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Why Tea WINTER SPORTS. ' Costs More— — NEW GOODS. A Statement that Every Housewife Should Read UST ABRIVEt> FROM THB BEST ENGLISH makers, now on view The war has faced every tea AT OUR, SHOW ROOMS. merchant with the problem of increasing ' prices or reducing • his quality. He has to follow one FOOTBA ]£S;^ R 4^9 B Y : Gilbert '« H. Match, Youths', Bussey's Match (1, 2, 3). course or the> nther— th,»r<»'Q nn ££ S 9 CIA ?, lON i, "Oxonian," "Swiftsure," and Bussey's Youths' course or tne other there s no "Swiftsure" (1, 2, 3) j also Inflators, Ear-guards, Shin-guards, Bladders, escape — for the wholesale cost of Lacing Awls, etc fine tea in Eastern markets has in- HOCKEY STICKS-Bussey's,. Demon and Bulger Drivers, Sugg's, Clynker, Creased over 2£d. per Ib. Since . County, Lancashire Witch; Shin-guards, Hockey Balls, Paint, etc. August last. The main reason foi GOLF CLUBS-We beg to call special attention of Golf Players to our new assortthis rise has been the greatly ment of FORGAN'S Drivers, Scotia, and Fibre-faced Brassies, Scotia.Bullincreased demand— and the fad £?£'.• rP« adn °r. g »>i t Driv ! n ? Irons > Mid Irons, Lofters,Ma_hies,Cleeka, .i,_. ._,_ _ j „ , . . Niblicks. Putters, G.M. and Accurate, Caddie Bags, Caddie Polish, Golf that tea production cannot materi- . Balls, etc. ally increase for at least five years. #-<ttm« «t*t»t tihtit ;«_« _-n> _ » n- ■ _. • v. i_ _ ■ t v c • l it. GUNS— S.B.B.Ii., D.8.8.L., m Bonehill's and Holhs s make, also the latest imlaKe tor instance the enormous ' proved pattern of Winchester 12G Automatio Shot Gun. quantity of tea required for the men in the trenches and on active RI^ ES ~ W ieplate''s. C&librM "^ '**' M> h%U and fuU ma e aidnM ' ' a Autematio service. It is readily seen why tea has REVOLVERS— .32 Automatic, Young America, Premier, double-action and hambeen selected as the soldiers' bever- , age it is easily transported is CARTRIDGES— A large assortment in Black and Smokeless Powders. quickly and readily prepared any- BOXING GLOVES— Champion, Gold Cape, American Pattern, Sergeant Morley, where— and above all it is invaluable anc l P ulman ' 8 Improved Striking Bags, Punch Ball Gloves, Bladders, c .. . „ j .. ... Swivels, etc for its invigorating and stimulating qualities. With the exception of tattit tv •_•<_• m-*i"«"n «_ _^_^. vj n 3 million Britishers, but few of the JOHN DUTHIE & CO., Ltd., 25 million men under arms in Europe to-day were previously tea METALS AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS. WILLIS-STREET, drinkers — yet almost in a day tea TELEPHONES— Town Department, 3006; Office, 573; Country Department, 156; had to be found for them. Iron Yard. 2564. in New Zealand on the average «1 m 1 1 1 j^j 11] lij Fo ? ALL AGES lik ll^iPii Add to this Russia's 1 60 millions, |j| Vi f^_»J J__l§ 1113 J*/ fo" &»__■__, dfppe^ 1 j^^^^^if^^ii who, with a stroke of the pen, have S^^^^^^^^^lF _ftefif p^T aa° J^W ra^!_3i-8^ been turned into tea drinkers by V s'd* p orUck ) ' s at tho Ji& V^^^ia^ score of minor causes and you will J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Therefore, too, you will see that ~~ " any tea giving value for the mone\ r . . " cannot be sold at the same price as ml originally charged was absolutely & '■» * "^ JLA'W excessive. If a fair price and good 0 fl value was formerly given, the 1 »-fc^T!Vfe .f^.Tfe'Bifl. _PHi3_ ' packer is now faced with a loss 01 SjIOLJLiLII vvAiivO • There's no escape from the facts *"•-.». r»i ,:„„ r'U-.-f CrAA* either prices have to be increaaed-or. Pneumonia Pleumy Rheumatism J-ne" J'Oicw aa an alternative, quality and value must Sore Throat Backache Quinsy Neuralgia bo reduced by the admixture of cheaper, z. . r» v*** TJ-.,i^;t;> I nmhaeo inf_rtor t lesßljeal.hfnltea_. Sprains Bronchitis Neuritis Lumbago _ 'Ihe "Amber Tips" Proprietors are r , re jj e j { rom pa ; n caU ßed by these and other ailments— no determined that, in their case, this alter- Z?J!tl, a ( how lone BUndine— follows the application of Thermogene. native will never be taken. . . ™£m Jat^he Nothing inW warmth of Nature, and brings to the Anjber Tips remarkable rue in a few iff- ct ed part an increased .upply of healthy and invigorating blood to years from an unknown brand to by far • . h nd take away t h e foreign irritating substance. Its comthe largest Belling tea in Now Zealand T - . . warmt h brings new life and strength to the aching part, the largest sellmer tea in the world in lv 5 __-__. -«»_ _«m «r_b «»k "WtBSWk to be increased. | '*•* £»*_»»-»«_ We are convinced that most homes b ___ _- _-^. «-_«-_ _-\^. rrw% iir A _T\ "iTk ¥ TkT <f~* in New Zealand would rather pay |g ABSORBENT WADDING 2tl. per Ib. more and get tho finest ,____■ *«>*«' *- r •m— » — tea that can be produced rather than pay M Thermogene is far superior to the old-time the old price and get an inferior article /<TN J P°^ ltice - _ v K ll^^ 1 ? 1 ? in ""' Twin!? ..i 1 • . r 11 _;*>«* hand p and comfortable to wear, lnermo—with an admixture of poorer teas, less h' /' k / geSe is recommended and used by Doctor* healthful alike to nerves and digestion *df**%*\ \ 4" and Nurses everywhere. Fowet quality and henlthfulness-con »W " jV CD 1717 Write for iUusaider the question purely from tho stand Hk%_p*( yt -^v, JT Jtx.Hii-'* trated book on ■oint of economy— there too "Ambei j~ * «r i^"^ *N1 the Thermogene rips" leads, for every pound will give Arf /T /^ tt^WiS"??."^''?^more cups— nnd at a less price per cup [\ ( V->V rAr— J card to-day to Thermogene CUp foi' CUp, there's no cheaper tea. / , ~^-S\ V. , „ ,' " *^- >^ Bureau, 5 & > Barrack Street. Therefore even at the new prices \ Sydney. N S.W.. or ask your Amber Tips is still the cheapeat-you got \^ Y^ ■ ° * P better tea— more delicious flavour — fine! \ \ :^^*^ A At all •Vagrance— while, as the Lancet invoati Vj >C"^ l/L-~-* W~- - -^^h , In Boxe*, English Price 1/1$ jation showed, your health will benefit 1 1 rrj — -"-"'^ I \(*s/£??/k Surely because] of a penny extra pei /^V \kl VvVf^y l Sole Agents for Australasia : hsilflb. packet you will not deprive your / / | \iS__^ Fm«u & Joh»»a, 5 N * Btt »* st » •,olf of 11 toil which for quality, flavour. I II ' 'ragrancc, and economy is uniquo and 1 ' i V *^T™V Manufactured by .insarpaMablo. K_ 'I ' 1 Th.mof«n«Co.Ltd..Hayward.He.ib, The housewives of New Zealand want II I Su».e». Ei>.i>nd. j ■1 good article and good value, and one ]' .. r ■ ', ,■- -'■— ■ ■ ...~l trial convinced them that Amber Tipb Kstmm*&uMJim*wM\jmi^KM*^^ f *tM-mtmß*imM*vA!im""' ■■■■ iiiii_i-ii-ii«-----_--»-n----«--B-»-i---M-pi»a-i i< a tea timt nothing else could equal ~ /^ _<-^_Z ' Do thoy still want value and quality ? "'TV /a\m\ V^"^^ _e^WT__T»?r^'"T^^^»P^^ We believe they do— wo know it. 99 JSP)K /\V/1 /T* gn ] I I |ira H J_ilY_l /^Ylfi I fab4?X>^> /o^P%Yt.<&5 l en. IK£g>) ' y if M*.'* Jhh W^** o*"^0 *"^ W r * main •« I »d«er JUJLU^ -^ ijpfGt&lEm KpZr '>'} \\ i 'Cr % I keopar Jn_t no long a* be 1/10-, __/-, 2/2 per Ib. , --* yv I 7 **3gg GsT hlauietf — just 10 long ai The only tea that has to increatr. its y^ ' \V / "^ h * lAI not t i e W *^-P ow » er pvirts — the foregoing will tell you why. / /Cr) \ S '^"''jJw '** * a ' ** ' : - Mle " : — "* *iiXX^ * xxXXM, T^%.tk3\X, AItJSiXIiZpA iA^ ' / 7 If k 1& ' •~ an< ' M ._ __ _ _. _i*^_^ __■__. H "A \ / VjL V l_"«_l« iL*i VJllAiiif lATI B^J \ 1 jl^ pi II C I DISTRESSING PIIVIPLES h i 1 LilL^J I emove( i Cuticurn Soap ana N *a»»^£p^itn g hare been proved to bo of the great- B Smear them with the Ointment. W«h WsSs^\^^'^ X eat vulue for keeping the organ, of * off j 0 fi Te minnten with Cuticum Soap IP*^ _-__S_^______6fflWT' \i digestion and assimilation In art lind hot vratcr and oontinue bathing ;I^|; I^| "** g state of heilthy activity. Taken m for some minutes. Repeat on risin X and ffl w ,,_, nl re _ n ,,, g „, Ye Utome „. vt , Bf [j periodically and In accordance with J retiring. Ancse fragrant Buper-creamy »n4 vi«timi to Procr».tin«tioßP rocr».tin«tioß— we let g| R the directions, they ensure freedom >< emollients do jnuch for the .kin. || $,?&&;»&£ &?"£} £„"%%£ f& I, from biliousness and Its attendant H ««__--_t- ir^^t. w— - v n _. *''"" 9hape i*"l. dMtt »J- < "? r Uv " bo M: X discomforts-constipation and its h Each Fr<s« by POBt M < h ™ a f ft |1 »ccomp.nylng evils-flatulence-^ With *%£&** Book Addr«a port- || l^jSrs'^TOLm | N heartburn— and those enervating^ card. K. I owns &L.0., Sydney, N.S.W. Mto übe ovn own wilm M t ailments which arise when the * Sold throughout the world, S v«., »»i /_,»«, .mi ..kj-fr B 1 „ . . , I. _„ * oSS, your own future — tot your »wn welrirf — la i digestive System IS OUt Of order. The M , ■ — ml exaretie ytnr will power low—makf • re- f S 1 itirilriniK tt'qe of Reechatn'i Pills *■ _^_ _c_ ■ __■ n_ a_ _• Wfa aolution thitt you will ■■ <limb the ltdder Kjt> j jud ciou o.e of Beeehtm . PiU. , QQITRE I y °" "'" - i { lArIS I HfilD Vllll ' -- 1 i_M>rw-"-=s E M& TKk« op th*t eturn In Aecountaner to- 552 \ iVIB-il-l ntl-r IVJU" ___.-__-.__. The woman who t W& *«y--TAKE A STABT-the pre«»t »„« jjS ' * in A B_B |^ [■ think* tYiK trnUrnna E S»S — «T« 1* tali very monenl — it » «rl«ut PKji j intnanytrayitokeepingoodhealth, J CAN BE .&&*& hlfneck | fl B f^V wl " yo " mdT ~ Ott 00T0 M j for they have in addition to their „ «___ B _«__ M _^« _S_J"^u a «_4 with I ffl thu b."« m«ntir. to „_-,.„. 1 I! .tomaoblo qualities, a purifying * pilDpflV Sh^iLSt SjoK I W 0^ i ( Influence upon the blood and a * vWBi&Ui ™ M? / Dof" rh^m I fcss.wiii »__» yo» « ™fl--tio« of 10% from £& ;J stimulating action upon the liver J , , __' i ? t. Wangann.r »iZ'- I M l"* M „ And kidneys. It cannot be too E g too bad ever to be'cufeWte? ft I ffl I Strongly Urged that sound health, _• g your Specific lam happy to say it has I IH HEMINGWAY & ROBERTSON'S IS in thane ntreniinuq days ii W been reduced fonr inches." And that § &_£ OORRE3PONDENOE school ltd psi ,«i -.I ?!! 0 * n' »! 1 toonlyonotMtlinonr out of hundreds | ii C_.to_« auwt, Atic___AOT. jo. M supremely necessary to all Who £ M which may be inspected at Mr. Doles B Iffl .1 ni-e nnvlniiQ to An well in lifr ' 3 ' fiS Pharmacy. Price of treatment. 10/6 X tX. wra :| BeXnSWI., byTorlifyJng Z 8! I SSffiiS l l^e^^An 1 ? Ola ' I .1 general health against the attacks 3 Hj of disease, can undoubtedly play X "~~ M_-r»»-_»wF-riiiT-i_T_iaTni mi i-n_)ig_taa«-»- ir-^f ■ an important part in enabling you f=^f. — y:..:.. s#> —^B-__ae_ _*«_n^^^___^®fcs. TOKFFP WFL L I! ' "^ is ne> _, e . r to ° late ' i^a Bf%E_C.r MLLL j to mend! : '^^m t Sold In boxei. Übtlled, price „ If you have been vied to "Whisky 1 Ii * 1 io|«l.(36pMlf)l/lKs«pm«)lt2/s(lsepUJi). x _nd Sodi." try a change for the k^^^^^^Sf^lM^t^l^S Ihe depressing "liverish effect . J\i \ l^iS llt t'k'k . c « uied b y Soda Water it obient W O SPECTACLES m ts? VtßsCw^ H M. EL_M*L M fflT B "R A 1?lf 17TT"Q TTn r I A I7T, SPECTACLES O° A f^ V 9 * * 1^ & ** » i UAliltJil I 8 JdUIJiJJ, SPECTACLES +ItXSsrl..~ ' 37 LAMBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON. HEADACHES _JW TH£ , W A JL ■\__J\_'J J £38.! W> OPTICIAN - SOCIETY OF V^K^S'ffi. 0 _Sg _!? #£AOACHES mi ■ WOMEN. AND CHILDREN. fort and attention. Night Porter in SnSfSH ' 55WAWNERS 55 ji mHE Secretary wlifbe in attendance at '*£?!?%»* instn lW Wol^fiS WELLINGTON' , " A the Rooms, Bridget Buildings, 119, EksetHe Lift installed W&WA**Z!*iiZ 1 . . Willis-stroet, on TUESDAY aad 'fRI^ Tariff, 8s per day; £2 5s per week. w__4a£k£« CONSULTATIONS ¥REE DAY MORNINGS, from 10 to 12.30. D. DALTON,


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Evening Post, Volume XC, Issue 38, 13 August 1915, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XC, Issue 38, 13 August 1915, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume XC, Issue 38, 13 August 1915, Page 5