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KING'S. The Theatre that Sets the, . . ING'?. Standard. A ARAMOUNT, V»" An jvn.Brit.ish Production from thn Lessees J. C. Williamson, Ltd. Hama Studio The Theatre of Big Attractions. Direction J. and N. Tait. , „ ROMANY LASS" TONIGHT. TO-NIGHT. "< f 5SH ASK Hi!'" TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. „A SSStaS? t *at'» , "ON WITH THE DANCE!" And Five Following Nighte at 8. „A SxSifS? Tiii"" "ON WITH THE DANCE!" A ROMANS LASS. ' "ON WITH THE DANCE !" J. AND N. TAIT A Story of Gypsy Life. "ON WITH THE DANCE!" Featuring Present the JAg XN iqhT. CHARLES ROOK. "That it doe. not Uke long to spread NEW DRAMATIC STAR. tal'imPHT rHARTirt WO^' the fame of excellence ia cinemato- ti« lottht ra J?S Bnw' graphy was best demonstrated again MISS MARIE ILKA, JAS- KI?I^H^ CHA^ B yesterday, when more than two thou- MISS MARIE ILKA, , A vmd, vinle character Btudy of Grp»y . Band people had to be refused admit- MISS MARIE ILKA, - Lore and Camvan Life. Set in the Lowt*nce at the Paramount Theatre, And the Powerful Supporting Cart,- in lan<w vt Hootlan<l--where the Paramount-Artcraft Roy- "TIGER ROSE ■" Supporting Ptognwnme inolude* alty Masterpiece, "On With the "TIGER ROSE!" Awiral of MARY PICKFORD k DOUG. Dance, established new records. Un- "TIGER ROSE!" FAIRBANKS in London, doubtedly it is one of the very best "TIGER ROSE!" Mm— camera efforte^oduc^ anywhere." .. TIG3R ROSE I" MISS RENE GOYDEB, , The Sensation of England, America, and The Popular J[W Contralto, Showing also at ARTCRAFT THEATRE Australia. KING'S GRAND ORCHESTRA. Prioee a« Usual. Plan at Hie BnMol. ■——: ••■•'.- ■ . — ■ — IMPORTANT. •—— : Ao-ain la^fc ev-Biiino- several memVißra nf XH MPRESS THEATRE, B.TCRAPT THEATRE. the audience unconsciously put up their JCiMPRBSS THEATRE, RTCRAJT THEATRE. umbrellas during the progress of the „ „ , T1 „ „ .. . .„.,.. STORM SCENE, to the annoyance of Continuous from II •,m. The Theatre of Distinction. trollg sitti immediate i y behind , For nD n4nwAV HiTVTt" ■-.-.'. the remainii/four nights of the Welling- A BROADWAY SAINT I ton season instructions have been issued „A SSninwAv battSt!" ' to allow no umbrellas to be taken into the "A BROADWAY SAINT! "ON WITH THE DANCE r eatrß' Featurins "ON WITH THE DANCE!" SUCCESS I SUCCESS! SUCCESS! MONTAGUE I»VE. "ON WITH THE DANCE!" Is the only appropriate word for „ & . - , ! MARIE ILKA And Episode 11. I™~ Bdßr GAUMONT GRAPHIC. SOBNIO. Never before has a picture attracted protlueer ... MR. DOUGLASS ROSS. Usual Pfioei Telephone 3448. suoh wondrous attention. This sensa- ZZ , ""IS^!^3^4?E BOXPLAN.tTheß™toltiHsp.». "THE MIEACLE OF LOVE." toryofthebu.^. t^££Xl StS A P~-W-«* H—. Early Doors Stalls and Gallery, la 'Nuff aaid. Showing .iso at PARAMOUNT «J^ £* Bird Con. C°N° ER T °HAMBU THEATRE. fectionery. —— ■ Direction -„. Ykitc* Beck. CONTINUOUS, 11 ».m. to 10 p.m. Daily. .TkUEEN'S' THEATRE. THIS EVENING, •* B, ; Vaf UEEN'S THEATRE. PRINCESS, -—. W, «id R. Thorw-'ii RI NOB'S 8, MANAGERIAL APOLOGY, ENGLISH PIERROTS TfKT>AVi TONIGHT' The Management of the Queen's Theatre BNGUSH PIERROTS The Picturisa.o^H^^aine'. World- 6 T^igat . %W> %^St "THE WOMAN THOU GAYEST ME !» g|ggg| ZUlu in Wi" "^* '$%$ w^ AS?ißugi^ilT me- "the Winning stroket» complete ! 'THE WOMAN THOU GAYEST ME. (<THE WINNING ST ROKEI" CHANGE OF PROGRAMME ON a tj- w T«- tw ~i— at^r^, «f The gieateßt boat-raoing romanes in pic THURSDAY NIGHT A Big. Fwd, Deeply Movw» Story of tm . es *> It h _ B b£uty, power, and Human twarts. g j ye3 0 » rellitegt complete and euthmias- Season Drawinß to a dose. t AiTffintvl; ' tioß Ako, 9 MORE PERFORMANCES ONtY, I,A»1 IWOUAXS. MADLAINE TRAVERSE -, -„ tT.rSri^i IWAnT.ATIVTP. TRAVRBSTP. in Box Plan at lU9 Jsristoli "THH WOMAN THOU GAYEST ME!" MADI^IWB IRAVE?£ O S ST n MONEYI .. Pricest 4s, 3b, 2s, J* (plus tax), "THE WOMAN THOU GAYEST ME !" . „£^T MONEY!" Ticket, purobased for Monday or Ti,** Featuring - Stripped of luxury, she w«oonte«t She *2_,w »^^ «* ™™B *™»* . * .-. had found a greater thing than wealth or *eMOltMILTON SELLS and KATHERINE i^els. What was it? CSTRAND THEATRE, MACDONALD, Exoelleni; Supports. Excellent Supports, OtRAND THEATRE O*rtoon3. Gazettes. v The Most Be»titiful Woman in Filmdora. Eeservea, Telephone 22-334. The La*t Two Daya of a Magniaoent LAST TWO NIGHTS! ~ Two-Star Programme I AST TWO NIGHTS! TnVERYBODY'S Lovely, Winsome, Charming Everybody's dorothy phillips . Orct^tral Musio at 8 Nightly. Oontinuou9 , VbRyBODY , DOROTHY PHILLIPS „ , „ . . _ , ■ ■ . • In a Stirring and Sensational Story « Good Supports. - Good Supports. The Beautiful and Captivating Stw, the W«st, pnTxrpp«H IK)RIS KENYON, "PAY ME!" "PAY ME!" P^NGESS. DORIS KENYON, "PAY ME!" "PAY ME I" PBINLESS.- DORIS KENYON, "PAY ME!" "PAY ME!" : .- ■.:■."'"'■ I" A ten*e, absorbinK story o{ a bad raaa, 'inMir ' ■Mminrv • ny Tfivi'i" "THE BANDBOX!" a good man, and a good girl. "Thtp MTRAPTF OF LOVF "' "THE BANDBOX " The law demands that evildoers .hall pay. -*1?8 MIRACLE OF LOVE! "THE BANDBOX!" The wrongdoer in this picture pays the ,: ;..:;■.' - ___ - price with his life; ' .. Adapted from the famous novel by.the Also Soreening; A Picture that lays Bare the Intrigue 3of celebrated author, Th ß one an j on l y incomparable funRritiß , tv ;-- ' LOTTIS JOSEPH VANOE, s maker, British Society. .^hadttw hwapttiv! ._, ____! __^_____, There is a Splendid SUPPORTING CHARLIE CHAPLIN! TTIS MAJESTY'S-- THEATRE. PROGRAMME. In the funniest of all his^eu^Br n Courtcnay-p_ Tel: 165. MYSTERY OF 13 (Episode 8). •»">«««. Nightly at 8. Saturday, 2.30 p.m. MYSTERY OF 13 (EpUode BJ. "sHOULDER ARmI '" Messrs. Fuller have the honour to pre- Arrir%l o f Mary P^ckford and Dou,. charH6 , s idea o{ lifo _, tha < trellbhe , . WISH WYNNE . F al rbanks_in London. jftISS^^UOHT-t .... WISH WYNNE . Btar-.11.4fij.2.6 4.20 6.30 8.40 A!^, K^cenL^d°lnW« B « For a further few nighfe. only. Senal-11.80, 1.40, 3.55, 6.5, 8.1S; * GazettßS , Do not mise the opportunity of seeing imnT , MTPAPTF C\W unw V> Usual Prioe^ Tel. ?299 Rei. this delicious and charming artiet. TIIHE MIRACLE OF . LOVE I __———. --■_,- Huge Success Nightly of OUR NEW X " . . ! for It - "PICCADILLY PROGRAMME! A Picture that Searohee the Passions of T T JIM." THURBER AND THURBER, the Race." " ~ BE EARLY TO-NIGHT! THURBER AND THURBER,- ■ . „ ~~, „ T .In a unique Comedy Conception. TJRITiNNIA THEATRX. Sehnicks Masterpiece. LEONARD NELSON ._. U QHORTT'S THEATRE. EDDYMmYN ' ©HORTTS THEATRE. FULLERS' NINE* WONDERS NOW SHOWING: Daily from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. TTATMIK Hr° N| A.m«;,.f One of the Greatest Picture Triumphs HALL RAp^ Humorist. TOM MIX ever presented. Prices: D.C. and 0.8., 2s 7d; Stall*, TOM MIX Beautiful Is 7d; Gallery, Is Id (including tax); In ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN Reserves^od extra. Plan at the Bristol ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN tonfh e sat?e " there'ft<!r •* Bumett>a ' next A Western Drama with ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN ' , ; the Lightning-fast Star at hi, best. ' _„____.. Wonderful Six-reel Produc "HELL ROARIN'REFORM 1" „, „_„ *j°"' „ „k„_ ,„ "HELL ROARIN'REFORM!" v "GREATER THAN FAME !" "HELL ROARIN' REFORM!" "GREATER THAN FAME !" AVIATION "GREATER THAN FAME!" , — "GREATER THAN FAME!" , COMING- A Masterpiece of Gorgeous Beauty. Also— ■ iTrani? WAMHBfiOS'A™/(« "A TALE OF Tw° CITIES!" • Episode Two of HJ-ESSRS. WALSH BROS. Avro (two- „A TALE QF TWQ . CNXaB ,„ „T HE GREA _ GAMB __. r . passenger) and de Haviland Aero- -mTASONIC HALL, BOULCOTT-ST. "THE GREAT GAMBLE!" , ■■ ■ ■^■S- Admitted by critics to bo the best aerial planes will carry out flights from the Hutt ever presented in Wellington. . TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! Park DAILY, starting at 10 a.m. Note the Houw of Screening: ...".•,"..:' In »id of "Greater than Fame "-rll a-m., 1.35, 4.0, FEE-FIVE GUINEAS. OLD BOYS' CRICKET OLUB 6-30- ?nd 825 p'm- • •-- »■ - "&re»t Gamble"-12.25, 2.60, 5.16,. 7.45, — GRAND CONCERT! 9.40 p.m. __. , % ,_ oc" in , GRAND CONCERT! If possible, see this great programme in the Tr»in» from Lambton 9.5 •.m., 10 ».m., »~°° daytime 11.10 ».m., 12.10 p.m., l : 20 p.m., 2.10 p.m.. Instrumental ' and Elocutionary Iteme, n . T, in _ T ., 7fiß .' t^t,----3.10 p.m., 4.25 p.m. Songe, Short Plays, etc., etc. Or Ring Tel. 768 for Reserve.. • f WELLINGTON'S LEADING TALENT. "I 81161 M^ACLE OF LOVE!" . jV. Paramount-ArtoMft Picture. "TITHE MIRACLE OF LOVE!" Admission: 2s and 1». BM ' ■ /*_.«... __£... •__. - «r—»—~{, —*—• o"^ M .y—'- ■■?ICOAD™ •-■ ■-■■ the Race." , TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. Tkir ONSTER MATINEE -.rwrA ■■■■„,„.-•- SESSUE HAYAKAWA JM. To wsist Y. ;PA:' .. WILLIS-STREET. (i __ GBB j" HORIZON ,, THB KING .g BTALLS on Ist OCTOBER A peat atory of the vindication of a F°r THURSDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER, 1920, fflST''o^dsip^rt. 0" 6""fiC" " * ANGLICAN BOYS' HOMES. AT 8 P ; M. supports. _ FRIDAY NEXT, 3rd SEPT., E.8.Y.M.0. . AT KING'S THEATRE. -.■•-■'-■" t,«T>n™~T>iv«r, PICTURE PROGRAMME—SpeciaUy GRAND CONCERT kindly arranged HAKD-UF^DANCE. Selected for Children, by Madam Mueller (under the auspices .——. tt-ptpmttt uatt MUSIC AND DANCING by Miss Beere's of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the V.M.C.A.). JK TO NIGHT Dainty Little Dancers and Mr. Fuller's The programme includes instrumental, > . * " Charming Little Entortaiaers. vocal, and elocutionary items by leading _. p r ; /n , Daneino- 81 > m Prices—Front Stalls, Is Id: Back Stalls, Ufa*, and also a one-»ct play. gffi^ __. L^X'Vumst. £« J Dress Circle 2s Id; Reserved Circle, . Prices: Ladies, Is 54d; Gents., 2s sid. 2s 7d- Children, half-price. „„„..,„„ . SWEETS, CAKES, AND FLOWERS ADMISSION 2s AND Ib. WILL BE FOR SALE. " _ff_»J__4A ,— OATEHISON ( ART GALLERY A EUCHRE PARTY AND DANCE, ' {U'<iT'Sol' "* ■■**■- in _id of Wellington Rowing Club's ~~T IHH.W»: LAST^AYS WroSS, AMS T™S OTAn MAORIJtACING OLUB. SOOTETY tO™^**. AKTISTS' i Good prizes and musio-. - SPRING MEETING, There's » Picture here to. suit you. ____^^________^ 2^h AND 28th SEPTEMBER, 1920. Admission is free ; i_____________i_.__ ■VTOMINATIONS for all events close on CRICKET. COMBINED BANKS STAFFS' BALL. FRIDAY, 3rd SEPTEMBER, at NNU MEH^O of the yMO A 8 p.m. Otaki Telegraph Office closes 5 _\_ O RICKET CT.UB will be held in ' SPECIAL Trams run to Brooklyn, Island p.m. th«>.Booms, TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), Bay, Karori, and Lyall Bay from O. J. D'ATH, Secretary. at 7.30 p.m. Town -Hall iri connection with the above - >v interested aro invited to attend. Bull. 'TTIHE MIRACLE OF LOVE!" A..G.. hIrPKS, ICCAPULY JIM~!" A *««n*-»l-Arte»ft V'^mJ!f^j^^^f^yi^T^"VJ^JiSSSV ' * ■ . ffiaSfa**. 'Niiff »aid. J> ■ ■'•'.''■ -* ■ ■" ■'*irTTV'^ ">

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Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 54, 1 September 1920, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 54, 1 September 1920, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 54, 1 September 1920, Page 2