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j'l f l- " ■■'■■■ ■ ll m \ Bing, Harris & Co.'s Warehouse in Flames. Damage by Fire, Smoke and Water estimated at £30,000* 1 1 I FIRE INJIIGH ST. GEOEGE & KERSLIY, LTD., secure a portion of the Stock by Public Tender 111 OUTBREAK IN BING, HARRIS i a <T* Im± • * * MF% HI AND CO.'S WAREHOUSE I g^|; JJ^ f-ltkQ' 111 EXTENSIVE DAMAGE BY WATER I 6 I H re ' w^^ was ' n . c south-east corner of I iPlffflihfc SI H was afc this point that the flames showed j ~irwr— v&ii^Tisß || d somewhat strongly. The brigade lost very j ■ I( ' I S'lvE t r|lEHl4 I*w?1 *w ? I w^ en a splendid range of goods saved from the burning building will be sold, in conjunction with local Warehouse Stocks, at || H heavy pressure — many thousands of gallons £ maiam^mßm ' maum^am^ g I g the ulterior of the premises presented it is j I 1 I aS^ffiS^^"^"^^ Eead this list of Amazing Bargains in Costumes, Dresses, Skirts, Coats, Corsets, Underclothing, Lace Neckwear, g I I of property must be very great. The water \ CPO 77J77 O7 » B 1 1 I ! Embroideries, Eibbons and other desirable goods. Every item is a shining jewel of value. Our Summer Sale ||| in such an establishment escaped the inun- jj m v • n n*• i 1 1 I dation - E xtract from otago Dai. y Times, j Offerings have certainly "been sensational, but these will make the keenest shopper gasp with surprised delight, I I | 2nd January, 1915. i 1 1 "U ii wmbmv****^ SALE BEGINS TO-MORROW, NINE SHARP <© © ♦ BE PRESENT WHEN THE DOORS OPEN 1 I *^M^> 1 I Costumes, Dresses, Skirts and Coats at less than ordinary I Ipt SAVED. FROM THE FLAMES Fire-Salvage Prices I ! BIGGEST BARGAINS IN CORSETS | ["""" "" """" un • «->•■ «■•*• j II / s^^,:»i EVER OFFERED IN WELLINGTON I E °- E 3/11 each ™d- 7/11 each CE °«E« E 15/11 each I 1 5 I / ICT^^WaA) ! LADIES' MACINTOSHES — All up-to-date Raglan , ' «, , 1 • I I ( /\iI,U "WiYfi' I WHTTF MUSLTN DRESS — Good shanes- trimmed shapes; in the usual shades of serviceable fawns, LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES— In SergE, Cloth, etc.; H I I / rWI&tIMBP f I 1 embroideiv etc Usual price? 11/- to S,/6 etc. Usual price 2 S /6 all in light-weight warm materials, suitable for I | II / / \mm*MM /' TVT •<. * r a.l. £ r^ i« I TOT OTTRFn VOTT F DRFSSES— In floral effects on DRESSING GOWNS— Dainty patterns; in Zephyrs, autumn; in navys and lighter colours I I I / r^mVW^" ' ° W M yy ° Ur °PP° rtUnit y tO SeCUre a P^ lf Of the famOUS Canadian C ° L Sff?ou^ds lL and°s E S^hidi^^ Crepes, Muslin, etc.; aU^in Vto-date styles and Usual prices 49/6, SQ/6 1 I 6 I / / 111 IF *^ « a .. - I ramhrir Drp<;^ All one-mere styles good qualities Usual prices iB/v, 21/- COATS AND, SKIRTS —In navy Coating Serges, H « ml ■■ ■■ • • ' or oter re ble makes - Many pa!ra ln perfect cßMzZl ßesses -i .„. la's* SP(^s k« sss's,a s^i sabso5 abso - Bi^^i&^f^^.as'.sssafeai I I I IIM- " condition, having been untouched by fit e or water. j "^* CHILDREN . S NAVY serge P^^f-t^l v^if I | I 111 l III JJ ' ■ ' WHITE WASHING SKIRTS-In best quality Drill, coats for real hard wear; sizes 39, V, 4S, 48 signs, with coatee and baswo eject g I l! JJ 111111 l ■ ' I fi " CPOP ' in ' OtC - :aU &T^L?"t. ts .' 181 8 a /?r J ,,. ELDERLY LADIES' C A^lF"^d' s -omfbl 2 a o cf TWEED SKIRTS-Smartest poS ifc, 4^ 1 I 4f l////f/ "t --6 do, VWV W Good Shape CORSETS- Mcdiu mskit , and ave^e S^jHS 4°°" NA^^E d^S?'SS d R^Lo <) S, >U iSSS i^ S^^&*SaJS^y^^a"«» I j I I ' ¥:■ MyLIJ II ' height above waist. Usually sold at 4/6 Price to Clear 2/3 Jgßgffifc y bergcS3 etc " excc ijsiitl S« 12/11 Klti to-date shapes; not excessively narrow Usual prices 21/- and 24/6 1 I , 1 '/ mr "lf, ' ,'!^2SftO^'? > » t? usual prices 21/-, 25/0 nwp prip.f only— in/11 EACH 1 ' I !^Vl' : 'liu/ Lot. 2-5 doz. CORSETS, in strong White Coutille; slightly damaged; low *Sn^ft H YES, THAT'S ALL— 3/11 EACH JUST THINK OF IT— 7/11 EACH UHt pkius uwlt is/ntnon B j y j ;v °'s iW above waisto deep over hips. Usually sold at 10/0 Price to Clear 2/11 v/lj^^yfißi'* | ____————— _—»—____^— _————». __________.________.__-__.__--__--—————_— ' ' .1 I <P?2rz!srfiP LOt 3~243 ~ 24 G °° d Medium CORSETS— In white Coutille, fitted with sus- \\ r "*'V ' ' ' LOT 2. LOT 4 LOT 6 i ! gffl^H^S. lot^ s doz Maids , white washing CoßSETS _ Bonelcss ; laccd ai i^jiJ^ >%™ 5/11 each pmoE°- E 10/11 each /&™ 21/- each I back, with elastic; splendid style for growing girls I Daintiest and Newest Styles in COTTON FROCKS- LADIES.' COATS AND. SKIRTS-Limited number of HOUSE GOWNS-In Silk, etc.; daintiest and newest 8 Usually sold at 7/6 Price to Clear 4/6 [$4,1 \i 1} }'jK\ Floral Crepes, plain Crepes, Sponge Cloths, etc.; hpecial value Suits in latest bhapes; good woollen designs, carried out in soft Satins, Nmon, etc.; g V^l>^*4v\ \ ' ! all absolutely this season's stock material; .assorted colours, few m navy blue suitable for house or street wear I j Lot 5- ? doz. Splendid Shape SPORTS. COR- Lot 9-8 doz. D. and A .CORSETS— In white "*^t^^^\ A \ COLOURED WASHING SKIRTS— I" test 2 'iorSrt LADIES' and MAIDS' RAINCOAT S-In^covert Ind WHITE PIQUE COATS AND 's^ffiTS-S^arlft | I SE.IS— Very short, made without lacing,, to and grey Coutille, made with long; skirt ana \W#/M \ \ 1 shapes in check Sponge Cloths soft Piques, etc. gaberdine effect; latest Raglan shapes; in good Magyar shapes, with double-deck skirt, giving two- B cross over at back and fasten in front with very short boning in front, medium aliovc *«F|PPM / ) ■ Usual price is/11 serviceable shades; assorted sizes. Usual price 29/6 tiered effect; perfectly fresh stock Usual price 35/6 B I tape, fitted 4 suspenders. Usually sold at 10/g waist Usua*ly sold at 16/6 tMfflr W\ / / 5 CHILDREN'S NAVY PALETOTS— For winter wear; LADIES' WASHING DRESSES —In Zephyrs, fine POPLIN COATS AND SKIRTS— In very dainty Mag- 6 I Sale Price to Clear 5/6 Price to Clear 8/11 . HukTl 1& / / si«s 3Q, 42, 45, 48; in good materials Crepes, Voiles, etc.; all in quite the newest styles; yar sty i e> w ith basqucd skirt; can be worn with or | [ I , «,..-.., - 11 1 » / / i Usual prices 18/11, 21/-, 25/6 dainty colouring Usual prices 29/6, 35/6 without blouse; in grey, tussore, brown, pale pink 5 § I Lot 6— 5. doz. Strong White Coutille CORSETS— LOt 10— 5 doz. RIBBON CORSETS— Made in \M \\\ / / WASHING COATS AND SKIRTS— In Tussore Case- LADIES' TENNIS SKIRTS— In best quality white saxe, etc. Us,ual price 3S/6 I 1 Medium skirt, slightly high above waist washing belting; in dove, reseda, and white \\\i\ IU / I ment Cloths and coloured Linen; good fitlinff styles Pure linen; very smart, well-setting shapes; all TWEED, &c.,, COAtfS AND SiaRTS-rßeally good | I giving good support. Usually sold at 10/6 t.,,.. „ , + ' /„ illW M«W / \ Usual prices 20/6, 35/6 with corselet tops Usual price 21/- useful designs, up-to-date in shape and in good Q I Price to Clear 5/11 p I s \ /(! „,„ rio/«i o/« fflvSoM ( DUST COATS-In Casement ClmhLJstJe, etc.; good LADIES' WHITE MUSLIN DRESSES-Very dainty Quality materials; all thoroughly up-to-date and g I ..• « ja r-nncrTc j *• Prices to Clear 2/6, 2/11, and 3/6 'Ml MIL « styles and shapes; in light and dark shades styles; effectively trimmed embroidery and laceb,- serviceable Usual prices 65/-, 69/6, etc. I I Lot 7— D. and A. CORSETS— 4 doz. exception- EMlFilr^ 1 ' ' Usual prices 25/6, 20/6 , up-to-date designs Usual prices 20./6, 39/6 WHITE DRESSES— In. &oft English Crepes; damty 1 ; 1 ally good model, long deep skirt, very short Lot 11— 6 doz. Ladies BUST BODICES— ExceI- , g> 4l ffl || 3 NAVY LUSTRE DRESS SKIRTS— In light navy blue LADIES' SPORT JERSEYS— In all-wool and mer- basqued Magyar styles; finished at neck and wrist Q I above waist Usually sold at 11/g lent shapes ; damaged m\ WM IB joj on j y . sp i en did aualitv and well cut- straight but cerised effect; new shapes, with band at back; large fi ne muslin cuffs Usual price 42/- I I Price to Clear 6/6 Usually sold at 3/ it Price to Clear 6d . || (W^%n|, ! not excessively narrow; lined throughout variety of colours Usual prices 21/-, 25/6 g I Lot B— V doz. NON-RUSTABLE CORSETS— 6 doz. Children's Quilted STAY BANDS— In grey /iS^^Wttfrv* ! T0 BE CIFTED A «AY AT 5/11 EACH EVERY LOT TO CO AT 10/11 EACH SAME PRICE IN EVERY CASE— 2I/- EACH 1 I Splendid for reducing the hips, made to lace and white washing material; all sizes 1 ' ,■„■, . ■■■■■■■■■■Mii»iiiiM^MßMiM^MMM^MiiM^^MM^^M^^Ti^BiMiMMr^M«iiiT™««^ • h with elastic on hips from waist downwards Usually sold at 1/11 and 2/1 1 <t~s£jyZCjiQjl\w' \ """T" ihnnwinTnn 1 w i^— — h> u™n, sow at „/g Pr,c ß ,o c,e are,,,a r e,,, pr, M s «o c,a,r ,/- and ,/» i®Mim | I BE EARLY ON THE SCENE FOR THESE BARGAINS I I I m—mmm Himiiiia ■■■iiiiimi ihiii in. tia^ iimi— ihi.i ■■■, ■■■■■ ■ "■"" ■ "■■■■■ ■■■ " inwiiimi^ mamamaammmmßammammmmmamm s PARASOLS Underclothing at Clearance Prices j Astounding Values in our Popular Fancy Department Secure one of these Wonderful | I A H . . f I Won't there be a rush for these bargains in Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Overalls, Veilings, Belts and MILLINERY I I All 'TO go at Lot i_comprises Splendid Quality MOIRETTE Lot 4—6 doz. Ladies' SATIN PETTICOATS— j Clasps ! It will be worth your while to come at NINE To-morrow. , g j I 1/11. v? TT ™ O t T ,?- ~* .AU. AU PUte vTl 01 - MM ° ire^ ' Made with small kilted frill at foot; in black ! 600 yards of ißin. ALLOVER LACE— For iao pieces of Wide GLACE SILK RIBBON 80 doz. ENAMEL BELT CLASPS— "RAROAIIVS S 5 I fi/li "Jaeger" Petticoats; very light in weight iacK | 1 Mouses, yokes, etc.; pretty, neat de- —From 3to sin. wide; for hair ribbons, i/- for 3deach JJX^. JL^VJ-ni.Jll kJ | I / -*•-*• and thoroughly reliable for washing and useful colours Price to Clear 4/11 j ; signs; in Paris or white millinery, etc.; colours — sky, pink, navy, J0 oz E.P.N.S. BELT CLASPS — H i 1 Price to Clear 4/11 1 Actual values are from 1/6, 1/11, to 2/6 brown, royal, old rose, cream; all per- 2/11 for 9d each Lot 1 0 TRIMMED i • E Ladies SUNSHADES -'A Lot 5- 7 doz. PRINT PETTICOATS-In striped I Sale Prices 9d, 1/., and 1/3 yard feet. Ordinary values io|dr/- and 1/3 sdo 2. JA p. ROYSOI BELT CLASPS- HATS-Suitable for present | \ I ' clearing line consisting of «-°t 2~2 ~ » 2 doz. Children's OVERALLS and P 45 pieces only of Cream and Paris Shade Sale Price 75d7 5 d yard 3/6 ror 1/3 each or autumn wear; in Tagel. g \ 1 white Silk Florals Tussore PINAFORES— In Holland; also white ground and check materials, made with kilted frill at Fine TUCKED NET— iSin. wide NECKWEAR BARGAINS ' So Ladies' DOROTHY OVERALLS— Silk, or Fancy Straw; trimmed H | S£"JSrfSS;. 2S^ wi t h navy an 4 Sa ,e W= S; overaUs m ade foot Pr, C c v C,e a r ./., j ™*&T&S2it'£ SfZZSi 8o D^k PaTa" Co"red LACE COL- Us >" »* 'ftttlHS'ltli'S® *&&%*&£}£»s% \ I I oured Silk with white vertical Magyar shape with sleeves to elbow; pma- j Rkh SATIN ME « V RIBBON— S in. wide; LARS— 1/6 for 3d each d f ALLOVER EMBROIDERY flowers. , I { ii i «.2f»t-Ai* *—«-» — -".-^^^ U, S-A Lta o fM ,, he h c U tt ,e O.S, ccposca o, I • ~^^ s^ fcfs ' K^f,^ ' c «tS % -^S I '■ SILK BONNETS, HATS, MUSLIN BON- j Sale Price 4^d yard Cllvnnui . .. _ H /« f «|J eac^ Now lO^d, 1/3, to 4/3 yard vage Stock at 3/11 each | » i I Smart PAISLEY SILK SUN. Lol I2idoz . Ladies . Good Qua i ity FLANNEL- NETS and HATS, PIQUE BONNETS and S G^?^t K gSd B s?Sla^shadelof hSu5 BO^S~At 3d, 4,d, 6d each iecs of Black SILK VEI LING tot , pl kd? j| j I SHADE-With natural crook ETTE NIGHTDRESSES-Made" with small HATg Worth from 6/n*, «/- ' l^wV^^t^b^o r^^l^ Q ND^ S^' tiSl^J^'^f- grd J™h f S™AAV | J handles. Usual price 16/6 turndown collar, .neatly trimmed frills of own tAlb Worth trom 21/- . green pale green, and amethyst ? o FANCY BELTS with Buckles- . a ' VTITTNr c To be cTarod wfth the ■ Sal- I II To Clear 1/11 material Pr ice to Clear 4/6 To be Cleared in Three Lo«s-1/, 1/11, and 3/ i1 I •**"*" «»- "W^ »fi gg 40 Black SILK BELTS-!/^/^/ 6^ "VS^styt S^ e^S^r^ J v^S^ffi/^e^c^ 6 I | J j ,-.»■■■■■■■ I ■■■■■ VwFlHriiriWMll-"- T-T-m-1 ■■ MM ■■■■■■ ■ INI 11. ■ J V,, ■■■■■■■■ ■■!■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■!■ MW—IWI— ■ 111 IJ lljJl \

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1915, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1915, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 33, 9 February 1915, Page 11