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LONDON, 15th December

A considerable numbor of members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces are gazetted this week as. having been awarded honours for gallantry in. the field and foreign 'decorations'. SERVIAN MEDALS. The King of Servia has granted the following orders:— White Eagle, 3rd class, Brig.-General W G Braithwaite, C.M.G., D.S. White Eagle, 4th class, Lieut -Colenel G. R Pridham, New Zealand Engineers. White Eagle. sth class. Captain A Tabu' Rhodes. Grenadier Guards, Captain Hon. AN. H M. Herbert, Irisli Guards, and Chaplain Key Hanaro W, ; Wainohu. , .. Ka^rageorge (with swords), 3rd class, Brig.-General F E Jolmston, C.B ' Karageorge (with swords), 4th class, Major G Mitchell, Otago Regiment Cross of Karageorge. (with swords), Ist class, 4/600 L -Cpl. V. A. Birket, N.Z. Engineers; 16/587 Pte George Gardiner, N.Z. Pioneer Battalion. Silver Star. 2nd class, 4/881 C.S.M John J Moore, N.Z. Engineers, 12/525 Sergt F. J Gonlan, Ist, Batt,- Auckland Regiment. ■■..,... DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL. 23/1552 L.-Sergt... H Bellamy, 2nd Otago Regiment, has been awarded the D.C.M , Although wounded he assumed command of his company, displaying great courage and initiative,- and set a splendid example to his men during the operations. 12/3398 Pte A' M'Clennan, for conspicuous gallantry in action Ho led a bombing party with great courage and determination Later he took a small party to the assistance of another battalion, thus saving the right flank 9/523 Pte R. C Travis, for. conspicu- j bus gallantry in action. He went out by. himself and accounted for several enemy snipers who were firing at a working- party.. He has on many previous occasions done very fine work 10/2370 Sergt. V C. Tunley, for conspicuous gallantry in action He assumed command of his company, organising and consolidating a section of the line. •. He showed great- courage a.nd initiative, and set a splendid example to his men 2/1452 Bomb. W. M'Queen Arty, for conspicuous gallantry jin action. When his officer ivas wounded ho carried him over 1000 yards through the enemy's barrage'to safety; he then returned and guided an officer and a battery to the position. 3/115 a C.S.M H.. R. H. Beauchamp, Ltd. Fid. Amb.. for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty Ho has set a fin© example of courage, coolness, and initiative throughout the campaign under most trying conditions. 23/483 Cpl. R. Lepper, N.Z. Rifle Brigade, for conspicuous gallantry in action! He rushed forward under heavy firo and'brought back into" safety men who were lying wounded in front of the 'firing line ■ -j 23/334 Q.M.B. A. L. M'.Cormick, N.Z,. Rifle Brigade, for conspicuous gallantry in action. He nished forward .under heavy, fire and brought back into safety men who were lying wounded in front of the firing line 23/536 Rflmn. T. Nimmo, N.Z. Rifle Brigade. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He .rushed'forward under heavy firo and brought back into safety men who were lying wounded in front of the firing line 10/902 Sergt. R, C. Potter, Wellington Regiment. For conspicuous gallantry during a raid on the enemy's trenches. He was in charge of scouts, and led the way. under heavy fire with perfect coolness and accuracy. His. fine example wa3 invaluable. v ' MILITARY MEDALS. The following have been awarded Military Medals by the Corps Commander of the 15th Corps :— . 24/643 Cpl. C. 0 Samson, N.Z. Machine Gun Company; 2/2552 Cpl. R. Steele, N.Z.F.A.; 2/204 Bomb. E. F Allan, N.Z.F.A.; 2/436 Gun. G. M'Connell, ' N.Z.F.A. ; 13/1583 Gun. W. A. 1 Jones, N.Z.F.A. 8/3992 Pte. J. W. O'Brien,' 2nd Otago Regiment, has also been awarded the- Military Medal by the' Commander o4 the 2nd. Anzac Corps . ■ |The following members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces have been awarded the Military Medal for bravery in. the field :— New Zealand Artillery.—2/654 Aot.Bomb. T ' Adams, 2/178 Sergt. It. F. Blackwell, 2/573 Bomb. R. J. Bond, 2/666 Cpl.T. A. Cordell, 7/1723 Dvr. C Entwistle, 2/608 Sergt. F. T. Hicks, 2/1362 Sergt,/ F. Kennedy, 2/1450 Gun. M. ; Macdonald, 2/1393 Act.-Gun. F. S Riley, 11/2225 Dvr H. A. Sheerin, 2/2566 Gun. F. J. Suttou, 2/1684 Sergt. A H, Vial. -:!> ' . ■'■■„ ■ Wellington Regiment.—lo/3166 Pte. G Adsett, 11/27 Pte. S T Dibble, 11/1546 Pte. J Fitzgerald, 10/362 Sergt. S. E. Gilshnan, .107360 Pte. S. W. Golding, 10/1068 Cpl, P. A. Gordon, 10/2429 Pte. W. A. Gray, 24/1388 Pte. F C. Harris, 10/3921 .Pte. J. Johnson, 10/3638 Pte. Ei. Lymar, 10/817 Sergt. H. H Mackrell, 23/2083 Pte. A. T. Ruane, 10/2384 Pte. J. B. Schoch, 10/1250 Cpl J. II Hardy, 24/1454 Pte. N. Orr Auckland Regiment.—l 2/3263 Pte. W. G. Bright, 12/3268 Sergt. E. B. Brown, 12/1911 Cpl, C. R. Carter, 12/2711 Sergt. W. B. Gilmore, 14/44 Pte. A; R. John-' son, 12/13052 Pte. II A. Johnson, 12/2755 Pte. A. Lander, 12/204-7 Pte. C. M'Beath "12/3727 Pte. W P. Middlemass, 12/2392 Cpl. G. G. M. Mitchell. 12/204 L.-Cpl. W. A. Oldham, 12/617 .Pte. C W. Porter, 12/2926 Sergt. S. D Rice, 12/2838 L.-Cpl. W. R.Shaw. 12/2863 Pte W. J. Torrens. 12/1811 Pte. L. R. Tribe, 12/3193 Pte. C. H. Whitehouse, 12/3520 Pte. J D Wright. A.M.C.—3/155 Pte. A. E. Allpress, 3/384 Pte J. N. Angus, 3/85 Pte. W Camithers, 3/895 L.-Sergfc. R, N. Gray, 24/851 Pte. J. Macarthy Rifle Brigade.—2s/162 L.-Cpl. E. Bassett, 23/968 Sergt. ■ A. R. Blackmail, 23/697 Sergt." -R. T Caldwell. 24/990 Pte. E. H. Campbell, 26/1209 Pte. W. ,C Campbell, 23/1345 Pte. W V. Chambers, 25/614 Cpl E D. Duthie, 25/1080 Pte. J. R, B. Harwood. 26/248 Pte. J P. Qninn, 24/1323 L.-Cpl. J. W: Voyle, 24/1850 Pte. N. Warren, 25/248 Pte. A. E. White, 26/429 Pte. H. Youle Machine-gun Corps.—Sergt C. Anderson, ,23/686 Cpl G. R. Booth, 10/2204 L.-Cpl. A. Lee, 10/2733 Cpl. H J. Pattison, 26/1074 Sergt. W. Payne, 6/575 L.-Cpl. G. Woodhead, 26/93 Sergt C V. Chotfietto, Pte. L V. Gibson. Canterbury Regiment.—6/2034 Pte. H. Anderson, 13/98 Act.-Cpl. M. Clarke, 6/1825 Pte. D. VV Curry, 6/2590 Sergt C. A Dartnall, 6/2041 Sergt H Ellen, 6/453 Pte. R, E. Fairbr&ther, 6/1838 L.-Cpl. E. Farrell, 6/2651 Pte. A. Mammill, 6/4054 Pte. J. Harris, 9/1438 Pte. G. Hewitt, 6/1574 AY D. Howie. 6/66 Sergt D. Howlott, 6/3806 Pte. L. D. M'Lachlan. 6/3778 L.-Cpl. J Manning, 6/2204 L.-Cpl. T. J. Molloy, 7/754 L.Cpl. R. J. Murdoch, 11731 Pte. J. D. Ross, 6/1128 L.-Cpl. J Vincent. 6/3821 Pte S It. Osbornc. Otago Regiment.—B/3469 Sergt. A. C Arthur-Worsop, 8/3809 Sergt. J. Bissland, 23/1568 Pte. A. D. Brash, 8/3195 Pte. J. Brown, 8/555 Sergt. W S. Clancy, 9/1822 Pte. N. Dickson. 8/3912 L.Gpl. J. Hulpin, 8/3626 Pte. j Hilliard, 0/1520 Pte. R, Jeffrey, 8/1771 Opi. -J.G. Lay, 8/2296 Pte. W. T M'Cwv,

8/794 Pte. R. A Needs, 9/1606, Pte. F. Radcliffe. 23/1788. Pte. R, A. Reston, 9/77 Sergt. J. Rodgers, 8/2722 Pte. J. A. Ryan, 9/1109 Cpl V. W. Shirley, 8/2491 Pte. KG Webley. ' New Zealand Engineers. —9/1333 SpiN J. Gordon,' 4/740 Cpl C. ■H- Green, 4/456 Sergt. L. P Harty, 4/101 Cpl. N L. Higginson, 4/1809 Sp». W. -J. Kmgham, 4[418 • Sec.-Gpl. R. S. Knight, 4/2115 Spr P. M'Quillan, 4/488. Cpl. J. 'G.-. Michaels, 4/17 Spr. W. G. F. Pmkham. 4/1837 Spr. C. H. Raxworthy,' 4/437 Sergt G» C. Rusden, 4/845 Sergt. E. Smith, "4/1212, Spr. C. G Wilson, 4/47 Act.-Sergt. J. Woodhill, 4/562 Sergt.. L. Moritz, 4/508 Sergt. R. F. Ellis. Pioneers.—l 6/1306 Pte C. M'Manus, 16/1370 Pte. T./T. Morgan. : Field Artillery.—2/1834 Dvr P. O. Din-ward, 11/243 Act.-Cpl. H. P C. Davie, 7/1026 Gun. C. H. Lloyd, 2/591 Bomb. C. E. Mains, 2/1044 Sergt. J. ' Martin, 2/2239 , Gun. E. I. Prime, 2/1332 Cpl. A. H. Benni, A.M.C (further list).—3/1396 Sergt. G M. L. Dredge, 3/40 Pte. G. Walley, 3/89 a L,.Cpl. W. W. Horwell, 3/258 Pte. R. A. Henderson. N.Z. Rifle brigade—24/472 Pte. N. L. Ingpen, .23/1127 Pte. R. Myers. Machine-gun Company.—ll/892 . Pte. H. L. Joll ■.'■■-.... Artillery.—2/1977 Gun. P R. Hadley. MILITARY CROSS AND D.C.M The following New Zealand officers, some of whom are m the British.- Army, have been awarded the Military Cross: Lieut. George Dunnett Henderson, R. W Kent (Canterbury).—He took jut a party and reorganised the men of his battalion under intense fire, and consolidated the ground taken . Edmund B Jardine, "R.A.M.C. (Gisborne).'—H> tended the wounded continuously for three days and nighfi nnder heavy! fire, displaying great courage and determination. He has done fine work throughout'the campaign. Lieut. Frederick N.«H. Beamish, WarReg ' (Napier).—He commanded two companies and reorganised, them, consolidated and held the. position undei intense fire He has previously done very fine work The following Military Crosses are awarded to the members of the New Zealand Expeditionai-y Forces :— Lieut. E A. Avey, Rifle Brigade.— He superintended ithe laying of a wire .-.under heavy, lire, communication and sending back valuable ttiformatiop continuously ior two days. Lieut JR.; Bongard, Rifle Brigade.— He led a small party against an enemy battery, killing a gun team and damaging ? gun He sef a splendid example throughout the operations. Lieut' Malcolm S Galloway, Wellington Regt.—He organised a party end captured an enemy trench, which was holding up the advance: Later, lie consolidated his position and neld it until reinforcements arrived. Lieut.. Colin Hally, Auckland Regiment He organised and led a successful raid on the enemy's trenches; displayed great courage and determination ■ throughout . . '■' Lieut James Hargest, Otago Regiment He. organised and led a bombing party, .thereby,! driving the enemy back and securing his left flank. Later, he organised the defence of the position with great skill at a critical time. : Captain William Howard Johnson, Field Artillery He assumed command of and handled his battery with great courage and determination, keeping his guns in action under heavy, fire. ■■ He had previously assisted in extinguishing a fire at great personal risk. Lieut Joseph B Mawson, Machine Gun Company He fought his machineguns through the operations with great courage and determination. Later,: he took part in a charge which routed the enemy ■■-...*. Captain Norman H Prior He' went over the parapet and dressed a wounded man under intense fire Later, he worked continuously among the wounded under fire, displaying great courage, and determination Rev Robert Richards, Chaplain Department He tended the wounded continuously for two days under very heavy fire, displaying great courage and determination. ■ .8/2816 Sergt.-Major Robert J Knox, .Otago Regiment He showed great courage , and initiative . during ! the consolidation of the position Later, he led a chai'ge with • great gallantry ■, He has previously done fine work Non-commissioned officers and men who arc awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal! iO/4448 Private K. Barr, Wellington ,Regiment; 2/181 Sergt.-Major J J Riddett, Field Artillery; 10/1331 "L. -Corporal E. R Scarfe, Wellington Regiment; 10/4576 Private A. Smith, Wellington Regiment; 2/1103 Gunner. G. Syme, Field Artillery ' .

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Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 29, 2 February 1917, Page 7

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BATTLE HONOURS Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 29, 2 February 1917, Page 7

BATTLE HONOURS Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 29, 2 February 1917, Page 7