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I 'r,. ' SPECIALS. ■■, - 'f~ SALE I' :- Blankets^ All Wool, I rbm 2<ss 6d:rpair ■-'- ' • ; Kapok Quilts, .'single'lss'. .lid, double: 22s . ■ . 6d ;■. ' ; ". ' . '■■ •;■ ;./■'.•-■.■.-^-•v';- 1. ; Crochet Doyleys, dainty designs, 6d each ' Smart Felte, various shades; ;2s lid ; ■"■',.,... Tweed Coats, ridiculous reductions, from v -.-.76 6d .;:■-■;■ ■• ■ •' '■;■:■;:^.rz^CrrDainty Blouses, lovely, patterns, from 2s . .. .-..■ lid; -.•;.■ ■ '•;,:,■;:•/■;;,'.. :••.;.•:. .'.■•;■ ■' ■;::">. : . Children's.Woollen Caps, half-price, 6d' ■ Hat Ornaments,''in great variety", '.6d.t".'""•'•'■ Trimmed Millinery, reduced to lOi; '64i;- . ,-.' 15s 6d, i9s lid ■'■... .;;.":"■■■.■"■■"'.■'■■>;■;; CARTER.' AND CO., CTJBASTREET.- ---— ——' ' ■ ——:— '■ —;—:——, f-.-,: W ANTED, capable Blouse..Assistant^';. V ;:• good salary; permanent position; ■■ : - Apply. Miss Lloyd, over.. Barlock,; ;199, •', \ '■■ Lambton-quay. ;• !"",■-""•■■',■- '-■■•-«■••=: 'y , •■ ", "ANTED to Rent,. House, ;5 rooms/ city or suburbs^' State, rent" in 3! locality to Swanspni Evening Post;' ?■ " ;■; : ANTED; to Let, Large; Front Room,;; ■! fireplace, c.1., use of conveniences;. married couple. . 7, College-Btreet." ;,,..: ANTED—Men's Warm Tweed Over-; ' coats 17s 6d, usual price 353 jyTireed ■ ,: Suits 27s 6d. George and Geprge's,'Cub»- i" street Sale/;;. ':./v ;'! ::-.:,.:"''!■ •'■.':l""**:-^.''!''.T!."'!.' • .T^Al^TßD.^^rnUihed'.r'Bei^itliP^r''; I' » »' room, married -couple; use-obnveiii-\ ences.' "State terms to'Eccles, "Evenuigi Post.;,; "',. {' '•■'. •:■ '■"•■-.■''■ J?'-! I'S!;/ .;■ ANTED, small Furnished Cottage;. within 1 3d section of "town.---Apply . J.C., Evening Post. ..'.:■':.:.::.' :''.V":;^'!7.T,' ■■• ANTED ,to Sell, Singer. 'Treadle;' Sowing Machine,. large spool, bert '•■ * shuttle; . price ,',! £3:". 10s; perfect'; order;; .*-.;.' guaranteed. >;- 'Harrison,' - 39, ElUce-street; my, only" address....,' J-.',"" :. ~■'■■',.y,:li"i'".';,*.';» r '- ; . : ANTED—Boys' Sports Suits, to clear: ■■:■' . 10s 6d; Jerseys, 2s 6d; Tweed 1 Hate;; Is I Golf' Hose, 2s lid. .George and; ... George's' Winter Sale.';.;;-.;;:, •'.:::rX'''J'-:l'.:i/.t-}':"'. WANTED, . sunny. Bed^itting-room, : by, soldiers'; wife, baby, .and mother, all /convenience*. ' Apply.. E.\W.; post ";. Agency, Newtown. -.'. \ - '■■'.; ■■:.- '• •'."?'. ,••'••.. ANTED,:by a refined-lady,.; Position' ,„ as head or manageress oi tea rooms. >. . Apply■B.Br,.Evening;Pqst.^:-.-- -\/. v;';';.;.;.;:": 1: ..; VITANTED ;to. I^t,;4-rd.?Flat,;cbmfprt- r . V.T> ably furnished* >piano,- all joonveni-.. ■ . ences,_.3Ss; week; ...Apply Mrs-'Pennilold:,- \i ' "Waverley,- 1..; Marion-street- ■■-•-.•'-.-*'•-»^ -',■■■— •.-..,- ': TTfTANTED— Bargains in Dress. Fabrios, ;' I IV Velyeteens; Is 6d;. Wool: Delaines, Is ■; ,6d,' dark grounds; - Blousings,: Bjd ; yard;~ „■.. At -George and George'siSale: ' ;/i« «-...^;~v.TTITANTED' to Rent, Trentham;* mnall'; ;T.T: Cottage, pr.2;.Eurnished."-Ropmi,:;Biiit -: -;' soldier's'wife and "chiMr 1 Apply' SoWiet's?,: Ayife;';.Eveninß.Fost; J >^-.:-...^.; J *^^y. -n : ; WANTED,, by. respectable; woman, : Work,, by;. gppdllieferences. ' ! Apply-L.M., Evening Post.;- : - l ■..■■..■-■."/ "•" \\T ANTED ; Red,.: Indian » » Motcr-Cycie, 1916",' good order' .re-.-': quired: Apply Cheap, Post Office, Trent:', , ' ham' Camp: ■■/■■• .';■■:.■ 'f ■'' :■.;■■ :■'■ •'/■*:'• -'A; : ; '.'• \\f ANTED!—George and George's Sale ■'.:..' »T ■ Bargains: 54in Ripple Cloth 2s lid, { S4in Costume Tweeds 4s 6d,- 42in Heavy ; 'Twseds;2s;-3d.:.'.',f.-''.'v .: t ■'..■/•;■•;■: ' :- i-':.' ';. '' ANTED to; Buy, good Piano' and ■ . , Roll - Top-Desk.; will, pay cash; •;; down.; Address, Roll,' Evening: Post; ' V : WANTEtf-Jumbte ;;! Sale, ''TrinitySchoolroom, Nowtowa, Friday ;night, Saturday ;afterppon,-this'-week.-' ;;':', :■.''';';,:'.. -. ■^TrANTED, young Man, with. £W .to „: T.T £200, to; enter into partnership .in \ •■'■'/ a-most profitable- business. .Apply, X.V-, ; Evening;/Post'-''*;' ■'■''■.■•';;.--.;. .."' '-.'.■''■■'■' ,"."; ANTED, Gardening, by experienced;'. man, day or. otherwise ; good references. : Apply :Eiperience, Evening Ppsfc-.; ) WANTED— Furnishing, i.Bargiins".'vit;. Geprge and George's Saler Jap' Rugs :: ' ls\6d r Scagrass 5s -6d, Twisted 55,; Lace Curtains 3s 6d.-:".".. ;.;;;r..r'-:'*:.'"/ . ANTED, to. Board, 1 or 2 refined; •\, . . young/ women or married couple; '{'"': most, healthy;:,'n»pderate*.terms.; „;Apply Most Healthy, Evening. Post; , ..>. ':'.■. )'iX- , ANTED, by kind motherly person,' : Child; to :look'after, must be.rover ; 8 months old. •; ', Aiiply":A.M., "Evening:' Post.- ■■.'..: ; ..■;.;,■ ::s■'* .:- ;'■ ■'■: '■■■ ■ i■-:-:;/ ■;: WANTED, \smaTt -Boy, -good ''wage*.'' : . Apply Hill; 8r05.," Grocers/Cuba- . ' street/:':; •; .'-,■'' ... ' : ./.';.:.:. i.'..,r.:..,',.'.!■: i;' ANTED V Sell,. Mirarnar, 4trd.'.Cot, ' .'. tages, bath, gas,', drainage,,;workshgp, i acre secticn."Apply;Spec,-,Even-- " ing Post. .....■':.'."■;''■"'■ .■■!'., --.-■'■■'■ ':'■■:'■. .i.'^-. ■' ' WANTED— Eider Quilts -24s 6d,Cok>n-= ' ial Blankets 27s 6d; 325" Sd," 39s 6d; per; .'. pair at Georgo-^and G^erge's .Cubi,-street ■:: Sale: :■■;') :;.::;;^''i;.^.-,^'.''}M:^^,; W ANTED,,care.of,.little;girl^frpm_2 .' 'years, : good 1': home, no;,other/.ohile dren. ; Apply. Company, Evening Post. ■, j „■'. 'ANTED Let, superior' Apartments,-';-'.;; Dr. Chappie's late.residency., 118;., Upper pixon-'street, entrance,; City:'";,':;'."*;",';.'; , 'ANTED j'to.: Sell, ■s White VTreadle: '"'; Sewing Machine; in perfect, order*;, , iprice 30s. . Harrispn,'. 39, :; Ellice'.-str.eet.;. No, 1 . connection with any cither, shop.'';'■ i . ■■ ■ .:.■-:■;' , TJR'ANTED, a young Girl; for Cpur-y y -V-' tenay-place tea ■ room.',;Apply \ G°d J ber's, i Cuba-street: •■'r''l:""*:'"^'"'---:';'"^'':?^:''^ ' : ANTEDeOuriCarpet' Squares';::^'.':-.; ■ minster 1 Runner,' Tapestry,' "Stair,Hearthrugs,- Door"; Slips, 'at;sale4p'riccs., ' George and George, Cuba-street. *• '■*•?■!":*;. '■ "., W ANTED,••"•• smart •■: Waitress;'.. Apply ■ : ,30, Courtenay-place, -r. -L ....,:...,:..,.,. ' TTfTANTED, Housekeeper (temporary,l V it country); 1 Married, Coup"les,",,C6ok-;': Laundresses,/ Cook-Generals, Paripurmaids, Ladyhelpsi; Cowmen, Waitresses.:" Star, 2d0,i,-Qaay.y ' ■ :'■ ■ . .-'■ '■-■"' ': v'. "■.-.;:'. v:'; ', " WANTED to Let,. Room; in small pri-'. : yate family, suit two friends.. -/T, ; < Evelyn-place, off Webb-street. :..- ,; V.':,, W ANTED—George' and . ' George*, r Cuba-street, Winter . Sale t. Bargains. ovory. department; ;see; pur; window di»-... play; epmo early !! ■". ■ ■■.■■•-'■- ■-' .---■ \->-^)-^--- : ' .. WANTED, relieving >Girl, good wag^s.'. Appy, Empire Cafej 23, .WiUis-atreet.; ; WANTED, by young 'jnan^BmrH'-iJUMir Hcaidenje; central. -; Apply. V,'_Blj • - Evening; Post. ',;;■' --', -.3.'"'-l---' .'.-'- ■*'.■!-.■'■-'. '■-■■ "■>■'*'•■-: WANTED, a good Rabbit Dog, ; used- tf» giin; Apply Sport;;Evening.Post;.:" , WANTED; a-Girl, inexperiencedVnee<f-■'> not apply. Shetland Bakery; „Quba> i street.":-. '■' ?.-,"t."-.'i:~ ::-- ■■* ■'.- - ..-V^-; : --: ■■■■!•.:-. ■'■' ■ ANTED—Ladies, visit Great Sale, A George arid George's,; Cuba-street:. ' : Warm. Tweed Coats, worth 455, now'9i: lid;' Children's., ",7s: lid.":- v '--'-"/■.':', ..";'■,'.-":.:.•/;.; : . WANTED "Sell, :Sih"ger::6B;:i)ropKeaav. cheap; Oak' Drop.he«d, £4 15»!. Treadle", ."£2"lss";:r'rarawe'rr,Treadre;i £2. ; Globe, Opera House, .MatinersjStreet;'^';. WANTED, a Second: Cook . (female).. , Apply Fail's Commercial -Restaurr ant, 195, Lambton-quay. '. . , : ; . V , ■"., WANTED,; General, daily;,one living,vicinity •Bouleott-street ■ preferred. ■:■■.: Apply 3, Boulcott terrace. ..'.;, .".'.'■.','".'• "-li-j.' ANTED—One-picco Dresses,. 455, jo- . ducod to; 7s lid, all colours^-m': tweeds, serges, 'cloths,' at George and. George's Groat Sale.; -;.;', :.;A.y.,',::'r.';.',U".:.. ■ \*TANTED Sell,' good Section, ' ; ■ T.t.-. Beauehamp-street, Karori, 49ft 6in-x ;V 148 ft, cheap, £80 cash. Address at Even L . ing Post ■ ; - - ■ „: ;; - ,-. : :. WANTED, -Person;'to assist in house, : , sleep in; good home, also Person.forsmall shop: Apply Hill, 227, RiddifPrd'street.; .•. .--■ ,-■., .■■■' '■•• ■■■..,- ■.:."-.j ■-.-. •. ■ W ANTED—Ladies, come early .and \ , purchase* pretty. Navy ■Tailored'. 1 Costume, 555. Geprge and George's .Stlfc :

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Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 152, 27 June 1917, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 152, 27 June 1917, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 152, 27 June 1917, Page 1