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Delicious "regulator" for stomach, cross, sick, feverish children just love its liver, and bowels, for mamma, pleasant taste, and mothers can rest easy a~aa., -„,1 „i.-u„. a"er giving it, because it never fails to daddy, andjhildren. effecfc a good .. inskle eleansing ." For thirty years California Syrup of If you are headachy, constipated, bilioue, Figs—"Cahlig-,"' has been recommended or if the stomach is disordered and you by physicians as tho ideal stomach, liver, want to enjoy the nicest liver and bowel and bowel cleanser. Millions of families cleansing you over experienced, take who are well informed use nothing else. a tablespoonful of California Syrup of Ask your chemist for a bottle of Figs—"Califig," to-night,' and in the "Califig"—California Syrup of Figs, morning all the constipation, poison, bile, which has full directions for babies, chiland clogged-up waste will gently move dren of all ages, and for grown-ups plainout of the system without griping, and ly printed on the bottle. , Get the u'enuyou will feel splendid. ine, made by the California Fig Syrup Every member of the family 6hould use Company. Refuse any other kind with this fruit laxative as occasion demands. It contempt. "Califig"—California Syrup of is just as effective for grandpa as it is for Figs, is sold by all chemists in bottles of baby. It simply cannot injure. Even two sizes—ls l-^d and Is 9d. ' 5 ——^ _mmmm_mrt KBwpt^—^ —""S4*" —"*Wf —""SET" — '"■"_*" —<w» ■ ' "■wyj.j HKfMiii irf***^ rTf*""- —H*rr -* ' Maa- n ~jcit-»i n*Mt_ ____, m_Yn :'l-JOW can any man in this enlightened age keep on stropping and honing ? The *B*NO STROPPING NO HONING —the greatest thing of its kind in the world—suits all men, all beards, all faces. It makes easy that fine habit —the every morning, quick, clean, cool, velvet-smooth Gillette Shave. Get your Gillette to-day. Gillette Standard Sets. 25/-. British Made. Sold Everywhere. Write for illustrated and descriptive booklet. Mention this paper. AGENTS FOR AUSTRALASIA: S. HOFFNUNG & Co., Ltd., Pitt Street, Sydney. Wholesale DisSributora for New Zealand: E. J. HYAMS, LTD., WELLINGTON. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR LTD.. LONDON, ENCLAND. ,-._ W-W1 **&**" l*a_~.i* "ms^M?^oi^^H&&rr_Stm ***W^—^Psfl " '("tmiii iT*ffn —^s__ _^vs-w^j^ 1. y. t •gp»Vi arTH*r - tußi^i m—fl1"n luinWHTHi warn— over TO-DAY'S TOILET HINTS. _ © THE LATEST AND SMARTEST BEAUTY RECIPES COLLECTED FROM VARIOUS EXPERT BEAUTY WRITERS. Att Dl--1,1... J" C..«af not merely how to temporarily remove Blackhead Secret. the hairj how to the roota An instantaneous remedy for blackheads, oily permanently. For this purpose pure t skin and enlarged pores. powdered phemmol may he applied , Blackheads, oily skins, and enlarged, direc tly to the objectionable hair growth, pores usually go together, but can he Th(; recommended treatment is designed instantly corrected by 3. unique new nQt Qnly instant] removo the hair) process. A tablet ofstymol, obtained but & , g0 t£> actually k ;ii the roots, so from the chemist, is dropped m a that the growth wiU not return _ About tumbler of hot water, which will then, M OUnC6 of pneminoJ) obtainable from of course, "fez" briskly. When the the chemist, should be sufficient.' effervescence has subsided the race is bathed, with the styniol-charged water V. and then dried with a towel. The offending of their own accord, T he R ea l Cause of Most come right off on the towel, the.large ■ ■>.'-. oily pores immediately contract, and Bad Complexions. efface themselves naturally. There is , „ „ : no squeezing, forcing, or any drastic Health and Beauty. __ action. The skin is left uninjured, smooth, It is an accepted fact that no truly soft,, and cool. A few such treatments beautiful complexion evei came out of should be taken at intervals of three or jars and bottles, and the longer one uses four days thereafter in order to ensure cosmetics the worse the complexion bethe permanence of the pleasing result comes. Skin, to be healthy, must so quickly obtained. breathe. It also must expel, through the pores, its share of tne body's effete _ 1 - . jj o J material. Creams and powders clog the Grey Hair —Home Kemedy. pores, interfering both with elimination An old-fashioned home-made recipe restores and breathing. If more women underyouthful appearance. stood this there would be fewer selfThere are plenty of reasons why grey ruined complexions. If they would use hair is not desirable, and plenty ot ordinary mercolised wax instead of cosreasons why hair dyes sho*ld not he metics they would have natural healthy used. But, on the other hand, there is complexion*, no reason why you should have grey hair if you do not want it.- To turn the hair back to-a natural colour Is . , really a very simple matter. . One has AbOUt Hair IOIUCS. only to get from the chemist an ourroe "Novel Recipes." . of concentrate of tammaute and mix it with four ounces of bay rum. Apply to Each week almost one hears of some the hair with a small sponge for a few wonderful discovery for .improving the nights and the greyness will gradually hair, and, although this paragraph may disappear. This liquid is not sticky or seem a little superfluous, an old-fashioned greasy, and does not injure the hair in recipe may come as a welcome change, any way. It has been used for genera- One thing about it is will grow tions with most satisfactory results by hair, and also prevent ,it falling out. those who have known the formula. From your chemist get _an original package of boramum, to this add £ pint ■ _■ _„, - jy ' r of bay rum, allow it to stand thirty 10 K.III KOOIS Or minutes, then add sufficient t water to C C! H->;*- make half a pint. Rub briskly into the aupernuous nair. 6calp with the fing€r .ti pS) and you will "Home Science." 1 immediately erperience that clean, tingWomen annoyed with disfiguring ling sensation which is a sure sign of growths of superfluous hair wish to know healthy action. /= Yon Love Your Baby! =^ £1T You want that clinging, helpless little one to be plump, j healthy and happy. Then remembei- that the wrong kind I of food, or not enough of the right sort, is the cause of most j baby ills. j Perhaps you are worried now because __\^6^_____ your milk is poor in quality, insufficient /^V'^N.IK in quantity, or does not agree with the I■"' £\r '*•"■ child. Maybe, you have failed to find ip*| fj tp r%iMmm a suitable food-substitute. Then try | ®^S^i&T_.^*^^^s| MABELA W f fl|j THE IDEAL MALTED FOOD. y . This renowned South African food has / y y s~~^?s!r\ I i brought joy to thousands of mothers I YV^^ r I j and saved thousa»ds of precious babes. vTO] A^^V %r 1 \ For Infants, Mabela is a real § |||»\\ \ ' y&? £\ ■ nutrient. Suits the weakest digestion. Pimn "j\ V^ t £_\ Contains all the elements for the healthy 1 l\v' *' _f a growth of Body, Brain and Nerve. , 3 \rcs»<^ | S Quickly prepared. Easily assimilated. "'\ > I § Never binding. I j For Nursing Mothers, Mabela is unsurpassed as a . Milk- | producer. Makes a most palatable gruel. Its' slight grittiness | keeps both Mother and Child FREE FROM CONSTIPATION.. 1 IPM_ __Jrs~iEEAir ' :Inr'mjm-x'r:^-a^^^^—y~r^_r'_w_r_r_w_r^irM j Endorttel by the Medical Profession. Used in Government j Hospitals and other Pablic Institutions. I YOUR NURSE WILL TELL YOU HOW GOOD IT IS! Aslc your Chemist or Storekeeper for Mabela. If. he does not yet stock j it, he can easily procure it for you from his Wholesaler, or a Tin will be | sent Post-Free on receipt of 1/6. ' J F. W. VARE, New Zealand Representative 1 L 54 MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON jj *_& , .... .. _

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Evening Post, Volume XCI, Issue 107, 6 May 1916, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XCI, Issue 107, 6 May 1916, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XCI, Issue 107, 6 May 1916, Page 14