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In the treatment of persons suffering from sedentary habits, -Wai-Rongoa Natu. rat Mineral Water effects a cure 'by gentle, natural means. It ret'ores tho reoalcitrant liver to its proper usefulness, banishes constipation, - gout, rhputtiatism, and gives back the clear skin, tho bright eye, and alert g«,it of health.— -AdN t. For chronics chest complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d.— Advt.

(||MS TKe Test of Taste ■.• npHE test of taste is the oldest and most -, * familiar butter test. . Aft' t ' this everyday taste is the best, because the critical palai. d cerns quicker between the good and the indifferent. Make v : that the butter in daily use in your home is \ ■ pure, swc;t and of fine flavour. Defiance Butter Is the one butter that meets all the demands of the epicure. . Its fine flavour is irreproachable, because it ■*•■■■■•*•■■■■• ■■■*»« B . , is manufactured under the most exacting conditions of scrupulous cleanliness. dtjfi^ .. ' 4 The Defiance Butter Factory is ever open to % . Vw .. , , inspection. Come and see this splendid butter fWk churned. You will then realise why it is that If Defiance Butter /£<S^ Mi!^\ Withstands every Test. fe||£-p

NOVELTY SALE HART & CO.'S 31, Willis Street For 10 days only £3000 worth of Fancy Goods to be cleared before Christmas. ' We have decided to give away Free of Charge to every purchaser of 10/* worth of goods or over who mentions the " Evening Post,' 1 one of our Genuine 7/6 Royal Victoria Self-Filling Fountain Pens, fitted with a Gentrto* 14-ct. Gold-plated Nib, During the Sale we pay Postage or Freight on all Orders of £1 or over. „ _„ .,,,,> £ gross Pure Linen Little Wonder Pads. 2 doz. Colgate's Shaving Cfeam. Usual 8 doz v Day and Martin's Floor Polish. l-ors. Usual prico 15s, To deal at To clear 5 for Is 3d. price, 2s. To clear Is. Usual price 6d. To dear at 4 tins Is. 4s lid. ?< " >£ gross Boxes Sapon Household Soap, 6d 2 doa. Colgate's Rapid Shaving Powder, l gross Sleeve Armlets, all sizes. Toolbar 2 only Sets Sitver'mounted Carvers,- kfiite, box, of six cakes. Usual pf ice 2s. To cWr Is 3d tin. at Id pair, fork, and steel, in silMined 1 gross Is Linen Pads. To clear 3 for Is. 1 grow Tooth Powder. Usual price 6d. ,5 gross genuine Pull-out Studs, Usual Usual prico 22s 6d. To' clear At 8s 9 doz. Ladies' Dainty Silurian and Eau To clear 2d tin. ' price 6d each. Tb clear 10id dozen. lid each. ' " " '- ' de Nil Pads. To clear at 6d. 3 doz. Oriental Tooth Powder, largo sisse. 2 gross Black Lever Collar Studs. Usual 3 only Sets Electroplated Handle Ctinen 6 do*. New Smooth Ivory and Silurian. Usual price 1,. To clear 4id tin. price 6d each, To clear 9d dozen. ™ PS {„ WlMtaad eases! Wai To clear at 3 for 2s.- " J ' ' 2 do*. Calvert's Carbolic. To clear 5d 1 gross Unbreakable Scurf Combs. To P r& ,B& 6d. .To clear rt ft 11* wl 5000 Boomerang Envelopes. To clear at .tin. „-,,-, „" ■ , cle»r 3d each. , These are under Entflishtest * ' Id packet. , • 5 do 2 . Co gates Tooth Powder. Usual Bdoz . iar?eBi ar?e8 i M Rake Unbreakable Comb*. I Set Srti B^vJ Ham HaJSJil'Okr^ 1000 Foreign Envelopes. Usual price 6d price Is 6d: To clear lOd tin. Usual orice Is To dear at 4d each • S eft . v y ,worn, worn Wfthmea.l»rT» ' pkt. T\> clear 5 pkts Is. • • 3 doz. Roger and Gallot's Tooth Paste. 4 do* S^e S^vlreitfn Pursd To pr«, >n . silk-lmed case: wouW m»k» 5000 Pure, Ivdry Linln Envelopes. Usual Usualprice Is 6d. To clear Is. at 2& To clear haftdsome wedding prtserft, iTdAUat price id pkt. To clear at 8 pkts for 9 doz. Colgate's Tooth Past*, large size. «.*?;»• » 1 *t i'- at 15s ' tieblo. X Usual price is 6d: To clear if. 3 d^- Assorted Pipe Racks. Usual prices 1 only E.P. Silver 2>Bottle Pickle Crue*. 1000 Post-card Envelope*. Usual price 6d 6 doz. Colgate's Tooth Paste, medium size. ,«• £*} \. rat ls> ls 9d » Usual prico 15s. To be cleaned it 5s pkt. To clear 5 pkts.' ls. Usual price 1«. To clear 7£d. . , and 2a 6d each. , Hd. , -' 1 gross H.B. Lead Pencils. Usual pHce 3 doz. English Camphorated Chalk. 2 do*. Electroplated Trinket Sets. Usual 6 only E.P. Jelly Dishes Usual prie» Is do*. To clear at 4*d do*. Usual price Is. To clear 6d tin. P«ce 2s 6d. To clear Is Mt of three. 3/^ T ] tlb 6c j % v ■ J gross Copying Ink Pencils. Usual 2 gross Euthymol Tooth Paste. To clear 5 doz. Gents Shaving Stands, with Mirror, - . . ° . , price & do*. To clear at 10& d dot. at 9£d, large size. , Brush, and Mug. Lsual price 4s lid. * ™g. »<*? *»£ « Han ». Usual pri».3« 10 doz. Soft-Coverecl Pocket Books. To 1 gross Colgate's Talcum Powder, Violet, To dear at Is lid. llci - l 0 _?1? 1 » l *' la . M «*"■ .;. clear at BAd doz. Dactylis. Usual price ls 6d. To 6 do* Heavy,. E.P. Silver-mounted Combs. 50 Popper atid Salt Shakers Ugual one© vu C «i « uju ™ , c j ear qij Usual price 3s 6d. To clear «t ls 6d 1b 6d each. To clear at ?4d o«ch. ' FilW comnLe , Umlll c/ke Is To 3 doz. One Pound Tins Talcum Powder. each. 4 only Biscuit Barrels. Usual price 3»W. dear 43 Usual price is. 10 Usual price ls 9d. To dear Is tin. 10 doz. Ladies' Long Coral .and Tur- To clear at 1« 6d each. I 9 ,w niLi.o* <3oU flin n # TTnim+ain Genuine SnoWberry Talcum Pow quoise Necklets. Usual price 2s 6d. 3 Sets E.P. Silver Tea Spoons attdSuffar Uiualmke2sld^ Tollear at 9id' 0 .^/W P"^ 3 ? A- To c l? av ?"• To clear at 94d each. Tongs, ih case. Usual prico l? B Td! 3aS rSIJ^ ?ov a l Vtetoria aS 8do rjs" Vlolet Po * d «- 4 do/.. Silver-mounted Specimen Yaw*. To clear at ?s 6d set. . ■ 3 d fiiing Ge Pen n sr wfth^Wcl^Gold Pltd! 7 doV° tb 'Pckfs^Fuller's Earth To Pti< * "* "' C ' eat " 3d 3 8 «-*U «»«*.»% ??"» '^ h Nib. Usual price 7s 6d. To clear ' clear at Mokt " eact J; ,« „ , r, , .Tongs. Uaual pnw 18» 6d. To dear at &6d (a gift). Money refunded 9 Rogorand Gallef« Veloute Pow- 2 %* d fc^JffilJS*** 1 >V 4« ? T G ''r -i . I d not sat«factory d er. Usual price 2s 6d. To clear ls , ,*»"«* S. M> J°, "l**! f 0 M *' 6 b: . 2 °«>y Sets J. Guide and Co.'s Sheffield Large Rolls Sanitary Paper, full 12 doz. 4id. + doz Poldin? Pocket Scissors. Usual S^ers on cards. Usual price ?» V M. Usual price 6d. To clear at 3,for 1«. 1 gws* Ltm^ Cream and Glycerine, 4oz. P»i<» 1«- clgw I" 1 "'- Tt) cleal% at 8 * 6d eael '> 3 doz. Post-card Albums, to hold 200. Usual price 9d. To clear at 3 do«. Genuine Bens&l Rakom. , Usual 3 do«. Genuine Apostle Afternoon TeaUsual price ls 6d. To clear at 6d. 1 gross Lime Cream and Glycerine, 6o«. price 3« 6d. To dear at ls lid. Spoons. Usual price 15« dot. To ' 2 do*. Roller Blotters. Usual price Is. Usual price 10. To clear at 6d. 2 doz. Genuine Flower Brfthd Bengfcl cleni> at, 3s 6d the ha-lf-dc-ai. To clear at 3d each. 1 grosa Lime Cream and Glycerine, 804. R«gorfl. Usual price 10s 6d. To clear 1 case containing 1 do*. Pish Knives and 1 doz. Compass Sets. A. complete draw- Usual price Is 6d. To clear at 9d. at, 464 6 nd Every one guaranteed. Forks, E.P. silver. Usual price 29» ing outfit fof children. Usual price 2s 6 doz. Ss 6d bottles Wioletta. To clear at x only very handsome 4.piece Tea and 6d. To clear at Ua lid * set. Would 6d. To clear at Is 9d set. ls 9d bottle. Coffee Service. Usual price £4 10s. mako handsome Xma» present. 1 do*. Poncil Sets, heavy plated, five 2 gross Roger's Brilhantme for the hair. m° lu-iT IX |o ifi. wf» silvfir and 2 ca«p» C,A\tfi >itviL« M .«H».J .« 5 for Is ' To dear 9d bottle ' Usual price 355. To clear at 14s lid. dessert, ana lable Spoom and Forks. £ gross Colgate* v Large , Cashmere 6 dot. Roger and GklletV Brilliantine. 1 only Solid Oak Biscuit Barrel, with 2 2 Ji* EL^»P*S«C? If 2fj > «». er« Bouquet Soap. Usual price ls 6d. Usual price ls 6d. To dear 7id. E.P. silver bands, porcelain lined. tWI SL »iw IIV SI &ft To clear ls cake. • 3 doz. Breidenback Screw-top Brillian. Usual price 265. To clear at 8s lid. Hfl P ° ft Xl 7l 6d 2 doz. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap. tine, large si«>. To clear Is. 3 o nly Double Jelly Dishes Usual price 6 Aflf t" rt,,!,1» .^j r > en .« un. To clear 3 cakes ls. 8 doz. Cocoanut Oil. Usual price 9d. To ds. To dear 6s 6d. , j ' .lU°. I U°. Ul " ft & JI A Vo'V 0 ' *. Sll . 6 F e M D^?* 6 doz. Calvert's Coal Tar and Carbolic clear 4d bottle. 2 only Oali Liqueur Stand* two bottles T'* kniv GB. ÜBual price 10s 6d.. To Soaps. Usual price 6d. To dear 3 6 doz. Pure Island Cocoanufc Oil, large Usual price 255. To clear at lS 1 lid , cloar ftt 2b M httl^o'«»' «« . fof H*« ,«.,«,.,.« * . • siz t- To cl * ttl< lft 16 - each. 3 do*. I. Guide and Co.'s Sheffield Tftblft 70 boxes Wolff's Toilet Soap, <f cakes in 3 doz. Hazeline Snow. Usual price ls 6d. 1 only Cut-Glass Solid Bowl with 15 V Knives. Usual prico 12s 6d. To de*r ■ box. To clear 10£ d bos. To clear 1» 04d bottle. servers. Usual price 17s 6^. To clear MBa lid imlMtMi. 3 f i boxes Casket; containing 1 cake highly- 7 doz. Roger and Gallet'e Pomade. Ib. at 9s 6d each. 2 do«. Rowbothnm's Sheffield Tftbto , perfumed Soap ■ 2 Bottles Perfume. To clear 6d. 4 Samnle Solid Marblo Clocks vnrv liamt. . Knives. To cloar nt 5s 6d>half«do«. Usual price 2s. To clear Is. 2 grc*«> Pure Vaseline. To clear at 5s * ° ,"£" ffflns. Usual ffii »7m *fc 30 fi -P- 8«w Sugar, Jam. and Butter 5 do. Krioka Ilond Soap. To clear at 5d bottle for X * , • «. M, 4& &ft P d2rM at i,3f K^*" 1 ' Usual pi'ico 2s. To ekmr ofc tin. . 18 doz. Tooth Brushes. To c ear at 2d, n L V.j. B^ A i *3f3 ft ™ , a i half ' 7id each. 2do Z 4711 Glycerine Soap. To clear at 3d and 6d each • Z o^T^lc^ t'Tf 2 do? Mastic Cnttin-out Scissors. To 8d bar. 7 doz. Bristle Hair Brushes., Usunl price 2 °'. tl J' O'-Bpttle CmoK with two pickle c c j oal . N t 54 pa i,., 4 do?,. Colgate's Shaving Sticks, large Is 6d. To clear at 9d each. fil iW/hhS . pPM ?« M * T ° olear ftt 3 doz. Extra Large Culting-out Scissoi-n. size. Usual price ls 6d. To dear 1 gross Gents' Military Hair Brushes. To «s lid (under cost). Usual price 2«. To clear at ls p/*ii-. lOd stick. dear at U6d pair. 1 only Genuine M'Lean China Biscuit Bar. 1 doa. each t>i\on's Desser*. Spoons and 41b Colgate's Barken' Bars. Usual price 6 dea. Shaving Brushes. To slaughter at >^i. E.P. silver top. Usual price 15s. Forks. To clear at 3s 9d half'doe. 1 6d. To dear 2 cakes S|d. , 6Ad each. To clear 5s lid. 4 doz Diton's Nickd Silver Tea Snooh*. 3 ddz." Williams" Shavirig- Sticks. Usual 200 ■ Cuban ' Sponges. Usual price 6d. Is, 1 only Pair frrejidi Jockey Field Glasses, To olelr at Is 9d h^/ox ■ price l*6d. To. clear 9id stick. MM. To clear at 3d, 4d, and 6d. IV- ii eye - pl^*' c tested. 3 do?. Solid E.P. Silver Tea Spoftk ldoz Kropp's Shaving Soap. To clear 50 Rubber Sponges. To be sold under H*, ual .R nee £2 6 *' dear at 17s Usual nrice 9s dor,. To dear at &Ad at Is a tin. . • .. ' cost. lid, with imse,ahd cling complete. halMo*. »»■«>«« 2 doz. Witch Hazel Shaving Soap. Usual 30 doz. Duchess Boot Polish. Usual -price 3 only Ladies' ver.v hftavv E.P. Silver I doz. Travelling Spirit Stoves. To clear price 9d tm. Ttf dear 4W. , Mtiii, To clear at 4 for Is. Hair Brushes. Usual price 12s 6d. To at lOid each! W 4 doe. B«nta Shaving Soap. U.ual, price ,6 doz. Day, and M*rtm'« Metal Polish- dear at 4s 6d. . 3 doz. Nickel-plated Photo Fram«». Tft ..It tin. To dear bi& tin, Uwial price li. To dear at 6d tin. 6 only Heavy Bevel li.t'. Silver-back Mir- • dear at M euch. Worth treblt, •

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 137, 6 December 1912, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 137, 6 December 1912, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 137, 6 December 1912, Page 3