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ANOTHER GREAT PURCHASE. ' -| rin ALL-WOOL TWEED COATS, -*- "" made of the very best of All-wool Tweeds, both -English and Colonial, in the latest styles. Every coat guaranteed this season's. Late delivery was the reason that enabled us . to secure this splendid bargain. The usual prices run from £7 15s to £10 10s, all to be sold at one price 5 guineas. ALL £5 5/QTJEKEE BROS., 116, WILLIS-STREET. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Buy, Office Tables and Chairs, immediately. Apply, where can be inspected, to 899, Evg. Post. WANTED Purchase, under Returned Soldiers' Scheme, 5-rd. House, north end. Replies to 896, Evg. Post. ANTED, a small two-seater Motor Car. State price and where seen to 839, Evg. Post. ANTED Buy, Household Furniture, any quantity; highest price. Williams and Co., Ltd., Auction Arcade, 19, Courtenay-pl. TeL 20-124. WANTED to BuyTFurniture for four or live rooms; must be in good condition; cash waiting. Apply 752, Evfj. Post. WANTED, Piano and Cabinet Gramophone for young married couple's now horns. Apply 65, Evg. Post.' ANTED Purchase, small young" Dog. Particulars and price to 909, Evg. Post. ANTED to Buy, 7 or 8-roomed House, Upper Willis-st., Ghuznee, Ingestre, Abel Smith sts., or Terrace. £200 deposit. Write 916, Evg. Post. WANTED to Purchase, for cash, a complete Chassis, suitable for a light four-seater cai; English preferred. Apply 914, Evg. Post. WANTED to Buy, Piano, £40 to £60; no dealers. Particulars to 929, Evg. Post. ANTED to Purchase, 4 or 5 roomed House; good deposit. Write, giving full particulars, to .925, Evg. Post. WANTED, six or seven-roomed House, good section, substantial deposit, no agents. Apply 943, Evg. Post. ANTED to Buy, good House; price about £1500; must be handy to train or tram, no agents. Apply 940, Evg. Post. ANTED to Buy, second hand, 2 or 3-speed Motor Cycle, condition no object. State lowest price for cash, to 9080, Evg. Post. ANTED Buy, House, 4 to 6 rooms, urgently, low deposit preferred, .Tiowtqwn or Thorndon; would consider Kilbirnie. Stephens, 107, Vivian-st. ANTED to Buy, for client, immedi ately, 5 or 6-rd. House, vicinity Mt. Cook; must be in good condition end ull conveniences; substantial deposit. jbn><.-p----er, 276. Lambton-qy. WANTED to Buy, under Returned Soldiers' Scheme, 4 or 5 roomed House. Apply 957, Evg. Post. • WANTED to Buy, 3 Geese, at once. Apply R. Wilkes, Khandalkh. WANTED to Buy, Computing Soalea, suit grocer; also Bacon Slicer Apply 257, Adelaido-rd. WANTED, a Horse, Cart, and HaTness. Apply 133, Tory-6t. ANTED, to pay £100 cash on purchase of 5 or 6 roomed House; state particulars; no agents. Write 950, Evg. Poat. WANTED to Buy, Dog-cart, Horse, and Harness, or other light Cart. Apply 257, Adelaide-rd. W "ANTED Buy, second-hand Harness, complete, or part 'set, also Riding Saddle. A. Priddle, Saddler, Star Theatre, Newtown; tel. 24-059. ANTED to Buy, Whare at Island Bay. Apply 948, Evg. Post. WANTED, Piano, for hard usage, no objection borer 1, etc. Will pay about £50. Write 665, Evg. Post. WANTED to Buy, 16 high-class Pianos, Chappell, Brinsmead, Beckstein, or any good make, cash £60 to £145, also 3 Grand Pianos, no dealers. State make and price to 58, Evg. Post. ANTED Buy, Piano, for retired solicitor's country residence; price no object. Particulars to 666, Evg. Post. WANTED Buy, Sewing Machines, £12 for best machines. State make, price, etc., to 52, Evg. Post. ANTED Buy, Piano for children to learn on, little borer not objected to. Box 1029, G.P.O. WANTED, Pianos, any quantity (don't sell until you get our price). It will pay you. Nimmo's, Ltd., Kent-ter-race. Tel. 21-566. AN'TBD~to~Bay, Houses of Furniture; highest price, cash down. C. Daubney, 148, Tory-st. DOVER or any Stove, suitable for 'whare; also 2 400-Gallon Tanks. Whare, 105, Webb-st. Tel. 20-307. FISHING Rod wanted, any condition. . Supply particulars to 905, Evg. Post. YALI, BAY—Modern Dwelling, 4-6 rooms. I will pay up to £1300 cash. Particulars to 937, Evg. Post. lANOS Wanted, few high-grade Instruments; must be good order; highest price given. Pinny, Ltd., 89, Wil-lis-st. WANTED TO SELL. WANTED Sell, the cheapest Houses and Sections in Wellington district. L. Daroux, Upper Hutt. ANTED Sell, beautiful Residence, 6 largo rooms, all conveniences, close station, Lower Hutt, £1000, terms arranged. L. Daroux, Upper Hutt. P^&T ANTED to Bell, 100-egg Prairie iT T State, ■ 70-egg Imperial Incubators, food order and condition. Write 949, Evg. 'ost. 'ANTED Sell, Contents of Double Bedroom; also Eiderdown Quilt, and Single Wooden Bedstead and Child's Easy Chair. 80, Kent-ter. ANTED to Sell, splendid Piano, by Bohm, overstrung, trichord, check action, free from borer, good as new. Apply, after 5, 14, Bay-st, Petone. ANTED to S«U, strong Spring Cart, suitable for farm work. A. Priddle, Saddler, Star Theatre, Newtown. Tel. 24-059. ANTED Sell, 6 Rooms, Brooklyn, now vacant, electric light, etc.; house thorough good order; easy terms. Full particulars from owner, South Pacific Mortgage Co., 80, Manners-st. ANTED to Sell, Numeyer Piano, in good order. Write 941, Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, old-established Blacksmith's Business (2 mon employed), going concern, splendid stand; real good opportunity for a live man with cash, £200, stock, plant, tools, and goodwill, rent 30s. Roberson, Crown Shoeing Forpe. Thorndon-qy. ANTED to Sell, Bicycle, c.c. hub, good tiros; a snip, £5 10s. H. Corrick, 47, Courtonay-pl. ANTED to Sell, 6-volt Willard Battery, in first-class order. Apply 936, Evg. Post. WANTED to Sell, £10, Course Bookkeeping- and Accountancy at one of Wellington's leading Colleges. What offers? Apply 969, Bvg. Post.

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Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 36, 11 August 1920, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 36, 11 August 1920, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 36, 11 August 1920, Page 1