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Is sl Genuine Money-Saving Event! The Goods are attractive— up-to-date,^ and pi: 4.epen4able quality. The prices a,re faedrock—mu,ch lower thanyou would usually pay far articles of equal merit. The opportunities for saving r/noney are so attractive and plentiful that a vi?it is well worthwhile. Will you come? White Silk Sunshades- L... .„;.'.11...... „„!. : '.. ' s°° d°zen only ■.^■;- With steel tu.b s and solid stick, RftyriaW *« '" " ■-M&K*^- ■;■ with crook ■■'* ' .„™ *?■ -.™ *M- V „.■^l^li'^alityVy^spi^;, price i2/(5 tJnd©Fc!ot|lsiniF ■:':. Sale, frige 6 for 1/3 Sale Price 4/11 - " '>'■'"' .'■;--■■>» • ■ . \ ■ *' '• ' i 4°?, SADIES 1 CAMISO.LES, „'" „',n ' n ' '".",'■ " _ —Made v.siiape ..neck, with White Voile One-Piece Frocks -~'~~ ■; "•■ ■ ; •■"" small puff sleeves, trimmed . . . ■ ' . ■ ■ ■■- 50 R*aclv-to.Wpar Hats Swiss embroidery -insertion, Daintily trimmed- embroidery, i OU Ready tO-VVear natS with ribbon beading with high and low collars ; skirt* 'In coarse straw, tagel, ramie /"■'"' Salß Pl'ice ?/11 p-ain a"d tnmnied ; plait, and others in two-tone ef- ' 4 doz. LADIES' KNICKERS— ' ' :' Usual price q\lfects, or all one colour ■ Closed or open shape; various Clearing Price. 8/11 Usual'prices ia/6-to ai/-. S'Ood designs ; trimmed frills of; ■ „..,,■■..,. ".,. ;.« '.."*:• . ■ * ' own material; also, lace or em- ........ ............ t !?=—r. — Sale Price 5/11 each' broidery Sale Prioe 3/8 ' • „„ . ■•■_,.-' *■, •■■■•■ ' ■ •.'.■.'■■:;. "•.■■■':•■ ■■/ .■•;- ■;•':' "' White Pique Costumes- - ' 3 dqz. LADIES' NIGHT-.,, • ■ . r-:\,",': . : • DRESSES; —. All different de-., Neat and well-cut, easy fitting White Muslin BIOUSSS siS^s;. square and V-shape coats,, .with belt and pockets, '•" '" necks; some trimmed embroid- . trimrrjed crochet buttons;, smart Trimmed embroidery, with sailor cry, others lace, insertion and hanging skirt has let-in cross" ' collar .edgil^ > very strPHB and gcr- pieak down sideSi ,. h^im finish v ': . Usual price 4/6 viable . Saie. Pn B ? 7 /6 , ings Usual price 45/- . Sale Price.3/6 Sale Price : 35/--I CALL TO-MORROW! .■"j_: "-"■ - "'" - ::" ■■"■"'' r GEORGE AND KERSLEY,:LIMIfES);:; LAMBTON QUAY :: :: WELLINGTON CRETONNE SKIRLS. , 1 , •..,""; '", ': V 7 i .'"' ""'. .' ' "" .';"'"~'.Ti riIHESE arc the latest whim of Dame " ■'■'•■■ ■ ''"'"'"ri.' "''.':'■ ''. "".'" "' "' . ' ' ■ ' :< JL Fashion, and display many rich' „„■ ... ':'•:'' »'..jwijiiilhljr. ■ ""• ' - " ■•' ' - 'y_ colour effects that ate'truly charming in _^a ■■. . -^^^pSfflßHHKliaMJgfflSSS™**^*^^^^ . their ,orig:inaUtj. Macle in a variety of' <^|^ '""'^««^SWr '' ' ■"' " *S'P B^ . if B'sfi P^W&w^ .YO'OE, AUTUMN COSTUME . "* . ' ■ - '.■' 1 WILL BE ■DISTINGTLY SMART ■,•-,.■ • . • IF you have it 'Tailored at COLE- ' S—J ffT| "S^ #B O i^\ tf fV% &^ I%M £2b^i'KT •* lf M^' s- A-r 11 •%■'">^ 9if 5i by ■ ndiin^oi 1 it; in t; w •■• itself—its superb lit and Sinish will place \ it far above- the ordinary. ' . ..■■.■ "Colenian" Costumes are produced for 5" '"^TT T"¥^ i^^^\ '/li '"Sf'^C^ .. ' discriminating ladies who appreciate the ■ ' ' ■'I""' H"T fi"^f ' S■ I B A^a X " ' importance of hav;ir,g a Soft, Natural OCi --JL \yJ i^ 11 "*^«^V_.i^ f3 .ft \J 99 ■IJ?nSip.S Costume. „ .' ' . ;■■■-; '•.. .' ' :'. „'..,.'. •,...."" !.".'."■', "'.! J■'" '. '■,*."■ Select your Material now from our ~: ■""'■ ': ' ," : .., ' , ;;, ~:"' ;',, . . ■ ehoico-'and varied a^ent. ' ' .. . BeaUtiful ItlipOrtationS V .',. ..:". a. 'j.; colsman, ' ■- .'■ - ■■'.•;■': '; „.,..-,:,■:"■■ Ladies' Fashion Tailor arid Robe-Maker, ; NO""W 00. ViG'W ! Colonial Mutual. Building, il7, Custom- . > ■ „ ' ... * housc-ciuay." . ..,.■,...- ......... . ... . .... . , ..■ ... : i ' v& ' cc§iS^^"--.■. ,-Prominent among thenewfashion 4sj^^i| v ..*■* . goods received by us are these THE RISING PROCLIVITY. „ ■ 'M&^-Mt .': ■■■. • . '.c , c /- <■ ' t "* A * iyfpfi^:#Slv, 1 beautiful Fur Coats. Imported —-' ■■■• ■'• direct from trustworthy English v-JW^M' 1,. ■'•'■■■■■,■■■■ A - ■■ »"■; aZr ■ &Ws&smS&*ow makers, these Autumn and winUP GOES EVERYTHING! Mm&S^^^:W^- ": ■■"■''; ' ' ■ ' ' Jg^^fei«Sp|^' ■■ -rA ter Coats are' of 'the utmost style CALLING TO mind'the «^^^^^^^g^^ and'quality. In-each instance the- '■..■' \ . o^^^^sMr^wM^'^Mi garment- is made from selected-S^RE-TO-BISE skinS) a nd has that unmistakable fef^f^§'|^3^^k ' superior appearance to be found 1 ' Of . M^^^^^^m'' We invite inspection: ■ :' HUDSON'S ■ :il^^i|ft|fipi > ' ■'■:■■•.',■•. ■ - ■■■ ■" ' ' '■ '/*'■„.■•''■«, \\ j ■OALLOON BRAND :feSSfeif^#Mwlwpf# ..,.,,-,. ■OaLLOON BRAND ■ 'wt#^P##ll%|^Sil^| '■' ,i . ■ ft®^lil^ift|W -LOVELY "Sp/VJj- MUSQUASH * ' Sift^iiSlilSlif^ - COAT, exact to illustration BAKING POWDER "j':':. cut 'on: the newest straight P^lii^f^ '■■■■.'■■•''■ lines; full flare skirt;; adjust-, (You can see the Scones moving; -tvith it) .* Ji*V/ ' ..... . . . ' " ',■'■.„-'.'- ■'"' '-*-■•■ ..-■••.-....■ s . /( \M able collar, ciiffs and flounce -, j P^v\ \ • °f real skunk; 43 ins. longPROCURABLE .-■' '^ V .' ' .'" „.. ' eft r ■'." LJ • Price SO Guineas MOSTLY -'''-I' ■ _„. '.-,-- ---._ Other Models. „, At RICS SEAL^JUSQUASH COAT—4O inches long; very large cape..collar." ,: ,*' ■ /- of black lynx, which..could .also -be worn'fastened: high,-tQ ■t.h.i'oatj v?i'y .•.'"'. v ' deep cuffs of' lynx to correspond with collar; gorgeous lining-, of purple- *'.-■■ silk", with black and I'white alternate stripes,.-. '.. ..-.. Price £75 . ' _ _, VERY HANDSOME COAT OF SEAL MUSQUASH^Large size;"4B ; . J5 Mi $i E T T S. inches long; cape colter of real skunk; three: rows 'of.akiink. form j ' 9 : inph flounce rouiid bottom'o{ coat; plain deep cuffs; "coat cut full flare ' * ' from shoulders, but showing figure line; lined with reseda green floral • . silk "" " '"■■"'■ ''" " ' Price £69/10/= EXCELLENT QUALITY SEAL MUSQUASH COAT—46 inches long; .... „.,,„.,... ..... „.,. ..... .. —... „,.,,. ..■■.,.; ;.. large cape cQllar-'of American skunk opossum, which could bo worn cither fastened high to throat, or open, showing revers of seal nn\squash,; deep nnHE Acme of Perfection in . cuffs and 9-inch band round bottom of Aiaeripan skunk opossum; lined •*• MORNING . and AFTER- with gorgeous silk; Oriental design . . Price-70 gljineps' .. NOON TEAS and Dainty and SHORT COAT OF REAL MUSQUASH—Cape collar "and. trimmings of ' Appetising- MIDDAY LUNCHES real skunk-; a-;,noyeli jeaturo of this, poat is the cuffs, which are very full is at ' and- bell-shaped; lined with blue silk, superior quality, in Oriental •■♦ ■ .■-..• • •.- design ' ... .....', ..'■■-' ■ -•'■•.. . "■"' . " Price:so guineas GAftfBLE &•' GEEEB'S EXQUISITE COAT: OF, FRENCH MOLE— Trimmed 'witli re|il smoke '■ ":" ■.-••-■• - g re y £ ox . hangs very full from shoulders; large collar, forming poirit? ' ... TEAROOMS, front and back to correspond with bciic.ri of ', coat, which is vahdyked; , superior quality Kning of grey floral broche. silk. ... "Price 100 guineas - WILLIS-STREET. BEAUTIFUL COAT OF FRENCH MOLE—Large size; three-quarter MORNING AND AFTERNOON length;, very, uncommon"collar, which could be worn in cape formexr l TEA oD. tended over shoulders, or, if fastened, forms circular cape; trimmed with ■•■"•■*• ' ' real skunk; full flare from hips; narrow-baridTicross sides only; finished . ' with button of skunk ; full sleeve caught in to skunk' band 8 inohes from ,;: ------ •■■--:-:. iv.i""V bottom of plain cuff . .. , ■' " ' ; Prico 8() guineas, , ri7|THAT \v<suld it 130 worth to have a , L. •. .■ ■ . -. -, ■ ....-..., ./ »•■•». "t face Free from Superfluous Hair? _.^, ■ _. ■ ■• ■ ... . ._ ■'■■■„ ' :•-.'• '■"'■ ': ThinHh W "it would brighten youfhfe. The Stetson Velour Hats for Ladies. „-: is a safe an 4 sure remedy. Avoid ■ ' ' : " ■ ■' ' , .■ „ ".. . .■■ , ..-'.. .■" -.. ■ S. 6S%" denuZ yKui3,f tosS ' These becomi»S ™d beautiful.Hats are ideal for wear.with- '. : |«cc 6s 6d,".fiqinQep. Mee. Chemist, Winter Costumes and Furs. We .are. sole agents, and .; Lambton-quay, Wollington. and lending . .. . ; \,. ..'■ -.-■■■ ' ,p cha-nists throiighout New Zealand.' Post"- . irivjte you to the display in our Millinery Showroom. ago 3d extra.—Advt. .......... ..-.»,.<...•..., „ '.phone 2224. Famous for over 50 years for Quality, Style and Value! A - r^ARERT, CHIMNEY, WINDOW., "1 'mtmtnm "'" '' ,-■-■• - ■■ — - -O assortment''bgautitul colouvs, Wst M, , BK" " "'"~'; :" '" -'-•**-*' &-* 'W"'". ■;-—.-■■•.■■ m*£_JM. ■■ quality/ Prices 1 from 2s". We defy cani ; t22s> J-' W^'^wctr?,^", *^^T-'.. ■•"•'' ...-.'-'■ "':T^S@F' ..,' petition. Buy early. Sold right" out last -„.,...■ „. „ , . •■■'•>-. : . • *•■■-. season."' ■ B. af (ireen. Chemist, 141, .j .-.:...-.. .... ..- ,■■■■■■■ ■•■■■■'■-. ■'-.. ■-■■-';,--■•- ■■;-- ■ Vivian •«(»«(. • '" ■■ " L .... —-—.... ■>...., i , . r .^...- , • ■■■•"•, .. r'r —"•.."?'!"";„'

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Evening Post, Volume XCV, Issue 44, 20 February 1918, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XCV, Issue 44, 20 February 1918, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XCV, Issue 44, 20 February 1918, Page 9