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BEFORE THE MIRROR. 9f "JEANETTE." npHB&I are, undoubtedly, <Uy« of exceptional nervous strain tor one and all ol •*■ v*. Anxiety, with its beauty-destroying influence, is carting its shadow over the lives of many of us women, and while, perhaps, a few—the more stoical among us—can avoid worrying over past and prospective events, we may all, with i little care and forethought, succeed in preventing the results of worry trora being noticeable in car appearance. To thess fortunate few, this little chat will, however, be as interesting *ad instructive as to those who stand in ml ; mod of help in toilet matters, and may be the means of bringing to their notice aoßte hitherto unknown method of retaining, or regaining, that beauty of faoe »nd figure which is tta birthright of every woman. Somo of tho ingredients mentioned bolow are, at present, not generally known to the publio, but any food Jcsraist will usually be found to have a small quantity in stock. Fwcltlca and How to Cure Them.—lt day, will greatly assist in reducing th« ;s always those with thn finest and fairest superfluous flesh. A glass of hot water skins who freckle most easily, but this should bo sipped after each meal. . knowledge is poor comfort when the face The Hair—To Increase tho Growth.— is disfigured with these ugly little blcm- To arrest an undue falling of the hair iriies. To prevent the formation of and mcfe&se the growth, scalp massage freckles, a wash should be applied to and the application of a good tonio is the face which will form a shield from absolutely neceesary. Part the hair in tha 'ays of the sun. A simple and inex- tho centre, and, starting- at the forehead, l>ensiYe cno can be made up at homo by massage for at least ten minutes. Then dissolving an ounce of cleminito in four apply a tonic. A simple and inexpenÜblespoonfuls of hot water. Shake sive one can be made up at homo by the bottle, and when cold apply to the mixing one ounce of boranium (which face and allow to dry on the skin. If can be bought at tho chemist's) with a . this is done every day, renewing the ap- quarter of a pint of bay rum. Add the plication whenever the face is washed, boranium to tho bay rum, allow to tttnd and a httto mercolised wax rubbed into for half an hour, then strain, and add ■ the skin every night, freckles will not sufficient water to make, half a pint. Dab make: their appearance, no matter how amongst the roots of the hair with a soft • hot the sun. To remove freckles which sponge. have already formed, apply the wax Superfluous Hair—Dark-complexioned . every night, rub it well into the skin of women are far more frequently troubled the r face and neck, and leave it on till with a growth of superfluous hair than . th« morning. Then wash off, using thoso with fair skins, and at the first m £ *f* p WBrm w? ter- s'gn of these objectionable hairs steps Xo Reduce a Double Chin.—To reduce should be taken to remove them, or they a double chin, give hard, firm massage will develop into a strong growth which every night with mercolized wax, strok- will tako a very long time to destroy. -ing the flesh firmly backwards from the A little powdered pheminol applied to chm towards the lower portion of the this growth will remove the unsightly . neck^ Do this every night, and in the blemish, destroying it permanently if - morning bathe with cold water and rub the hairs be but few. Two or more into the ekin a little parsidiuni jelly, applications may be necessary if the This treatment will strengthen the flabby growth be unusually strong, but about tissues and restore the contour of the one ounce of pheminol should be sufface. Occasionally a double chin is due ficient for the most stubborn case. to stooping overbooks or works, but Pheminol ca.-i be obtained at the chemgenerally it is tho result of putting on ist's, and a little powdered alum should weight. When the Utter is the case, a bo obtained at the same time for duitinjr , few clynoi berrie3, eaten regularly every the skin before applying the pheminol. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. To Darken the Eyebrows (L.M.)— rauddy-looking because it needs thor- . There is no dye which I could recom- ough cleansing and renewing of the outer mend as "safe," but if you rub a little cuticle. To do this get a tin of mormennaUno into the eyebrows and at the eolized wax, and with the tips W the roots of the eyelashes, regularly every lingers rub a little gently into the\skin, niprht, it will darken thlsm naturally and going over the entire face and neck. will als6 increase the growth of the eye- Leavo the wax on all night, and'in tho . laches. morning wasn it off with a good soap To Reduce Weight (Sadie. 1.—Yes, your (you will find Pilent* excellent). In* weight and measurements are certainly month's time you will notice a most surmore than they should be for your prising improvement (2) Liquid pergol height, and I quite agree that being so will prevent tha excessive perspiration of atout makes you look old. lam pleased which you complain. '3) Nothing can to be able to tell you of a quick, easy be done. • and pleasant way to reduce both. Get a To Arrest Greyness (Flo).—You are small quantity of clynoi berriun frcm the indeed far too young to go grey yet. ■ chemist's and take one after each meal, Get about two ounces of concentrate of ■•■ three times a day. Weigh yourself af- tammalito and mix it with three ounces t ter one.month's treatment, and you will of bay rum. Dab this on the hair and be delighted with the result _ amongst tho roots. It will soon make „.: .To Keep the Hair Fair (Doris),—lf matters all right. , you uhampoo your hair regularly with To Whiten a Brown Neck (W X)— sUHax granules it will prevent it from To whiten your neck use iettaline Get turning-dark. One teaspoon of stallov a tube of this from the chemist's and l» sufficient for a shampoo, and an on- rub a little well into the shin of the ginal packet will make from twenty-five neck; leave it on till next morninit »o to thirty shampoos. Stallax keeps in- this regalxrly every night for three or definitely. four weeks,-and'<you will find that the To Improve a Dull, Muddy Complex- skin will become beautifully clear and ioa (D.B.) —Your complexion is dull and white. Solved!— The Gift Problem— A Vest-Pocket Kodak Christmas morning—a little packet hardly bigger than a notebook—off conies the paper—a "V.P.K.!" Just the right gift for the season—a Kodak small enouj-S j to wear, big enough to take perfectly all kinds of scenes, j > groups or portraits ; so simple and easy to use that anyone can make good pictures wi£h it. : , Autographic, too—each "snap" can have its date and subject recorded on the film as soon as the picture is taken. Price 40]- \ r-takes pictures 1J x 2 inches; carries spool oi 3 expo- ( sures; weighs only 9 ounces; has Meniscus Achroiniiikj Lens and Kodak Ball-bearing Shutter; a well-buii;, ;■ - strong, serviceable Kodak. OTHER KODAKS . . uptoSlSllSjBROWNIES (/«•* right for the Kidiit,) from id/. up . : . ■ ' , f Sold by ALL KODAK DEALERS, and KODAK (Australasia) LTD. "THE KODAK CORNER" Corner LAMBTON QUAY and WILLIS ST. WELLINGTON ■■-■■' ■ ,aa r^yS Do you v>a"t to look like everybody % <J><&i>teL&&&tZC?6 else, or do you prefer that Qthert . /f should wish to look like you? • {Cs/j s* An air of distinction and style is irn< t/n' ~~*i^'' '$SS\ Paned t0 weafers °f LISTA PURE (UJSP % Jfanydiffic^obuuning. '-- «ol*wm« Box 374, Welting**.

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Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 3