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BIOS WATER. Td-day—oh 46m a.m.; lh 17m p.m. To-morrow—lh 40m a.m.; zhiomp.m* ARRIVALS. December 4—Arahura, s,«. (6.30 p.m.), IBM ttms, Lambert, from Grcytnouth, Wwtport, Netl»n, and Pietori. Passengers: Saloon—Misses fMcnardsan, Gooch, Smith, CaUaghan, Pearson, Cook, Fleming, Scrimgeoar (2). Cohen, Martin, 1 Kay, liouiseon, Ferguson. Peard (2), Massey (Z), ! Mtafford, Coupef, Mesdames X»unn, .Teffery and 1 * thfrfnt. Howard ami child, McMillan and tour children, Prince. Cheettaaro, flay, Morris, McDonald, Stokes. Harnta, Drake, Price, Jack«hi, Petherick. Pollock, Batty, Purser, Morrin, Churchward. Bull and child, Messrs. Shirley, ■•Dmn, Uoskinp. Wleblit*. Lang, Irwin, Vtekeftnati. Prince, .lolllfT. Gribble, Kobertson, Fftfna, ' Moyes. MeKenna, Held. Chet*hara, Dudley, Bator, O'Keefe, McE*an, O'Neill, McDonald, tierryman, Marshall, Jacteott, Pearey, Digrtan, Berfey. Quinney (2), Grifflthe, Bird, Haaelwood, Bowron, Read, Barry. Batty. Gordon, Morrifl, 'Churchward, Bill, Black, Goodwin, WU«on, Sharmnn, Smith, Day, lane, Nicotl, Parker, IDansey, and Brndshaw. December 6—Wakafcu. 8.8. (1.30 a.m.), 157 tons. Wills, from Lyttelton and Kaikotira. December tn-indrapuri. 8.8. (4.85 a.m.), 8645 ' Idnd. Craven, from London, via Australian ports .Auckland, and Napier. December s—Moana, s.s. (6.10 a.m. In the Btream), 391S tons, Stringer, from Sydney di^ teat. Passengers for Wellington. SaloonMisses flelktn, DU f aiu*. Bonnef, Harvey, Mea« dames Kurtztmin, Pelkin, Jiichelson, two children, and native servant. Held, Sehfelderup, flobday., Hae, Linley, Gard, Nicholson and two children, MeGfee, Blliott and infant, Dr. Felkin, ftev. Michel-son, ftev. Hobday, Messra. M. JKatm, Kuftzmaa, Irwin (2), ft. A. Harris, Herman, Field. Schfelderup. H. Carr, Stone, Rae, .f. Herbert, Concline, Black, Baker, Nicholson, McDonald, Sdriviner, Schmidt, Moss, Connelly, Xaw, Gard, McKefljile. Sims, Stoddart, Dinsdale, Fetttlman, JO6. Morgan, Davis, Wilkinson, Moles, Drummond. Nicotaon. December 6—itormbird, s.s. (6.16 a.m.), 217 tons, Dowell, from Wnnganui. December s—NikaU, 5.5."(6.60 a.m.), 248 tons, Bay, from Nelson and Mottieka. December B—Marnroa, a.s. (0.65 a.m.), 2t>9B tons. Manning, from Lyttelton: Passengers: " Saloon—Misses Haynes, Hestin, Phillips, Lange, Redmond. Mesdamea Hay and 2 children, Witt, Huynes, Lake and child, Shelman, Lamb, Glen, White, Lattib, Bridge, Halley and infant, Crtitthers, Messrs. McMorrtch, Hall, White, Todd, McKeniiie, Richmond, Hay, Aitkenhart. Haynes, Kobertson, Gardiner, .Rhodes. Johnstofl, Sims, Ormerod, Wilson, BelpSi. Lamb, White, Darren, Kafley, Kennear, McAfley, Gould, WHboh, Jlice, Turton, Carruthers. McConnett, Takie, Mcßride, Grovef,' Wood, Laurence, Kinvig, Mustfofl, StlU. and Detective Andrews; 25 Bteerage. December 6—KM, bj). (8.30 a.m.), 1122 tons, 3>atey, from Westport. DEPARTURSB. December 4—Kapuni, s.s. (0.45 p.m.), 150 tows, Mclotosh. for Patea. December 4—Kapiti, s.b. (0.45 p.m.), 242 tons, Cttrby. for Wanganui. December A—Koonya. s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 1091 .Mm, Pryde, for Greymouth, ' December 4—Maori. s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons, VUdwell, for t»yt*elto«. Passengers; Saloon— Misses Whitcombe, Grant, Scott, Leo, Williams, Turner, McDonald, Page, Hughes, Ambler. Barker, Bate*, Cardie Clarke, Jlannnn, Vallance, Meadames Manning, Burrows, Grant, Kennedy, Wiljou. Keith, Evans, Williams, Haslam, Fox, fticfiardß, McDonald, Jtfngland, Chambers, Lee, l>awn, Soothgate. Weir. Ho«. W. Fraser, Hon. Vf. Massey, Major Colvin, Key. Bates, Rev. "Weir, Dr. Crowtfcer, Messrs. Manning, Bur•roughs, Smith. Btuzhanan, Lee, Sandall, Borth•wlefi, Wilkinson, Gvithrie, Davidi»tfn, McMillan, Maddlsoit, Seat*, Chayce, Thomson, Turby, 'Keith, Milne, Evans* Hardcastle, Jones, McCnllohgh. Scott, Abcrcrcxnbie, Richards, McDonald, , Wilson, Jack. McQuirfe. Beswick, Collinge, Big•wood, Pickles, .fofles, Phillips. O'Sullivan, Hlne, Rutherford, Holmes. Shseppard, Thomas, CllHortl and 35 Bteerage. December 4— Kahn, »&. (6.1S p.m.), 182 tons, Fletcher, for Oiwtlepoint and East Coast. December 4^Opaw.i, s.s. (S.S p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. DecetabAf 4—Hula, s,e. <«.85 p.m.), 127 tons, Burt, for Wanganui. December 4—Coriona, s.a. (6.40 p.m.), 1271 tons, Carey, for. Nelson, New Plymwith, and Ofiehungn, December 4—Blenheim, s.s. (7 p.m.), 120 tons, XVilkituson, for Blenheim. 1 December 4—Munaroa, s.s, (8.25 p.m.), 122 joob, Hart, for Huvelock. December 4—Rukltira, b.b. (10 p.m.), 128 toMB, Batr, for Creymouth and Hokitika. December 4—Ngahefe, s.B, (10.60 pipi,), 1100 fcdns, Diliner, for Lytteltou. December 6-=-tstier'Ky> steam triwler (0.4& B.w:), 66 toti«, Thorns, for Palliser Bay. ' December ft—Konfata, s.s, (1.30 a.m.), 1994 . tons, Bold, for west-port. Vessels IN PORT AT NOON TO-DAY-Clyde-quay Wimrf<-vre Aflau. Jeftoiß-qUH}' Whuff.—-Indfapfira. Queen's Wharf.—(south) Mauugnnnt, Nikati-,' - jSortli) Mararou. Arahttfa, Stormbird. Railway Wharf.—Dartford, Whangape, add Einl. Glasgow Wharf.—Wafcatu and Moana. King's Wharf.—Otakl and lonic. Viidia SJTfiarf.—Helen Denny. Mifatnar Wharf.—CaflopUs. In Stream.—H.M.&, Drake, Wanganui, and SutuOekai. Patent clip.—Countess. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. H.M.S. Torch, Aacklafld, sth Pateena, Nelson and Picton, 6thw Malta. Patea, sth Ttennedy, Picton, fith ' Victoria, Uouthern ports,* 6th ■ Piltlki, Waflganui, 6th Maori, Lyttelton, Bth Hliia, Wanganui, 6th .KMpaka, Patea, 6th Kapilfll, Patea, Oth Blenheim, Blenheim, 6th Opawa, Blenheim, 6th ' Aorwe, Pate», 6th Tsrawera, northern ports. 6th •Breeze, southern ports, 6th tfiwaru, Liverpool, 6th tJliwaroa, Melbourne, via south, 6th Waverley, Greymouth, 6th Kurfcw,- Nftplef, 7th , Mapourika, W.est Coast and Kelson, 7th Rotorua, Auckland, 7th Kaplfcl, Waiparft, 7th Niknu, Nelsmi and Motueka', 7th Btormbird( Wanganui, 7th Manafoa, ftavelock and Sounds, 7th fl.M'.a, Cambrian, Lyttelton, 7th Waimea, Tarakohe, 7th Kapiti, Waitarn, Bth Rotorua, Auckland, Bth Kowata, Westport, Bth Koonya, Greymouth, Bth •Matlafoa, Havclock and Sounds, Bth Alonowai, southern ports, Bth Ripple, Glsborne. Bth Molroia. northern ports, 9th Arapawa, Wanganui, 9th PROJECTED D6PARTUR6S. ','_ 'Mararoa, tyttelton, sth • Nikau, Nelson and Motueka, 6£h Stwmblrii, Wanganui, sth Wakatu, Lyttelton via Kaikoura, 6th Maunganui, Melbourne, via south, fith Whangape, Newcastle, 6th Ganopus, Weatport, sth Hula, Wanganui, 6th Maori, Lyttelton, 6th Blenheim, Blenheim, 6th Opawa, Blenheim, 6th Queen of the South, Poxton, 6th Moana, San Francisco, Oth Aorere, Patea, 6th Kapuiil, Patea, 6th Breeze, Wttnganui, 6th '' Aornngi. Sydney direct, 6th TJlitnarou, Sydney direct, 6th Indfapura, Brisbane, 6th Pateena, Picton and Nelson, 6th 1 Tarawera, southern ports, 6th Mana, Paten, 6th Victoria, Sydney, via north, 6th Kennedy, Kelson and West Coast, Oth Kiripaka, Patea, 6th Waverley, Tufukohe, 7th Waimea, West Coast, 7th Kurow, Newcafetld, 7th Wnirs.u, Patea, 7th Arahura, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, 7th Manaroa, Motueka, 9th Monowni, northern ports, 9th Mokoia, southefriftports, loth Otakl, Jfelsou, lOEh Hotoruu, London, 12th OVfiRSBA V6BBELS. " STBAMISRS BOUND FOR WELLINGTON. Aonvngi, left Snn Francisco on the ISth NoIfembfer, via Papeete and Rarotonga; due about tho sth December. tmirttputa, left London on 2nd October, via Aurttt'ull.m povtt aild Auckland; due about the sth December, ■Viuaru, lei 6 Liverpool on the Bth October, Via Aurklnnd; due about the 6th December. Inveflo. le/t .San Francisco on the sth November; due about the BttTDecember. Ritupehu, left London on the 25th October, via Capetmtu ami llobart; due about the 11th ituceinbcr. . Wakftniii. left Montreal on UJtli September, via Australian ports u?id Auckland; due about tiip 10th December. Anglo Jiexlciui, left New York on 3rd September, viu Australian ports; Uuo here about ljfcii Di'cctnbejv Mlifitfti, left London on the 10th October; via Australian poitb ;iml Auckland; due here abdut thij I'itli Dettinbci 1. Xniinshirc. I>'it Liverpool on the lGtlr Octobit, \ui Cuptlown, llobart. and Auckland ,' due abiHit tlie JVth Dci'L-tnbtr. * Muiunul, l"ft Liverpool sth November for Au'-Muml utiil Wellington; duo hero about tho 'i'ltli IvcmKr. . 'Kent. ,lcit Liverpool on the l«th October, via Capotewn. HoUrt, nod Aueklutul; due übOUt tne Mrtf December.

[ Kumara, left Montreal on the 19th October, via Cupetown, Auatralinn ports, and Auckland; due about the 31st December. Rotenfels, letft New York on the 22nd Octo* ber, via Australian ports and Auckland; due about the 31st December. Athenlc, left London on the 17th November, via. Capetown and Hobtft; due about the ! Ist January. Star of India, left London on the Ist Novem ber, via Australian ports', Auckland, and Na« pier; due about sth January. I Harpagiis, Jeft New York 19th October for Wellington, via Australian ports and Auck- ! land : lue here about 6th January. Orari, left London on the loth November, via Capetown and Auckland; due about the 14th January. Buteshire, left New York on the 22nd November, via Australian ports and Auckland; due about the 18th February. Makarlnl, left London on the 14th November, via Australian ports and Auckland; due nbout the 22nd January. [ Star of Scotland, left London on the 9th November, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier; due about the 2lst January. Turakina, left London on the 28th November and Plymouth on the 30th November, via Capetown and Hobar t ; due about the 13th January. Weatmeath, left Liverpool on 27th November. via Australian ports and Auckland; due about the 27th January. Cape Fitilßterre, left New York on the 26th November, via Auckland; due about the 7th February. BY TELEGRAPH. MELBOURNE, 4th December. ■• Sailed— Moeraki, for Hobart and Bluff. NEWCASTLE. 4th December. Sailed— Brisbane, for New Plymouth. Sailed— Jessie Craig, for New Zealand. sth December. Arrived— Wairuna, from Auckland. . SUVA, 4th December. Sailed— Levuka, for Sydney. SYDNEY, 4th December. Arrived— lnua, from Auckland. Sailed—Anglo Mexican and Wimmera, for Auckland. NAPIF.R, 6th December. Arrived— Ripple ( a.m.), from Wellington CASTLEPOINT, 6th December, Arrived— Kahu (4.60 a.m.), from Wellington. PATEA, fith December. Arrived— Aorere (5.60 a.m.), Kapuni (6.6 a.m.) and Kiripaka (6.16 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed— Mana (6.40 a.m.), for Wellington. WANGANUI, 6th December. Arrived— Kapiti (4.60 a.m.) and Huia (9.60 a.m.), from Wellington. FOXTON, Bth December. Sailed— Queen of the South (6 a.m.), for Wellington. . . BLENHEIM, fith December \ Arrived— Blenheim (3.30 a.m.) and Opawa (3 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON, 4th December. Arrived— Pateena (4.30 p.m.), from Welling* ton. NELSON, sth November. Arrived— Pateena (4.30 n.m,), from Picton. Arrived— Corinna (6.60 a.m.), from Wellington Sailed— Pateena (7 a.m.), for Picton and Wellington.. LYTTELTON, 4th December. Arrived— Morning Light, schooner, from Waitapu; Eunice, scow, from fiavelock; Waitemata (6.20 p.m.), from Newcastle. Sailed— MoHowai, for Dunedin; Red Pine, for Greymouth; Cygnet, for Kaikoufa. 6th December. Arrived— Maori (7 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail— Maori (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS, sth December. Sailed— Amokura (6.40 a.m.), for Campbell and other Islnnds, DUNEDIN, 4th December. Arrived— Storm, from northern ports; Flora, frt>m Westport. Sailed— Kowlial, for Glsborne yla way ports; Breeze, for northern ports; Invercarglll, for southern ports. Sailed— Victoria, for Sydney, via East Coast ports ahd Auckland. Sailed— Ulimaroa, for Sydney, via Wellington. Passengers for Wellington: Mi&s Matthews, Mesdames Jackson and child, Weld, Johnston, Smith atfd children. Cameron, Sullivan, Hughes, Messrs. Butts, Jackson, Faune. For Sydney; Mrs. Resins, Miss Resins, Messrs Dawson and Rogers; 14 steerage. GENERAL. AVERAGE ON WESTMEATH'B CARGO. A general average of 10 per cent, hns been declared on the New Zealand cargo 1 which was 611 board the F. nnd S. steamer Westmeath when she met with a mishap In the river Mersey recently, as departure wafl being taken for the Dominion. The local agents for the company advise that practically till the levies were collected at Home from the underwriters and others, and onjy a small sum is collectable In Wellington. The Westmeath's cargo Is being brought to New Zealand by the Nairnshire and Kent, due at Auckland on the 11th and I,7th December respectively. The whole of the cargo on the Nairnshire is from the Westmeath, and amounts to 8932 tons, of which 2300 are for Wellington. The Kent is bringing about 800 tojis. of the Westmeath's consignments, but has, A full cargo of about 8500 tons. , Wellingtons portion of this Is 2700 tone. None of the Westmeath's cargo suffered any damage. PERSONAL, The New Zealand Shipping Company's steam* er Faparoa, which arrived at Melbourne last Monday to land COO immigrants, and which is due at Duhediu on Sunday, is commanded by Captain N. E. Bower. His officers are as follow :—Mr H. Wyuyard, R.N.R., chief officer; Mr H. J. Wilde, second; Mr C. H. Lucking, third; and Mr R. V. Gard fourth. Mr H. K. Rldler is chief engineer, Mr J. Malcolnison second, Mr E. D. Powell third, Mr C. Hardyraan fourth, Mr A. Worsley fifth, Mr H. Dix chief refrigerating engineer, Mr W. E. Hodgson second, Mr N. Grant electrician, and Dr A. Robertson surgeon. , Captain McDonald, who was lately in charge of the training ship Dartford. Is at present at Durfedin awaiting instructions. Mr. Ewan, late assistant purser on the Maunganui, is now on the Wakatlpu as purser. Mr. G. C. Down, who has been acting purser on the Atua, is to join the Tarawera, in place of Mr. McCallum, who transfers to the Pateena. Mr. W. J, Neville, who has been acting on the Pateenn, will join the Maunganui as assistant. Mr. T. Anderson has relieved Mr. H. Burt as chief engineer of the Mararoa. Mr. T. W. King haß joined the Mokoia as second engineer. EN ROUTE TO SAN FRANCISCO. En route from Sydney to San Francisco, the Union Company's Pacific liner Moana arrived in Wellington early this morniHg, \ She berthed at the Glasgow Wharf, nnd landed a number of passengers, who Were booked to Wellington, and proceeded to load general cargo for the Islands and San Francisco. There are also a large number of through passengers on the vessel. The Moana left Sydney at 3.16 p.m. last Saturday, and up till Monday evening there were light northerly winds and smooth seas, Then the winds changed to the south-west and the sea was considerable. The Vessel has on board a large cargo for the Islands and San Francisco, which was shipped at Sydney. Tho latter comprises timber, furakins, stearine, eucalyptus oil, 60 barrels of nut oil, etc. The Moana Is timed to sail for San Francisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete, at S o'clock tomorrow evening. The following are the through passengers on board the Moana, which arrived from Sydney to-day, en route for Rarototlga, Papeete, and San Francisco s— Miss Plowman, Mesdames Muissoneuve, David and infant, Guillanner, Sanlwlck. Reas, Boston nnd boy, Cady. Proctor, Adams, Messrs. O'Reilly, Bamford, Malsoaneuve I David, Guillaunet. Aubert, Louis Kahn, Soul1 wick, Austin, Phillips, A. H. KobertKon, C. B. Reas, Boston, Rev, Cady, Proctor, Tovey, Adams, Chook, Mills, Mal'key. Mades, Thurlow, Ayres, Dalton, T. Black, Frank, Linden, Ibbetson, Lane, and Gray. ' Wellington's portion of the very large cargo taken by the F. and S. steamer Surrey to West of England ports, was as follows: — 600 quarters beef, 368 boxes butter, 8560 cases cheeae, 30t! bags beef, 31 bags hides, 7 cusks casings, 140 bates hemp, 1575 bales tow, 7 packages general. Owing to the fact that she has been delayed ftt Auckland by rain, and did not leave that port until this morning, the Tyser steamer Niwaru (from Liverpool) will not now urrive here until Saturday morning. The Maofiliiild steamer Laitderdale left West' port yesterday morning for Sydney. The Mafigapapa is nt present taking in another load of timber at Rummer, for Wellington. A small outbreak of fire was discovered on Monday last in one of the coal bunkers of the steamer Waiwera at Port Chalmers, presumably caused by spontaneous combustion. Portion of the coal was subsequently removed and the incipieut fire <|uenched without difficulty. The Waiwera Is at present awaiting Homeward loading orders. Due here to-morrow the Niwaru (from Liverpool) will make it stay of three or four, days in Wcllinuton lieforo proceeding to Ljtlelton and Dunedin. In all probability the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Otaki will leave Wellington next Tuesday instead of Thursday, to commence loading at Nelson for the Homeward journey. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rotorim H due here from Aueklund next Saturday to complete Homeward loading. She will nail for Lomlori on Thursday, 12th December. The ltimutaku is expected from Napier on tho 16th, und is to "sail finally two days later. The barque Vuldivia, 825 tons, which arrived nt the BliilF on Tuesday with a load of gdiino from Seyclielle Islands, is to go to South At-'itrallu to load wh^at for the United Kingdom or the Continent. Messrs. levin and Co. have been advi=cd that tho Mamarl, which left London on 12th November for Dunedm,. left Capetown in continuation of her vojuge on Tuesday afternoon. ,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 136, 5 December 1912, Page 6

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SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 136, 5 December 1912, Page 6

SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 136, 5 December 1912, Page 6