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® ' Full Steam Ahead 9 INVINCIBLE » INVINCIBLE BARGAINS "THE ECONOMIC" BARGAINS O*f4"ft^ HALF- fi^ A ¥ X^ O/iO. YEARLY O/TLJL/jC^ Now in Full Operation in ALL DEPARTMENTS Absolutely tKe ■ ■ Champion Bargain Sale of the Year It's impossible to get Bargains liKe these at any - : other store, and we've hundreds more equally good. Come and see them ELDERLY LADIES' CAPES 180 Assorted Style SHIRT and A SPECIAL BARGAIN! ' ' v AND MANTLES — Wonderful FANCY BLOUSES— In white 12 dozen pairs LADIES' COft* value in Black Silk Mantles, In muslin and coloured oambrlo ; SETS— With extended hips, mebest quality satins, breche, and good up-to-date shapes SSffJiWJ 11 • u ,W»J*«*.*tt««hea, , „ corded silks, trimmed fur, velvet, Original prices from 4/11 to 8/11 figures • sizSs so to tt IrtohSs" " etc. Regular prices 59/e and 69/e Half-Yearly Sale FHce 1/- Usual price 4/e ,J ; Sale Prices 21/- and 25/6 _. Half-Yearly Sale PrEce 2/1 - * --—-«--—--——---------——— 33 Very Smartly Cut TWEED 30 dozen LADIES 1 STRIPED ' i— w-» velvet WZTjSnLfVBSI Hg'SSS"^, °S SJf" " and SATIN COATS — Latest flat pleats green, and hello.; with pleated i styles and very best qualities original prices 21/- and 29/6 flounce Actual Prices 6»/6, 79/e Half-yearly Sale Prices 6/11 Hfllf Ji 8 ""' p jj' o . 8 n "(V 7/a Sale Price 29/6 and 10/6 H^lf- Yearly Sale Price 7/6 ; ■ ■ " VELVET RIBBONS " Ladles' TWEED OVERCOATS J^f floured JAP SILK | 9 « c^ E tvET WutWffiß.' \ -Up-to-date- full and | lengths, navy, brown, moss, nil, pink" RIBBON-ln ablg rang* ot^doh^ h various shapes and colourings, red, maroon, sky, royal ours, amethyst,* moss green, vieux' .; ohm m. 39/ . ,n- «/. Half-Yoariy Sale Price «W. HM. vSLrfV Sale fZ ffat' Half-Yearly Sale PrEce 10/6 per yard 1/- dezen yards THIS IS THE STORE FOR BARGAINS / . .s»>..«)n« <i GEORGE & KERSLEY, Ltd.

PiHYSIOAL CULTURE SALE 1 SALE I SAT/RI- , . AND HEALTH EXERCISE V-O.W* I S3JXXJSJ I OJ\.LISh I AFTER THE SALE! , FOR LADIES! FULL CRY - •;•-« SALE I SALE! fiALE^f: ._ __ THE Sale just ended has left many class commences NEXT WEEK. Tuesdays, ' TPMrk'RTV/rnTTQ • Splendid Bargains-a fact you 3to 4; Fridays, 4to 5 p.m. 21b per JJH UJS/JMAJ U O •• •> - can prove-in Corsete, Woven Under- <!«*"*«. ' REDUCTIONS. 'C r wear, and. Satin Underskirts— Ban Graduated Exeroises' for improved v i gains at Stocktaking pricea health and deportment. Individual atten- Velveteens, 84d; Towels,, 2 Ad. '• „- , s twn and cate. 2g 6d Woollen Tweed, now Is yard. , — -' ' U N. M. HARRISON'S INSTITUTE, KtSth'T^ed^ld' }U - I 123, Cuba-street. 'Phone 3214. Flannolottbs, > 3d, 4d, 4&d, 6id, 6d,, \ MRS, MATHEWSON, ' v . nl — . „.. marvellous value". 77, 3 Evening Oliesm now m season for ladies Herringbone Sheeting, Bid, lOR Is. -•' 266. LAMBTON-QUAY. and ' gentlemen Afternoon Classes for Blankets, Rugs, Bedquilts, fabU Children, bend for Syllabus. Damasks, Serviettes, Sheetings;' Pot- • = ■ — • ~" fars, Dowlas, etc., etc. • >• MILLINERY COLLEGE, By SpeoUl JfeJß^iH" Excellency ALL REDUCED PRICES. ■ HUME'S BUILDINGS. Appointment _ Tn « Double-width Ticking, 84d. "' jjxolusive modi|. PRANK G a A3)T, gM^t fflS'ihif M- 6^ Hour^-10 to 12, Bto 4, daily. Monday WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. $&l Sox, "Kd; Braces, W~Wand Thursday Evening, 7to 9. i , 48, WILLIS-STREET. Wiudow .Blind, 2£d> 3W, 4id. , , ,'..., MISS M. HAMILTON, Principal. mHE OHOP THOR TpRESENTS. Tabl ° feW'^ eATT .' — — — — — — — ■ " ' ." ' I i^ W}. B brUUUS MUoi BIU SOLD* LANGER DRESSCUTTING SCHOOL. *• *** — Miss Kato Stewitrfc, Principal. > CALL EARLY The Langer is simpje, efficient, and mosb WATCHES A SPECIALTY A « h,t*i* lunem r>wMrTVv» oxtw successful in resplta. |No calculations. NOVELTIES IN JEWELLERY • AT THE MOST GENUINE SALE Classes daily, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. Even- NOVELTIES IN SILVER At ing.ClftßßM Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 9. NOVELTIES IN PLATE I ' TTMTvnrmr*m Petono Technical School, Wednesday, 7 RINGS 1 RINGS! RINGS! LINIXBERGr S, to 9. Gut Patterns to measure a specnalty. < The ,new Blouse and Skirt Cutter are especi- " CUBA-STREET. Parcels I'reo!,* ally, adapted for tho present stylo. Rooms MANUFACTURING! REPAIRING! 94. Willis-street, ouuosite Shortt's. ' Country Orders receive prompt' attention. ~~ ~* T' T> At> n A TVo n^^> t a tvt^o Writ 6 fol> New Catalogue. ' , XT XT G H DO U G L- A S,. UA-KGAINSJ^OR LADIES. rpE gHOP j^or g^ victoria . STm Wellington FOR Fit and Style our SI COS- m* \ iff TT ACcOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER,", TUMES are unexcelled. Call and PRANK (|RADY. Etc, , inspect, and you will agree they are un- ' __ BOOKBINDER AND PAPER-RULER. equalled for tho value. „, „ _ „„„ « « « «„ • ROSSE BROS TeI ' 1138 - E(lt - 1880 ' Pl0 ' Boj? 243 ' Patentee - DOUGLAS LOOSE-LEAF. Ladies' and Gents' Tailors ~ ~ LEDGERS, LOOSE-LEAF PRICE 145^ Manners street. WELLINGTON TWEED COMPANY BOOKS, Etc. SAMPLES \ (Over Pearson'.), Proprietor ' for N.Z. of :: > FRfiM^ OA.IVXJrUJio. Corner Cuba and Ghuznee streets, CHECK FIGURE SYSTEM, Copy- ' 1 O DOZ. Ladies' and Children's Under- Are making Maide' Shirt Blouse and Skirt right. weai>, Veete, Combinations, Spen- ' Frocke, from 455 ; Maids' Coat and Skirt — cere, and Bloomers. Costumes, from 57b 6d; Ladies' ditto, from Fring'a Syetem locate! Errort- in) Boc*. 60, doz. All Wool Ribbed and Plain 55 g an( j 75 S , We alao moke up oustomers' keeping a» they ocour, thuft BALANC> Hosiery, going mighty cheap. own niaterial at very reasonable rxtes. ING BOOKS FIRST SHOT. \ GILMER'g DRAPERY, - 1 — — — i- ' Corner Cuba and Abel Smith etreete. YOU WILL GET THE BEST IN -„- , , i . Qjpen until 9 each night. i| PHOTOGRAPHY • MRS. CHANT AND MISS CHANT At " (JREAT ASTHMA CXTBJS „ Wl?^^W I ?^^ 1f\ fy + , the adies of Wel " 'ALAN SPICER'S STUDIO, ■ As prepared by H. BRITTAIN. Chettiiti ■ TV lington that they have OTIBA BTRKBT ifi h * vin B * big sale. . RECOMMENCED. BUSINESS OUBA-BlKl^l, tptttv MAiivmTOTTSi Aa Opposite Te Aro House. Its offecti Ko TRULY MARVELLOUSt DRESSMAKERS and COSTUMIERES phone 3263. And the united testimony of gwdaf pi, ,...,. T amrtdm r patients pronounces it to b« (Opp Kkkcaldie and StaiL). MM R p & ?^I _ BEADNALL, A MIRACULOUS CURE! "[. : ' ItJL Pi-aotical Picture Framor, ■ , , . GIFTS THAT RECALL Who was in business in Wellington for Price 2» 6d per bottlej pout free, 2i.lQd»,. MANY HAPPY DAYS. . O ver 30 year*, has recommenced businesi "nn rmm A T*VT ' """ A BIRTHDAY GIFT from friend ftt 23 ' MANNERS-STREET, next Chae. ■"•• ±>iilll AllNi to friend is a token of remem- Bogg and Co., Ltd. Orders promptly at- CHEMIST, 56, MANNERS-STRBET.. * " brance-an echo of many happy days tended to. 'Phono No. 3823. If no benefit deX.d.'mo^ywilli'Bly' i „ .' „ „,,, .„ , "' ; ' — — — — returnodi ' ■ • •'- It is the little eaonfice on your part virTnnTA t attmhrv which makes the gift. invaluable. VICTORIA LAUINUKX. a-u-v *. j uit i-u .'TO KILBIRNIE, SEATOUN, AND AnAPTA"RTiT<! TNVMRTED BURNERS'"" You cannot do better than inspect T.VATT, RAY RKRinKNTR SiiS;, iAiJIJI! ' I , H . l vl "'f »unflj>Hß. my large assortment of euitable LYALL BAY RfcSlDLNlb. -p. lT «x«ting burner point, glVo. Jewellery Presents. Everything is f\VR vans Collect and Deliver in above. •*? more light, burn less goo. are matb" dainty and moderately priced. U ■ dietricts EVERY THtJRSDAY. %S^h^*l£^l^ssL; " H. S. LANGBON, , victoril laundry CO., ltd. 9^^^^' WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Hea4 Office. 88. Hanson-atreet. cost 4s com p^eto.-W HOLES ALIE ffig.;, 5*? S-STREET, Petone Steam Laundry, ton. 'Phone 2530. > '»• Wellington. L» Petone. Established 1892. Our . • 1-— I " ———— -— — vairt co lleot and deliver twice daily in A LOVELY complexion doe*' not cotiMT 1 BnuimniiTv o. rm Wellington. Dyeing and Cleaning our J\. by chance— it's tho outward sign. of •'•• bTAMx!UJttJJ oB UU., speciality; satisfaction guaranteed; In- a healthy stomach and good . difjeetiom spoction cordially invited;' large airy dry- Everyone could have a clear, oiriooth skin, HAIRDRESSERS AND HAIR- fog ground adjoining the premises, near if they'd only tako Dr. Cropland's N<)x"dl . WORKERS. the sea. 'Phono No. v 9. Box No. 2. the mmute they foel the firet pangs oM*t»' " 'Phone 279 a 12^ PTIRA Rt' Private Address—"Ara\va," Tory-street, digestion. . Noxol's the best cuTe booauw ; fnon« 6m. l<saa, UUIiA-81. Petonei it'i ithe natural one-contains .allw.tW . . SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION wholesome; elements of herbs and Jwfo,« Owing to the increasing demand, the OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. J«'Cf- Try f- D[> Crosalana c, , .2s price of human hair is steadily rifling. mHE publio are earnestly requested to bottle, from all chemist*. ,, , M The quality stocked and gold cheaply by JL kindly communioate any act of ' "'" •"""•: — T.jt. others than recognised Hairdressers is cruelty to animals that may come under ,-^nnTiwv vnn "PttniMcrYrmNr rtP stripped and bleached Chinese hair, and .heir notice to J. D. AVERY, Secretary, KOK OL wnMrcN ANn ran TmttN - - the attractive-looking puffs is merely 145, Featheraton-streot. ' T he Secretary wUI be in uSlance at ' a Hh n \ C^T V1 OT C TTT VTV TT C v y pNr\ a k V n /"\LD straw hats made like now by tho Roomb, Bridge's Buildings. 119., .WiUi*. RATR »A Modera?e pSb, aRS? O'ueing Britannia "Hatdi" ; all shades .ttoct, on TUESDAY £A FRIDAY ™* black, 6d per bottle, at R. Martin's, MORNINGS, from 10 to 12.30. ' lieatmenteoDtainaDie. Manners-street. All commvuiioations Btrictly confidential. 1 -

oooo©©oeoo©ooooo©©ooo©o©ooeooo©oo©o© § "D" QUALITY - 2/-PERLB. I © Not Blended with Indian, China or Inferior Teas. © ©oooooo©oo©oooooooqoooog©oooooooo©oo

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 9, 10 July 1912, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 9, 10 July 1912, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 9, 10 July 1912, Page 9