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■■■'■):■■/i; VQSt OF WELLINGTOW* . .■"':''/'''r.!-'; .'.'"-','HiOH'"'*rA*»B.^' ■'': -' ■ ',•! '.. Jc~*vy— tih 15m a.m. jOh 43m p.m. ■■',•: So-morrow—lh 6m a.m.; lh, ' :; -'■:.--.; '"■•'-■ "'\.ARRiyAijt.:. ■: ■'■ • ■■■.-;: "■ : September 28-Calm, s.s/ (o:2S- p.*.), 081 : jfonsi Hadlord, from Dunedin, Timaru, and lytt': teltonf'.-';■.'. .' .■ . .: ■ • ;V- '• . •. ;: ■■•: " September 28^-Wairab, 5.3. (7,), 88 tons, Deiley, from Blenheim '■'•'. /.September 29—Queen of the South, s.s. (1.40 i V. i.m.), 198 tons, Harvey,. from Foxton ' -■':'.: September 29—Kapuni, s.s; (5 a.m.), 150 tons, . Gibson, from Patea . . ■■. I■■ ■ September 29^-Mapourlka, s.s. (7.40 a.m.), „ 1203 tons, Irwin, from Nelson and Plcton. : September 29—Maori, s.s. (9.25 A.m.), 5412 j .'/••'• iCons, Manning, from.lyttelton •' -I- .>'.•' i ' V. ■ September 29r-Kaitoa, s.s. (10 a.m.), 305 tons, : .Wildman, from Nelson ••■.;■.• ] ; September 29--Invercarglll, s.b, (4 p.m.), 2241 :' fona, Wahlstrom, from Wanganui '. , September 29—Opawa, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 110 j '■■■■. tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim . • i. •• . . ; September 29—JIana, s.s., (6.50 p.m.), 134 ; , ' tons, Sproule, from Xyttelton , September 29—Putiki, s^. (9.40 p.m.), 409 '•■.' tons, Bobertson, from Dunedin, Timaru, and • Xyttelton ■:•'■'■ ■:]■■: September. 30^-Bosamond, sj. (1 a.m.), 721 .. , jboue; Edge, from Gisborne and Napier (: U. ■;■;•'.,';:-' :. OEPARTUBES.'- ■; '. ' ■ „ i Septemder 28—Nikau, - s.«. (1.30, p.m.-), 248 .Sons,;-Hay, for Nelson. ■ ■•■■•'„• .', September 28—Tainui, s.s. (3.15 p.m.), 128 ; tons, iThompson, for'lyttelton •■■.•■. September 28-t-Mararoa, s.s. (3^5 p.m.), 2588- ---•' tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton ; v September. 28—Alexander, s.s: (4.15 p.mi), 377 itonSi Wildman,;for Westport and Greymouth ■';' ■ September iSr-John; U.. (6 p.m.), .342 tons, ; ,'iHawick, for Timaru and Dnnedin ■' - September 28—Huia, s.s. (11^ p.m.), 127 tons, ; Harming, for Mew Plymouth ■■■■.. Wo^ EXPECTED-.. ARRIVAfcS. \ !, ", :■■.:'..-.'Kamo, Greymouth, 30th ■'• .... „ Kakapo, Greymouth, 30th . \ , : . Waimea, Tarakohe,: Ist * '."■ .' .-;'■■ Mararoa, Lyttelton,'lst .'■ : ■■■■■;■ ;: Baden Powell, Greymontb, Snß •"■■'. : Hawera, Patea, 2nd" '.. .'.' , ' '■-.- .Wavericy,, Patea, 2nd •.' ' . ■■ .:'• . .Mapourika, i Nelson :and: Picton,j2no ; Wanganui, 2nd ■ ■ - Westralia, Melbourne, 2nd . , 'v' ; Komata, - WestpoH, 2nd ' .': ' . : . : .Aratapu, Onehnnga, 2nd . ':.'. • ' 'Kapuni, Patea, 3rd ■ . "•'.: Blenheim, Wanganuf, 3rd . : , "■■; InVercargill,. Wabganui, 3rd • v ; ...... ""."' ■ Kgatoro, Greymbuth, 3rd ■ , ' . >Kaha,.Napier,' sth : ' „-". 's. - ""■ •" ; „.'■ PROJECTED DEPARTI»BE9. ■ SteilaVDunedin,'. 30th ;- '.: '' V ' .Wairau,'Blenheim, 30th „ ■ . . Blenheim Sounds, 30th ' ... Karu, New Plymouth and Greymouth, SOtH '-.' '.•■■• Kapiti, Wanganui, 80th - '•. . , ■ ' . :'■•";■.'■•'Qneen of the South, Toton, 30th , •' r> Blenheim, Wanganui,' 30th-- i.: ■;.'.. .. '!. InvercargiU,"Wanganui, 30tli : . ' .'.•;;•, V;."Ma6ri( Xyttelton, SOth .:...":-" '■ ' :' I;;- Jlapourika, Picton and, Nelson, 30tH',, ..:,'.. ;TCapuni, Patea,\ist '■■'■ >■-.-.' .'. ■ •'■■•■ :'■.'■ •:':': • VJRosamond, lytteltbn, Ist . (■-■' ,■.".•."■•"/ •■',■■ ■■ '■; ■ Kahu, 'Napier,. Ist.- -.■■:',■: - ''■ ..:. [J- ' : -\' 1 . Wakatii, Kaikoura and lyttelton, Ist .;-• Waimea ( Nelson'and'West Coast,: Ist ■ .' ' Kaituna, -,Westport, Ist-, ■ .. „ ';. :: ■• Kampria, Auckland, Ist ;■ >';".■:'• ■'■..■ Opawa, Blenheim, Ist-. '■•..:■•■:..•/ „ ' , . , SVeStmlia,'Melbourne,'-'vta-'OootheniL flortSißth ;;.. - \;\--^:-'----wr'TiELEQR.Ai»»i.w. i.v.:'. :;■.■ V '■,;•* ONEHUNGA;,'29Hi:e«pteinl)er' , L awl»ed^-SaTa.wa («^0 a.m.), from New Ply^i . ....; NEW. W.YMOTJTH,; 28th September , ■ : Sailed—Baden. Powell;, (midnight),',ior-Oiey- . mouth' '■"'■'' '■".■'■ •:■"■- .■■■': ■''■''■■.• :■.":]•'•. ■ .•••'."= WASGANCI, 28th September ■■- ' "Arrived—Havera :(6.45 pjn.). and/vWaverley W. 40 p.m.), from • Wellington • : ■:'. 'j "^ v •■■".;. ■' •:■ NAPD&, 2Mb : September Sailed—Kahu (S pjn.), for Wellington, via; the'coast; Eosamond (6 p.m,), ■ and' Eipple^ •: ' (midnight),;for. Wellington- ;<; ; " .;,?•, '..-,■ ■•■;-, °; f ..:.; ",.;NEISON, 28th September,- ---' Arrived—Cortina. <noon), iroin -Timaru : : •• . />',: .■.-■•.'.('.■ ..... ■ 29th September :■ Sailed—Corinna. (2, for New, Plymouth , , : WESTPOBT, 28tti September . . 'Arrii«d-^ar«jnu (IUO ipim.), from Welling-' '■■..(■'■■■■".'■■ .■•■■'■'.'■'■■-■■■■ ■■'■ '■ '^September. . AErt»e*-Koin«t^-{1230-«3m.), Irom WeUmg- -,' ittdn ' .■:■'■'• .■■■."■ ■ - ■■-'■',','.■ -"■"-• "" ':'■■ ": ._.-:-•-.— ■ GREE3BOOTH, 28th September ' Arrived—Kg«beie-{SJopjn.), from .Welling- ■ '.' ton-' 1 ■*■■= ■-■■'..■'•;■ ■ ■■."■ -''- ' :■■ .>■'[■■':<■.•■•. ■:"'.■■'• ■ ' •■;>'•*■.■.■. ■.■>.- y:i'','!-'■■■':''■■"■ , ZSft September <„- SiUed-^i'gahere. ttSU-t^m.), for. Wellington .; ■ • MHIKtIOIf,' 29th September -;■■ ■ArrhFed-^Mararo»-'.P3-^.io.),' from .'Welling* ■ ;■-., j6ouv-^H'.'.'. :-'.O-.':',■.'-"..:: ■ ■ '■-■.' - '.;;:". V '■ ■/:'," •-' '■'■. ■'.• ■■ •■■:■/!.i- ■■.',.•■.,■.'■•.•' 80t* September : To-e»il—M»»»o«<<C^rrpaoKs,.tor Weiliiigton ' '„'■' :' ■'■': \-.'r:'' \/\-' r'-WSBBOSUai, ■'}■■'■ y-\-> ; ■'■■;-..■■ "'Mr.'S. Smith: has taken Me <?. Mitchell's Iplace as fifth engineer of the -Manuka. Mr. I. B»rr, late third ofßcer of the Mairaroa,vllas signed, on the•Kahlki. Mr. W. llYeemauis on the Mararoa.- ■ Mr. J. Rice, late assistant parser on the I Mararoa, is now on the Manuka in a similar ■'■': capacity. -1; "..','.; ■' -:. „:■'■' " ■'• •' •' Mr. F. ■ Stnpples, first assistant-wharfinger for the Wellington Harbour Board, has retired ! on. superannuation >after, 40. years', continuous ,'.'■■ service.;, His placerhas been, takeD by Mr. ■.■'v' iE.. Bull, senior, clerk;.. ,; ... .;..'', , : . ' ; /■■ .- ;-Cj'.V'eivmjina piyEKTßtf. '■"■;'••■; ; ; There will be no passenger steamer from . ■ Sydney this week, as the Kiverinn. is making a. }■■ special trip to Auckland. She is due at the '■':' northern port to-morrow, and. will sail on '.:..'• the return trip at 9 p.m. on Thursday.' ';::'; ■■•. '■■'[ ": . THE.WESTBAtI*...' :- •'.,',.':., ■;' The Huddart-Parker steamer Westralia is ; .Sne at Welluigton on Wednesday next from I Melbourne direct. She has 50 passengers land 1250 tons-of cargo for Ac- ; cording to present arrangements, she ,will sail for southern ports'.on^Saturtlay next.' ,■'/. KEKTTING THE SCHOONER ANNIE HILI. , ' The refitting of the topsail schooner Annie . Hill at ■ lyttelton, which had been left in ,< abeyance far a time, was resumed at the beginning of the-present month, and is now nearing completion.(reports, the, Sun)., A ; new, - deck and deck beams have been pi^t in, besides a new hatch. The iron railing, has been sub- ■•''.' stituted by a railing of hardwood, which ex- ; . tends to the poop .deck, while her Bides have .-'.', been' recaulked, the rigging overhauled, and ', : several. other minor repairs effected. The '.'■. principal part of the work, which has been carried. out under the supervision of the owner V (Mr. J.M..Robertson, of Auckland), ■ completed in the course of a ,week or s,o, and ■ the vessel will,subsequently be placed'on the slip to be copper, painted. The general over. liaul/which has been executed by Christchurch and Lyttelton' tradesmen, is all that could be . desired,' the vessel being , almost as good as new. .. In about three weeks she should be, :.- .ready* to receive cargo, and Mr; Robertson . ' may send'her to the South Pacific Islands to • (trade between tlic Islands and Auckland. ■'.


Tho/.Taranaki Herald : states "that an unusual "eve,nt—the arrest of a vessel—occurred at the port of New Plymouth last'week. On Tuesday,'a writ of summons in rem, to usa the correct-legal term, was issued against the schooner Ottillie Fjord by a firm of merchants trading in New Plymouth, in respect loan action for. damage to cargo. On Wednesday another writ was issued by a second 1 firm. The proceedings were taken under the 'Admiralty jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, and the writs were served by nailing them on I the mainmast of the, vessel.. . Subsequently ■warrants. were issued to Hie Marshal under l the Admiralty jurisdiction, requiring him to arrest the schooner, and these warrants were executed in the same manner as was done ■ with the writs. .New Plymouth has hot previously had. a "Marshal under the. Admiralty Jurisdictiou," not having.a use for one, and the sheriff was specially appointed to the position.' The exchange states that as. far as is known, this is the first time that a vessel has been. arrested at . New Plymouth. The Ottillie Tjord is nt present lying at the -wharf in custody, and proceedings in the Supreme Court will'follow. The vessel will not necessarily have to remain at New .Plymouth until the actions are decided. The owners will be communicated with.'/and, on their providing security,-by paying a sufficient sum of monej into the court or otherwise the vessel will be freed; " The vessel is at -present loading a cargo of pelts and flax for, San Francisco .

Tlio Waitara .correspondent" of the New Plymouth Herald states that the Arapawa has been taken off the Wattara-Onchunga ran. : the reason alleged being that there is not at I present sufficient cargo offering. vThe Monpwoi was delayed at Dunedin until midday on Saturday, and she did not reach lyttelton until yesterday. She sailed from I the Canterbury port to-day lor Napier, Gis'borne, and Auckland. The following telegram from the Marine Department has been received, by the various superintendents of mercantile marine :-r-"Waro shipmasters that steamer Maori, at, 8 a.m. on Thursday, ■ passed partially submerged log about lGtfc long and loin thick, in Cook Strait, being south by west, a half i west, to correct [magnetic from Eencarrow Head, 14 miles disItont;".. ■. . •: ..-; '.-. „ •Repairs to the auxiliary schooner-Qisborne, flow lying. Jn the stream at Wellington, have | been completed) and the vessel will continue Iber voyage t^.*»ipai^ s »JS^ia(M«!)MeAMtia!iaßii Isro-favourable^".-;".-■."; '.■-'.■ ":";•.'■; , j

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Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 79, 30 September 1918, Page 6

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 79, 30 September 1918, Page 6

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 79, 30 September 1918, Page 6