 8/11 yard Perfect condition 3/6 value Half ruling prices Salvage Price 1/11 i 6/n for 3/6, 3/" fqr 1/11* 327 yds. 44-inch All-wool Ctbtr- w ., neh Cott on Tweed Shirting— N pnoiin-Dbuble width aI6 dine—Damaged single edge; m z/6 value For 1/6J Navy Popiin—Double width ; . 4/6 37« yds. Assorted Dress Tw«ds- ■.?■* , 24/6 value Salvage Price 8/11 Perfect condition s/6 and 6/6 AND TWO COUNTERS OF 17« yds. only 56-inch Indigo Navy . „,.' „ ■ , Sal"? eJ l>ri" 2/tt DRESS MATERIAL TO CO Suiting-The finest made; per- Wincettt Pyltma Cloth—Revers- OUT ALL At HALF MARKED ( feet condition guaranteed lble . 2/6 quality For 1/8| | PRICE. 34/6 value Salvage Price 17/11 Soiled White volle-2/11 For i/4f 140 yds. Cood Striped Cambric45yds.. only 54-inch Navy Serge Soiled White Piqu»-3/3 For 1/7^. l/o For 4*d. Suiting— 25/- quality 56-inch Coat Tweeds— 14/6 Smart Blousings—ln sprig and For 13/11 yard For 5/11 yard stripes Half-price at 1/4}, 1/7^ TEN DAYS 1 BIGGER BARGAINS IN UNDERCLOTHING ______ A _ ___.__. . Ladles' Woven Bloomers— Ladies' Fleecy Lined Spencers— SPFf lAI fIFFFR I 7/n for 5/11, s/9 for 3/11 ' 7/11 value For 4/11 JI IA/lnli UULiU. Ladies' Full Cut Woven Night- Ladlas 1 Longcloth Combinations 1 dresses —25/- value For 17/11 11/9 value for 6/9, 16/- for 10/6, FAMOUS Silk and Wool Vests—6/11 value 14/6 for 8/11 ramuvs For 3/11 Children's Small Size Bloomers— 44 W ill A" Ladles' Woven Combinations— Wool 5/11 value For 2/11 JL9 *X ITJL Soft and warm. Less than Children's L.C. Petticoats—lß, RITQT PROfliF maker's cost. 10/6 for 6/11 26, and 24-inch 4/6 for 2/11 nusi>ntuvr Ladies' Shoulder Strap Vests— Children's L.C. Knickers—l 2, fHU^hli'Tr^fc ' ' 2/u value For 1/4£ 14, and 16-inch 3/iifor2/7| \*\vM!h.&Sli R J Ladies' Cream Fine woven Infants' Wincette Cown— Ribbed Vests— 7/n for 4/11 s/u-value. For 3/1 i Regnlar line, all sizes Ladies' Shaped Woven Vests— I Maids' Navy Fleece Lined s/n value For 3/11. Bloomers— For 3/11 O/» It* C -S «1 /■§ "i 111 doz. Ladies' White Ribbed Ladies' L.C. Nightdresses— LAil O lOr M.&II S. M. Woven Chemise Vests— Soiled 10/6 for 6/11, mm^i w *vm a roy «. — „- .3/6.value For.l/7i „ 12/6 for 8/11, 16/6 for 11/9 '■ TEN DAYS' BIGGER BARGAINS IN HOUSEHOLD DEPT. ■■■■.—. . ■ ■ 1 310 yards Irish Linen-Finish 700 doz. Towels—For all occa- Salvage Toweling—l/ 11 for 11|d Sheeting— ' sions; white and brown Flax Tea Toweling—3/3 for 2/3 80 inches wide—S/6 For 5/11 1/11 for 1/4£, 2/3 for 1/7 i- ..: 1/11 ior 1/3J ' 90 inches wide— For 6/6 yard 1/6 for i/i^, 3/6 for 2/3, "Doctor" Flannel— s/6 value Irish Linen-Finish Pillow Cotton 3/u for 2/11 For 3/9 2/6 for 1/11 yard Salvage,Quilts—Double bed 55 pa i rs slightly Soiled Lace 80-Inch 'ISpero" Linen-Finish 30/- for 22/6,27/6 for 19/11 Curtains- 12/6 for «/11, Twill Sheeting—Slightly soiled Satin Marcella— 59/6 value 17/6 for 8/11, 35/-for 23/6 7/11 for 5/3 F" 39/6 36-lneh Bordered Casement— 80-inch White Twill Sheeting- 28-inch Nursery Flannelette- For 1/lOi Soiled 3/6,3/11 ■ 1/11 value For 1/3^ To iiet Covers— 3/6 for a/4i, 720 Pure Medium Calico- *75 yartfß Cretonnes-2/9 value . 3 / 3 f or 2/2 Rvalue For 1/6 yard Salvage shee t,ngs- '* Ducnes" Set'-Lace, / £ d£ e t/11 , 36-inch Longcloth— i/n for 1/- Double-bed— 5/11 for 3/6 „, ._ , / V, , 2/2 for 1/2^ Single-bed— s/6 for 3/4* . Class Cloth— tfu for 1/4J 10 doz. Monster Whits Towels— Flax Hollering—Soiled 482 yards Soiled DamasksSpecial at 3/11 1/9 value For 1/4* • 4/11, 5/11 Gf\\ f79C CASH DRAPERY CO. \UpllLumla 1^ 108-112 Cuba Street V- ' - ' - ■ : . ; , : ■ •'- j

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Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 40, 16 August 1921, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 40, 16 August 1921, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 40, 16 August 1921, Page 5