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KIRKCALDIE & STAINS LTD. Half-yearly Sale " •■ '■■.■'...''■ "■■■' '•■"(' ".. Sale Ends Next Saturday jG^ .Buy Now and Save Money 1 . osfo v^s. „ SHOWROOM BARGAINS. v # j/Hj\ \I |A CoaU, Costumes, and Skirts, all Trem«ndous|y Reduced. / Fvv \l A I A *J-iuV f% GSIO77TENNIS COATS—Spoken of with favour in the latest fashion /, t J \ O|A\ §■ Jai- ' "i *\f journals. In all-wool blanket cloth and Cheviot serge, in very smart, / tlf i \fl|l t /HJi t Oil' v - styles, similar to illustration; shades of violet, rose, saxe, emerald, » tT' ' mill fj)4.ll\ lT "1L V peanut, blush pink, black, and the new pillar-box red V \ M* SSI k«IIi 'l\ tj ll\ •'■ Usual price £7/17/6 Sale Price 64/- VA 1 Jk'lMiv TPPIn *\ • Gsl7—Another Smart TENNIS COAT—Same material and similar to v" V' : "lllffl ; flfiii ill rtfi/li! I \ \ ' \ \ illustration; suitable also for golfing and walking , \ \ IULI //f'fl-FfiP f <-\2 ' Usual price 12/6 Sale Price 69/6 , '^-^ , I "Wj* !, JWUi D ■ Lrm ' 'fA Extremely Smart RUBBERISED SILK RAINCOATS—AII good styles, j V ' ' 'sV-ILjJ 'l^ 1 \^ law smartly cut and thoroughly showerproof; in navy, saxe, mole, fawn, ■ I ' I *■ VyJm If; Iw 1 an<* Sreen Usualprices 84/-, ,£5/19/6, ,£6/16/6 .1 I V UV !uV ' ' Sale Prices 58/-, 79/6,,90/- J '1 v^i vr'r '■ Eleven only Very Smart .COTTON GABARDINE RAINCOATS— i :'.■', V |L l\! 'Smart warmly lined- 'waistcoat inside; ideal for motoring or driving ■ '_2rt trr^'' vrrV^y-' H^ilT • ■■■•'.•■ Usual price £8/18/6 Sale Price 9*/$ .-=:= :.i. jji|?; t ; fe| : •^ ■ ■ _.JH -. " A.few only Smart TWEED COSTUMES—Gheck effects;, the cgat lias , I'Thi?* - **V ' ""' jl W7Np"W!H|[i K^^Ti'ii neat collar and revers, patch pockets, and belted; lined to waist 'i..p."/ T ' ... ~,-+~''\l'M '>pw Wt 1 - ' good quality silk; smart straight-cut skirts, slightly gathered at \'"'Tf'rf\\ 7-{<^ J \ '\vi 'A m^i\\ I■' back; ideal for hard country wear .. Usual price £3/18/6 '■V'£iX-v',:iV\ '■'■''■ I if I Mm 1 ' ■■'■■• Sale Priw 69/6 ■ f, ■•■H-Hi^'t;: I' \w ir r »' I ' A few Smart and Useful TWEED COSTUMES-—Very smart styles; Un,.''' T-'i'.^S''^ ■ I Ik '^ Hi i f^. coats ar^ smartly cut, having roll and step collar, large patch • ' -' V :i\V^iK/]i ! I Ik. if f( «]*> pockets, and belted Usual price £7/7/- Sale Price 88/e -r*' r: f3s:-i j ; Very Distinctive and Original COAT FROCK—Carried out in vyinc- / 1 iiU^R ff\ ' coloured velour cloth; square neck, panel at front and back; the / rtti ,k // \ • narrow black braid is very effective on neck and sleeves, and carried 1j5»7. I Ft . "* 1 ' A 1 I \ out on skirt ' Usifcal price £8/18/6 Sale Price £5/19/- , \ I \ V**< .„ wU ) \ A Very Neat COAT FROCK—Of jiavy woql jersey cloth; jumper ' kft*- 6v\i«*'e*il6*Sk nfWulUik^W J \/ii srLtr " effect, attractively.embroidered in fawn wool; neat roll collar with 's* JL ArVwlß(/rt»v < '^ ; lh hA* as?^ ...vest of navy and fawn "■• Usual price £6/19/6 Sale Prlc« **/13/- ' 'l!li|if ll%Jy *I'^* 7 onl >' Grey COTTON, POPLIN. DUST COATS—These are all ,» \ .'.,.' . : smartly cut, large sailor collars, Raglan sleeves, and finished self ! --. ■■■■■■■>. ..-.,■?' ; ■' ' buttons; ideal for warm weather; slightly soiled.l To clear at half , Sale Prices for Cash Only! ' 100S? tussore cotton Fo?ux*swPr*sAT^m!?9sll'. Sale Prices'for Cash Only! • ——-—»y— ii 1 .fmmmmmm-. ■as above; slightly-soiled . ■ Usual prices 87/6,.89/6.. 1 . , ' . ———^——^" t ••;'■'' - ■ ' " ■ Sale Prices 43/9, 45/- : ■-. . ;: .-.;: .. ± n . ' ? only TUSSORE COTTON POPLIN DUST COATS—Similar to __ _ ' Million ACfflll Ka^fIrSIIIIC al3Ove > large P°ckets, inset sleeves, neat belt on hips; a very useful VnirA MAn Air All fIfACC lUdUtnCdlCr DaigdlUd coat for motoring in fine weather; slightly faded Usual price Bg/6 UdVC ITIOISCy (Ml I/ICSS "IDEAL LAWN" 36 inches wide; for ' ' Salt Prlee 99/8 _ ■■'• ■' ladies' and children's lingerie; fine J ____ | _ i^^^^^_^( _ (|||ii| _ " IIOOOS : texture and strong wearing uvvuu • "iaie I' Price ftu va?d » „ , «., -, . "" NAVY pbPLIN-so inches wide.. > FORFAR-34. inches wide, 'for*tea VflU CM Wi*\te Riff " &|¥nMK All P-ticulJ fE M^wg towels lmen and cotton Do not 11||| Vflll IfIOAC V\JL UdIUIKO Vll It's a good navy, and very durable. mjssth^special^UsuaHy^yard . . . , » * Note the width? How economical! 7°-i-t 'MERCERISED COTTON ■'• r arn nIQ «mJ I mAl^iimQ Half-Yeariy'sai^Price4^ yar2 • Aa Sn^od h designseJCCePtl °nal t^F 615 M{* 14001611105. C o T T P N GABARDtNE Usual price jo/6 yard ' ■ ' Specially, .imported for smart:• and Sale Price 6/11 yard, a Flna Collection of Very Artistic Deelgna. ' inexpensive frock and costume. . . JAPANESE CREPE-In stripe and • Ma ke an Early Selection Navy and backgrounds, has fine check desic-ns • the balance of our ~" y Belecllorli . , pm stripe m white, and superior in stock to be cleared at special sale BRITISH AXMINSTER CARPETS--Medailion centre, in effect Usual price 5/3 yard prices Usual price 3/3 yard . fawn with black, rose, and blue mixtures ;• also, medallion Hait-Teariy aaie rflC* J/» yam. Sale Price 1/9 yard centre in rose, blue, and black mixture; also medallion COTTON GEORGETTE — 40-inch. centre in rich Oriental colourings. Each design can be A. great opportunity to secure, a ALL NEW ZEALAND FLANNELS had in the folowing sizes;— . ■ 'dainty fabric for summer wear. AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES. 7 ft. 6in, x s ft. 7 in.-UsuaHy Sale Price £6/3/9 The sfedef arlSuenfU cSm' DARK GREY FLANNEL-Light in oft. 10m. x 6ft. 7 in.-Usually Sale Price *9/0/- s n^, des s "e£S nt s ";P™^! . • weight, and very suitable for boys' 10ft. 6in. x 7ft. 6in—Usually £15/7/6 Sale Price *11/10/6 lose pmk) yard and girls' school wear ' iift. 6in. x Bft. 2m.— Usually Sale Price £13/14/6 Half Yeariw Sa^« P^ice «7il yartf Usual price 2/11 yard 13ft. lin. * gft. loin.— Usually £25 Sale Price *18/ IS- cT v ipf n v atim'f^ ',8 InT Sale Price S/4 yard o 1 Kirtu haiinc. —136-incn. PLAIDING FLANNEL—2O inches AXMINSTER CARPETS^-Medallion centrq, with mixture ■ There's nothing smarter nor more wiHp THpnl for lirlip<;J *rnstiimpq °f fawn, rose, blue, and brown; in the following sizes;— durable for washing frock and cosy and boys' and girls' wear Show- 9*t- '*n. x 6ft'. 7»n.-Usually £16/5/- Sala Price «12/3/8 tume. We have, them in) part me- e-rev shade only Usually 6/6 ■' 10ft. 6in,x 7ft. Sin.^-Usually/19/10/-Sale Prce £.14/12/5 multi-coloured stripes Usually 6/6' ins grey shaCle Sale Price 5/3 yard ' "ft. 6in. x Bft. M/ 7/6 Sale Price «>t>io/« Half-Yearly Sale Prlee 3/11 y4N . n. .. - n 1 .• AXMINSTER CARPET?—Cream grounds with rose medal- cellent quality for washing'VQCks, xVrtflAn tant IcAflUAtiAno lion centre and mixtures or blue and brown , also'men's shirts In neat check oianonery iveuuciions ©«.-I^. *m. 7 in.-usuaii y l^n- s^e pn Cc «u/ 3 / 9 s$ yi»oK, gre y.. v ■"RALEIGH" WRITING PADS r ioo . $S x S t^S fM Bl BSUJiSS ■ SSce^ yard S h.?e etp^c S. Zi/6°e a Xc h ß. PoSS^xti isft. x Qft. i«n P .™. Usually : ■ Saie Price, mm* .Ha,^ ,?/11 )M.. "DEFIANCE" WRITING PADS— AXMINSTER CARPETS—BIack ground-, cenventional de- CREPE ZEPHYR—3B-inch^ Makfis 50 sheets; size 10 x 8 : • , ' signs; in fawn, blue, and brown ■•"" ' dainty summer frocks; has neat ■ Sale Price 3 for 1/1Q * nft. 6in\ x Sft. 2in.—Usually £37/10/- Sale Price £»0/12/ a grouped stripe on grey, sky, layenI • • - Postage extra . oft, ioin, x 6ft. 7in,—Usually £18/17/6' Sale Price £1«/3/-' , der,, and tussore grounds to tone . " GQLDEN WEST" CABINET " ' ' Usual price 2/ n yard In blue and white Also among our large and varied assortment we have Half' Yearly Sale Price 1/11 yard Usual price W6 box ■ VICTORIAN AXMINSTER SQUARES-In blue, f aW n, „ , Sa|e Price 1/-box Postage extra and rose; special quality. Size 12ft, x oft, Usually £36 STUDENTS' EXERCISE BOOKS— ■ ' Special Price *J7 EmUfAwLirn RoriTOlliC lafe p Qrice Si;/9 2e O a ch S Postage extri WILTON PILES-In rose,'blue, cream, and brown mixtures' LfflDrOiUCry DfllgdUlb BUNGALOW^BOOKS I3ft- sin' x uft- 3in.-Usually £ 3 7/t?/6 Sale Price £28/8/- riT .__ T _„„ VmrrotdfrY - ' ITsinllv■-./fi lBaia~Prlo« 1/- each ' '=ft- x nft. 3 in,^ Usually £ 3 S/8/o Sale Price £23/11/6 LONGCLOTH . EMBROIDERY.-^. , ' '&ytS£ SSILZS- Usually £30 Sai.Pr.ce £22/10/- 2^^'. **"* v£s^, , ' Postage extra , , Sale Prf«9 4^d Special Value in CHILDREN'S PIC- (it « 1 p I ft ' t I*l MimrTN FMRROIDERY — I inch. a RWSSfU DfsLsrya - Special Sale Pnces'for Linoleum. MEH ISM./V.... WcoTo Ems in bo^Sale PriM°sd Sbo"x lst Q"*l'^ BRPTISH INLAID LINO^ Usual price 36/- LONGCLOTH BEAPINGS-3 inches Qoiovirb hi vox 3,11 c rriMi w pu* Sale Price 29/s yard wide, taking a ribbon i inch wide . If • O ' 1 ' s 2nd Quality BRITISH INLAID'LINO— Usual price W, 'f mm nvu HnCIAKV NnOPIQeC Sale Pric» ith yard 17-ihch ALLQVER LONGCLOTH nOSiay OpCUdIS . . ■ . •W«Prw-M/-yw« , EMBROIDERY 1-. Uswlly-S/e/ 16/6 Tint^DDTiiiANTißTcirif • 3rd Quality-BRITISH INLAID UNO— Usual price ?</- ■ Sale Prices 2/6, 3/6 yard_ LHoMw ß H iS A?ualit in^rib ■ Saie Price 16/9 yard 22 . incb VOILE EMBROIDERY^ effects ; shades of" putty, drab, sil- "A" Quality INLAID LINO-Usual price j S /- Now 20/- yard , Suitable . _ ver grey, champagne, and nigger « B -. Quality INLA ID LINO-.Usual price 21/- NOW 16/9 yard „ jL^h t ONP fTOTFT FLOUNC ...brown c Usual pnee 25/6 . . , y * 27-inch LUJNULLUin. 1 LuyivtSale Price 17/8 ' ; BRITISH PRINTED LINO—"X" Quality,, in designs suit-. ING'S— Usual price 6/6 yard HEAVY ""COTTON SEAMLESS able for bedroom, hall, dining room, and kitchen; 6ft. Sals Price 3/3 yard HOSE—HftWley's fast black; very wide Usual price 15/6 Sale Price 12/6 yard JAP SILK VEININGS—For jpining hard wearing Usual price 4/6 ' a blouses and silk underwear Sale Price a/11 Usually 1/- Sale Price 6d yard Make the Most of these Big Savings! UNITED - WELLINGTON Famous for over S7 years for Quality, Style and. Value

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Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 39, 15 August 1921, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 39, 15 August 1921, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 39, 15 August 1921, Page 4