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The beauty of the whole problem pliP^ u• a l l • i} , .... , , I • it ls * ne bargains thai are comis that it is so simple and so easy I «•««. .- . ai^m*.- .» •»* I ! **««WB^^wss^« a!l!S^ mg your Way NOW that Will or sqlution. j tig^ •-^ greatly strengthen the hold We All you have to do it to take M^i*. M fw*J I^ -rfi^ ""f ga{mng upon these third week opportunities in M ,-*isso^'"Wi b ™iness in both city and country, hand and stick to them, and the m h^ ®fil #&'(& ; #^l savings you make on each pur- ffl B ffigm W$M P« Money can 6e «w** «* chase m M MM m f! $M mM turn «* the D.I.C. Salc-cvery ' H m mm® Ite^l W*sM sectton * rom ground floor to roof The last two Weeks trading at m M &I#|€ ?t^V'£> teems with economies, the D.I.C. were tremendous — a m Ii j##^ fp ; "«T?S |'W$P revelation -a proclamation of S ffi 1®! oVs| IPf climb to greater success is further advancement -of grip |L I#3 P^S JS a movin S climb, an upward climb. upon the great buying publics jt®S^^&isW WsofssoP^'df goodwill. Ii JJ^S^, The D.I.C. Great Winter Sale lljP WPfi W W «f makes it an easier climb, a It's the bargains that have gone || J|| | i | l^*s better climb-you get there on thai helped us so wonderfully; JUf jt every purchase made. Any Old Price will do in the Fancy Sections'. Glassware at Crashed Down Great Hits on Sale Prices in the Costume 47 Pieces Flouncing and Camisole ZMBROIDER\ «t.« t . \ —No two patterns alike Usukl prices i/ii to s • IllCeS. Department. 2/ii per yard Special Sale Price 1/3 yard TTAI .. D __ ._„„„ ' Cream ICE WOOL SCARVES— The correct style LIQUOR GLASSES Navy Serge ONE-PIECE FROCK - Trimmed for evening wear. Usual prices 7/6 to 9/6 each S/ J/ " flozen black braid ; piped cerise . 79/6 for 10/6 All to be Cleared at 2/6 each CUT CUSTARD GLASSES 14 only Odd Makes and Colours in Silk EVEN- 8/6 for 6/6 dozen White Muslin ONE-PIECE FROCK-Hand mack, ING SCARVES-In various colours. Usual rTTT TPT Tv AQ ' tnmmed Valenciennes, and Irish crochet prices 7/6, 8/6 and 10/6 each CUT JELLY GLASSES Q s/6 for 19/6 Pick whp.rp yon like for 1/11 'l° •*■"' >>/* uOZCn ' Th «cSs of fia, Stoc!i ot / A[ 4 A Few Okl T TU cT le ?sl „ GMe^"' S££d«'£Mf S&""RIBBONS — Usual prices range from i/q to To Clear at 3d each „, , , 2/11 yard All to be Cleared at 1/- yard r V asf<? S9/e for 29/6 Fancy Embroidered CASHMERE HOSE-^ &PLUMLN VASES^ dust CoATS L Conskkrably reducecli bcluding All One Price 1/3 pair Bedroom WATER BOTTLES model ? , T 2-dome Leather Suede GLOVES— In tan and grey 1 /" each Brown Knitted WOOL JERSEY— 49/6 for 9/6 only; all sizes. Usual price 4/1 1 per pair Water Bottle TUMBLERS Maroon Hand-knitted JERSEY— WiIh sailor collar * Special Sale Price 2/6 pair O nly 3d each x 32/6 for 0/6 These are something like Millinery Bargains A Great Dressing Down of Dress Goods Prices 135 TR.MMPD HATS-UsuaHy 25 ,6 „ 4!) ,6 A,, On, Frta 12/6 , C °^L?s W J£f t^f ,SSf, .""SS £&?$ 1 READY-TO-WEAR- FELT and VELOUR HATS— MOHAIRS, 43 inches wide— ln sky, pink, grey, electric and v , _ „, . , navy. A hard wearing, dust resisting cloth Were 19/6 to 45/- Now 8/11 Usual price 2/6 Salo Price 1/8* Untrimmed FELT HATS— In every shade and hlnrk* • Gre y WHIPCORD TWEED, 46 inches wide— For smart costumes ! Were 8/11 to is/6 All 3/11 Usual price 4/6 Salo Price 2/6 tT . , 10 only Exclusive COSTUME LENGTHS— Hair-cord suitings, Untrimmed Black VELVET HATS— stripe worsteds and hopsacs Usually 17/6 to 25/6 Now 3/11 At prices ranging from 32/6' to 45/- To olfcar 17/6 TT . , ' 1 only Saxe Blue Chiffon VELVET ROBE LENGTH— ExccnUntnmmed STRAW SHAPES— Were 10/6 to 25/6 Now 2/6 tional Bargain Usual price 13s/- To clear 67/6 nctriri, ttttathtt-t? MmrMTQ tt 'ii i , The Balance of our Stock of NET TUNICS and COATEES— Ostrich FEATHER MOUNTS— Usually 4/11 to 10/6 All 1/6 To be cleared at half usual prices. We got on the " Carpet " for Tepping Bargains in the Hard- CLOTHING ECONOMIES REAL Toilet Requisites and the like at making these Low Prices. / ware s ficl j on> PURSE-PLEASERS. Big Savings. B BVus S sflsl£^ Antique COPPER KERBS- *5 Boys' School SUITS-in all Gent's Oxidised Non-Magnetic at about half price, in sizes : Usual price ; «/J »/6 15/6 wool tweeds Usually 6 j, ; Leve^r WATCHES^dujt^f. 9ft. x oft.— 19/ o, 22/ 632/ 6 each „„,_,,,', Bedroom CLOCKS - Reliable Usual price £4/12/6 16/8 li/e S/a laoli 48 nvWnAT s°o5 ° oond n SMlCeabkS M lCeabk timekeepers, nickel, gilt and Sale Price £2/13/6 • /f '' ' OVERCOATS, all styles, one oxidised ' • irft x nft iin— VACUUM WASHERS- P nce Usually 12/6, 14/6 , Usual prices 4/6, 8/6, 10/6 Usual price /8/«/ Us^ al » rice each *** Sal " ■■'■«••*}•. We, *l* Sale Price lilZa SalC PrloG 7/fi each *5 Boys' Sporting and 3 Garment PEARL NECKLETS- - '/b Empire WRINGERS— SUITS, exceptional value, all . Usual prices 1/6 to 2/6 ART CARPETS— AImost every Usual price 24/6 each " S ood tweeds to clear Sale Price all 1/- each shade can be had in these Sale Price 19/6 each Usually 25/- to 42/- Carbolic TOOTH POWDER— Carpets in sizes: iunrtpil Sale Price 15/11 . Usual price od 9ft. x 7ft. 6in.-2S/6 Little Giant 1 able MANGLES- „«...., t ,- , Sale Price 3 Tins for 1/isft x 12ft —£6/15/- U |» c ? ! g r - Cc *!(" eac 2 l 8 SvroS?^ f Bronneley's SOAP TABLETS- ' I - x 12n - * & / 1& / Sale Price 37/6 each OVERCOATS to clear at one Verbena, Cologne Lavender Inlaid LINOLEUM-In parquet, KNIFE MACHINES— P rice Usually 39/6 to 55/; Carnation, Buttermilk tile and carpet designs Usual prices 19/6,. 42/-, 59/6 Sale Prico ™l n Sale Prlco 3 for 1/Usual prices 6/6, 5/6, 4/6 Sale Price 16/6, 36/-, 49/6 eacjl , o Men » s Smart' SAC SUITS— Jergen's VIOLET GLYCERINE „ , „ . . square yard CARPET SWEEPERS— ■ In good tweeds, all one price SOAP— Exquisitely perfumed Sale Prices 8/11, 4/11, 3/11 Usual price 15/-, 16/6, 18/6 Usually 42/- to 55/- Usual price gd cake . per square yard Sale Price 12/6, 14/6, 16/6 eacJi Sale Price 29/6 l Sale Price Gd cake Sporting Offers in Maids' Costumes Great Bargains in Quilts MAIDS' TWEED COSTUMES-Fawn, brown, .green, and DOWN QUILTS-Must be sold, all this year's goods, perfectly heather colourings " Usual prices 25/6 to 30/6 fresh, many of them recently received Special Clearing Prices all at 19/6 each Usual price 30/- each Sale Price 19/6 each Maids' CREAM ALL-WOOL SERGE COSTUMES — Superior DOWN QUILTS— In best qualities, covered in satin and silk, finish, coats lined Usual prices 55/6 m/ 6 sq/6 \ v , ll £- sate ? n ' reverse > made by the famous firm of Special clearing' price ie/c McLintock's ,*,,.,,,«, , GirK' and Maids' ONE-PIECE DRESSES-Navy serge or camel . San Toy Usual prices 12/6, 15/6, 19/6 to 45/- „ p a i rs o f single and Double BED BLANKETS— New Zealand Sale Prices 5/6, 6/11, 8/11 to 21/- make , s if g htly soiled but otherwise perfect Girls' and Maids' PALETOTS, TWEEDS and BLANKET Single Bed 16/11 pair Double Bed 24/11 pair CLOTH— AII sizes _ 11 White Embroidered Sample BED SPREADS-r-Perfeclly fresh Usual prices 15/6, 19/6, 22/6, 25/- to 55/- and clean, for double beds Sale Prices 6/11, 7/6, 19/6, 13/6 to 42/- Usual prices 29/6, 33/-, 39/-, 42/TiVie' rPTTAiv/r rnATc t in, j i • Sa G Prices 22/6, 24/6, 23/6, 39/Girls LKLAM COATS— In cloth, serge, and corduroy, trimmed ,„.„„„ „ . ,~ TTTT TO , . ' ' ' ' ' ' silk pipings or silk -braid WHITE MARCELLA QUILTS— The best value ever oftered. Usual nwVpc t-t/A t"?/6'ot/ f« o« if. • Single Bed Marcella Quilts ' JSUTprioa^fe^r^U^fi ntt n rt ( Vfl Price 8/6 Sale Price 6/11 . _ _ , , ___ r ' Better Quality for &mglc Beds— \ A Few Infants' PELISSES Samples — In muslin and pique, Usual price 11/6 Sale Price 8/0 trimmed fine embroidery Special Fine QualityUsual pnees 29/6, 35/- to 47/6 To Clear all at 5/6 each Usual price 16/6 Sale Price 13/9 GOOD FOOTWEAR AT STARVATION COOD ENOUGH FOR ANYTHING I THE RAREST FURNISHING BARGAINS PRICES. MERCERY BARGAINS. YOU EVER SAW. 36 pairs Ladies' Glace Derby LACE SHOES 57 Suits "Collazella" PYJAMAS— Unshrink- so-inch PRINTED LINENS and TAFFE- — Patent cap, full round toes, welted able Usual price 8/1 1 T AS— For loose covers. ' Exceptional soles. Usual price IS/6 Sale Price 5/11 offer Usually up to 7/6 Sale Price 13/9 23 Petone Fawn Worsted SINGLETS and Sale Prioo 3/6 per yard 26 pairs Ladies' Glace Lace Derby BOOTS UNDERPANTS— Unshrinkable so-inch Coin Spot MUSLIN ECRU— —Wide toes; full fitting Usual price 10/6 Sale Price 7/11 Usual price 1/3 Sale Price 9d Usual price 18/6 Sale Price 14/9 42 Double Warp Scotch Wincey BAND 50-inch Ivory CURTAIN NETS— Beautiful 40 pairs Ladies' Glace Kid and Bronze Kid SHlßTS— Unshrinkable . designs and quality EVENING SHOES— Usual price 6/6 Sale Price 3/11 Sale Price 1/6 per yard Usual prices 18/6 to 25/- Sale Price 9/11 A Thousand 2/6 WIDE-END TIES- 120 UNMADE CUSHION COVERS— SufIi260 pairs Ladies' Felt SLIPPERS— Strong Sale Price 1/- each cient material for back; stencilled desoles Sale Price 1/3 172 pairs Finest Cashmere All Wool Fancy signs on blue, brown, green and cream 60 pairs Ladies' Box Calf and Glace Kid HALF HOSE— In reseda, fawn and saxe grounds Usual price 3/9 LACE BOOTS— English make blue Usual price 2/6 pair Sale Price 1/11 each Usual price 18/6 to 21/- 3ale Price 10/9 Sale Price 1/- pair 31 -inch PRINTED SATEENS — Good de28 pairs Ladies' Patent Vamp Matt Kid But- 150 Neglige and Fashion SHlßTS— Slightly signs Usual price 1/6 Sale Price I#£d ton SHOES— Usual price 19/- shop soiled. Usual prices 4/11, 6/6, 7/6 99 CUSHION TOPS— Woven designs Sale Price 15/9 Sale Price 1/11 each Usually 1/11 each Sale Price li£d Bach Wm, S&mm O-I-O' M&sfcagear. '

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 11, 13 July 1914, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 11, 13 July 1914, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 11, 13 July 1914, Page 4