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WANTED TO SELL. UP-TO-DATE RESIDENCE, WADESTOWN. I^OR SALE, new HOUSE, exceptionally well built, 6 rooms, washhouse, bathroom, h. and c. water, el. light, tiled range, every possible convenience,' tram to door; bargain. Apply A. GREGORY, Tram Terminus, Wadestown. T OWER HUTT—Modern Bungalow, £~l built of heart timbers throughout, every, convenience, nearly half-acre section in orchard and garden; reasonable price for quick sale. Apply. H. ERNEST LEIGHTON, Featherston-street and Lower Hutt. WANTED TO SELL, mHREE-ROOMED Cottage, 1 Rowing JL Boat, Dragging Net, 6 Warehou Nets, 12 long Lines and Hooks, lewt Leads, plenty Fishing Corks, Mare, Cart, and .Harness, 14 Nannygoats; no reasonable otter refused. Apply B. SPIRO, 26, Willis-street. BUSINESS SITE, IN CENTRAL POSITION IN CITY. Suitable for factory or warehouse* corner section, 52 x 71, 3760 ft ground space, three buildings, easily convertible; a, snip at £2100. R. U. HARDEN, 8, Courtenay-pl., 172, Featherston-st. FOR SALE, LOWER HUTT. IMMEDIATE possession, a most desirable Horns in good locality, furnished, ready for you to walk into; six rooms, with kitchenette, all modern conveniences, furniture first-class at valuation. Price £1550. HUTT VALLEY LAND AGENCY, Main-road, Lower Hutt. LOWER HUTT—VACANT. VACANT 6-rd. Bungalow, all possible conveniences, including . tel. This house has only been built about 18 months. You can move in right'now. See us quick. Price only £1850. Bell, M'Kain and Co., Property Salesmen, Lov/er Hutt. BUICK CAR. Q-SEATER 4 : Cylinder, being overhaul- & ed, painted, five good tires, guaranteed perfect order. £265. Real bargain at this price. J. A. Smyth, 25, Mercer-st. PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS. WANTED Sell, best part of city, established 12 years, stock valuation, £650; price £750. Owner leaving for England next month, great chance. Burt's, 33, .Panama-st. ~ THORNDON END. WANTED Sell, well-built Gentleman's Home, 8 large rooms, concrete foundations, c.1., tel., four large wardrobes, gas cooker, range, h. and c, leadlights. fanlights, concrete paths, £3000, deposit £1500. Grimshaw, Bowen-st. NEAR THE TERRACE. 8 ROOMS, semi-detached, washhouee, bathroom, bath and basin, gas, c.1., 4 fireplaces; £1450, deposit £200. Foster, 12,, opp. G.P.O. Tel. 2937. MT. VICTORIA (VACANT). 6 ROOMS, bathroom, washhouse, gas, all conveniences, 1 minute trams. Price, including linos., £1375, deposit £500. Foster, 12, Panama-st., opp. a G.P.O. NEWTOWN (Select Part), House of 6 rooms; every convenience; in splendid order, handy to tram, immediate possession, £1150, £250 cash. Lawson and Co., 14, Panama-*t. IMMEDIATE Possession, 5 Rooms, Island.Bay,'contains gas stove, coal range, h. and c. water, etc., handy to car and beach; large section, £1000, good d«posit wanted, snip. Lawson and Co., 14, Panama-st. ■jV/TODERN Bungalow, Hataitai, 4 rooms, i-'JL built of heart totara throughout, contains c.1., hot point, porcelain bath and basin, tiled fireplaces, etc., concrete paths and garden, handy to car. Price £1600, big daposit. Lawson and Co., 14, Panainast. KODAK No. 1, Autographic, fitted with Cooke lens; also extra Lens for portraits; camera been 1 very little used and good as new. Apply 141, Featherston-st. 8-RD. HOUSE, best part Mt. Victoria; £650, balance terms; enclose tel. number or stamp. Write 616, Evg. Post. VACANT, Roseneath~7 Roms. all conveniences, great value, £1150; easy terms. Peard's, 35, Manners-s,t. HATAlTAl~WaTpapaTd~Superior and up-to-date new Bungalow of 5 rooms, every modern convenience, heart timbers, beam ceilings, no climb, immediate possession, £1600; cash ..2500; no agents. 748, Evg.^Post. «J LADY wishes sell Contents 6-rd. House, £101 (approximately), option renting, north end. Write 779, Evg. Post. PRIVATE Hotel, recently renovated throughout; as a going concern; about 50 beds; 5 years' lease to go; :£1700; £700 -cash; special reasons for selling. Apply early, Hodgkins, Carver and Co., 137; 139, Lambton-qy. WANTED TO BUY. •WANTED TO BUY, For Cash, a Good UP-TO-DATE HOUSE IN KELBURN, with Harbour View. No Agents. , Apply • ■ , 892, Evening Post. WASTE PAPER. WE Buy any kind of OLD WASTE, PAPER, CARDBOARD, etc. A. V. STEWARD, LTD., Cornhill-6treet. Tel. 170. ' ' SCRAP LEAD. ■OTTANTED to "Purchase, SCRAP ™ LEAD, in' any quantities. Apply to ■ •■ " THE STEREOTYPER, The Evening Post. WANTED TO BUY, PROPERTY. XTITANTED to Purchase, for clients, 4, t T 5, 6, up to 12-roomed Houses, City or Suburbs; also Properties with large sections, Lower Hutt. Modern, artistic Bungalows specially required. Genuine buyers waiting. Kindly let us have particulars immediately. MARTIN M'INTYRE AND CO., 215, Lambton-quay, Wellington. MOTOR CYCLISTS. WANTED to Buy, good second-hand Machine; Douglas, Triumph, or Harley preferred; must' be late model. Write full particulars, siating lowest cash price, 953, Evg. Post. PROPERTY OWNERS. WANTED, immediately, for clients, 4 to. 8-rd. Houses, city or suburbs; good deposits. Burt's House Agency, 23, Panama-st. Tel. 193. WANTED TO BENT. MOTOR WORKSHOP. WANTED to Rent., Premises, suitable! for workshop purposes, centrally situated. Full particulars write 87C, Evg. Post. > DETACHED ROOM. WANTED, a Vacant Room, in private family, by young lady, or Detached Room or small 'Cottajre. Write 931, Evg. Post. WANTED, urgently, THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, or would SHARE PART OF LARGE HOUSE, smal adult family; rent in advanos, Writ* 6X7, Evg, Po«t,

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Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 36, 11 August 1920, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 36, 11 August 1920, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume C, Issue 36, 11 August 1920, Page 3