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LONDON, Bth February Arrived at i'almoutli— Clan Sutherland and Rlveri'ortli The Anium passed Saint Catherines for Mesunit Bailed — Syyiiu and Bar of Scotland KAN FRANCISCO. Bth February Arrived— Star of New Zealand SYDNEY. Stli February . Arrived— Munurewa, from Holriatigii POCrfO, 7th February Arrived— luga (1.13 pin.), from Auckland AUCKLAND, Bth February • Arrived — MsiMfu (11 pin.), from Vancouver , Sailed— Atua (1.30 p.m.), for the Islands Bailed— Muheuo (0 15 ]i m.), for Sydney nfcb February ' Sailed— Makara (8.25 v.m ). for Sydney ONEHTJNGA, Bth February S.iiled— ilirna, for Opunake and Wangauui: Sarawa (4.15 p.m.), for New Plymouth WANOANUt, »Ui February Arrived — fTiiiu. CO a m.), from Wellington NAPIER, Otti February Arrived— Mooowai (10 20 a.m.), f rom Welsh«toti PfCTON, oth February Arrived — Koromiko (H a.m.), from Newcastle NBKON, flth February 'Arrived— Kaitoa C.1.20 a.m.). from Wellington Arrived — Mupoufika (3 a.m ), trom Wellington unl Pictoa LYTTBLTON, Btli Fehnmrv n .j ve d_Woofcton (2-30 p.m.), from haikoum Sailed— Cygnet, for Kaikoura: Kurow, for M>t-tport; Wooifcou, for Kuikoura 9th February jfH-jvcd— Wabine (H 60 a.m.), front Wellington jjo i,jil— Wahlue (8 p.m.). for Wellington TIMAKU. Btb Febiuiiiv Arrived— Brcezf (2.20 p.m.). from WWlm^tou POR'V CHAWIBKf. %h February Arrive*! — Obcroii, burquo Ul.tfO, irouj fidldeo Island

BUFF. Stli Fehriwiy Amvtil— P.doou.i (Hi !0 p.m.), tiom Melbourne and Hot) ii I nrli Filirn.m Vmu'il — Xitt.mi (10 l.'i a.m.), fiom Wellington \\ KSTPOKT. Stli Fi'lmury Sailed— Vr.ihnr.i (noon), for Git\ month Mil Fi'liniiiry S.nk-il— K.nori (5 :ij a.m.). for WelluiiUim TKAFALGAir.S LOADING PORTS The Ti-af«l(£.ir. which hoen chartered by the Shaw. Siivill, rind Albion Company to lo.ul iv tliu Dominion for lloiuv. is rejiorted by cable to have left Neucctle on Saturday last. Gi=borne will be her first port of call, Mit; pioteulinu iil'tei-n aids to Napier and Dunedin. from the latter poit she cninc to Wclliiurtou for Until loading, and i« to ■-yil for London about the l>-t March TUT. EL COIinOUEK 111 coimection with the present vi«lt of Uip F and S. liner Xl Cordobes to the Dominion, it is interesliiiji to recall the fact that <-he previoubly traded to New Zealand as t<he Indradevi, then owned by the Tyser Line. On one occasion, while loading at Auckland for Uuulon. a tire broke out on board tlie vessel, and it obtained i-ueh a hold that practically the whole of the lire-Oghtiiit! force* of Auckland were requisitioned before it nti* tiibilucd I*v that tune the only portions of the vetsel abme the water were the forward deck nouses. She was Mihsufiuently purchiised bj Mc^< Fumes-., \\ ithey. and Co., am! hat- since been engaged tiudiuß betwee-n London and the Kivei- Plate. The El Cordobes left W.iitnr.i fit 1 p.m. oil Sunday for Uisborile to continue Homeward lo.ulmg She then comes to Wellington, being due lere ne\t Thursday, mid is lixud to s.ul for Avonmouth. on Saturday WCSTMEATH AT AUCKLAND From Liverpool, via Durbim and Holiarfc. the Wt-sttneath arrived at Auckland on Sunday afteinoon. The vessel is due her« about Saturday next FORXEW YORK, VIA PANAMA 'Hie lu-st vessel to carry New Zealand products to New York b.v way of tho P.utama Canal will be the steamer Lord Brne, at present loadin" in Australia. She is due at AucMajd early next week from S'jdiie) to complete loa<iinj.'. The Lord Erne will be followed early m March by the Trojan, and the Ardanmhor. a Inch called here last week for bunker coal, will take the loading berth in New Zealand about the end of March The actual loading ports of the two mentioned vessels have not yet been decided upon WHEAT FROM CANADA With a special load of wheat from St. .Tohn (Canada) the steamer Hesperos is expected to arrive oil' Tiritiri (Auckland) about the 10th Icbruary She will be signalled to ptoceed on to Lyfctelton, Timaru, Oamaru, and Dunedin, to laud her 282,000 bushels of wheat The Hornelen, which left Vancouver on the 21st January, with 90.000 bushels of \Oieat, is due at Auckland about the 18th Februarj. She conies on to Wellington to complete dischaigu GISBORNE'S INNEPv HARBOUR The berthing of the Rakanoa (2245 ton«) at Gisboine last week marked another epoch in the history of Mia development of the inner harbour. This is the largest vessel to have entered the river, aud the event ib all the more gratifying from the fact that the Rakanoa came up the channel an hour and a half before high title. The steamer was piloted up the river b> the harbourmaster (Captain Beuton), and no difficulty whatever was experienced. Detpite her length the Rakanoa, which was drawing 15ft, twung round with perfect ease. Captain G. Ituxton, who is in command of the .steamer, has not visited Gisborne since 1883. Ou that occasion he was iv the bngantine Endeavour. 82 tons, which called in for stores. The vessel did not attempt to go up the liver, but anchored oil the entrance, while a boat w absent ashore for stores. The only wharf existing then was a jetty CAPE ORTEGAL'S CHARTER. AVhen tlie Cape Ortegal has landed her New Zealand cargo at Home «he will go across to New York to load case oil for Australian, and Nuw Zealand ]>orts > FOR CHATHAM ISLANDS The Himitangi's departure for the Chatham Islands direct »a» postponed until 5 p.m. to-day. After visiting Waitangi, Pitt Maud, and Owenga the vessel will go to Lyttelton, returuing to the Chatham? from that port PALOONA'S TIME-TABLE The intercolonial steamer Palooim is due in port on Saturday morning from Melbourne and Hobart. vi.i southern ports, and is timed to sail at 5 p.m. on Monday for Hobart direct and Melbourne WfRKAL SAILS TO-MORROW Homeward loading on the Wural is expected to be completed m time for the vc-scl to be despatched for London, via Monte Video and 'fencritlc, at day break to-morrow WESTMEATU DUE MONDAY The local agents tor the F. and S. Line ndvis? that the Westmeatli is now due at Wellington tiom Liverpool, via waj port*, oil Monday ne.\l AMOKUUA SAILS Bound for the Kunnadcc Island*., the Government ti tuning ship Arnokura cleared the Wellington Heads at 740 a.m. to-day. The vessel will he absent from Wellington for three or tour weeks On her return from the Islands the Ainokuiii will make Gisborne the iirst port of call OKARI AND OTAKI FOR LONDON The Own, which left Auckland yesterday for Waitara to continue Homeward lotwliug, is due here on the 18th February, and is to bu despatched for London two days later Sailing for Napier, Gisborne. Tokomaru Ba>, and Lyttelton to-morrow, the C«taki is due back here on the 2. n >rd February, and will sail for Londou about tho 20th TAINUI LEFT CAPETOWN Cabled udvk-e has been received that the X M.S. 'iaiiuii left Capetown on Tuesday last in continuaion of her voyage from London to Wellington. The ve^-el is due iit Hobart on 20th Febt'}, and at Wellington on the 23th PbUSONAL Captain Wlijhorn. late of the Kini. is awaiting instructions at Wellington Captain W. F. Norbury, of the Northern Company's Mantua, being on sick leave, Captain A. Steplienson has taken his place. Captain T. U. Kichtu'd* is relieving Captain Stephenfcon on the Daphne. Captain M. Pienoti is m temporary command of the Ngapuln, vice Capt. T. Haultam, ou holiday leave. Captain C. Hopkins, late of the Waiotain, is now in charge of the Ngatiawa, and Captain W. Grigg has relieved Captain Hopkins. Captain W. Bark, of the Rarawa. having colne ashore on holiday leave, Captain E. Dorlmg, late of the Ngatiaua, has taken his place Captain Va«tu, late of the steamer Koutunui. has been appointed assistant harbourmaster at Tokomaru Bay Captain 1). McLean, who has been relieving Captain D. Totld on the Tofua, is again in command of the Maheno Mr. J. Smith, superintending engineer for the Union Company at Sydney, is on a. visit to New Zealand Mr. F Pascoe. late purser of the Taviuni and Tofua. has left the later vessel m order to join the New Zealand Reinforcements. Mr. S. J. Davis has rejoined the Tofua as purser Mr. J. McLean, second pflioer ot the Monowai, lias joined the Pateena us chief ofiicer. vice Mr Cordy. who has been appointed chief of the Koromiko Captain S. Holm, of the John, having come ashore on holiday leave, Captain F. W. Lellick is now master of the vessel Mr. li. Petherick, wireless operator ou tho Monowai, has signed oil the vessel's articles Mr. W. Watson, seventh engineer of tho Waliine, came ashore yesterdaj . Mr. J Stewart has joined the vf\"==el (ip sixth engineer The WcfitmcaUi sailed from Liverpool on the 3rd December, and experienced heavy weather for the first few days. When steaming through the .Southern Ocean she again encountered rough weather in the shape of seveial heavy westerly gales. Hobnrt was reached on the 20th .(aniiarj, ami after landing HO thirdclass pas.setiger . the vojage to Auckland was resumed the following day. Captain S. W. Wtirren, in command of the vessel, has the following olhcers assocated with him :— Chief, Mr. W Gardiner ; second, Mr. C. Soady : third, Mr. .f. Stingsler, Mr. A. W. Eaglestone " is chief engineer, Mr A Dempster second, while Mr. H. N. Wood is chipf steward Leaving Dunedin to-day the Flora is due here on Thursday next, and is to sail the same day for New Plymouth and West The steamer Wonganella, 3093 tons, which arrived at Ocean Island last month liom Australian ports, was to have proceeded to Makatea Island to load a cargo of phosphate* for New Zealand ports Owing to the possibility of there bcuiß insuflicient fresh water at ISluff, due to the reservoir bursting, the Niwaru, which called in at Wellington on Saturday from (lisbomc to ieplemslf her bunkers, also took in 150 loni of water. The liner came alongside the Ojieen s Wharf. Tilled her tanks, and stilled on Suudav morning for Dlufl to complete Hoincwaid loading j The Delphic id lifting tlie flniil portion of j Imr Home ciugo at Auckland, and should sail tor London to-day The Athenic is expected to leave Nsipiei to-morrmv evening for Wellington to complete J Homeward loading ! The Napier Harbour Boaid Una ni-tircd the WaikuU tJtpdcc .ljjuiUiit hre fo«' £3U'J», the rale bciug 15 per ceut, j

When flic Karanii a ha-. mmpkUd kc in Aut>liali.i hhe will ionic acro.s.s lo New Zt aland to load for Home. She Hill visit Auik l.niil and W li uilmii i t'.iih in M.iuli, .uti'i \\<ndt> tomiiij; South The Shanghai Dock and Engiueeiing Compati.\. of Shanghai, China, is building the (orgeat vesst;! ever coii^tiutted at its. \auls, a ,'i72,000d0l .<-t*H-l collier for the United States Ciotermncnl to be U'.cd in the Philippine Island*-. Us diuieiiMOiife will be: — Length, .'iC2tt; breadth, 30ft; iuid depth, 20ft. Her capacity v ill he 0000 toihs, and she will be fitted with single t.crew auxiliary maclnueiy, patent coal-bunker elevator*, anil automatic weighing machines. As a. result of i- heap aud comparatively efficient lalwur, the compatn has been able to compete successfully with Japanese shipbuildinc concerns in bidding lor independent ship-building contract*, thioughout the Far East

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1915, Page 6

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BY TELEGRAPH. Evening Post, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1915, Page 6

BY TELEGRAPH. Evening Post, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1915, Page 6