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1 SUGGESTIONS FOR .CHRISTMAS SHOPPING J 'I i 1 • ; - I . ■..; . i :;. .■■•■■; .- • ■IV* A«a ll^wmm ' STEWART DAWSON'S. ; ■' -» " « . " , , ' ■ . :'. . ;, ..•> , .•. ' CTO Aro House __ RSfl ■■r*TffYDt*T?C T7T?t>CT T?V KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, LTft^ pRSoJZS . what to buy ; .™. c- «80 *1478 - wig " ' wellingt™ (jiiUKvjlS a JUmaLft I .J:- ;■ vx& of people-at welling- , „ > Christmas, Qgjp ', / ■ ' FOR ALL KINDS OF USEFUL XMAS GIFTS, TON'S MOOT CENTRAL STORK . FOR * F * GIFT OF JEWELLERY OR■ LET THED.LC. SOLVE THAT ALL-IMPORTANT .' LIMITED , -pVERY department in our toil nor t V cubastreet ! CHRISTMAS ™* of The gift P ™° PROBLEM:' " WHAT SHALL IWEAR ON " « 'ho ™« •fine rM*e of ÜBe£ul x»»- -'.-' ' blem, it is aleo the most-enduiinsr - , • • gifts—in such a variety, too, v will - - ' ■' " ' ' form of present, and one that will . TTTTI TTOIYTT) AYSO" • ( ,: nin iji_ ( l. fc^y,!,-, „* i^j' —u-t '' " * LET YOUR GIFT THIS YULE- > prizifor many a year. IUJi JiU-LUJAISr 1 _ , . • ™»PM* ** of deddm* what , TIDE BE WORTHY OF YOUR- ANI\ - - ....... JUaUx!; AJKJi , MAJN X ■ lIIIJMto JJUJtv IJNXjAIrXiJNoI VJi to give. Call as soon as you can and - f ' SELF—AND OF THE KINDLY r r^ Tf^^ R q t7 .l?^iY^?^,,i. htu* TUST while we are taking our breath in the ceaseless preparation of the D.I.C. ! , inspect. ' ■"-"■.-» .-&Tf %£?£&!& WHERE TO BUY IT! J '. - CHRISTMAS GIFTS. : ; SEASON -OF UNDOUBTED nXUJJWJ .1U BUI ii • B .tat<* buying m very arge quan- relatives, and friends, from near and far. They have to be entertained;, that , | .' I' V^? QUALITY AND "VALUE. __. , SrSS^ 'to priSS ''' ■ meaiis new hats^ new frocks, now costumes, new blouses, new stockings, new . , «* n ■*>;. »- A glapce a t the i^T listed beb« will CHOP AT ~" ' • moL^Ut I T?^"' '^fP -^est or know Ac rea a on why; you will look around ■ . / ' ' GIFTS FOR THE HOME. ;£\ .£' . t!,-* i™, 0,, ,Vloi nf Hip rlivprsiti) and ©HOP AT ,v. ;„ Vu v ou"ttl» I'™'l" for better apparel than usual. . - ■ , * • AJUMBER your friends. Quite a lot there are to whom you feel you should % ' * --•■-*' !&^&^^£%*s HOPAT V a r ra7^ar?S^^ N give presents iust to show you have not gotten th.m. Such a wonderful Action i. arable "." "''.-' V m m °ur CMnpreh™ JAMES SMITH'S, t^lt^fJZ S cc^.'^^cl^fcf $%&&*££%&?& S^S" .«~«! * f ety of *rHdes t tliafc *ffl convey thi° **- l°r >™> F\NCY ARTICLES ' ' ' such a high reputation for value. is to bo seen at truly moderate prices. ■■ , ! without pulluig too hard on your purse strings. -, lovely Fancy Linen goods shown by *i" Ladies' Manicure Sets, covered leatherette, 80 CUBA-STREET. CHOOSE A FITTING char^ tol; d> tho D-LC- displa* o£ attractive WeW " fashlonable «d of ineffable ' Take hllfl(Jkerchi6fs for inslance . Or a pretty handkerchief sacl ie t. Or a . ' the , Manchester S^tion, the many hned satm_ and Velye^white^bo^ne , Bfl| CUBA-STREET! GIFT FROM OUR SHOP EARLY IN DECEMBER AND EARLY IN THE DAY. dainty jewel case. What lady would not welcome them as a present? Then there useful household articles in our Hard- • « 6d" 49s 6dV'wfth niclwl handled fittings ' LARGE SELECTIONS! HATS OF STYLE FOR CHILDREN AND GROWN-UPS-D.I.C. GOOD are dozens of others admirably appropriate as gifts, such as gloves,,stockings, rib; , . ware Department, also the noveitif^ » .'Z?~-^Z. of 7 pieces. 34> 6d. With ebony handled ' _^ . h.~» i. .' u~,t j,.,-;., ' VALUES TOO,! , bone—all too numerous to mention. '■ , , . ... „ . , .. ~" ~'~ '~ „'"' fittings-of 7 pieces, 29, 6d, 42s 6d, 4Ss 6d. , ■■ nrelerl-u^ful X PANAMAS FOR CHILDREN, small sizes, & 6d, & lid, 9* 'fid, 10s 6d. ■ ' . „ ■■ . . - , the Art Needlework and &*ft Handsome Brown Cane Work Baskets, • , f^l^it^i for of GIRLS'PANAMAS, large brims, 15s 6d, 17s 6d, 18s 6d. These hosts of suitable articles are conveniently displayed so that you c»n nishinfa. . . .i lined silk: and fittedl with pin cushion WH^ NOT \SOMBTHING FROM THE v ago. Amongst this ricT array one HE^ ii^^Ppf&^F' 14s "' .elect them with ease. Courteous attention by a staff which lmows it, business . - • - w and needle case, 6s 6d, 13s 6d, 15s lid, to inde^ i{ LADffiS ENGLISHTANA»L4^ very smart 6&> to *-^. - ensures you getting absolutely what you want with no waste of time at all. £ 18s lid. vrtrtnnTTivrri TT3T7 -i \ ■ »«• <v>ul>l r,nt fin#l -"fhat »v»<-f JjAitUii BUoUly bIBAW HAlo, with band ana Douna enages to match 13s od. .».= =„»«, DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS. ALLOWING.IJBTt . ( one could not find the exact .j APA ne S^r US h^TB, to g»en white, 10. 6d,.M..ed. .■ ■ ■ GLOVES. " ' I '; — , • i i t i -ir r 'ji ■ IoLATvU IIAXb, tor beacn wear, <ss lid. . .m .-■ , —._. , nimHAw • » «« • •«vra«v> *%?s2s^l£Xtfi^3s; We havecompleteranVe.of the NEWEST SOME SUGGESTIONS: I". , GmLS^PA|^A CLOTH HATS 8s lid. 3-BUTTON WHITE KID GLOVES, fine stitched backs, « 52, 6, « only. GIFTS OF A PERSONAL NATURE. Is, la 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d, to 2s lid. and DAINTIEST LADIES'UNDER- DIAMOND RINGS, PENDANTS; CHILDREN'S?LINEN HATS smali[sizes &Sdto fe ild . imirSflN WHWPirm rrnvw »iti I, .j "if „,» mi, • * o • *aj ti • • .!■ ■ . r, . i SUNSHADES AND UMBRELLAS. MATERIALS AND SMARTEST OF , NE W PEARL PENDANTS-^me to be THE D.I.C. SHOWROOM IS FULL TO OVERFLOWING WITH NOVELTY 1 < Jfit. andlquality guaranteed. PricoTfe lid, ft^ w{ d &naaes- SOIt PlultJ!e Kloves- *uw^ Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Art Coloured Sunshades, durable silk covers, STYLES. , worn as Brooche». Unusually gTaoe- COSTUMES, BLOUSES, AND THE LIKE. DENT'S WHITE KID GLOVES, in 8, 12 buttons, fine soft kid, good cut. A ' Jewel'arv and evorv section i« hfioifnl vary smart handles, in emerald, bottle, " ful m design and of very high qnal- TUSSORE'COSTUME COAT with sailor collar laree revers smartly stitched bargain that should not be missed. Price 4s Ud, 6s 6d. ' Jeweuery, ana every secuon i». DHnuui ameW. navy and brown, 29s 6d, 32s • . ~. i^- . T poS, belt, wrflfoutiltoL ' 2-BUTjfON GREY DEERSKIN GIX)VES, also 'with gauntlet straps, mist. - of wjjertion. «f . in«t t>ta«tog kind. &d- c . . , „ , ... ' , n l v TivnvnPTnTHTOr DEPART. PRICEB-^, £| 5., £6 6s, £6 156, £7 TUSSORE-COSTUME, tailored collar and revers, belt half across back, sleeves «*£££ ¥&&■ n^noim, m nOTa --v • ' j . , Tussore Sunshades, lined with green and Otjß UNDERCLOTHING DBPARI- 10s, £fi 10b upwwde. , with deep cuffs, plain well cut skirt. Usually £7 7s. For £6 r6s. ' ~ 8-DOME REAL DEERSKIN GLOVES, in brown and grey, vo.!l cut. good T navy- 11s 6d, 15s 6d,' 15s 6d, 17s 6d. MENT is fast becoming one of our PEARL BROOCHES, in many atylw, TUSSORE COSTUME, tailored, collar and revers. fancy side pieces, smartly „_*«2""?^S? T e4-i. I^l^™/^.™=™ mnrvc t, • »„, ** Durable Umbrellas, fast black covers, on •■ d( . u d;s oi hoad From 21s stitched, skirt sliphtly gathered at back, finished, with; waist band. Usually SIKTI^ V^^-A^n^v^°^n^<P L vY^ P»c?» *>lld. *'«<•. «• strong frame, crook and straight / , „, mi •••'•.* ' urom <!is. £10 10s For £<J <)s - ' ■ .2-BUTTON WASHING POESKIN GLOVES, with black stitrhmtrs, smart wbtWe nTTiml!l -ru-wn nrn-n vrnTmiK handfes, 15 S 6d; 17s M, 18, 6d, 19, 6d. ' by. teape and bounds. This onfcfe^m^'^ ,- 4 v „ , ■' GI^TB FOB. THE KIDDIES. POPULAR PERFUMES. tribute to the aeeortment and quality —A particularly ?«od Watch in the with v flat. pleat,'narroV. belt half round wai»fr," tailored collar, plain well-out 2-DQME FRENCH LISLE^ GLOVES, in black, white, Uti. beaver paweile, and v AUv'* P.rf,. m p, nf flxonmte and fi. of tho goods, together with our patent strong "Britannic" Bracelet. skirt. Usually £11 19s 6d. For £10. , ; grey shades. A beautifully fitting washing glove. Price 4s lid. „. ,„ . n^ ... • 7SSS"SE^g® FAMOUS LOW PRICE, fe"^^ ™ : °°&£^^ ':\ < , HO^K. , ; I ZZJZi ' • Gr^n-trh^ract;, in boJ CALL AND SEE, FOR. YOURSELF WATCH and BRACELET to gold. Prices no one j. wish to den;.the little * ■ ■ 1- THE WONDERFUL VALUES WE GENTLEMEN , S W^T WATC HES- SHaM^ '3&SS&& SX^nfn^ba^ W^evir, with/fancy • «n*™f« USLB H^, m b.ack and white, ramies, foot, fashioned !«,. | £ £LflT swe^t pea, rose, wallHower, and lilac, ARE OFFERING. -, . The famou, STEWART, DAWSON . sUtchin-.pocket;.ted belt stitched to correspond with revers, smartly cut FIN^LISLE^HOSE, in black, white, and ? r.v, soft elastic hose. Price 3s Ud. ■ N and Uie delight of the bdd.e. on op«^ NECKWEAR IN NEWEST STYLES. ' ' SH^^^^^^ "^V&St&fZ^&Sj^^ ~'\ ' ""'f" ■ ' ' Organdi Muslin Collars, daintily trimmed T . mES . nREPI! KIMONAS beauti- jiendable for everyday wear. Finely folds on hem of coat, large collar and revers," skirt slightly gathered, lanre soft, and s^ytextoe, shades of champa S ne, navy, brown, tan, grey, black, am? . every parent. We can rapply every ; 3 a snd6d Sr6d:t r6t"s d 6dlß "*. fully embroidered in White or Colour- finished^m^a han^ome gift. SM J^JS I^K^^SSng^LTfo' S'wif Sg" Jfe tt .■■«£■ tfg&H«*: with Me to" and «** « W-k »»d "h^ «" *«* 1": *? l^' ** \ ' Pretty Blouse Fronts in fin© net, crepe- ed Flowers, Birds, etc.; abo Plain or rni^na oos upwaroe. collar, fronts having smart double effect, slightly-gather e round waist. Usually rttk ANKTF TTOW in ;«~ n»v-r mnU Wn»n .«^'h,n n « p.;~. Tim "toddler"- and tha oMer chiHwnings, 4s 6d, 5s lid, 6s Ud, 7s 11 to 12s JST^ 1"^ ra^ °£ * .^^nO^^ta-j^^-jJte Sici.Un,^ll back, belt from sifes, finished with drop buttons. U^au, £7 10,. ApiSfedTfio^'S.S^ "il^i^'SSr 1' ' ATETYPRICBD WBAK"MODER" ■ SHAr,oS?G^u a fv C?7 ATd WW"^ * "^ """''^ ■ ' AlJ^m mvT^H^ OTp b^ H»^ 1^ tafc, "g^^^ oußPßicE^Hgad,!^,!, A= Ea ■ to neck wi. large button,, — —i, : HANDKEEOHIEFB- ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE. White French Kid, nice soft skins and AWAIT YOUR SELECTION HEAVY TUSSORE DUSTCOAT, fastened with large buttons and tussore loops,. , DAINTY BAGS. j '■'rWrt^lUinf 1 i .^N<>nr TmnNU TN OUR SHOWROOM l^ost^hedcoUar and cuffs Usually £5.55. For£4 «s ■ -- HAND-MADE LEATHER BAGS, in very handsome designs, Btted with inside Special Boxea of FINE IRISH UTHKN INITIAL -HANDKBRGHEIIft-Good • m uw' n-i- •'«.•?-, j * l LADIES' SILK KIMONAS, handsomely IN OUB httUWKUUJ). DUSTCOAT -m fawn Gloria silk, fastening to neck, smart collar, pockets and pocket and flap. Prices from 59s 6d to 79s 6d. • IuNDKERCHIEFS, • daintily tad- quality linea, 4in hvm, pnttr ionlv ™^&3?W^-&3S£k ■■■■ißbl^-^??,^f^-Oi^-O-i Scarfpins, Brushee and ' bolt, 65. ' For 55, „. . : „.- ShWIINEN BAGS, suitable for street wear, or work bag. Pnc« 6s lid, Sffl^ »iU'i km nWdes^s. 4Pri» sTX "^ browns, and black, 9s lid, lls Od, wa ;; / „ and hunclrods «t other gut ideas. BLOUSES IN WHITE VOILE, turndown muslin, collars, shoulder yoke, and sleeve with inside tnngand purse. • Prices 8s lid, 10. «, I&JW, 14s 6d. . HANDKBRCHIKFB, with taw ior in comraTim bsM. bani iaTST' nFPFNDABI E HOBD3RY m™ DBiro«_j"k Mlh M 57«M'to' * : i iii one, fronts and collar Embroidered. Usuallyl2s 6d. For 9s 9d. _^ CHILDREN'S'SUEDE BAGS, in groy, wine, green, tafi, and brown shades, in iin wide,, neaUy boxed to htJI-doeen*. 4omm. Pricwi lCn R, Hi H, Ik tdJ DEPENDABLE HOBUSKY. OUR PRICES-458 od, «a» 6d, 57a 6d, to SHOP EARLY-VISIT US WHITE MUSLIN BLOUSES, inset sleeve, hemstitched sailor collar, fronts hem- v' Dorothy shapes, also flap^ver with shoulder straps. Prices Is Ud, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, Price. 5s 6d, fc 6d, 8* 6d, Wi ,6d, to 14a M, to 17» 6d ton/ ) White Lisle, nice fine quality, spliced 69s 6d. Tn » ivl . stitched, tucked, and embroideiNJ. Usually 12s 6d. For9s 9d. 4s 6d, \ ' , 19s 5d box , | heels arid toes, soft feet, 3s 6d, 3s lid; „ iv-UAXI WHITE VOn/EIBLOUSES, turn d3wn collar, edged, val., fronts embroidered and s SUEDEvBAGS, in a, large variety of shapes, prettfly finished with fringe and, , ' ' , White, Milanese £ilk Hose, superior LADIES'.SILK DRESSING JACKETS, Country Order, cent carefully. VVHITE BVOILE BLOUSES?saiIor coUa^mth double row of liemstifching, frpnts -DAINTY PARIS BAGS? in black silk, handsomely Bbeaded'witi 'steel or coloured* i^^tot^drfwli Htfc^" iit^ J^^bS^nT^ tops;, will not ladder, 5s Ud. Pale Blue, Pate Pink, Navy, etc.; gmnw apm -n A WQAI^'Q WHITE VOILE BLOUSES/ fronts embroidered, tucked, and hemstitched, deep 79s 6d. <» - ' ' '• ' '■ ■' / also in Putty Crepee, embroidered or OIUiVV A-Dil. iIATYOUH D, sailor collar trimmed to correspond. Usually 12s 6d. For 9s ?d.- .- ' ' ' . s ' plain- all colours STEWART ttAWSON'S CORNER, PLAIN WHITE MUSLIN BLOUSES, sailor collar, hemstitched, fastened with ; NOVBLTIfiS IN ENGLISH LEATHER GOODS. . , T.R.O. VALUE IN GIFTS ' V . )' Wellington. n^clo"^ glove and handkerchief cases, in^ngi»v leather ana lined with LADIES' GLOVES ARE SUEE OF A WEIiCOME. FOR THE "PARTICULAR" FRIEND. OUR PRICES-^ Ud, 7a lid. 1* U, 12s ' momSl^^GL^SM^SS^^!^ '' ' tl^% *?"?* ™"' '*" ** ** <* *""" "' "* * * • , " . \ 6d to 47a 6d. . GREAT SALE SUPREMA EXTRA, FINE .WASHING FRENCH DOESKIN GLOVE, 3-button, ENGLISH"LEATHER MUSIC CASES, in nice shades of navy, green,'and '2or 3 dome KID GLOVES, ,with self 3 dome "REYNIKR" SOEDE CI/OVKSJ .„._„_ _„_ „r I , •_, • '■": • . j' ■ ' /•■...■' 15s Ud. _>- „ . ; ■ ■ . '. , , ,s brown. ' Buy one. You will save money by k<wping your music clean and -, stitching, in all good shades. Price with self stitching, in beavers, t'«f*>| A,.BLOUSE FOR MILADY, _ ml . '„„„,«»««„«, Of . DENT'S^VHITE WASHABLE KID GLOVES, good fitting, with 'three-button;-. tidy. Prices 17s 6d, 29s 6d, 355. " 5s lid pair. bhek, and white. Pm 16. M prffT] / Smart Shirt Blouse,, in Japanese orepe, LADIES DAINTY NIGHTDR&SSfcS, . ? 9s Ud. . .. r WRITING CASES MADE OF ENGLISH LEATHER and fitted with all writing „_ •! V neck, rever collar; all sizes; white in Madapolam or Longcloth, pretty R. G. KAIN'S ' SUEDE GLOVES; in groy, beaver, gabardine, and black, 14s 6d. ■ I. materials, pens, etc. Price 16s 6d and'l9s Ud. 2 pearl button&MOCHA GLOVBB, with 2 dome DEERSKIN GLOVB&', in gNfa only, 9s Ud. . stvWih Vor Square Neck, trimmed NATURAL CASTOR TWO-BUTTON WASHABLE SKIN, 10s'Ud. LADIES' OR GENTS.'-LEATHER WRITING. CASES, only one of each style, » plain.btcks-^rices 8s lid, Us od pair. and browns. Price 17s (ti pair. i Well-cut Blouse, in white Jap. silk, new ,/. T .<> Pil.^.^. „„. M .i WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE SILK KNIT GLOVES, cool for summer wear, and good fitting, in black and white, all fitted with necessary articles, pad, envelopes, paper, pens, inkwells, paper A » , French sleeve, square collar, and rever Val. Lace or Embroidery, good qual- STOCK. 7s Ud. Also, Castor and Black, Bs. Ud. . , ( cutter, scissors, etc., and paper rack. Price 49s 6dTssu, 655. WHITE* KID GLOVES—SeIf and black 2 dome REINDBIR 'CHOVW, in! front; all sizes, 25s 6d. ' . ,-ity. t TAGONET STRONG LEATHER GLOVES, two-button, ; with suede finish, tan ENGLISH LEATHER WRITING PADS, in coloured leather, navy, green, stitching. Prices lls 6d, 12s 6d pair. several sbad*B o,f brown. Priot tta 6d Pretty Blouse in Crepe-de-Chine, seal- • nnnrnT it L, i tv twt? a - ,~£si* JISX'^, 10* '™' . ; , . „ , ■■ '■■ brown, pads, pens, paper, etc., makes a splendid ?ift. Prices 23s 6d to 355. . -pair. loped collar and embroidered front, . • ' „ „ TIOUGHT AT -| R/. IN THIS £» LISLE THREAD GLOVES, wth suede finish, pastelles, grey, beaver, coating, JEWEL CASES, lined with coloured watered silk, in English leather. You must , Calvat's 2or 3 dome KID GLOVES, . I new French sleeve; in champagne, rose, OUR PRICES—Ss lid, 7e Ud, 8s Ud, 10a •*-» !■ slatoj black, and white, 4s lid. - . ■ have a case to keep your jowels in. Prices 15s, 17s 6d, 255. with self or black stitching, in shades SCEDE MOTORING GLOVKB; witb' helio, sky, white; lemon, 655. 6d, 12s 6d, up to 35s 6d. NEW STOCKINGS ARE QUITE AN ESSENTIAL FOR CHRISTMAS WTEAR. ENGLISH LEATHER-LINED WORK BASKETS, fitted with all necessary fancy of beaver, .brown, tan, grey, black, stiff gauntlet, strap and-dome,, in twe WOVEN SILK JERSEYS. -; A FEW OF THE BARGAINS: "LILY OF FRANCE"-Fine Silk Hose,'with lisle thread feet, black, 18s 6d, 19s „„ work and plain articles; ma^"^'."^^ SS^JSJt^^L £ll j . and white. Prices 12s 6d, 14s 6d pair. Bhados of brown. Pno» 18s 6d pur Ladies' Knitted Sn^Jersevs roll collar ■ Girls' CREPE FROCKS-With pleated ' 6d, 255. Also in colours, ivory, ta.upe, or mole, castor, purple, and pink, 13s 6d.: ■'- 'LADIES' AND GENT'S. ENGLISH LEATHER DRESSING CASES fitted out Raia? sleeves sash a^d packets to LADIES' SILK NIGHTDRESSES, in UI sid r ta to stri^^a cheol»i tnmmed "THE ROYAL"-Black P-iro Silk Hose, with lisle thrad! spliced heils and toes, mirror, brushes, tootli brushes, comb powder box, etc. Splendid value. Price _ ! de^Sis^rt^r?^ '^^^!^^^a^^^^'^^:u^ ge^rav^ WCW miT too a popular style of got . .^aWSS^-a 't^^JSJr* 9d^^ ;^-^^ MlL^^of^^-^withdoub,^ BACK GOOD,' , A POPULAR f ***~ ffirßJffl^&X% : •;■■.■:•.. .. OhUdrenV CHIP STRAW B^ ."SS * "B2 SfffS & "tt^ QUAINT KIMONOS. ' OUR PRICES-39S 6d,. 42b 6d, 45e 6d, burnt and whit^ 3s3d value^ MSLE 'THREAD HOSE! to^^''^; »t7, palm betofa, alg^er; tan, mHtio, ; £°f$ ms mar°^ COmb h»lrbrush' ea^ mount«d m cmbo!sed "lver: *"» Prices^ pair. ' ? , Ud,' 6s IIT, 7s lid, 12s 6d pair; i J A large assortment of. Japanese Crepe ' ' 49s 6d each. GfaW'.'«d COLOU^Ib^AS^HMERE^STOCKINGS, fine summer weight, putty, navy, light' DRESSING CASE rairtainm^m b^ mirm, teadi. »d comb. fpR j^g kh d i ttoß . SPUN SILK HOBE-Whit ß ;.sa..Jld. 8s Kimono Gowns, m effective floral de- , SUMMER HATS-In tageU and silk; tan. covert, sauterne, 7s 6d. pair. ,s ' ..* ■ b:/ \ */f»n mm s,,™!?-^^ ?i „„ .„ niees top,, in black and white. Price 4s Ud 6d, ft. 6d,pair. Bladt, 7s W, Mi M, signs, with white faemgs; in pmlr, sky, ladibs , DAlN ty SILK CAMISOLES, smart lot; for alt ages . THE MOTHERS' FRIEND HOSE-Fine White Lisle Hose, with mercerised finish, ? BILymBA(»^^UBH A^ND OTMB, nicely mboßed, tt pre-war p«w. * ; . . 13s 6d pair. saxe, rose, helio, grey, cinnamon, 9s Ud. i«wjl"3 ua""! """^ " > _^, pj s.iij 7«nJ a. lid 0= lid IIH niur ; , ' ■ . ■ . • / Prices 15s 6a. las 6d, and 3Zs od. „%,,.• " "*»" Sra^slr-" 3* ■."*■*••"•**T "S^feiSSffift^ . ; ; B l™ s moh, m SEC™,, E iss.-K»,ft i r 1--■ aw^fer '_ TTT r TT v n l;Jwiwpa' ■ ' SflaM 15s 6d 16s 6d 17s 6d each " -In smart shapes Worth 12s 6^ SPANISH LACE SCARVES-^Sk only in black, a- delightful Christmas gift, MORNING TEA SETS, consishng of 2 cups and saucers, bread plate, sugar and SILK UNDERSKIRTS. 1* bd, iOB 00, .10S DO, i. IS oa eaon. , . -i , ■For6s6d Prices from 25s to 455. ; . crearo jugs, with a nice Queen Alexandra. Tray: china of tho beat English ■* Ladies' Taffeta Underskirts, deep flounce, ■. . ' 30 Smart STRAW SHAPF'*—For &■ lid DOUBLE CREPE DE CHENE "SAILOR COLLARS, with scalloped borders, in Court China. Prices 27s'6d, 355, 4bs, 50s set. „,,_,..„. finished with ruche, in black and navy ■ > ,^ m . .._ „.„, PI? *tw Tn Wffm ih .n iv .^ ' pale pink, heliotrope, lemon, and irary shades, 7s 6d each. N ; COURT CHINA COFFEE SETS, 11 pieces, made of the best English' Court „.», - .„«« «,, hw/ittbtt nMinmiv" "^ only, with white pin stripe, 2956 d. LADIES' LONGCLOTH OR- MADA- RBADJV -TOWEARS-In. Atrtmm and IVO^Y J^et SAILO R COLLARS, trimmed with gold tinsel embroidery, 4s Ud China, a Queen Alexandra Tray included. This makes an ideal present. A FINE RANGE OF ENGLISH POTTERY/ ' Ladies' Coloured Taffeta Underskirts, - POLAM KNICKERS, open or golf «£ IM t^n^ir a.+S^M oach- ' • • -. - Price 455. . , , . _ ........ i I^'- q uali r aten ab , triced jJ^wS^ SJfiS UA^-I ORGANDIE^USUN SAILOR COLLARS, ed g ed with dainty filet lace, 5, 6d and CHINA Aim TR^S, .n They make a nice gift, „ o j^nu^-ja, GIFTS FOR THE XMA9 BABY. J^Lace or Embroidery; sp^ndld Hr^. NINON;^hAoW^OVE^^^ ■ , HANDKERCHIEFS. ■ S^^fee^W^ TS . *"? \« f . Infants' Bonnets .and Cappets, in a . 900 dozen Ladies' Black Cfl^hmoro ALL- BOW TIES, in crepe do chene, colours, black, navy, emerald, heliotrope, rose, pale no rarsw TiAism fimßnmifPlfn att pnnwn ciMBHTr nA'nKFR ' 4? 6d each- itaowo »vt i<ii>u/\w»tV' «,"«"!' ~J"- , variety of materials and styles; from r>TTP PRTrTPtS—^ fi,l i. (vl S« M 6« 6rl " WOOL HOSE WortK ds lid 5^ 6H ' milk arid niilo blue Is 6d each . . H.S. IRISH HAND EMBROIDERED ALL ROUND CAMBRIC HAJNDJUiK- "*> VASES IN " PHQENIX WAB?'— f v 3»6d,\6d sslld 656d,856d,t01356d. . OUR-ifRIOB.^. 4^6d, Gs 6d,..6e> 6d. WOOL HOSE. Worth 4s lid, 5s 6d, I^^^l^^^^^ very newe3t odour, and desist, 4 S \lld, 5s 6d, .^S^l^toTnFßED^^^^^^^ all round " AULT 'FAIENCE" VASES-Shades -Chintz design mvioJeW, Infants' White Muslin Frocks, yokes em. - . to 12a od each. Sale 3s 3d 3s Ud 4s 6d 5s 6d and"6s 6d'tier yard. • • , ,'--, H.S. DAINTY EMBROIDERED CAMBRIC HANDKLRLHIEFS, all round of pink and mauve. Prices ss, 7s 6d, black, and cream. Prices lls M, lift broidered or lace 'various.^designs, . , , ;.. » . 6s od pair' ' ' HAT BAND, R'IBBONSi in many new and attractive designs, ,and smart shades, Jff^ TßPATrrrent I V FMRROTDFRm'KERPmEi^ »11 round nat 9s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s od each. 6d f 14s 6d, to 2Je each. ' f . LADIES' CREPE PYJAMAS, to sm«t 15 do, n C^enVKg^ SILK B TTE '' C Jsss£&&,*. & wide , palo pink, heliotrope and ,k y b.ue only, h Z^ " " VAB»\- Maroon "ROYAL DOULWX •• fc^S« 4 ' OUILTS FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE "tripes, abo Plain Crepes, m pretty WAS>tlliNU UiA>VfcS-r- 2s 3d per card. I v > r j j , HS CAMBRIC EMBROIDERY AND LINEN KERCHIEFS, one corner pat- fft ound, with floral decoration in- "Coaching Days" and'«BhakejpeMV: / sSl^Pwml^Ste^Sfe" of Pink, Blue, HoUo, Roee, > IS 4 towVld DAINTY. APPAREL IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING. , ' ,s[• poured one corner de 3,S ns, m Imcn and cambri, fi^ Vith lustre gla... Priceslss, eerie* foe*. 4s6d, Xti, S^ifc,; kind " ; s? Z e 30 " 24; in pink, blue* an^d White; good quality crepes. 60 FLAX j^ BAG^_To aoar PALE BLUE KIMONO SHAPE DRESSING JACKET, embroidered in pink, ■apALLOPBD KDOB BMffIftOIDBRY LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS, special value. *>>'***> to Ms e *ch- • 6d ' to Ks M wh\ . .■;.,„ ;; V WlteVaitodllswTs's. 8811'1 ' , 15fc^^ett^^ HNCnraSMDEßSJA(m,rt;inrfcoio»r,i«. \ ' HPATTOTED BDGF TINEN EMBROIDERY HANDKERCHIEFS beautiful Silk? Cot * X Quilt!, "Osocosie" OUR PRICES^IIa 6d, 18.6 d; »nd 2& 6d. HOSE-VVorth 2s 3d For la 3d VERY^DAINTYPALE PINK CREPE 'DE CHENE CAMISOLE prettify trim- SCA d L e^s ES S^P^ffiWffiSwiM *' ' • '' ' ■'-< Brand; size 26 x 25; in 'pink, green, 300 yards 16-:nch SHADOW CAMISOLE mcd val. laco, 35s 6d. , '<■ Si VnVPT TTI7S TV TTTT? VPTTTiT "PWrmir" WiTTi'YW*' ' blue, and red, 17s 0d,215, 22s 6d. LACE-Worth 2s 9d for Is 3d PRETTY in pale pink, crepe de chene, self embroidery, scolloped dain^V LACE EDGE HANDKERCHIEFS, trimmed with Val.lacc. Prices 6d JNUy JJiJjllJiO. Iff* IUXi IS Ji JiJJ JjJi W UttJl.^Ji^JriW^ Real Hald Tmldf Blndkrf LeTo Schet to> ' ■ ■ Speda'l-atll-9d, 4s 3d, 4a.Ud, 6s S9d FANCY^JAP SILK CAMISOLES, trimmed val/lace, in pale pink and helio., 16s LACE PJMBROIDEEED HANDKERCHIEFS. Price Is 6d to The new CRETONNE SILK BAGS-A Dainty JAPANESE NOVBLTIIIHi w^^o-^tf&mrt- VISIT OUR' CORSET cw «i si.k sailor . ne^st model in go^sard corses, pin ic ol^&hdsfb, v«. .ttfc, is cad. . . fe^ii irSs;WalrJ3? to ffir^rt^&fr^i-; . Jit lFd O to Cyi2s S6d° : . .. 4s lid for'3s 6d ' A J,^!^/^^^^ g^^i Sffl&^Hm"^^ IriSTi Wll ffSfi. Ud EMBROIDERED NOVELTIES -In to »«-*■" V.: ~ '^^ft , DEPARTMENT. / «fel^ \ A V »S^^ ' S3SS t C^' „. S^^feETS «F ■»«» ™»rTO^ ' ■ ■■-„ 'Ka^XSVw^tSr^-. iJK^ BOffi^M^^mSSedoneWnc,V^9sWl0 5 6d,1556d,1 & Jft B t' each. flours. Pnces from 2. Ud to 45, ■ BEAUTIFUL IDEAS IN CUSHIONS. — /■ _IW, 95.6 d for 6s 6d, lCta 6d for 6s Ud AnoUjor^New^Model BRASSI|RE. inipink satin and lace, 12s 6d. , . CHILDREN'S CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, embroidered nursery figrures, 6 Th^ neweß fc ' " KEWPIE"' PIN- -I In Cretonne. Shadow Tissue, and-'SiTK, • ' " 36 Sampte VOH-E. COMBINATIONS- , INFAOTS' WHITO LA WN FROCKS, fmely tucked trimmed Valencien- in box; Price, 4, 3d,-5s 6d. datoWy made, i« CANDLE SHADBft-lfto«l dwt. «d f,X™ "7= n^l t« firl Band-ombrowercd s very dainty nes lace and insertion, hand made, 23s 6d, 27s od, to oas od. , „»«»♦_ .h.A** Prfnm (mm fc M »mrW \ mrt «h>H«> Prica 1« M —«• • Striked Si" Stockfnette' Tea Ccey. in SEfJECT YOUR CORSET from our big Worth U™6d fo/fi. Ud TODDLERS' WHITE LAWN FRENCH FROCKS, trimmed tiny crochet buttons, , SCARVES AND COLLARS - " " P™ *7 d - . '' Crash Runners, from 3s 6d to 9s .6d. We carry a v ran o{ D . and A-| xc-uidw xiid, is 4Jd halt doz. WHrrE j A p SUjK FROCKS> prettily embroidered in pale blue and,pale pink, NINON AND GEORGETTE LONG SCARVES, all good colourings. A useful . , --- XMAS GIFTS'FOR MEN. W.B. CB and B and C?; CORSETS. 182 yaWs SILK EOLIENNE-In fawn, buttons to match, belt at waist, length 22 fo 24 inches, 32s 6d, 35s 6d. present. Prices. 15s 6d, 17s 6d. "• . SPECIAL NOTICE. •• '" "' - ?™b or' White Couti., a^> Blush '—* T-^SS .Iftd far 1. IM 5N- «OWNS, in pale pi^, Sq u ar , neck, short TULIjE^CAHVKS, WTJIUI3Ji «UXXV , _„,„, _ Gents' White Cotton' Handkerchiefs, 3s White. ' 7 only Irish Embroidered BEDSPREADS EXQUISITE PALE PINK SILK CREPE N. GOWN, trimmed lace v neck, short N VERY LATEST DAINTY SHOULDF.R SCARVES, suitable for day or evening In the interests of public health, to tiew. «l ' ;"."^X; half dozen —Full size,, slightly soiled. sleeves. 725. "f " wear, in net and voile, in pink, blue, heliotrope, champagne, creme, white, .... ... • -- - ..-...- Gents'" White Silk Shirts bands or col- nxro dototko civ - „jo. iv in. ■ Worth 40a. To Clear 25s CHARMING HAND EMBROIDERED CREPE DE CHENE N. GOWN, in pale and black. Prices 3s Ud, 4s 6d, 6s Ud. 8s Ud, 12s 6d.' >of the recent epidemic, then will be no - ... * ,~ lars attached 21* OUR PRICES-6s Ud, is Ud, & Ud, 10s 2 3 pieces Fine WHITE VOILE—With ~ pink nnd cream, scalloped ed(re, v neck, 3 sleeve, 97s 6d. SILK KNITTED SCARVES, in stripes and all summer shades. Prices 7s 6d, 12s , " Fairy Palace" or similar attraction "...;.-*,.,.,"*. Gents' Tussore'pviamas 35s 6d, 12a 6d, to 27« 6d pair. ' ™ts douWe width EXQUISITE BOUDOIR DRESSING JACKET, in pale pink crepe de chene. 6d, 15s 6d, to 39s 6d. ' , jrairy ralaee or similar «. ■\t'Vl'"T^ '^X muA^TTT^^ r^rfrT^rmr-a ' ' > Worth 2s 3d for Hid . trimmed.Frehch knots and .wide satin ribboif, newest design, 67s 6d. NEWSTYLE IN CREPE DE CHENE TIES, all colours. Prices'6B 6d, (n Ud. this year, but "Toyland "-roomy and - -"iT^'t GonU^™~^2!S^nvM '— ■ ' , 7 750 yards WHITE PIQUE-Soft and HANDKERCHIEFS FOR GIFTS AND HANDKERCHIEFS FOR YOUR OWN TllE NEW^SMART ARTIST BOW, to^voar ,ith p.ain blouses. Prices 1, 6d, airy ._ win sKort , y in wl awißg . .■_ ffiWlSr 26in' '««-. 24i "' 253 6d: ' , 35 p t;V 4o .;; h Xwm™ VOILE- '^^^ COLLARS, raised embroidery, new shapes. ' Watch daily papers fer fu.l particular. _ .., ... , Gents' Brief Bags, 14s 6d to 30s. JAMES SMITH, 'LTD., Worth Is 7d for Is, 2s 3d for Is 6id yd. CHA^M^CR EP E DEI CHENE HANDKERCHIEFS, \n dozens of design,, ■■■tJAyT-VOM.teLLAM^m^ fished. Prto4Old '- V ' "' ■ "'V"~: -' " WHAT ABOUT A'RUG? 315 pairs LACE CURTAINS-In all an d all with neat coloured'borders, Is 3d each. ' \ DAINTY MNE WHITE MXJSLIN AND ORGANDI COLLARS, embroidered and V ■- ■-_ -; £ The renowned Kaianoi Rues no more ' widtlis. and up to 4 yards long ■.. - The Handkerchiefs of "Eve" of tho Tatler, nbsolutcly unique designs and; artistio , lace edges. Prices Is 6d, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, to 9s 6d. , j^ -_g -o%\ ';\-.f - £ a^epUblo »ift-*dark an§ light "pat- FAMOUS FOR LOW PRICES, . Worth 8s lid, 10s od, 13s 6d,> 14s Ud, in effect. Is each, lls 9d do M n. ' Mft' ' . ; ," < I/** I <s'lJ••l.< CrAL**.'*^^*-'^* $ ■ to?ns^7os" 75, 80, 90, %l> , luf•' ' 18s 6d, 21s 25s 6d, SOs HEMSTITCHED LINEN INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, Is 6d each. . '■ . MA 4*% i T fMki A 4 A Q ft H/kilWi A *' Two o'nly'HanAci 1. SabSeroßuw, IL, ■__,_.-_■ .' M nmA wv • Sale Prices 6s Ud. &' 6 d. 10s od. 12s 6d, P««an M«i » DAINTY LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS, fantastic effects, but , '". ' l\ II Xl il IIIIP Jk^.l AIIIX Pf & liirht srev 1 brown ff, hi 80, CUBA-ST, ■■- 80, CUBA-ST. -ia b a.i it, n j oi s pa, (v ':. , ;jmart withal, qmto n wonderful array for dainty Xnmß gifts. Is 3d. each. It II |%| fIII I■■ fffVlUll ■ ill I^.^ MS' ** ?^' light grey,, I brown, £6 6s. ' > . 14b bd, IDs IW, 24s od pair ' Fl* LINEN^HANDKERCHIEFS, hemstitched, the evergreen Xmas gift,-noaily C< T? f\ T* C< T? ' At TZ 1? T? « T "PV I 111 1 VUWIVIIVIIJKy vUall MIjU/ ■' . ■ " ' ~ ; embroidered desig-ns,, worked in one corner. Is, Is 3d, Is 6d each. .. - VJT Hi \J" MAj \X Hi VX/ XV MU MXi KJ M-J MH X » r' -' TE AROFOTIBTI COT^F/S "DRAPRTJ^Y C 5O 1 A general; but; beautiful collection of IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS,- bo(h.- * ' -> \ r*MOUs for oven so uUifok AvWCI I IMUVWMar."^ r^i, «tJ7 WLJiO WArLWI W., Vmstitched and embroidered, in lovely designs, j.ofc unique for Xni« gifts, ■ V t injrnAxr mT\ V W¥TTTWPrpnw " i.. •u*uty. »tvle awp v*UtfK__.._/^ \ WftLUW^IIIH: . ;, . Cuba-St«et. • 108. 110. 112, CUBA-STREET. bufever acceptable. Prices from Is 11^ to 9s 6d each. V V, -° °|' .... LA MBTON-QU^-Y, WELLINGTON. . ""^^■^^^■"^^^""■^^■'■Ff"""" 1"1"?"* •'•

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Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 137, 6 December 1918, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 137, 6 December 1918, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 137, 6 December 1918, Page 11