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i ®8^&<&?W ***" v ßi 1 llSlwlf i and novel effects — many exclusive | i' '" I i^!»IPl ■ V. &A.'s Popular Prices j 1- ' T T 1 II- 1 The well-known V. aA. quality is | Or Ladies Underclothing at 1 i^^««iw noticeable in everyßlouse in our i r^ \r- 1 I^^S^^, collection- You>llsul-el^etßlouse the D.I.C I satisfaclionat"v-&A's" j i.. This event is a " lucky packet "in economic surprises, and coming | '^^^^^^£o^' 566 tuSSC I!S OUT biIOWiTOOIIi 1 I when prices are continually going- up, should prove acceptable. % ' ■ 'i The'D.l.C. calls it supreme good fortune to have,, secured these | A Splendid Aray of Ladies' Jap. Silk Blouses-Smart shapes fin- J ' Manufacturers' Indent Samples because of the savings-these are | ished with rod collars ■■ V. &A. s Prices 25/6 to 35/6 | \ ; , ■ , j • \i ■ * « i „„ „.4ii i,.. ,1,1. tr. i«iv s 1 Ladies' Fugi Silk Blouses —In the newest stripes and smart <J S for you! Every day dunn fi - the next week you will be able to buy gj shades> fin - shed cq sp[elldid qua!ity . | |i this fine Underclothing- at substantial saving m cost. p << y. & A.'s" Price 42/6 g 1 The bargains below are but a tithe of those the D.I.C. would like g Dainty White Voile Blouses —Irish hand-embioidered or daintily m 5 tn tpll vnn ahnut w finished with lace: square or V neck * B | to tell you about. | i. »V. & .A.'s'' Prices 18/6 to 42/- | I . _ . if Ladies' Coloured Crepe-de-Chine Blouses—ln very dainty shades, b 1 rnrnp ann Spf» mp RflfCfainS 1 «* finished with small or long roll collars ' g i v>Oillc aliu kJcc uic uaigamo 3 ,« v & a,' S " prices 45/- to 52/6 i — that s Better! 1 -underwear just in. 1 I H Latiies' Crepe Kimonos—Heavy quality, embroidered in contrasting B f NIGHTDRESSES—In long-cloth and calico; trimmed Swiss em- M shades, and finished with facings of white B | broidery and insertion, or lace edging and tucks; square or w "V. & A.'s" Price 25/6 S| j! V-shape necks Usually 16/6, 17/6, 19/6, .to 39/6 | & a Dainty Range of White Silk Nightdresses—Trimmed with'lace $ l~ Sample Prioes 13/6, 14/6, 16/6, to 35/- ||| or finished with silk embroidery ■ and v^ininsV heavy quality; 58 NIGHTDRESSES—In dainty new designs; in iine nainsook, tar- 3 f| round, square, or V neck "V. & A.'s" Prices 47/6 to 55/- r| antulle, or lawn; tsimmed* Torchon, Valenciennes, or Cluny lace, |y Longoloth Nightdresses—Slip-on shape; daintily trimmed with % insertion, motifs, and ribbons Usually 42/-, 47/6, .49/6, to 95/- j£ lace or gmbroiderv "V. & A.'s" Prices 12/6 to 35/6 4 Sample Prices 37/6, 42/6, «/-, to 87/6 | | Nj htdreGSßS _ Good qualitv _ small turndown S COMBINATIONS—LongcIoth, nainsook, or tarantulle; trimmed ri collar • natural only " V.'&-A.'a" Price 13/6 P, embroidery or lace, insertion, beading, and medallions; bpencer | p; - X or Princess shapes, both op e n s and u clos^ i7/6^^ tog7/6 | g t/ . In the £ Discount for Cash. 'Phones: 20-080, 21-215, 21-796. | | Sample RHces 11/9, 14/6, IS/6, 22/6, to 79/S | «-«»--»«-«----»------.————-w-— —— ■"■'-^ | I KNICICERS—In nainsook, longcloth, or lawn ;• effectively trimmed M | '|| | Rpss W^f 8*^ 10*^ PwH f^?\ /^ W W *""$% &ff» R I lace insertion and tucks, or Swiss edging; usual or golf shapes, | m '*&£ Kf"^ M §f « M~H /C*?>/ S^4 PL P fe^ h^4 H j also with elastic waists, wide American or naftow leg's; in all I 6 ggsssfMi. ® H«ai«rfM fi 4^^-»sSg^is3^«Jis&a 3 9 " shapes . Usual prices 9/6, 10/6, 12/6, 15/6, to 59/6 | rf l,,^^,^,^.^^^^..^^.ub....,^^ p»—■——■—■»■>« ,4 . Sample Prices.7/11, S/11, 9/6, 13/6, to 53/6 | fi. ' t A ? Tjj. ~-s V* * S. "S.I "1 1 DAINTY CAMISOLES—In nainsook, tarantulle, and mull; trim- . 1 | 2;^^'^ W''^g^g>®-, *•' . '1 ■ mcd embroidery, also Valenciennes, Torchon, or Cluny lace, | g " v ™*™**~~v3"'' ' """*""""""", . f« ! beading and ribbons; with or without sleeves a 3 ■ Usually 9/11, 11/6, 12/6, to 59/6 3 1 - - Sample Prices 8/6, s/ri, 10/6, to 52/6 | ■ t ;,_ _ -^ j CHEMlSES—Congcloth or nainsook; trimmed embroidery or lace, I i! j^^' =™*'o*™If*™™™™~™*™- — ***- ~~~~***«jamMm*x r . ~w>m ™^^ i insertion and tucks; round, square, or V. shapes a If ' I i Usually 9/6, 10/6, 12/6, 14/6, to 55/6 $ ff . ' « -a • . i I . _ sa m p,e PH Oes 7/11,8/11,10/^l/0, to , 9/s Jewellery of ■ Ouaiity ! A FEW ONLY IRISH HAND-EMBRO'QEREQ NIGHTDRESSES Hi! *V ** \ AND GAMISOL.ES. ||j ' ■ j i NIGHTDRESSES—In durable longcloth and fine nainsook; hand- I |! The first glimpse of Olir Stocks Will | ' -embroidered, and finished slottings and ribbons . 'Ho' ......,, i n „«.. au- Uanuhr wtnrih ' \ usually i 7/6, 19/6, 22/6,25/-, to 69/6 I\\ convey to you tne oeauty, worm ! r.ATVTTc^Tr.O TJ a s^p'e PHces t*/s, 16/e, is/6, 21/-, to 63/- I i and value of our Jewellery selections „ CAMISOLES—Hand-embroidered nainsook or lawn; round, square, a 58 . ■ * , •> \ or v necks Usually s/i'i, 9/11, n/6, to 25/- \ .' —every article of lasting value and \ Sample Prices 7/6, 7/11, 9/6, to 21/- g 81 - , . „? B ■ - /.'./. en enduring quality. ! • B Q \if . ' ■■ 1 I r> 1/-.' ■ IOTI w/ «• \\\ For a worthy token of esteem | i -Kllß' ■ Welhngton 'I j . you cannot do better- than j I . I P !' choose from our fine stock. " I : w. LITTLEJOHN & SON ": |. Lovers of Dainty Stitchery I fVV ,^ AT ?**** ' w «.' ./ "1 J J I 222-224 Lambfou Quay, Wellington. | • j*?*\ Cv W'U be charjned with this' pretty ? , , • * } >»^***' I VW floral pattern. Order promptly. "^X,^ „,..„,.„,„„„,,„ „,.i,.,. .............i -y y^ *._ f \: >. Remember, the material is Taran- J^^ / . ..-"" ' -T "\ \ tulle, famous for its softness and / E^\^¥"'" ii \ TARANTULLE NI.GHTDRESS— i■ / ///• W^-^- J- ( \ TARANTULLE CAMISOLE— l4\®/ Q * 1 • ' / l'(v **"^^" )\ \ TARANTULLE KNICKERS— J"%LjL / ■■'IkV 4 - J/ 4ff l\\\ TARANTULLE NIGHTDRESS /^i|^l EaSteT *Wl l ' U I \ \\i-* (Incorporat'nß Pringle's Ltd) r^v^ «PS^^^ P^ a g^onous array of Autumn Apparel. \\ . A \W. Art Showro'omsTnd Needle- RlM^^lf make Mathewson-s Showrooms by far the , I J H \\\' work Specialists. . MiM§&WW' best place to select Easter requirements. j 1/56. > I \\\ 152 - 154 UMBTON QUAY, WELI'KGIOH. Pwii^lP^l^il Among-the special attractions are— I ; G.P C Box 32, Wdliajton fe*^|>P*Sf4| ' WOOL TWEED COATS — The height of fashion jCTre= .^»^u M , ■■—LM U^U y» M^»M » Mgan » n s Mnm w»» m «^ atld COP rlfOrt : I>riCeS £5/5/-' £fi/6/MW^^^l BL^p C pliMnc°MdE^of:^a >i &iralESFrS ' f . | 'TP^Il! SILK MOIRETTE UNDERSKIRTS—In alliashionI ''■ . 1 % MsSi|p!H able colours From £1/1/----r For Easter 1020 ' j ShIIBw specially priced easter millinery iß^™ 3' Dainty j "H MalKewson's Ltd, : fe^l I!m' VF^l f*l^ (TTS S&, "I i2 *l *S* "V " " -I^V™- "Where the Smart Hats Are" 'W% %\ ■ *LILKJ^EL^ & * j IRli 264-266 Lambton Quay - Wellington. tn Jim Pleasing' /. \ am^^^3^^^JZZZZ^Zl^^^^Z^ if Gloves | DTh7Fi^in^Wh r^^i I i -*~~^ /»~* •« fISS fl U i To a Smart Appearance is Imparted by f S (\ —Correctly styled YOUR HOSIERY v^v ft A % ■ wt-11. r? t. j -j. t i.- it i 1 ? Discriminating women take no risks as. to either WijMtf3T\siSy M I | With Easter and its many functions so near, the buying 3 quaHtv or va £ e _ They make certain of both by MTV^y^T I of correct Hosiery and Gloves is of great interest. \ purchasing their hosiery from our store— \. »Aj/>^nfal j Fere are many styles that embody the all-important features " I Lll^ of fW^W -=^%^^4|*t//^| I of perfect fit, duinbilily, and smart, stylish appearance, yet j Black Cat Silk Hose" i M^~_ tM^j^&il^^- ' I arc marked at exceptionally modest prices—Patrick's prices. i Price 18/6 pair *^4^V^ :~^F :s\^Bw - ' \ American Shawknit Silk '<yW&^ i ■^TStr _3! » 1 TIT ■ 1 'TT»T 1 Hose Price 10/6 pair J^JWri>*'£s» J'" vS*S* .' Woinoerf-isl Value Tliese sekct from these f« | -*^ly] i . ' I Satisfaction. " "* BLACK SILK ANKLE HOSE NAPPA LEATHER t- ______ _. __»—^ _ —- ca c fi Wlm c c T -Allsizes- ■ ' GLOVES -In tans and H¥?1?PI IP I? l~« ni,».,7™»" Prices 3/11, 5/1.1, 7/6, 10/6 browns; very serviceable JL A JL-rfJLVJLJo JT JX J. .I—* WELLINGTON COLOURED SILK ANKLE Prices 15/9, 19/6 r—, r-J HOSE-In every wanted DENT'S MOCHA - SUEDE 1 shade; particularly smart GLOVES-In beaver V fflffl mm» l « nß = m «m=^^ Price 6/6 . Price 14/9 & A jm^. T 1?. T* ifl * t COLOURED LISLE HOSE- niIPT FV VABRTP TT OVFS • 1 Mk !•«© 1^011356^11 isIO i Jood shades Price 3/11 -^ leavers, greys, black, M^ Preparing' for the most important event good snaacs «»'" and pastel Price 7/6 f fiT-TV in her life, ACAShSe HOS™ ENGLISH SUEDE LISLE \ /IMK REQUIRES . e^onanygood^ali^ |||^^^ /i^^ f^^^^Sstu^ 1 S . HEATHER MIXTURE ln black and co p.;.. 4/fl 1/1 i\\W^% Raincoat, a warm Jersey, a fashionable CASHMERE HOSE —In rnoe */b j //'/t^ I','ill W%^\ Tweed Coat, and ultra-smart Footwear, browns and g-reens; won- DENT'S KID GLOVES— /i\ ii^M^WfWF^A ' Also— derfullv eood-wearing- Very reliable quality; all I I If\a*¥2^]m\W/fc£\ -^ en. j. t>-h oi- mn yfc Price 5/6 sizes Price 12/6 pair /W ! W#M J Tni3 Quilts Sheets Pillow Sips, Table " f /Z^-nJfE-^'M I^7 Damask, Serviettes, Towels, etc., of ■ I JwSr^rlii&r^lraL I \ / superior qualities. I WV T 1 /IwlMlW »/ All.these are best obtained from DC! 0.1- *I M f**^ I \i\ /».nliil\\\ / cosy <a co., ltd. a So IT^^'CFI^IC €§^ IwOa | 1\! // «'|M\\ A' ■-• where shopping-is a pleasure. ' SI \ m 1•' rir\\\\ D' 800"" 1' on eaols *1 Purchase. I IVM It \ lllj "YOU SAVE.AT CODY'S.' 1. . Corner Cuba and Vivian Streets :; Wellington. | [V \ \\\fM'/ CODY SJI CO | I KpltSii / 31-33-35 Coarteaay Place :: Weliingtsn

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Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 69, 22 March 1920, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 69, 22 March 1920, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 69, 22 March 1920, Page 9