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! ELECTION OF COMMITTEES LAST NIGHT'S MEETINGS. , Householders interested in the various schools throughou!) the Wellington district met last evening, to consider annual reports and elect committees for the ensuing year. NEWTOWN. About one hundred and thirty householders \ assembled at the Newtown School foV the election of the committee. Mr. J. Castle presided. The annual report presented by the headmaster (Mr. H. A. Parkinson) and the balance-sheet were read and adopted. The headmaster thanked the commifctee for the good -work they had accomplished, the donors of prizes, cash, etc., for the school sports, Messrs. A. R. Hornblow and Crengel for presenting gold medals, and the school staff. The statement of receipts and expenditure showed a credit balance of JB?3, 4s ib. : ■ The election of the new committee was then proceeded with, sixteen nominations being received. Three members of the outgoing committee— Mrs. Boxall and Messrs. S. Martin and Gilbert— did not seek re-election. The remaining six Were all re-elected : Messrs. R. Brown, J. Castle, A. B. Hornblow, A. Crosby, S. Phillips, E. Read, W. C. Noot, Mrs. Webb and Mrs W. A. Evans. At the meeting of the newly-elected committee, held immediately afterwards, Mr. J. Castle was re-elected chairman, and Mr. R. H. Chinchen, who has acted as secretary and treasurer for thirteen years* was also re-elected. TERRACE. , | The election of a School Committee 1 at the Terrace resulted as. follows: Messrs. J. J. Mallard, J. M. Geddris, J. A.' Thomson, A. P. Webster, W/J. Comrie, H. W. Lloyd, Alex. Johnston, C. J. Cooke, and H, Van Staveren. ' TE ARO. (^ At the meeting of householders of the Te Aro School the chair was Occupied by Mr. W, J, Lankshear. There was a ver-y large attendance. The report stated that the nnmber of children on the roll was 555, v or 12 less than at this time last year. On the Whole the attendance was excellent. Despite rough wet weather the health of the children had been good. The reports of the inspectors showed that the school was doing excellent work. At the December examinations Harold O'Connor gained a scholarship. The receipts amounted to £129 I2fe, including £89 2s brought forward -from last year, and the year closed a credit balance of £8 9s 6d. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. The election of a new committee resulted in the return of Messrs. J. Hyland, B. Doherty, D. R. Lawlor, M. O'Kane, R. Cook, G.* Remington,. W. .J. Thompson, H. R. Power, and W. J. Lankshear. At the first meeting of the new committee Mr. Lankehear wa& appointed chairman. The appointment of a secretary sfid treasurer was deferred until the next .meeting of the committee. ) ' . MOUNT COOK. There t?ere about 200 householders at the annual meeting of the South Wellington School held last evening. The year, it was stated, had been a quiet One, but there had been steady progress. Xhe newly-elected committee is as fol« tows; Messrs.. C.H. Barratt (secretary), H- |. H. Grave (treasurer), E. Simpson g- *o*to>' 0. Pallia, .3. F. Gardiner H. A. Parsonage, and B. Elite. '. , ,OLYDE-jQi|AY. , - At the householders"' annual meeting' at Clyde-quay, the following ' Were re- 1 elected a School Committee :— -Messrs D. Robertson, J. G. Duthie, R. £. Hatch,' W. J.'Harland, J. Mitchell, J. W. Fossette, W.J, Gaudin, W. B. Strong, and T; Forsyth. r The following officers were; also re-elected :— Messrs. D. Robertson, chairman; J. Mitchell^ treasurer; T.< Forsyth, secretary. 1 SOUTEf" WELLINGTON. There were a great many householders at the annual South Wellington meeting. The headmaster (Mr. George Flux) characterised it as one of the best meetings he had e^r seen at the school. In the annual report, read and adopted, mention was made, of , the improvement in drainage, the installation of tennis courts and a cricket pitch, and the filling in of, portions of the grounds. The heating apparatus had also been improved during the year. The financial position was extremely satisfactory, and there was a credit balance of £45 10s, together with £8 Is 6d in unpresen,ted cheques. The following committee was elected for the ensuing year: Messrs. R. A. Ferguson, P. C.' Watt, A. B. Duff, G. W. Key, W. C. Reid, G. J. Startup, J. S. Gamble, P. J. Kelleher, and U. Goff. / Mr. A. B. D«ff was elected chairman and Mr. R. A. Ferguson secretary and 'treasurer, . KARORI. Mr, G. !frL Bum presided over a numerously attended meeting of householders list night in tho schoolroom. The secretary, Mr. Sunley, read the Teport and the. balance-sheet, bbth of which were highly satisfactory. A balance of £8 8s 9d was shown. Several improvements to the grounds were made during the year, including a fine concrete front wall, an extended girls' playground, and th« top-dressing of the tennis court. Several donations were made by liberal residents for improvements. Mr. Brigham received the thanks of the committee for his generous help on^veral occasions. Special reference was made to the loss the committee had sustained in thf< iemoval of the Rev. J. R. Clark, who had so ably filled the position 0$ chairman for the preceding two years. The •headmaster reported a falling off in the numbers on the 'roll, which now gtood at 210. Although the school was much affected by epfdeihics during the year, the usual high standard of efficiency has been maintained by the earnest co-opera-tion of tho staff. In sport the boys woii the junior championship in cricket 'during the past season. _Mr. Sunley, the retiring secretary, whp did not seek re-election, was accorded, a hearty vote of thanks for his past seven years service. Result of election:— B. G. H. Burn (chairman), W. Skegg (secretary), W. H. Nimmo, T. Brooker, A. Halliday, T. Pell, M. Spiers, R, Faire, A. Needham. 1 ROSENEATH. Mr. S. H. Jenkinson presided over the meeting of about 90 householders. of the Roseneath School. The committee was elected' as follows : -^-Messrs, Morrisoh (chairman), A.* Paape (secretary), E;. Kellow, C. Adams, and> — Whiteman, and Mesdames' Low »and Hargreaves. WORSER BAY/ * ' The annual meeting of householders was well attended. The following are the new committee: Messrs. C. T. Bell (chairman), A. Gooch (secretary), F. S. Robertson, <T. Campbell, G. F. Edwards, W. Telford, and R. Eagar. After the reading and adoption of the balance-sheet and report^ it, was proposed and unanimously earned — "That this meeting of householders congratulate the headmast_e)> (Mr., Jtqwntxee} on the high

standard reached by his, school, and wishes' to place on record their unqualified appreciation of his services." BROOKLYN. The annual meeting of householders drew a large gathering at the schoolhouse. Dr. A. E. Couzens (chairman) presided. The report and balance-sheet were adopted as read> and satisfaction was expressed by householders at the number of improvements made during the past year. Much interest was taken in the election of a new committee, and 15 nominations were received for the 9 seats. The following were elected in respective order:-— H. Vile, M. A. Robinson (chairman), A. Bates, J. Burton, D. Kennedy, G. W. Mairs, J. A. Short, W. J. White (secretary), E. Hendriksen. Eight of the outgoing committee were re-elected. Addresses were delivered by Dr. Cotizens and the headmaster (Mi;. J. B, Hopkirk). Messrs. G. Frost and 'J. Rose acted as scrutineers. . JOHNSONVILLE. The annual report of the Johnsonville School, submitted at the annual meeting of householders last- evening, shows that the committee commenced the year with £25 Is lOd, with a liability for gorsecutting of £4, which reduced the credit to £21 Is lOd. There is now in hand £24 8s lOd, with liabilities of £1 17s 6d, which leaves the new committee £22 lls 4d to commence the year with. Regret was expressed that the Education Board had been unable to see its way to inaugurate the proposed cookery and woodwork classes until the train service was more suitable. The proposal to establish a district high school at < Johnsonville had been dropped owing to the apathy of the parents. The average attendance for the year was 236. The incoming* committee was recommended to give the matter of ,the - school library v and various other matters their earnest attention during the coming year. The report was adopted. The election resulted as follows: Mr. G. T. Hall (chairman), Rev. Mr ; Pemrman. (secretary), Rev. Mr, Petrie. and' Messrs. A. Mills, 4 S. f. O'tferfV G. fir Maweon, V. Cobk, N. Futter,. and J. Easson. MARANUI There were about eighty residents present at the annual meeting of the Maranui Committee. The headmaster, in his annual report, stated that the number of children on the roll was 373 — an increase of 150 during the past four years. The average attendance for the year was 305. Thirtyeight attendance certificates were gained by pupils last year— 2l first class and 17 second class. The headmaster goes on to say that the school has. not only increased in numbers, but it has improved in efficiency. The quality of the work done last year was ahead of that attained formerly. Apart from that which is purely educational, a great deal of good work was carried out during the year. The report and balance-sheet (the latter showing a credit balance of £6 10s 9d) were adopted. The following committee was elected : Messrs. W. Scott Bedford (chairman), 1 W. H. Nash (secretary), J. Dillon, W. A. Millar, D. Carman, A. B. Clater, G. A. Stone, J. Matthews, and, F. C. Gentry. ISLAND BAY. About 50' householders attended at Island \Bay last evening, Mr. Henry Ivory, the retiring chairman presiding. The* annual report and balance-sheet, which were adopted, showed a credit balance of £14 11s. An amount of £24 3s had been raised, by a special effort, for a girls' tennis court,, and at the meeting last night a. further sum, of £2 2s 2d was collected. In the scholarship examination Island Bay School entered six pupils, two of whom gained a £5 bursary, and free . tuition. During the year 1 Mr. F. Stuckfey, late headmaster 1 , was appointed an inspector. The attendance for the jgaAt' seyejp, yeays had just doubled itself-i r t|te' number on the tolls on '3lst Match b'Bin 354. v The following is the;*new committee:-*-Messrs. fl. G. Hill (chairman), W. H. Potts (secretary), J. Ofljborne, J. O. Sfaorland, G, S. .Keys, *f. Comjjor, T, P. Gill, O. Krohn, E.\J. Colley. . , < .NORTHLAND. - The election of a, School Committee at Northland resulted iv the return of the following: Messrs. E. H. Eaton (chairman), jfcead (secretary), Donaldson, Boocock, Thompson, Swift, and Smith. The retiring chairman (Mr. G. Gapes) did not seek re-election. / WADESTOWN. There was no meeting at Wadestown, the only persons assembling at tha school being the chairman and two committeemen. Municipal election- meetings in the same district were jprobably the cause of the failure. KHANDALLAH. Satisfactory reports were received 1 at the meeting of householders of the Khandallah School. The election resulted as follows:— Messrs. W. Burke (chairman), W. A. Patterson, E. Cowles, D. F. Mason,- H. M. Nalder, and G. Finn. EASTBOURNE. At a meeting of householders held in the Eastbourne schoolroom to consider the report and balance-sheet for the past year there Was a record attendance, considerably over 100 persons being present. The secretary (Mr. Button) in reading the report stated that the number of pupils op, the roll was 79, and that the average attendance was 62. The position vacated by Miss Haslam and later 'by Miss Sievwright was now permanently .filled by Miss M-'Gill. The balancesheet showed a satisfactory credit balance. The library was in a flourishing condition, and, augmented by a sum of : money expended on i,t during the year, there were now 311 books on the shelves. The report and 'balance-sheet were adopted. For the ensuing year the ! following committee was elected: — Messrs. F. P. Kelly, F. J. Chittey, H. W. Shortt, W*. Morris, R. A. Keenan, E. G. F. Zohrab, and H. L. Wright. OHARIU. The following committee was elected at Ohariu last evening:— Messrs. S. Bryant (chairman and secretary), L. S. Bryant (treasurer), fi. G. Bryant, W. L. Beech, T. H. Barrett, F. Field, and C. H. Spicer. PETONE MAIN SCHOOL. Considerable interest was taken in the annual election for the Main School at Petone, and the schoolroom was crowded to the doors. The following were those selected out of the eleven candidates proposed :— Messrs. D. M'Kenzie (chairman^, H. R. Kirk (secretary), T. Townsend, J. List, J. A. M 'Donald, W. J. Taylor, A. E. Wright, F. Lockwoodj and L. Hooper. The headmaster (Mr. W. Foster), in his annual report, stated that the number of pupils on the roll at the beginning of .last year had been 734, and that during the year 358 pupils had been admitted and 327 withdrawn, so that the number on the roll on the 31st March stood at 765. The average attendance had been 93 per cent. The report of the schoolwork was of an exceptionally satisfactory nature. Thanks were due to the earnest and willing work of the staff. Physical instruction had also received considerable attention. PETONE WEST. The old committee, consisting r of Messrs. Castle (chairman), Maynard, , Cotton, Liebzeitj Morris, Head, John-

son, Parker, and Shardlow (secretary), was elected unopposed. HUTT DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. Mr. H. Baldwin occupied the chair, and there was a laxge attendance. The headmaster (Mr. Yeats) and staff were accorded a hearty vote of thanks for their work of the past year. The following committee were elected : — Messrs. Baldwin, Carver, Macaekill, M'Dougall, Meldrum, Webley, Anson, Barlow, and Fraser. UPPER HUTT. 'The new committee selected last night for the Upper Hutt School district is composed as follows -.—Messrs. W. Greig (chairman), J. Comisky, J. W. Cadby, H. V. Benge. J. Martin, J. Hagan, Rev. 'J. Sykes (secretary), Toohill, and N. J. Bennington. TAITA.' The election of the Taita School Committee resulted as follows : — Messrs. .Welch, Eales, Dolphin, Kilminster, Chevers, and Mabey. EPUNI HAMLET. The following committee was selected for the Epuni Hamlet School : — Messrs. Fisk, Burns (secretary), England, Swain, Burridge, Nairn, and Hawland. MASTERTON. The following School Committee was elected at a meeting of householders of the Masterton School: — Messrs. R. Brown, <A...W, Chapman, G. Hyde, ? A. Hendry, E. Pragnell, W^ L., Falconer, W. Kem#, J. Shackleton, and W. douri*y- "

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXV, Issue 100, 29 April 1913, Page 4

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SCHOOL CONTROL Evening Post, Volume LXXXV, Issue 100, 29 April 1913, Page 4

SCHOOL CONTROL Evening Post, Volume LXXXV, Issue 100, 29 April 1913, Page 4