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WWA When the delicate tisiues »f Wff/ S ■ S Wlk 1 j#"<a ///A y°M child's throat are affected ffls, S&VAf^tUL ifiAf^ IXUCIU VJIOSS**"" W, »«*«<* are threatenedl-fcet. W/& ""MMHBBBMBMi^aB mmbm mmmammmm^mKm momß^^ W// ter aCt l U ' C^ V> 'JM, 1 w w - $// Bonnmgton*» iiie niipmobile v*oes loo! w , t ipishM ° 8 * m mmmmm • Mil' Is tne sate and certain remedy yw/l ■"■■■■■■■•■■• "MMMMiaMai //M for children ! — contains no »///. 'Mr/, opium, the dose it small, the '////, Up hill and down date — across W// Be«by^«t'for e ha C ifa e ceVhlrj! w/. country by backblock tracks— J§ Here ' s HH ocn o c , p c v.i eß Ro.d m you'll find the trusty Hupp ff "l^toK'r 1 ,©,! penetrates wherever wheels can U t3d»S |jjT 9,, carry! For the Hupp is built i SEJSfe Jftl i right for hard work and strenuous WA tf S^S ! service. Let us consider the make- - fA ».^C S "££**• up of Hupmobile efficiency:— if X^^S^SL ,^^fe ; * J &A np»« ejiuil lo Bon- I RISH \AQSt //////, nintton « iriih Mojs." ;sx,r,.';E''i,7*i",'i' l i ' • ' W//j Ft « d Hendry. 5 '^j.^B.^'SZt \ First, as to strength—the Hupp The bearings are the famous W///i T .«ke a bottle home ■ 1 "" ■ frame is the strongest and the Timken make— the hardest, most f/M f-S »T l°"m8l °" m 8 l il^^^i most expensive to manufacture of enduring in the world. ' W Bonnin«ton'«. 1 EsSiSFffi? : any car in its class. The deetrir KiriiKmf at,»i .»«.*««♦ M ,♦»*♦ n — s£«i^" . . "Anting and starting W////////////////////M/////M < «*« r bomi»« i i The engine is of the long-stroke system is the Westinghouse—the m/M///////////////////MM^^m^^ ' type, giving the fullest power only system that has been proved mm& msaaa mmm aeaseaa possible with least waste of absolutely reliable. 'MsgM Iwsm MsbS Eliasi cnergy * As to comfort, the whole car is The Surest and Safest McdiThe lubrication is automatic all fitt^ d with . all "Qst every luxury dne for Coufchs «ncl Cold* h the time the engine is running and c ° nv enience that the most mmmm expensive cars carry. IBS #•&>. amikv The Zenith carburetter is a model Deep upholstering and hand- I llP^^ usually found only in the most some finish make the Hupp fit I I»4I V^b^J expensive cars— as perfect as a company f©r any car at twice its I dmhtotakt carburetter can be. price. fcfci^^*^^Ll THE FINE NEW HUPP .CATALOGUE *^^^^^&m8B&^ WILL INTEREST YOU— WRITE FOR IT uu j • . " It haiunturpatted tonic and nutririre properThe Hupmobile is better— down to the very last wjiw cU er n *on °wi!h e BSwtS nut. You-if you are contemplating the pur- SodV,tmutffi^ P tfeS.° f "" "* Chase Of a Car— Owe it tO yourself tO investigate Any cb«mwt or doctor will tell yon that th^ fammift , e<l jr**" l " 011 » * firrt-ciaw preparation. ttie ramOUft I^ wott< krful health^f«D« and strengthening of htm. An old friend ol mine reeamtnewlad Prices: 32 H.P. Touring, <£330, or with Electric Starting ftJd^TSS^^yftte and Lighting, &380. l^jA n^» EinuUoo -" DANIEL MONT- „, . „ A GOMERY, Grctnhai, Kefeo, N.Z. Chief Ag«nt« for the North Uland- All chemist, and store ,«ockU» e '.E»rf« J , A. HATRICK & CO., LTD, •t.Z/6«d4oi«b«^Ti*W»«* WANGANUI, WEIAINGTON A WAITARA UIW *"* th *° *"• °* the "* b< * k * !gs3& USES HP 15558 - \| A I M Ikkl I A I Illlu ■ uU/ILI MINI In I lull ~ MOTOR CYCLES ! HAIR CAME OUT AJ.S. AND UUDGE SUCCESSES. ' *t«O3 t. ; a j, « „ . Started wrth Pimple. Spread to A.J.S. 2% Porforina/nce:— A speed of 54- miles. Four Firsts. Winner of Team o na 1 n> i. m. ri j Trial. Flexibility, Hill Climb, and Fast Hill Climb. FIRST and SECOND in Sore, CutlCUTa Ointment Made the Junior Isle of Man Race in RECORD TIME. f nmnloto Cut* Uoir TKi/»L RUDGE 3£ Performance:- A speed of 60 miles. Nine Firsts. Winner of N.Z uOmpieie WUre. nair I HICK, Championship. FIRST in tho Senior Isle of Man Race in RECORD TIME. """ " *' This is more than proof that these two makes are the BEST motors made, and Eden Park,' Whifctlesea, tie— "l had you can buy them at a prioe to beat all others. , Bußemti. for about three months with severe -L-^ y^ -_._ ~^ ----_- — -, — _^ - .-^ irritation of tho scalp and loas of hair. It r»C ) 1 J \ ) H FiX'S * started about the sine of a small pimple, ajw V VAXiJJLI >o vary sore on tho top of my head, and 1 tried AT^5 ATVTI PTTTIPTT ArUMPV ointment but without success, and it spread JX.O.V. JA.VHJ x\,u_uu\Ej AiavEJiNOI, to a sore about tke size of tho palm of your 74, LAMBTON-QUAT. TELEPHONE 1579 hand> and the hair . waß «omi«8 <M of tke ' affected parts. A friend advised me to buy t * mm^^ mmmll '* m ***^n^*^^*''^*'mmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmßmmmmmmmmmm * tin Of Outicura Ointment. Thanks to v T-,™ . , , mrTTO my friend for recommending U> I have saved V TrOR commercial use or pleasure, THE _* A .^.,_« »^ « » «•„,*_ v.,»««» »»*i.t» n flSfr- £ % "^ HUMBER and SWIFT light cars are y further cx PBMOP BMO f "> m buying anything absolutely the best proposition on the more for it because it has made a complete „- 'B^fei^^pSgSaß market. They are economical to run, cure - and m ? balr hM srova as thick as I **^ will do 58 miles to tho gallon, will travel on any^othef part of my head. ilfc a 6 * l of 50 ni 1 ™ an hour ' wil l climb "As for the Cuticura Soap, I would use (|MipliMlilliiMai any hiU New Kealand - no other now; I have great faith in it. If HR|Sj*sgMgf ■— They are made by firms who have a I fool tired after my day's hard work I Just \Z&j£2y -aa^^K' reputation to keep up. Small in compass warm a copper of water and tako a warm but big in deeds. bath and make a good lather of the Outi« TTTTum-n-n -. m n ji L t , ± „ * cura Soap and I feel quite refreshed, and HUMBER ! ,; H? ™« tUS dcmonstalte these P erfect it take* all the pains out of my Umbs.whlch a _ TT _ mwe carß to you< I was subject to before using tho Cuticura SWIFr £200. HUMBER .ju,,..*- . £175. Soap.", (Signed) Samuel Barry. June 24, " 1012. WIIL/UM±JJIi AND PTM, hands, itching, burning palms, and painful MOTOR ENGINEERS Hnger-ends with shapeless nails, a one-night 'PHONE 2451. * ' ' VTVTANT STntfTTT OuMoura treatment works wonders. Soak hsmds> oa retirin S. ln hofc wator and Cutaura mm^ m *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ aaimmm '^^* Soap,, Dry, anoint with Outicura Ointment >-- M ~»--M M i. KnM i. VBaIMKH>BM>nHBBMII , l^ HaMlßai^ aH , and wear soft bandages or old, loose gloves __ during the night. Cuticura Soap and OiatBl #"^ ffj "ff^ a^"\ A. TK? menfc are also indispensable for treating *• r %*ff9kXF±SSP pimples, blackheads and itching, scaly scalps -. . with dandruff. Cuticura Soap and Outicura Urder your FORD now. j& Shipment just arrived. ointment are sold throughout the world. _„„ «^ MI , Liberal sample of each mailed free, with THE POPULAR CAR. THE RELIABLE CAR. 32-p. Skin Book. Address B. Towns & Co., THE ECONOMICAL CAR. Sydney, N. S. W. 5-Seater, £190 Tvlly Egafrp** 2-Seater, £175 for Burns, Cut* aid fe"^*B BTANTON & EVANS Bruises houw AS-.1 Selling Agents for Wellington District. JJ^Js n^Saed* \o neewwr j MOLESWORTH ST. PHONE 2240 to have at hand as "■■■ -<ffV EsmKoi. Etauzoi win uke fegj^^gsgana T ii 11 1,,,. 1 „ out ihe pun with « loothm* §gßs==S»fglß 1 touch, and will keillikrmuic i>BB)^>ByTH« " _____„ fc I 2-6 pet i«t-»H Cfc«mi.ti md IXMAZ^BKI "~~~~~~~ ■■ — ' ' ! Stat«s or port free Item Ch«». &f .Great ltee^BSS Diphtheria and Diphthort tie **"* fletchkr's Throat, Croup, Quinsy, bi pqu U BTVVFWV " > C li §%%li Whoopin@.cough, and all FLhSH, v TOXfif^P| Threat Troubles Infallibly FISH, or ;■ j™^*™^'j^Wl. eurGd by POVX/I 7 """jet" ■ hhhe scores of KOLMORN. IIS MUCH MORE TASTY = jS^K SMOTS I[6 and 2/6 par bottlo. I WHEN ' ' ' aiMi^ 051 ™' w^" "- S ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES. I K/B 1 1 - \ ißW!g__ ffi? wtf "tt Ask for Copies of Local Testimonials. I I¥I©IIOF S ; *«^ **«* $T«°& VtZ ' 8 j iiiumuiau ■UMiniiMllll— i solicitation of friends, who have nrowi . -. j ! through long yoars that Standards at© I I /^* best. They are guaranteed for a lifetime. gaaadiiß """^CSt ! T3 lB <f*£3* ' Let ub send you particulars now. I D .™- « . oil fcJ^C3L»UL'w*W P T W TP'RAH g The Perfume \ r . J . V» . X 1 £j AIV, of Refinement . ™ j ■iiiaimm— nw wlllis . s treeT. »S ADDED! TELEPHONE 976. one which subtly but Burely conveys Established 1880. an atmosphere of refinement. Sncha Prpnar+A trnm n\ire> anA — — ~~~*~*~" perfume is Stevens' Eose Centifolia— ] rreparca irom pure ana >»25i8a*>e. the distinctive perfume, delicate, de- i rhnir.» iner«v»rli«>nfe ./SiSft^'SfcA f*i. /MS§i!f?JfcX liehtfni. irresistibie-the faicination choice ingredients. Vf jS*Sot^^. ol the pure scent of roses. Ask your _ \v^ W&l>rF chemist for it or send 2/6 for a bottle Rich in rare flavourings. vjsbfe. -'/ xsr 33 * 88^^/ pott free from H. F. Sterens. N«~.,~-N «~.,~-- Stevens' _____ -rue C atti~c r\x? WRISTLET WATCHES. © f* »T *• ? THE SAUCL OF g~i UN Metal, 9s 6d, lOss 6d. 12s 6d : Silfi XK ° Se p£i!l!,?. rfo " a fl HIGHEST QUALITY. |JS SjV.itr 6^,. *$SX H «n., , . „ . „ . v ' ' 5-««i»»m-.v. is Watches to etand rough usage. Add«*»:, lwh«l«.]« A>tnu x t Yiwrft Owtai famg R4J M *£"*"* l^vr^^^F^^Sf^^^^tm W. R. SCIIOLEFIELD, 39, Muuiftn**., *■**" "W J Blfrißii— ■■— ■inimii .nun BH I vp p, Gco. Fowlde, Ltd.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 93, 16 October 1914, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 93, 16 October 1914, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 93, 16 October 1914, Page 4