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Bargains in Japanese Crepes for—- "■"■' :.';■ '■'■' This HOLIDAY DRESSES g~y. , Foresight asd careful orders placed months ago are responsible H^O^ISIC© lor tWs astoKßdinil offering—astoimding because of the ridicu* lously low prices we place on such exquisite materials. ■£ftot* With this excellent chance'offered one can well afford tp add two or three more dresses to the holiday wardrobe. rFV k *» Cwne '■ early and avoill *ne Christmas rush! Days Look at these Prices: . BROWN JAPANESE CREPES 'AT SPECIAL PRICE TQ.CLEAR—3o.inches . C^OlV • wide; for frocks, blouses, etc.; in shades of cinnamon, pheasant, tabac ■Usual prices. 1/9 and 1/11 yard To Clear at "I/" yard .WHITE JAPANESE CREPE—3O inches wide;' suitable for ladies' and ' children's-wear, lingerie, frocks, etc., also ; . for men's shirts. The usual T* t IT """ price of this beautiful cloth is 1/9 yard • i Special Price -1/. yard LlSle ilOSe PLAIN COLOURED CREPE-3O inches wide'; in shades of pink, sky, s'axe,. navy, pheasant, ta-bac,- silver and battleship greys,, reseda, coquelicot, ... 500 doz. LISLE HOSE—Com- tangerine Special Prices 1/9 and, 1/11 yard prising black, white, grey, navy, 'WHITE JAP. CREPE—3O inches wide; all exceptional values ; for lingerie,' champagne, and new shade of frocks, blouses, etc. Special Prices 1/2, 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/3, 2/4s,to 2/11. yard ; brown; soft silky finish, with STRIPED JAP. CREPE—3O inches wide; for'frocks, sports coats, etc., also fashioned leg and double seam- for men's, shirts and pyjamas; all shades, in plain and'fancy stripes on less foot. Usual price 5/3 pair .white grounds ' . Special Price 1/11 yard 1 . * Beach Stilting BEACH SUITING—36 inches wide; a smart fabric Tor sports coats, .frocks, also for men's pyjamas; up-to-date two-tone block stripes, 1£ inches • wide; in shades of mauve, pink, blues, mauve-and white-pink and.white, pink and blue, etc., etc. . Price 2/11 yard French Lisle Gloves r* ■ ■ ' r* % *• Cotton Gabardine' . TWO-DOME FRENCH LISLE rnTTfITJ P ARAimTNTT^in ™,i „•• '•* * GUIIUJN ixABAKUiiNJii —4D inches wide^ for costumes, sports coats, odd j GLOVES—In black, white, cham- _ s kirts, etc.; in vieux rose, light and dark'greys, saxe, sky and navy tiue, 'pagne, beaver, brown, chamois, drabs,^champagne, etc. Usual prices 3/6 and 3/11 yard and grey; extra fine, perfect- 'v . ; Special Price 2/U yard ~', GEORGE &KERSIEY, Ltd.-- ---' LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON-"' NOW IS THE TIMEI-WHAT FOR? YOU cay. To secure some of tas lovely «j - | VOILES now showing- for Summer I I l ' fr* i| ' . 44 4 {^ J • W 1 'Phorrp 937 A 143. Vivian-street. § I&iinmm.tmmimmjm*am^ammamm»Bmxmmmmm^\^*mmiHMU*mmmTmTmarnrrm B _lz!l!ri_ I ■■ rs&t«w%^ «» vj*sg°S; /■% Wellington I CAN HAVE LOVELY LUXURI- | «■»«*»»■ i »"■«■ n■' •■ -W. § *- ANT HAIR BY USING I ' ; . : | TKESSO. .. I r* „ , „ , • . I ■ "KEEPS THE HAIR YOUNG." 1 faCtloßl B IM. U S6TUI I Thin, falling hair, dandruff, and in fact J . . | all hair troubles, can best be remedied by A —^ _. | a course of "Trcsso." ' Six weeks' course g MT ~\ J~A _J" i^- __ li M\^ „—* 1 gives new life to even the poorest head of 3 ■ R ■jTI P Til W* Sl/SOrl 3 hnir. I \ta3il L.O U V U I SIX WEEKS' TREATMENT, 5s 6d. | —■■-...-., "/..^^ \ ;"■-.; |. Sold Everywhere. 5 ,-,,-,, „ \ , . . , r Every man appreciates something useful, and when considering I Mail Order: Send Postal Note for 6s $ J, .. \ r • b, ■ ' . , . A 1 & f: for a bottle. Post free. Sold by J. R. | what to glvo to the men of 7°W family or to your friends, the | M'Kenzie, Fancy Importer, D.I.C. Fancy | following list of suggestions will prove helpful. ' ■■--' I Department. W. S. Wallace,. Chemist. G .....' f Js-mes Smith,- Ltd., U.F.S. Dispensary, S Remember, all the? articles quoted liere are of the highest grade, | Courteni"-placo reSeriPtion PharmaCy> 4' i and can be relied on to please the giver and recipient alike. '-| . : -= | • Just glance, at these. I VISIT OUR- CHRISTMAS FAIR FOR I . :. '' I CHRISTMAS GIFTS! I I XL F" ' • ' 'P"' ' O X" I a Bi ff choice of useful articles § in the Topeiaii I*ancv oection i to Select from. ■". g . ,*r „ •*.,..., - . - . " '■ i Ladies' Smart UmbreUas, shor6 and long | COLLAR BOXES—In tan pigskin; round shape, with strap Price 12/6 1 handles, strong frames, reliable covcrc a • ■ .. r ° „ .-• - - c ' * ' \ 9s lid. 10s 6d, 13s 6d, 15s 6d to 22s 6d | TAN PIGSKIN COLLAR BOX—Horseshoe shape '.:'': Prices 16/6, 14/6 j Lad^i^ Ol™nd d vS! Ceof hi°colouS y I LEATHER COLLAR BOX-Round shape Prices 7/6, 8/6, 12/6 Prices 6id, Bid, 9id, 10W, Is, Is 3d | , BROWN ANTIQUE LEATHER COLLAR BOX—Round shape each » - Price 7/6 each Ladies' EmbroWerc'd Handkerchiefs, & rnif AP --RnvwQ n., jj-u ■ z>.i, i,c Air , noatly boxod in i and i doz. '■ a very S LBAT3IERETTE COLLAR BOAES—Round %l)ape Prices 3/6, 4/G each useful present. Prices Is lid. 2s 3d, | DARK GREEN. LEATHERETTE.' COLLAR BOX—Horseshoe shape ■ 2s-6d. 2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4s 6d to |. small size... " : : Price 2/3 T^mV^^MTT TTT) I LIGHT TAN LEATHER COLLAR BOX-Round shape Price 7/6 j FOR CHRIsiMAS GIFTS ' I BLUE GLACE FATHER TIE CASE- • Price 21/. . 80 CUBA-STREET I BROWN ANTIQUE LEATHER GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF i \ BOXES— Price 7/6 each ' \ JZIMME, i' DRESSING CASE—In black seal leather, containing 12-fittings Price 45/- -! 1 BLACK SEAL LEATHER GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES- 1" LADIES' TAILOR. . | . _ . ■.. Price' 7/6 each J (For nine years with Hayward'6, Tailors). pAWN yELVET CALp JEWEt CASE _ With l ock and key p rice . 3J/6 j Own Material Made Up. V COSTUMES from-£5 ss. g ' ' - Costumes Romodellod at loweot prices. s finmPkf Hinn if\ WlSflP— 1 144, VIVIAN-STREET (tour doors from | OUI lIC 8.111 Sty LU V V Gel I ' . j Cubtu-street). '< ' ..-..!. ___ Mercery Section r mHIS IS THE SUMMER DRINK. q ' ' *■-.-., , i ■*• \ WIDE-END TIES—In all ths newest styles and colours X JCED ...' Prices 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, fo S/6 each GYIUUJN WHITE SILK HANDKERCHIEFS—With coloured borders .. . , .'. . H . « i !• PHces 4/9, 5/9,7/. each | rfj^K i CREPE-DE-CHINE HANDKJSECHIBFS—In smart colours, with self '' ' 4d4d " 4d I ! border 3 . •■■ Price 7/6 each ; ' [ ' | FANCY SHOT SILK SOX— Prices 7/6, 14/6 pair GAMBLE & CREED'S ! BLACK SILK SOX- Price IS/6 pair -■•!■■ I FANCY CASHMERE SOX—In brown or bkek, with coloured clox ! TEA ROOMS, § Prices 3/9, ;4/3, 4/1.1 pair, nrTTncs cstrs'it't f CEYLON PYJAMAS—In very smart fancy stripes WILLIS-STREET- I ....... P««s 13/6, 16/6, 18/6 pair ciT»-prm}-n •w a T>rvr»Tiyrc! 1 "VERTEX" PYJAMAS—Delightfully cool for summer wear: can be bl Af-fcUjbtiJ IJIiA KUUM6 a had in coloured stripes Prices 18/6, 24/G i)a:r (Over H D. Bennett's), | TUSSORE SILK PYJAMAS-The acme of bed comfort: they help to WILLIS-STSEET ■ make the wearer enjoy his night's rest Price 39/6 pair X ' ... ' ! TAFFETA PYJAMAS—Exceptionally well finished,- roomy and com- _ I fortable; splendid values Prices 34/6 to 58/6 pair mi-lESE LUNCHEON TEk, AND TUNIC SHIRTS-h neat fancy stripes, suitable for business wear OPEN, and every attention is paid to l nces 7 '6' Sl6< 10 '6' 12''G each ■ visitors.' wants. . > TAFFETA SHIRTS—In white grounds with fancy stripes Thrse-Conrse Dinner (2s),'from 5.30 p.m. jj . '- Prices 17/6, 18/6, 19/6 each to 7.30 p.m. ; WHITE SILK SHIRTS—For holiday or business wear; can be had with All Cakas are Home-g»de. collar or band , ■' Prices 19/6,' 22/6 each i Satu)r Cdays lViil °Pc" ÜBtU 7'ZO P'™' TUSSORE SILK SHIRTS—With collar attached ' Price 22/6 each ' I SMOKING ROOM. FOR GENTLEMEN. PANAMA HATS—New season's shapes, in a variety of styles mtss READ. Proprietress. j Prices 16/6, 18/6, 32/6, to 42/6 each' ■ 1 ; 1 ; I MEN'S UMBRELLAS With plain and crook handles . ' iyy ANTBu_ KNOWN. 1 j> rices {rom 9/6 to 37/6 each Send your Suits or Costumes to be Dry- | ALL-WOOL COLONIAL TRAVELLING RUGS—In • a good variety of cleaned at , c smart plain designs, Prices 59/6, 62/6, 66/6, to 90/= each \ ESTALL'S STEAM DYE WORKS, . 85, VIVIAN-ST. (opp. Army). | . . . . ... Ws don't wash clothes. We are Dry H MTT/W/I AKIFN If ' ■ ■ Cleaners and Dyers only. 1 I VJ V I /A INI I J I -"Phono 2608 A. | ■ .. ■ %^ ■ •— r~\ I^l-^ '. USE SNOW-WREATH FLOUR. 1 Now i B ,„„ , w »g. Two Urge rooms, ndl no congestto., roomy , | and airy, contiimag the gnadest display of lovely Toys ever seen KECIPES differ, but whenever Flour j ' - is included your wisest plan is to i use ttie pure, silky-fine, fresh Snow- j DDIM^ TLJC l/inHICC' I^^^.fA^r-A^S BHINIa THL KlUUItb Coal, Grain and Produce Merchants, < Ghuznee-st., VVellington ('Phono 271); also - . w *t ICilbirnie ('Phono 3716. 1 short. 1 long). | . Kt^9 m H I ■• l^ 1 * for which tliero is a Great ami Growing ] m*wi^mixMmmi^mm^^mmmmnim»m*ssa^mt^\.^^a*mmamimmm—mttSKßßmm Doiaand. I teach this Art by post and j famous for over so years for VWt<l I Il\J/"*TYY\J have pupils in all Australian States and § -.= ooauty.,style and v»Uub » jO VW Jc«jL» L lfVvjrl UPj New Zealand who are Making Good In- | <«C^»ga»»MßCTrtW««taaa^ ■ ■ oomcß. Encloee l<i stamp for free booklet, m . MISS EVA GIBSON, . \MIHMMMMHHMiBHMHMMMMMMHOTMmiMmBnnM^ Australian Sugar Export ■ • • '■ (Dopt. 82), 228. Pitt-«trect, Sydney.

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Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 9