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I B Showroom Goods Must Go! " GEORGE & KERSLEY'S Great Half-Yearly Sale Why is this big", popular Store thronged day after day ? The reason is to be found in our matchless Values in splendid Drapery. The attractive assortments and interesting displays of seasonable Wearable Apparel are marked at amazingly low Prices—Everything must be sold. , The following examples are typical of the huge economies offered you at WELLINGTON'S LEADING STORE FOR BARGAINS! •- COTTON FROCKS PIQUE DRESSES VOILE AND MUSLIN * Sale Prices- PRESSES 3/11, 5/11, 8/11, 10/11 Safe Price ,10/ if Sale Prjce IS/11 Assorted Styles Coloured One-piece '„.,,-,,. -„ 81 White Voile and Musliii One-; : Cotton Frocks., in muslin, voile, 6* One-piece .White Pique Dresses, piece Dresses, daintily embroidfered, zephyr, crepe, etc. v . .in up-to-date styles, well-made and finished lace, etc' • Usual prices 21/-,-29/6, 35/6 in good quality Usual price 29/6 Usual .prices 35/6, 39/6 . . . , . _ JWEED SKIRTS GABARDINE RAINCOATS COATS AND SKIRTS Sale Prices 21/-, 29/6,39/6 s Sale Price-15/11 * You are sure to need one for the Sale Price 29/6 autumn, so secure an up-to-date . . ■ oi -di i j mi-* '»ii i ni, i good Inality coafc nowafc a bargain 30 only Very Special Value Coats 23 Black and White AH-wool Check , price . V ' T „ '■ . , „ and Skirts, in broad-ribbed whip- : Tweed Skirts, new shape, useful In three-quarter length— , »,■■'• I ',"■'.. . Sale PflCe 21/■ co ™>" colours, green, fawn, brown, knockabout' garments • In-Full length— heliotrope; suitable-Air autumn ' Usual price 29/6 Sale Prices 29/6, 39/6 Usual price 63/- '. BLACK COTTON HOSIERY, TAFFETA SILK SUNSHADES Sale Price 1/3 pair Sale Price 5/11 Usually 12/6 i I. Seamless throughout, double toe and heel; record va,W> ■ S\vst gteaxi aai rarj., dax\i ■\josvkec. *S\YJ"One■TO'W VY. 1 GEORGE and RERSLEY, LTD. I m LAMBTON QUAY - WELLINGTON B I \ • ■ ■ ■ • I Godbei-'s hjavo just landed a choice as- / ,' sortment of wedding cake decorations mmmmmmmmmm^mmmm^m^mm^m^m^mtmmmm^^i^t^mmmmm^mi^mmmmt^mm^^m^imm^mmmj^ suitable for military sura other weddings. p«™w»M«M«^ .»—■BlllllialaialaaMa<>w ' Our famous cakes are carefully packed .' and forwarded through the Dominion. Wf «l i"N IT!TA"f ft-Jtinn f% S^i'Er- W - — 1^ Miss Murray, vice-regal florist*, 36, Eg W %i*jf I nJf {tya K 1 D <^k /Vsl Mt* H ■ Willis-street.—Advt. M LJI IA li&I^ JOJ^JD Jtf JjL_Jf . Black, tan, and grey fancy three-quar- Jgb |wjwn«>M>nnnnMnm»nnnminHiHm^# ter hose for your little lads, ls> 6d to 3s, at Geo. Fowlds, Ltd., Manners- «'W ■ ■ *■* * *ZZL .*«->... An Instant Success! . wearable. It's end' is not sha-rp-pointed . . but completely round. It does not get The Great Sale began with a rush, and the rush continues,. We-compute, blunt, and therefore does not wear out tug number of to-day's shoppers to be several thousands, and by far a. the disc. In a word, the reproduction greater number than has ever visited our other Sales in one day. Bargains - given by the Pathe Sapphire is as good were eagariy sought and bought in every section—in the 'first hours the msb. gentry ttereis'no SS whkhii <* *** was overwhelming. Never was » Sale received with gnsten, , inherent to all other processes. The thusiasm. Come to-morrow, if you missed to-day.. Pathe Multione Sound Box keeps the HERE ARE BARGAINS WITHOUT EQUAL* of the orchestra with its light and (made, even the most subtle. Catalogues, etc., FROM THE MANTLE DEPARTMENT. Oscar Hewett and Co., 56, Cuba-street, Coats gnd Skirts _ ln Wack and n - avy taffeta silks; full plain.skiris^coafe la \A einngton.— A.a\t. , the straj ht 8W - styJej with folds of taffeta romid edge 3; i; ned vhit& Bycrort's latest dainties for afternoon Japanese silk ' Original price £6/16/6 Sale Price £4/19/6 tea. Bellamy, Hinemoa, Croquet. Try Medium Weight Coats and Skirts—Of cream serge; full circular skirts from them. All grocers.—Advt. a yO j C6 j n p^fo on hips; smart short coat, longer at back than front; , M i—mum Mim iiriir— 1i pocket flaps on hips ; square collar and cuffs of white moire silk; pointed ~ ,„„„,,„ revers that will close up to throat if necessary; lined white satin*- ' ADVANCE SHOWING OF AUTUMN Originai price £7/7/- Sale Price 79/6 MILLINERY. Very Soft Black Silk Taffeta Skirts—Circular styles.; trimmed with four • narrow crossway folds at bottom and round hips; a finish of piping cord at rrtHE ladies of Wellington, also Visitors the waist Original price 57/6 Sale Price 47/6 JL to town, are invited to see our Skirts—ln rich black taffeta.; circular in shape; trimmed with two crossway charming selection of NEW AUTUMN fo]ds and deep nem . top of corslet waist finished with single piping MILLINERY. cord ■ ' Original price 67/6 Sale Price 55/----giliS^lclvlLVET WELCOME BLOUSE SAVING. HATS IN TAGEL STRAW p retty white Voile Blouses—Daintily trimmed with Val. insertion: &nS All the new Autumn shades and shapes embroidery Original price 10/9 Sale Price S/6 to please every taste. White Embroidered Linen Blouses—Having turn-down collars and V-shspe . MODERATE PRICES.' at neck; inserted sleeves; fastened in front with crochet buttons; a few '. , ' I have sailor collars Original price 15/9 Sale Price .11/6.' TVTTSS WALSH AVhite Jap. Silk Shirt Blouses—Cut with wide. armhole, and having the/ . ■ '' ■a"V" JJ-» newest high turn-over pollar, with peaks at side; fastens in front with 120/122, 124, COURTENAY-FLACE, three ivory rings ' Original price 18/6 Sale Price lljd ' Wellington. ■ White Jap. Silk Shirt Blouses —These have the wide armhole, a high stand- — up collar at back, turn-back peaks in front, showing neck; fastens in'front MILLINERY SALEi with three large buttons Original'price 16/6 Sale Price 12/6 LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. ST4RTLING REDUCTIONS IN Tarantnlle Nightdresses—Slip-on shape, V-shaped afc neck, trimmed real MODELS & TRIMMINGS. Indian lace, insertion, and motif • Usual price 21/- Sale Price 17/11 . Longcloth Knickers —Trimmed embroidery and embroidery insertion; closed All Prices Greatly Reduced. > sllape . women's size Usual price 5/6 Sale Price 4/9 „ , . , , 7 . i !„,. Camisoles —With fronts 'of ■ wide Swiss embroidery, finished low neck, with Ladies this is the opportunity of the Daiiity Hai)d=made Chemise—Open front, trimmed ,J,ucks, embroidery mserseason. ' tion and Jal. lace; W. and O.S. size „ Usual prices .7/11 and 8/11 /. ■ , ■ ■ .. ■• Sale Prices 6/9 and 7/6 : MISS MUEIEL BEID, / " fancy" bargains. - (Late Miss M'Keegan), Black Pure Silk Spanish Lace and Insertion—ln perfect condition"; all-mos'fi c/i -v,r \-\txttttjc «tpttt?t> effective designs and jet black . 54, MANNERS-STREET. *> Insertions _ 4in , sin . g; n . 12in . MRS. GALLOWAY, an experienced . Former pries 1/6 2/3 3/3 4/6 yard Cortifidted Maternity Nurse, will Sale Prices Gid IOJd ■ 1/3 1/11 yard be in attendance at Glaxo Offices, Room Filet Laces and Insertions—ln white only,- in armorial designs; just the 22, Nathan's Buildings, Grey-streot, City, thing for bedspreads, curtains, etc.; splendid washing laces on Monday, Wednesday,, and Thursday j^^ —6 inches wide Usual price 1/11 Sale Price 1/3 yard Afternoons,' for the purpose ■of givinjr Insertion—B£ inches wide Usual price 2/9 Sale Price 1/6 yard ?, d TViA C-2-/i froe) J to *i ot'":rs o11, 4"0 "?es °J Hand-made Indian Laces—The first grade only, in a vast assortment- of .; ?£?& Pi^rX ora^oointocKaybe Laces and Insertions to match; also medallions in a-U shapes and sizes; aScd S "ith tUfoHo PX* ChemTstf:- these goods show substantial reductions, fully 3d in the 1/= being saved by ■\? ■ i-m • T> 11 ° buying at Sale Prices ' ' \Tr' ritnn'^n^Xn.v nkee 1000 yards nen Cluny Lace Insertions-Every thread is linen, therefore „,, . , ' . iv„ strong and durable; adaptable for trimming Mouses, etc.; in good standard fofcn?&st?7- boboseenattllo .pattJns; Hand 2 inched wide Usual pr^s 3/6£ 1/6 to, ya,ds , Mr. John Castle, Nowtown Pharmacy • • / • J ■■ —Tuesday Afternoon, "2. p.m. to CLEARANCE OF MILLINERY. Mr. Gibbs, Upper Hutt —Friday, English Trimmed Models—A charming variety of smart makes, 9th~February. exclusive styles; every hat is truly a creation of art; in black and colours Mr. Dawe, Lower Hutt—Fridays, 10 . Usual prices 3 to 6 guineas Sale Price 21/- : a.pi. to 11 a.m. ■ Lovely Floral Hats—Hosts of very smart styles in all colours; ready-to-Mr. Williamson, Jackson - street, • w • becoming, and greatly reduced in price Petonc— I-ndays, 2 p.m. to 4 .p.m. .; Usual prices 21/-to 42/- Sale Price 10/6 " For immediate advice ring- up Glaxo « Ga g e » R e ady=to=Wear Hats—These well-known hats have been extremely Nurse. Telephone No. 40<i3, popular this season, but the remainder of our stock must go YOUR DRESSES MADE TO ORDER Usual prices 19/6, 35/9, 42/- Sale Price 10/6 AT a. prico which will surprise, you. Real Panamas—The hat for all occasions, simple aiWLbecoming; and reYou will wonder why you did not member, these are REAL Panama Straws; a splendid assortment awaits '■ do this sooner. Have individuality .-ox- y ou Usual prices 25/9, 29/6,35/9 Sale Prices 12/9, 15/9, 18/9 pressed in every lino of your "Summor" ■ „ , Dross. It gives a, distinction unattainable . COTTON DRESS CHANCES. . ■ LEITCH 5 an<l Cotton Floral Creptalines—4o inches viide; white grounds, with •-„„,. t't' i \ l. «.- small floral designs; suitable for dresses or blouses 232-235, Upper .Cuba-stre^ Usual price 4/11 Sale Price 1/9 yard Flora! Cotton Voiles—2B inches wide; white grounds with various floral ' PHONE 22Z*, designs Usual prices 1/3 and 1/4 Sale Price 9Jd yard C ARAND OFFl"! CLEANINGNDOW> *OU WILL' BE PAID THREEFOLD BY YOUR VISIT. .WELLINGTON CLEANING CO., =, kIIpING %WN PBX^BNSES. Dlff^^Tllll? &\^T^TIWF€- IThV W^^ °aSi Unb S uranS dpe^ i \UUJUUJI|fcy|I BAH* process of Cleaning Renovating Alter- , . J»^ y kimnqton »"\\//Tt' 'n^pieb A %B®T ing-, a.nd Pressing Men's Suits has dc T "^^ ' T ■ T— ■" " ' ■ "* <t^3 : „ lishtod maay. •' ' ' \ ■ -': '• '■: JUDAH. AND CO.. \"_' " ■ ■' ■—■ ■' ■' '""T^t .. ,i^^Willk-slMßfe^^iiwriaa&'! . '. '' '" " "

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Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 28, 1 February 1917, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 28, 1 February 1917, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 28, 1 February 1917, Page 9