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Any attempt to give full details of the Great Savings to be made at the SALVAGE FIRE SALE swu "THE ECONOMIC," Lambton Quay Falls short of reality. Many of the Best Bargains are in the Departments, and not mentioned in the papers. You never Know how much you can SAVE AT "THE ECONOMIC" until you pay us a visit ?^!SS\XTtAri\ ! filo ° worth of BEAUTIFUL WIDE Th« M er. in d.mtnd, md J^mSSSJtS^ SHADOW VALENCIENNES IN9ER. 8 Sm^mAB! JBE tsat 5 a« yy R R a om E °Rv CAM 'wl t h TIONS-Whlto ami Ivory only. Bought beltings -wßßffi bSdiSgatto P ;»irgoodde. for £40. There are 3,000 yards. This Is ii a nn nn y &rir ft m n8 fld JWS r sign* miii wgriw .juriity- the newest laoe for day and evening wear. 8 y«rd ' . Clearing Price 9d Will be worth putting away If you have Pint) Olotrlng Price 2d and It's marvellous how fashion "• '•™««ate use for It. 3d the belt length changes. Here we have spo the ordinary prices would be 9tf, 1/n 1/6. —————**« yards of FANCY MIL* * ;,„ ttM - „,. *'' ' ' LINERY RIBBONS— 1/11, 2/11 yard BELT GLABt»B-AbOUt 350 shots, and Silk and Satin Tkl6 tilhAit 4 | tA B»| Att e *** *i#i cm O( i *, of * h * m * r **l enamel artl«« , Stripes, on dark and light This WMK the Prices are 4id, 6d, 9d| 1/-, tic designs. Originally grounds 1/3 yard W6rth 3/0, 3/11 "" * — „ WIDE SILK RIBBONS, AT HALF ""*' just at this time, the ap- iiftiJAiDaircft proton of winter, there Is ; ««w«u rtitotv. »» MERCERI&gn usually a big demand for 1,500 yards GLACE SILK RIBBON-ln FR 0 NTS- with domo trmK'SJSm iff fflS B ood shattes of sk * ™SS, W*"*> ™»* IXWfocT fSS^X stocks arriving, and win amethyst, grey, hello,, saxe blue, cerise, cream and colours, and are SKtRVtSi? 15an*K e«.<.ralcl,b™wn,.mli.lli4toeiiw.ww 8 —tUBBEST I*'1 *' KERCHIEFS— i-lnoii htm Worth from 1/- to 1/9 yard _.. . !" .. . Splendid savings every day of the week at GEORGE & RERSLEY, LIMITED Lambton Quay Collins Street The Avenue Wellington Melbourne Wanganui V I""" .■""1. M.1.H1 II Ml ■. 1 j mn m , II I.IM M 11, II || I Mill 1 1| BISHOPS- PURPLE, TAN, YOOM HAftD GASH TILL q AT/fr I QiATT?! AND LIME. O THURSDAY, 20th> OAJuii I 3AL& I A BEAUTIFUL oxhibib of the O-TT«MT?.T? > ft A fMfAN SttnrPtM New Season's Millinery in thftso toI JjJKUiB, & - A OLEAN SWEEP most fashionable coloUts is shoiMi in HALF-YEARLY SALE f MtoAN SWEEP I Mrs. Mathe^eon's winddWß. HALF'YEARLY BALE t QATTM $ATT?f One window is devoted to the dia- »,a. ._* 9 ,c rttßA.<t ( i < fi1?1? f r i w/UJJa I >O<aJjl!il play of Bishop's Purple Hut*, while m and m > CUBA-STREET, , ,AM, AM^ W^ I in the other are seen osolusive styles ,__ Open till 9 o'clock Each Night. ONLY A FEW DAYS LONGER in tan and lime QPMMBR OOMPMBa 'art FROCKa ONLY A FEW DAYS LONGER I ; ! Ladies are ihvitsd to tall and view © Made to Measure. Special Rate* for — - the Autuittu and Winter Millinery, making A ft 6* Xwa*. A rTj „.,. SIIMMI ., nn ~ Ak WHi< B^ wOpen all day Weduesday.. Nuta ot» Addtegi- A L^ff" BttmmM Owdfc mii *»■ Wi! WELLINGTON TWEfifi COMPANY, *** offer 54, Ghuzn&e'fetreefc Lnvelv T)m*h P'm^n »f. 1» 11/1 i*,A bt H>t< MftS. MATHBWSON, {<h " '"SUff'JSS 1 Cu "' "* l & tot, LAMBION-WAY. 87, COI*.MMET (hg. *. AMA M H=S ™S X^wTd'Sm. 10R 1. ::. 'S HI9KE All««ro6i Frenbh Cafehmere, Is 5d mHB INDIAN ART DEPOT HIGH-OLASS LADIES'^AILOR. ?I!! m Sill?' fttS 1& 1 . * r|PfOttTtJNl!rYterLMiJ«^fi2 Saved "^uSSffit etc wlk\\l ? SSSS (Opp. Union Bank), Uon e&ch Taitor-made Costume as SJfff specially r&dUOfed compared with prices charged by atiy tt ,'-,. , ,M., M . ... ... f . ' 806, LAMBTON'QUAY otner tailor. Fit and etyle guaranteed. B™ Ticking, 34a, Afcd, 6d Your owh material, tnade up. 6yds Art Muslm for Is, Is Sd, 1« lid . ""^ Tilt ISS "WALSH, 6yde double witlbh Curtain Canvn« for !•■ Orders executed for LADI£S» AND ItJ. »--«.,«„-*-„.,- 1W rfmtftfttnsf'q Ttvntmm fyfttfvr LADIES' EMPORIUM, REMNANTS HALF-PRICE and LESS, < CHILDREN S UNDERCLOTHING. COURTENAY'PLACE, -— "^ ' showing a big variety of Muelin, WE GIVE STAMPS. TROUSSEAUX A SPECIALITY. Silk Net, and Ninoh fcteu&es at reduced — prices. Ehibrbidery and White MUfclitl T.TlVr"nT4'K]"Rr3.'Q! "• DreSSeS f ton! 16s 6d. O&en ©vary evening. JJli* JJJ3TJSXKX «, . „ , jMVATB HOME FOR CON- CUBA-STREBT. .. - f' 1 „ ' VALESCENTS ' . ' . CUTTING. "■■■■ — ..r. — IMM- , _ _^ CW^dSLST* ° n MONDAY> Mes W d Gentlemen) j^jgg - ■•• ■ a^Sol^lf Willbeittatt6^ * tOm ° PMftt{&fi8 ' M6dilial CMM ' 6tC ' MILLINERY SPECIALIST, Evening ClMsea-Tneßdays and Fridays, ST. .IVBS, 62, ORIENTAL BAY, „ . . kJ „ A . 7 to 9 p.m. M , Has jugfc opened up * shipment of R6OMS^W sILLISs ILLIS ; STREET Tgm go n.appli C ation..,,'Phon e ;No : ,.3o62, I^EW FELTS, : — STANFOEX) & 00,'S velours, SPRING WANING. giSißffil! N g gg^lg| — A »* ™ k ™ m VjING up the VACUUM MANfNG ■ 123 a ,. CUBA4TRE|IT, , Open -ftll day Wedn^day.. Olwe 1 p.m. MM CO. for all kinds of Cleaning, either TpOR the Best Human Hatr and thfe SattirdfcVi. at your home or afc otlf works. JL Highest Clasn of Hairwork, inclttd* Single Cafpete colleoted, cleaned, and »ng Scalps, Wigs, Trahsfortnations.Bwit' N AAArt*,. returned same daf. ch^s, Pm Curls, Pifffs, oftd Hair Jswel* Note Address! v •Phone mm (day or night), Wi fteftoV&tof fthd W{ D BRITTAIN'S BUILDINGS. MANNERS, .. ...... to J. C. WjlliainßOn'd Companiefl. STREET. Shampooing, Hairdwasihf, Cutting, ... ' • T A "ntfO I a «d Singeing, and Electric Magnetic ,";„ XiAi»lJi» I Massage. Children's Hair Atneric&fi ttOUSffl CLEANING, '« Cropped, Cut. of Head Shaved by the , f, WD are shewing 1 a «plettdid Variety of Principal. ""■"■ LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. Combings made up at 2s per ot., also |*><ARPETS a Speciality. Beaton- ani'gUM^ggi.-. . _ r - -.- -, \J , returned the oame day. Call along and inspect them, fo* price nT.'EAN YOTfR, T'R'ET'Fr — and quality, and you will find they are XV^XS/ xwxxl. WELLINGTON CLEANING, 00., ',r, r the best that money can buy. fl? you wish your children to \ havd' 07, Diton'itrftet. ¥«l. Bfttyt-l' X eoufid healthy Teeth, use Microbin, ■ ' - ■, ■ ■ . To be pwcured only afc the new dentfifrice. It prevents decay and keeps the teeth in a naturally healthy TT"RTTVTANN'a "DTtA'P'R'RY condition. When Microbin is ueed the • • STOBB, Children'e breath should be a» fragrant U^lNi^AJJj as violets, and it is when Microbm is r 15, COURTENAY.PLACE, ueed. One tube of Microbin will con- "pORK BUTCHER, WILLIS.STREET^ (Tram Terminut) vinoe any mother that it w.the best thing J; , . -, . Sold everywhere at Is 6tl per tube. ' •*"" v Wholesale from Kempjthome, Prottet • ■ • PUBLIC NOTICE. "*n d 9°a> Shftfiand ahd Cw., Young's Che- THE QUALITY SHOP MADAME FOUCARD, of the "TEA mioal Co., P. Iwaw and Co> tN WELLINGTON KITCHEN," Hannah's Buildings, Prepared onlyJt)y_tho^MiOTobin Co., Lambton-ejuay, wishes to notify her m »-«- . _. _ . k_ x ' «. „ „ . numerous* clients that she has REMOVED T. BEA.BNALL, For to Westtnhister Chamber*, over Cow- ._„ n « AT »« A vn PTOTtTnff • wmatt iwma> morcial Union Awurance Company's A RT DLA %,I^ »«»4 KD PIGTURE njMK , BMALL GOODS' Offices, Lambton-quay. In future the ■**■ FRAMER, '*—• CHOICE POULTRY " business will be known as the "ROSE" Desires to notify his numerous patrons TEA ROOMS. • that his ONLY address is ■ ;_________ A ___ 23, MANNERS^STREET, ;' ' rt*t 1 ««m tit j •*•** w^w m» , Tt ■.»■«» IJIOUND — Spring Bleiiom Olktmtnt GtTAED'S HAIE DYE. ■ Telephone No. 3628. Jj cu re« poisoned woundl, tor* lector. •~" '■"""""'"' ' "- tyes, burn*, and all Bkin compliintt, W» """* M - « . m . . « *, „, *nd 1« { Blobmine, the great corn, w*ri^ TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL fIIHB finftit Tonio and Nerve Builder an d bunion mire. 6d, at chomigt*. item,, ALWAYS USE IT. J- * t1?!?t 1 ?! ? l e^i ft 4 AS't&T- ?t 6TI J * t M . A -^ V d . *£°!?? ftl ? jflruggifttß j Hftwkfui'ft In^ * SHALL'S FOSPHERINE, the unfailing itant Relif Asthma Powdsr, Is »nd £*• . IT has no equal in the world. Perfectly friend of thousands of Nerve sufferers. It post fre». Address 1 clean, instantaneous effect, natural feeds the nerves and fortifies them C. W. HAWKINS. Herbfclilt, « colour, defies detection, no smell, and »S*A nßt further 4 strain ; Is and 2« 6d Georftfi-itreet. Duwdin. ' ' will not injure hair or skin. Prioe 3s 6d. bo fH& A tta°» 'att^i and 8t ° re *' S6B yy ° U .' Obtainable following Chemists:- get MARSHALL'S. Pallieer's CourtenaV'Hlace ■ Brien -.■■■>■, . /\UALITY is mo%t eiifcnMit in Ph«to« tJpVif&UfS U ,HXS^Ut)peFW P° ol S3X«£ o] | M n P ?i?l??OTiS r 0F W * r ** h ?' O^'tdelfty. Send horn, li^tr^H. Brittkin'eandd andH.V. W^)MEN AND^CHILDREN. promi|ed p hotograph whicn wi u r , flw * Laffibt«ft.qu*y .• ' ff. Sfrlek, WilHa-streefc vft 11 I.1 '. £S*S Slf * SMIt3AV llT'lflJt' ALAN SPICER'S STUDIO, %i6sab£^ n " 1 W * S ' Cl *' V^SSkS^^f^W^ Cuba-str^t, OPPo .its T. Aro BM ■- All cdmmuniflatlon^ flttiotU> aonMantkl 'Phont 3563. Sfl I! f£^is4f| TI fY> y tea! m \As Lj \/v v v/s/LJ \As

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXV, Issue 46, 24 February 1913, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXV, Issue 46, 24 February 1913, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXV, Issue 46, 24 February 1913, Page 9