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■ ■ ■ \ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ '■ ■:■■."'.'..' ■„:-■ ............ ; , ... . . , . ( i ■■•■'■ : i ■■/-'-., ' \ ' — ......... . .."',.'» . . \ ■ ' ... ■ ...-■■ „ Qa ■ mm a f ■ ■ y&0 m "aspwo" tablets have revolutionised medicine, in introducing them to new zealanders AUHH Wm tvVA^VBUA' wf TF we do so backed up by many astounding facts, these facts should enlighten the minds Hi ifiJTW^ Bi HZ. 1I S3 lL» EL I W tSi WIB H OF THE MC)ST SCEPTICAL THIS WORLD HAS NEEDED A REAL RELIEF FOR PAIN—NOT A NAftCOTICTH«T U I Will IBS H ■ %0 *■ H W ■ WILLDOPEOR DRUG—BUT SOME PRINCIPALELEMENTWHICH WILL SOOTHE AND AT THE SAME TIME THROUGH ITS MEDICINAL QUALITIES ELIMINATE THE fcAUSE OF THE COMPLAINT. DEEP DOWN' ALL OF j <l . mm^ _ ' _. ■ MANKIND'S AILMENTS EMANATE FROM A FALSE CONDITION. THAT'S WHERE "ASPRO" SCORES. IT BJ _^ p-MikLgjA 3 jm* jm* jrou srti wckOk jmt jrHn jj iS^tiklM HP^f^ilßßHl attacks the foundation of a disease, that is why "aspro* has brought such miraculous ; CHEMISTS AND STOREKEEPERS SELL THEM. THE TOTAL SALES PER MONTH WORK OUT AT ' 6 Tablets per head to every man and woman in Australia every month S Listen to what USERS say- - -HUSBAND, SON AND DAUGHTKR, IMWTSFIT. head riding, and he always carries the cure with DOCTOB APVISEB IT WOUtn SHIFT OUT MMIjBOURNK HOSriTAI, WAS THJD BCBNH i did not say much, as I wat aot SUM' HOWOTer, SPOIOW FROM THW UMAKt. ; 351 Kooyong Road, Eisternwick, .him. I feent my duty to say they are a wonderful • ■ THH "FMT" IF? 24 HOTmS. OF ■jm*£^2E2A?'}j£JF££s foT^T^ HI **• neart time the .paliu c»me on. I d^d-thi. ■«• '„. . „ Apnl 18, 1921. cure. Send as soon as po Rs ible as lam nearly out houks. NIOHOTJIB '^SPBO'^TABT^S, AS STATBI) IN - thine, and they went away a ß ain> S rf I said to my- - Mutual Road, llortJ.U, Dear Sir—Just a line ftsl thoueht t of them- Hero's What H«pp«M4., THB FOM;OWING TESTIMONIAL. self: "E>liet at last, after searching 25 years for - IlUwam Lin», to thank you for your wonderful remetl>—Aspro'' Obliging (Signert) MRi3. TITOS. WALTERS. Andrew Street' Windsor. Messrs. G. R. Nicholas and Co. Melbourne, v- t . •. ■ ■ ; ; May 11, 1»2», ; . , , Tablets-for Neuralgia and Headaches and Togth- ,■■■•. _ ; Bear Sin.—l have to thank Nicholas' "ASPRO" Dear Sin^r • .sufferer ( who has .had • what ' J^^^^*^ erery twelve StaS I hltt **" Sir,—For, 14 years I Hare suffered wlttf 5 v ache. .••■■■ .- - for keeping off an "attack of Influenza a couple seems tome an almost miraculous recovery -from ■•™e d^^fta^'SS? l,,.?^^ M"-: W 1W'««-Biim to loeter liln ''•' My hwsbanfl, who has been suffering most diead- MOUE TESTIMONY FROM YKRONG ORKKK. of months ago, when it was so bad about Mcl- : «#e and chronic Rheumatism, I feel I ought to ™«k ™ c™e ™ a^ n Q °^L b lf3L that is afflicted ifkS doctor, and I can honestly say that I have a chemv - ful with Headaches, through Bad Nerves; but he .. Dear Sirs—Whilst thanl-in^ you fnr ™, 'bourne. I could feel it coming on—it had been write and tell you of the facts. m r g^J*^ l. B h ß^ 6 "^ benefitT of mv exDerieMe oV lst'9 Bhop in my inside- Ido not think there U - "can always iely on mstant lelief with two of your "ASPRO »I* har« miicn .ILT ''"through" my hou^e,' the wife arid children had had, _ Some time ago I was taken into the Melbourne Yours truly experience of w on thisearth went through what 1 wonderful Aspro Tablets. Many thanks to them. you that I have receTved ihi nimwf Lipfl/frnm »• and J could hardly hold my up. On the H°sP»al w"h my j'f nt ar«, tvi! ted UP toJ ** y °Ur Afa'PßOb- Tlf/ned) WILLIAM SMITH * did> ; I l»T,on my bed and longed for God to take.Also my son; lie will never forget to carry about ' fhem SuffeririK ereatlv from £«W qw Saturday morning I went up to my doctor, and he shoulder and my left leg cruelly misshapen They , tbigned) WILLIAM SMITH., , m9> One , day a friend sald tQ me ., « Wh ■ with,, him half-dozen Aspro Tablets, as he gets Ses B'fmnFTibJTSnrF^M^L^h^ told me to go home and take half a teaspoonful there presenbed Nicholas' "ASPRO" Tablets for" — _■■ you try those tablets called 'Aspro' V I said: -"Ne. • suchXquick, irelief, with Toothache.--- He saya he f ay ?*l p , t ™ "aVpo%^• o^?ft^iiv 'it m- if ■ °* Bakine Soda three times a day, , and two me, and I was given in 24 hours 24 Tablets, in .. ASPRO ,. cures AFTER LIMMKNT MINKRAt, thanks; no more drugs for me." Neit night my - ; would far sooner forget his lunch than the Aspros. ™*I inv'headache^ ?£l? m Jh ZTf^L^t nnr,' "ASPROS" every three hours. I went to bed on dojea.of 6at a time. From the commencement the' ABrKO VV™* **J™l^ S™ ' M™*RAlj husband bought me a bottle of Nicholas' "Aspro^ r • Also my daughter, who is at, business in the tSLiTlh^f^aVr-^vno^^^L^ the Saturday night, and stayed! there all Sunday P*** f"* »•«. ™* at the end of three months I BATHS, ETC.. FAIL. .-, , Tablete. "Try these," he said.. Next day I had city, suffers most cruel with Neuralgia; but she ~io UC in rltWiM *'tUm*tnZf in a high fever, and on the Monday morning I got was discharged from the Hospital cured. lam w.A. Chamber ,of Manufactures (Inc.), another of those dreadful heads. I thought of the ;» will not taFelany-. other so-called relief tonics but ■ Kindiv forward in? f bottle mP di,,m or i.ri^ up quite free from ally effects of iL ! thought |, lad.. t0 sa/ no^ »ft* :am ln t ,pe^, tly n°F maJ Royal Bank Chambers, ::■: ■ tablets.. Mind you, I had no faith inthem at the AsPr°s. ever so many wiUi the bsin^ if was wonderful. THE DOCTOR TOLD ME IT health, and am fulfilling domestic duties without, 101 St. George's Terrace. Perth, ■ time—because I fully gave up all hopes of gettine \ result of^tilytem^^^ WOULD SHIFT IT OUT' OF ME IN 24 HOURS, any mconvemence in any way. In fact, I have West Australia, 30/3/21. better. Anyhow, I took two, then an hour afte* her of your-wonderful'vcure (Aspro Tablets), and - and he was right. So I have a.lot to thank that returned to perrect good health—better now than Messrs Nicholas Pty Ltd Melbourne two more. I lay down; I felt a little etsy—l don't since then? ■anCVwilLbe for ever, with a bottle in stRS. OURRIE NOW DOES HMR HOUSEWORK Jrlend of mine who introduced Nicholas' "ASPRO" ? h^fn *V" b^"' *n u d r LoSa.rfSi 8 lmj^*l^^ °f Dear Sirs,—You will be pleased to'know of the .***: ■ *^tter- <1 . X hare °2J h?S J*» lnlu them. 14 the house, 1 and', home should ever be without riiTnwnt?T^rv to me flrst- and my d°ctor. n.° evidently knew ™an, king *°V° r your ul littie tablets.— v lue tn t Nicholnß . «. A SPRO" Tablets have been and I can say, "Thank God!". Those littl* ..:'■ them; they are not only wonderful, but a.blessing ■ CHBERFTJLLY.. their worth. lam never tired of telling my friends Yours faithfully, ELLEN TURNER. to one who suffered very severely from Rheumatism tablets were my life-savers. I cannot believe it to sufferers r ' • .-•...•> Tills Letter Explains Itself. about the good results I have obtained from them. GROCER SCREAMS WITH PAIN. 25 YEARS' I developed this in the right shoulder and suf- myaelf- My ; husband says to me, "How la youn Again thanking jou for your wonderful Aspro Kis trom Mrß- E. Curry, Cannon Street, Port I remain, yours faithfully, l ' / ) SUFFERING STOPPED. fered terribly for a. considerable time' r tried lir«-»*ver?" meaning, have I got enough "Aspro** Tabl'-li, Adelaide, S;A. (Mr.) F. P. Grocer and Confectioner. liniments, mineral baths heat treatment'and mas- leftl beO*UBO he.never lets me irun right out ej i I remain, yours thankfully, - Dear Sirs, —For 31 years I have been a sufferer P.S.—You may use this testimonial as you think 161 Johnston Street, 31/8/20. sage with electric batteries and got absolutely no them. lam never without them. When Igo to >" i- . M. J. from chronic headaches and nerve .troubles. See- fit, but I would like you to keep my full name and Messrs. G. R. Nicholas and Co., Melbourne. relief. A nurse recommended your medicine and town they find a little eerner in my bag. When I *' • - ( . ingr,. some two months ago, an advertisement in address out of the paper; but if anyone wanted Dear Sirs, —I have beeH intending this some time I procured two bottles and took two tablets'after look hack to all'the years of suffering, to think orrni-s> HI«S HFAn/%riTF hw wi<s horrc an Adelaide Paper of your invaluable. "ASPRO," I further particulars, I would only be too pleased back te inform you of the wonderful cure that I each meal. There was a gradual cessation of nain there was such a little tablet, called Nicholas* j _ . ' purchased a small tube. I was at the time suffer- to give them. YouWld give enquirers my name have derived from your "ASPRO" Tablets. I have and after about two weeks I had only a little sue' "As Pro>" and l did n°t know it. I could go on/ Taabinga Homestead, October-7, 1918. ing from a very bad attack of nervous headache, aad address from yeur office.—F.P. suffered from Sciatica for 25 years, and screamed gestion of stiffness which also deDarted for ever singing my praise of them. I most not' .- , • Dear Sir,—Kindly send by post, as soon as pos- After taking the first dose, I felt immediate relief, __ . . ' out with the pain; I had them in my shop for sale, That was nearly three years aero and' I have 'or«et to mention my little girl tkke« them. She^ Onl /crge Tb« tti e *vf yOnr Ni cho|as' "ASPRO" and.have never been without them since. They __„.,„„ r.*»fi»«»TT wninpire CTmumivra 80 one day J was very bad > so I thought I would not had a recurrence of the pains too» at tlmeß suffers, but, thank Obd, I have found Tablets, 4/6, as I mid them wondfcrful; they relieyo are a great boon to all who suffer as I have. j. TROOPER CAMPBELL WRITES FROM FRANCE. g i ve them a trial. It was a very severe attack I I have found Nicholas' "ASPRO" very valuable a cure in time. I must now draw t« a cleM, •• at once pain or sick headaches. When, my husband can do my housework quite cheerfully, and have ■' We are supplied with "ASPRO" before gemg had. I took four; they eased me a bit, I thought, Ito me, and I have widely recommendedlit to mv I think I have said enough. Wishing you everj; Che is a stoclcman.) goes .camping out, I always no more dread of those terrible headaches. No into action as a remedy for shock and nerve strain, so the next time il felt an attack coming I took, friends, as it fixed me un snlendidlv and I wauld luck and P'ooP'Ots for your wonderful little tablet say: Have you your ASPRO Tablets with you?" housewife should be without them. Nicholas' "ASPRO" has pulled me together after two, with the result that the pain was gone in two like you te know it.—Yours faithfully —I remain, your detoted/ ' • I never let him forget them; he often gets a bad P.S.—-You can use this as you think fit. several bombardments. It is just IT. hours' time. , (Sinn«n T. NISBKT. ; I QWgao«) fc. O QLAUm Vr :■ ■ ' " , ■■■'■.) ' ■ ■ \ ] '._ \ . , ■ ■; ... . ■;;;... v, '' ;'. ''' „' ..:''/_., v,.,.. -- Wmffim*. IW*#4VIvJ,VUAV Amv^^aw^Alt 111 AW J.AA.AJ.A* K^aSod^* t'm"? *•"•«»« action- by writing parttculars of the benefits they have received 3 imßmWb rh *V+ 1 1 a ' *W* I • >+ b* • »aS»do» iS ,J ablets 5" d sending_s ame to NICHOLAS PTY. LTD.. the proprietors of NicholJ '^HPfv " Tablets cure Toothache in 15 miri. L^ff""^^ written testimonies wi"hß>p greatty to "- X^ K\ S .2 Tablets make you sleep in ' /^^ $ , "n^ ; i | , I 5- i Phota of p^«»» P**liM«»«t H«um, Melb«itr««, wh«r« NieMa*' 'ASPRO' T«il«u ww« a Nmwmi^ ' * r^mmodity by AualraKan O*bh»miw««lUi G«V«rnm»r.t. Nicholas Pty. Ltd.. ASPRO Manufacturers, lie»d Office for New Zealand. 360 Lambton Quay, Wellington.

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Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 36, 11 August 1921, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 36, 11 August 1921, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 36, 11 August 1921, Page 10