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L^rfo^J Commences on MONDAY, Ist JULY, 1912, at 9 a.m. I i Ib Wl iBIrSI AN EVENT 0F GREAT IMPORTANCE TO THRIFTY SHOPPERS. 1 I B Bkß fIUJIiI Winter, 1912, holds great things in store for those who have not yet bought their cold weather Every department tells an interesting story of economies to be effected. Take advantage of these || «i ~B Wmfi Wmm bIHI The great Winter Sale at the D.I.C. is rightly named "The Sale of Golden Opportunities." Indeed, The bargains are here, awaiting your call, but do not delay, for the best will go In the first few days. S ii m Wmm EMM HUH •" m . an V case ? . the savings are so great that one sovereign will go as far as two under normal ,f, f you cannot com e to the great Winter Sale, mail your order in time for the opening day, and B 13 9 HBSi raHPI KSSSi trading conditions. you will secure the bargains you require. ' |H ili H Mm A *»°!fl^£SslSSh!£!^^ Every article in every department is reduced in prlc 0 . | Wi H _1^ Mrm is wo rth having/ p Sale prices, also ordinary prices, are marked in plain figures. Spill I^^H rt— Absolute satisfaction guaranteed or your money gladly refunded. wS The best news is that great big, generous price reductions are not the exception, but the order Under the re-organisation of the New Management, the D.I.C. Sale of Winter, 1912, wFU be a M I Jr^k^H^lliifflEl^P^^L M I of the day at the D.IC Sale. Savings in scores of instances on goods of reputable quality recora-oreaKer. Bil^ l * W S HI W^^^^^^^bV I amounting to 30, 40, 50-even 75 per cent. Every day is a bargain day-COME I 1| BSl **^ Dress Fabrics with their Prices I * 1 Dressed Down, to Humble Figures. I I H < THE IMPROVED H ffl| • a As In other departments, Dress Materials affected by changes In H tm - - QovaA rAPcat Rs)l*ff SllflQ ■ fashion simply must go. , . H - jm~ BLflllC vvl 3vl IIQA KOUIoi A glimpse at the goods and then at the prices will convince you that the «BP V W .^^^^ V l^ V* EH KB - ' , "; D.I.C. Sale Is Indeed the place to buy the best Dress Bargains. B H ■ H l Hi_f dI H . Proof wanted? Here you are I SL m^ H Jr H _1 "" M • - . .. . .. .k. k • -i— m .b. e i nA i..rii n <>' w«nwi '035 .yards Smart COSTUME TWEEDS— 42-44 inches wide ; in Donegal, Harris, H Kg • Corsets stooked. In all the leading makes, Including Warner 8, . w> nd stri p e effects, in all the latest colourings. Usual prices 2/6 to 3% **•••.*'..• M flß— - Redfern, W. 8., P.D., and La Ylda, In the latest modes. / Sale Price 1/9 O^£VKI7IT%O 2«%Ott. MB ■ — • KBomrn, n.0., r.«., . g endg "DOMINION" TVVEEDS— AII wool, 44 inches wide, in stylish stripes, light Vif » WaiJlg IM.&'tClllXie'O* Hi EH / ■ M mnHi colourings. Usual prices 3/6 and 3/1 1 Sale Price 1/11 a—a— aw— ' ' j^-^^—^-^^^^-H HBJ22SSS3 A Special Cash Discount Of 15 per cent, or 3/- In the £, Off wnmmumn—aamaima ■ 5 pieces New COSTUME WORSTEDS— 46 inches wide, for smart coats and skirts ; mmammommmawamam , «SssbSssisilH ■H!S!!!!!!!S?!Tj^r!^ «»...„ ' ::::H:Jnnnn::«:::H:n::H:::::! in brown, green, and navy mixtures. Usual prices 4/1 1 and 5/3 Sale Price 3/11 ||||||||||||l|f |||s= = i H: =ss = • =3 :s=H: ■ . j ;:::::::;::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::'hP ■pJ^iHl^piiiii^i: .Usual Prices. ||j|^g^:nL%:H«HHiiil!i 100 yards Wool COSTUME HOPSAC— 44 inches wide; in saxe, brown, and vieux :n:::»»s::»:::::::i:li:«5|HI!::; :;;ii!iJ!l;Ji!;;:iii!iiJPi;:i:::BB Kji^nJ2S^^^n:nS-^i: nH:H:::::^:::::::::::::::::::H:: rose. Usual price 2/1 1 Sale Price 2/6 III1IIIIIII==IIIIIIHII=1M1I1=IIIH=! iii::i:i:::!::!::Ji:::!;;i::ii!i[iliH '- fflpss^Hi=H!nii!H!H=i!=i * s pieces Coloured coating SERGES-44 inches wide, all wool, in electric, grey, l!lHi!i!!l;HI!!!illiilHiiiliiii!lil ' FAMOUS VICTORY SEWING MACHINES IlilllliillillPjliipiHiiiiiH , bargain tables. ;ii^liiiiini!i;iiilliiiiHi!!ii! brown, cardinal, and vieux rose. Usual price 3/6 sale Price 2/11 i»i»iHii:i:::i::::i-»::::::::i!ii: m»w«j MuwAi ocninu nAuiiflu ililliiiiliiliiiiHllllililllliliillHJ Bps2HnnniOiHHJHHi:i:i:i! ''""T''^t^mmmmi^ ISo yards COSTUME CLOTHS — All wool, 42-44 inches wide; in light brown t il^ll^£l££iilii^£i££iilliiiiii^ii: At Unprecedtntedly Liw Pricei. :::t::t;:--::itt;:::;:::-:;H;:I:-:»HH - LA.VIDA CORSETS-^ln white coutille or batiste, and black jean or SS»hSm£v» reseda, and olive. Usual prices 2/1 1< and 3/6 ' Sale Price 1/6^ !iSMm5ri l i l !! l J!! l i!l l !!'!!l! IL "IH ' K 1 " ■"*" ** WBm *^ m , coutiUe. Usual prices 18/6, 22/6, as/-, 29/6 to 35/6 Ho pieces Plain and Knop CHEVIOTS— 44 inches wide, all wool, for coats and . Thft Drophead, Five-Drawer, Ball-Bearlng TREADLE SEWING MACHINE- "*" '" "" '"■"" -l ""H Hg • . All to lie Cleared at one price, 7/11 skirts: in brown, amethyst, fraise, prune 3 electric, rose de barre, bronze, and _ , _, , "I\l KB B Odd Sizes in W. 8,, P.D., and D. AND A. CORSETS^-In grey and . smoke amethyst. Usual pnee 3/1 1 Sale Price 2/6 . Sale " r *^ £5/5/- R| H L white. Usual prices 6/6, 7/6, 7/i 1, 5/6, to 12/6' ■ i 3S yards Royal Blue CASHMERE— 43 inches wide, all wool, for children's dresses • HANn MArwiNP vi/ui, rv. . e,i- n-t j>o«ft/» _l H AH to be cleared at one price, 3/11 Usual price 2/1 1 Sale Price 1/11 HAND MACHINE— With Cover. Sale Price £2/12/6 m H , -r» -1-. rnnrrw t i.-^ fto pieces Phantom Stripe ARMURES — 42 inches wide; in light and mid Drown, • TMe.i*r»TT^r«,« M »»*»» Ha M Odd Skes in WARIJER'S, W. 8., and P.D. CORSETS-In white, grey, * reseda, olive, vieux rose, and amethyst. Usual prices 2/u and 3/3 INSTRUCTION FREE. M B and pale blue. Usual prices 8/6, 8/1 1, q/6, 10/6, 12/6, to 27/6 J J Sale Price 1/6 i - ' H H Sale Prices 6/6, 6/ti, 7/6, 7/11, 8/6, to 19/ i , 2 pieces only SATIN FACE CLOTH— 44 inches wide, a very bright finish, in Machines Packed and Delivered Free at Railway. m I SP^nl^S ft;: SECURIIT ' SUSPENDERS-In black, white, > • in fewn, cardinal, NOTE.-These Prtces only hold good during i ■ H pinJE, and pale b-Ue and reseda> Usual price 4 / 6 . _ Sale Price 2/6 the progress of the Sale. M H 20 Ends Assorted DRESS FABRICS-^42-44 inches wide ; including flam and stripe % WM M . Voiles, stripe Silk Eoliehnes, stripe Crystalines, Silk and Wool Crepelle,"etc. ' ' Ha „ M ' Usual prices 2/6 to 3/6 ' Sale Price 1/- stm M V*__»__— _—_»_—_—_—- __«■ wmmmmmmmmmmmo~—J? All DRESS REMNANTS— In Tweeds, Serges, Cloths, etc. Vl ' — — — ■ —mmmmtwm—mm—mmMm* ffl ■I Marked at Exceptionally Low Prices to clear mm H q pieces Navy COATING and ESTAMENE SERGES— 42 inches wide, splendid hB M # ! v -wearing cloths, for girls' school frocks. Usual price 2/6 __ Sale Price I/Hi • Ba H| * S pieces only Navy CHEVIOT SERGE — 54 inches wide, specially suited for inex- ' ' jgH H W A^la^.M • rkililMAM I ILVirk«« I 11«» QnAfa/1 pensive, knock-about costumes ; a hard wearer. Usual price 3/3 Sale Price 2/6 •«••■»•■ ... --^ »1 ■ L<lUl6S! LnllUreil! Jlieil ! UC DOOiea The D.I.C. Famous "DREADNOUGHT" SERGE— 44 inches wide, all wool, suit- I SlflipG 1 ITnd^r^lnf Tlintf 1« DmvhlV M 9 . • able for either ladies' or children's wear,.in mid and dark navy 44CI11HSO WiaWCl 13 1/UUJIIIV B| fl «»+ I OCfi fnct til 2111 ITciTSll • ' ' Exceptional value at 2/1 1 Sale Price 2/6 , «i H dl L»Cdd UI9I lllull USUai* roo yards Navy DRESS FABRICS— 44 inches wide; in Wool Voiles, and Silk and A **« af ttiirA «*# Coin n»: AAe , ' . Hfl H ■ ■ Wool CrepeUes. Usual prices 2/11 and 3/6 Sale Price 1/- iUXr2ICf IV6 &T buiC FriCGS. ffl M ft fe quite possible to secure the best footwear the world producers at * P ie T c T e ™ lv ? lain . Cream WOOL VOILE— 42 inches wide, for house or street wear m fiH . .. » >•. _■ • 1 ii USU3.I priCC 3/3 OHIO "rICG 1/1 1? HDi m such small figures, you'll wonder how we do it. I4S ds Cream VENETIAN CLOTH— 44 inches wide; for evening wraps and mM #k . __-..„ A , thA^ j ,„♦„ llnJaii « 4 fl ......... ..uj **-i#i,» coats and skirts. Usual prices 3/6 and 3/9 Sale Price 1/11 What th« makers of these dalntv Undergarments would cay If thw |j H It has to be dons, however, for the goods must go— every pair of boots All-wool "Dominion" COSTUME CHEVIOTS— 54 inches wide; in plain cream, could see the out-down prices at tha D.I.C, we know not. «! "'wm and shoes has suffered a downfall In price, but not fn quality. and navy ground with .brown, grey, and green stripe. Usual price 6/6 .. ■ ' KB 'H Sale Price 3/11 i^ :9| While the Sale progresses we boost the bott bargain news. BLACK DRESS SECTION. ' , Furthermore, we oare not, for the simple reason that it Is our deter- >fl Bw . „„_ ,„ _, t,ttt.t./-.xt r.AnTP /- j £^- «j «. s pieces Black COSTUME SERGES — 42 inches wide, in diagonal and herringbone , • initiation to make a Clean Sween ri»ht through tho nunartmant fl Ml ti« pairs Men's "Bostock" Glace BUTTON BOOTS— Good fitting, wide toes * weaves u sua i pr i ces 2 /u and 3/3 Sale Price 1/6* minaxion 10 mane a uiean sweep rignt inrougn the Department. ■g| M o . „, _. « rMI n -^ . •oAT^^Te llO^ 3 ' 6 , Sa "» Prlee 16/9 Black "DREADNOUGHT" SERGES— 44 inches wide, aU wool, suitable either for fl m 58 D«» Men's -Tan, WiUow^Open Front BAUlO^S^ade wd^and dresses or coats and skirts . Usual price 2 /ix Sale Price 2/6' proof pos|t , ve w||| ,„ found ,„ tnMe desep|pt|ons m prlceSl _ | fl Jl2 pairs Men's Patent Golosh LACE BOOTS ("Bostock")— • " . „„._.. ."'J T KS^ EC l T l0 ™" .'..... ' Ii In --._. _ Smart shapes. Usual price 30/- Sale Price 18/6 23 pieces Coloured CRYSTAL jNES— 40 inches wide, in a big range of colouring |3S HB .. | j6 pairs Men's Patent Derby LACE BOOTS ("Lewis")— _____ L . „ , j PTT T^ „„„ T TAXT^, O . , Usjml pnee 1/9 Sale Price le^d • '„ Ladles' MERINO NIGHTDRESSES~-In cream and natural trimmed lace Kg 'flS____! <. 1- Round toes; good city boots Usual price 26/6 """"^"^ ■ 6 pieces Coloured SILK BRILLIANTS— 42 inches \yide ; a great bargain vmmmmmmm Usual prices 8/ 11, q/6, 10/6, to 14/6 Sale Prices 7/6, 7/11, 8/11, 11/6 SSSSSSSSS _i:r=:":::::: : ~ iJ Sale Prloe 20/- sSSHSJSHHsSSk , „ TT , M ,««« U?ii al PP n TeesT ces $/6/ 6 and 6/6 Sale Price 2/6 i:»::»|:;»:::::|:|i Ladies' Woven WOOLLEN NIGHTDRESSES— Trimmed lace i >.ui tltitt »ttv. t :i:Jm „ffflsdHlSSHsi= /l Bo pairs Men's Box Calf and Glace Kid LACE BOOTS— •S-<-Ss£23=. 2 only NET and SILK EMBROIDERED ROBES— Lovely goods, in amethyst »!::li:::::::::::::i;: ' Usual prices 17/6, 19/6, 22/6, 25/6, to 35/6 Sale Prices 15/6, 1«/6, 18/6, 21/- to 29/6 ' H -Kfe^ls^ iKsk Sizes s, 6, 9> and. 10. Usual prices 21/- to 27/6 r=Hi»"::»::::. xTTiwrnwc Usual prices k/- and £9/0/- Sale Price £2/2 - j:;]||||}){}::|jj||js{- Ladies' MERINO COMBINATIONS- . / » 1 /. » | ._teHSSHJ£H§ , / J&JS \ ' Sale Price 10/6 illlliilllllHIilllllll: Stn P c and Fancy NINONS— 40 inches wide \ ; in biscuit, reseda, brown, pink, black iiilfliHiiillissOiii Usual prices s/iV 6/6 Vii to 10/6 v ""IB flplsSHyffi /JjRIV !ioo pairs Men's GOLOSHES ("Hood")- !ilI!lilllIHHI!!l1l!! and white^ and brown and white. Usual price 3/" Sale Price 1/- . :»m:i»g|»m||§:' Sale Prices 4/6, 4/11*. 5/1 1', to 8/11 d£3\*i ' J «fe~iiiHsi:HH™: /r^*7\ \ Usual price s/6 Sale Price 2/6 -5-ha:;;:::;:::::;:;. Coloured BROCHE SILK— 20 inches wide ; in pink, grey, yellow, and cream !: """"""" : "" ! T Of , 5oo) », nww mcTC ' r * ' ' ' ' . , «H?9ff l.flM "gT — fk i\ \ R oairs Men's Glace Derby SHOES (^Marshall")— Round ' I ', , Usual prices 5/" to 9/" Sale Price 3/6 1 Ladies' WOVEN VESTS— Cream or natural Vyf Wi JK </* J\\ k toes Usual price 22/6 Sale Price 15/6 30 ends ASSORTED SILKS— 20 inches wide; in Taffetas, Glaces, Paillettes, Mervs, Kft p?Sm IS Vii* S i/i? b£3 l B Xl/Kr ft Jiß pairs Men's Glace BUTfON BOOTS . ("Nettlcton" Geisha, etc. ; slightly imperfect. . Usual prices 2/3 to 3(6 Sale Price 1/- ;saß; saB J r ' MS c 2c 2 ; 8 ' ?{,"' ? ' 3| {\^ r °Jl <*A M Hi W» fVii//«fc II make)— Round shape toes. Usual price 38/6 Sale 25/- 150 yards Coloured JAP SILKS— 36 inches wide ; in sky, vieux rose, gold, nil, and Ladies' Woven SPENCERS and BODICES— jnP^aJgft „, i« ' sftlKL W izo pairs Men's Box-calf Golosh LACE BOOTS— Wide toes. yellow. Usual prices 3/1 1 and 3/6 . Sale Price 1/11 Cream or natural / vHSHI V __9k. II fl • P A " Makaa "^ rFlorshiem>}) ÜBn ifi ri Bli ßy Siyi 3 y nPe ROBES-In apncot^ux^se^and bronje^ Sa^fflS $ f V$ / iiWR Vf^tt i raj . f2£*£( I »6 pairs Men's Tan Willow Calf LACE BOOTS — Open 200 yards Coloured Ottoman and Soft Finished MOIRE SILKS— 20 inches wide Ladies' Ribbed WOOL VESTS— Cream, long 1 jIL H Jra , /fIISTX V front ("The Moccasin"). Usual price 27/6 Sale 21/- _, , -tt» immM-nre • Usual prices 2/1 1 to 3/1 1 Sale Price 1/- • or short sleeves, and high or low necks TWC~^WfrM*dsBWL El £§i J r jwSSV^ V -36 pairs Youths' FOOTBALL BOOTS— Best English make Coloured SILK MOIRETTES— 23 inches wide; in sky, wedgewood pink, dark Usual prices 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, to 7/6 Jf' Y\WBB4HflflK|lL Hi ■H LSS y n ("Cert" brand) ; sizes Ito s Usual price 12/6 Sale 8/6 • navy, navy, grey, turquoise, emerald, reseda, etc Usual prices 1/6, 1/11 Sale Prices 1/3, 1/6, 1/11, 2/3, 2/9, to 5/11 S ' ft' WkP^wflffl/wfUM fl fl NSV I 40 pairs Men's ENGLISH SAMPLE BOOTS— , " Sale Price 1/. . Ladies' BLOOMERS-In heavy ribbed wool, ifi "Jyi&fir PSiW. fl » I If ,-..,, ~ T i^V? 1 ,? 1 p ,P ce 2 S /6 Sale Price 14/9 V black and navy. Usual prices 9/6, 10 /6 H V^'^T^SL't MwAimk' ffl ,ra I S (20 pairs Girls' GLACE LACE SHOES— 7 xlO — — — — — - ■_— — ui _H»>HWMMnM«MMnH_MM_i -—^ . Sale Price 5/6 Wll fffl^Vl^lv'Wi MMl9^ MU ■Wi I it „ . «. t.^TT « Usual price 7/6 Sale Price 4/11 , . ' Ladies' NIGHTDRESSES — Calico and long- F JL»A J®O*A^B^ fl *|H ■BBHBt| m f 86 pairs Girls' CHROME LACE BOOTS— For school wear. MM ««-«M-«MM MMM « MMMMM » OMnHN cloth, trimmed embroidery, insertion, and U%\vn^^^<flF' 1 H M - I iW ; IOX , T.^ J? s JS& pr ££ 9 sr c PrlM 6/11 f^ ' tucks, or hemstitched frills SfffißS^K^W^* <« fl fgj I Jf ,S6 pairs Girls' GLACE CROSS-BAR SHOES— , Usual prices 6/11, 7/6, 8/n, 9/6, to 17/6 VfflmmmlS3r&^ftaß»&^ fl 1 • \^/ ' ..-.^ii^E* SBj|B " Fashionable Millinery ■• ' • wZKHIte JPM^ 1 tea \ M^ r JO pairs UirlS ULAUhi LAL/ti UUU I O • V "^ t~riYnm~A T nr A nn nr VaUnripnnpe larp iWi //mWum,,,\ Hi .Bn _, m tt^.. i „,;„„ ie c.i. ■•)«< »/<■• * trimmea lorcnon or vaienciennes iace 3 iuj ibi>/ t t'^ffnmmm 'M 36 pairs Boys' STRONG CHROME LACE BOOTS-Heel and toe tips; for school 31 KI«IICUIOUSiy lIOW rriCCSk j%SmTmw r« ! S \W F/)VK ' ffl •2® wear 10 x jj 3 — Usual price 10/6 Sale Price «/H * Ladies' COMBINATIONS — Nainsook and f Uf, \f I l\M§ BR :BS=±= ,0 nairs Boys' PATENT COURT SHOEsl >55 ~ USUaI PriC ° " /6 Sa ' 6 9/11 Ifev "' the bar «« ln lMer had *" OPPO««"«V *> ■«• «reat economies, ' — — — g^^c&^dSy ffiTaWS: 'LAII {W* , „,1 As^ 3 ° PaUrS BB ° yS PATENT C ° X SH °o^ 13 -Usual price 7/6 Sale Price 6/S linilliilllillliHillll « Is "<>«-* th « D ''- C - Sale - ? , ?«ain, embroidery! medallions, and tucks. *|i fLK • SiH "ii iili' :!« •HS:«^r:::|SHiK~:: IX. "s— Usual orice Q/6 Sale Price 6/11 ::::!•:::::••:::::•:•:■; • '• •:»:-:::i::::K::::::: In Princess or Spencer shapes - &J ] '<\ $Jr&^ :ii::::ii;i:!!::i:i::i:iHI "■M •KH^Hi::--:|pi «6 pairs Boys' PATENT LACE SHOES— lllillilllllifllflilf=ll Trimmed Hats, Ready-to-Wears, Mounts and Trimmings are cut to liiilllililiiiiiliilili Usual prices 11/6, 13/6, 15/6, 17/6, to 59/6 V^mt^m^Ji^^ illiiilllllllilhillillifflj m WZ&z&zzz 10 x 13— Usual price 8/6 Sale Price 6/6 ' lilili if OiiiHi M II II I I the quick In price. Profits vanish completely, for everything must go. iliiinillinilillliiip sale Prices 0/11, 11/6, 12/6* 13/6, to «/* !iii!i!i!i!iii!!|J!ii;!sH '"m ¥$&?W~ 1"*1 "* * x s—Usual price 10/6 Sale Price 8/6 iH:Hn!:HHiii!H!iJ: :||||s j ||= UiUUUUl il liadies' KNlCKEßS— Longcloth and calico, trimmed thread lace or Swiss embroi. »ii!l:llillSiil5li[«[!fl 36 pairs Ladies' Black Glace Derby LACE SHOES— Welted soles, round toes •.•;;»■■■;;»« Just as a guide we mention— i_££ M aiSi dery. Usual prices 3/6, 3/", 4/6, s/6, 6/6, to o/n '"" "11'fl .gS^»> Usual price 14/6 Sale Price 11/3 wmmmmmmm t Sale Prlceß 2/6, 2/11, 3/3, 3/11, 4/11, to 6/6 "" '■ " w^* Ifo 24 pairs Ladies' Black Glace Open-front LACE BOOTS— Wide toes, and welted sole __-.n*ffri_ "' l iTrimmed MILLINERY MODELS— Hats, Toques, . Uadies' CHEMISES— In calico, Trimmed durable embroidery, insertion, and tucks KB . : §f| • Usual price 18/6 Sale -Price 13/11 rfffl^P%s». /v and Bonnets Special Price to Clear 19/6 ' Usual prices 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 5/11, to 10/6 Sale Prices 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 4/11, to 8/9 NH %1 16 pairs Ladies' PATENT LEATHER SHOES— Wide toes and smart shape JJK&tiKyMfr Coloured Untrimmed STRAW SHAPES— Xadies' CAMISOLES— Nainsook and longcloth, trimmed muslin embroideries, WE ■ JH * • ' Usual pnee 19/6 Sale Price 16/9 $mWiiMmlr-Wk coloured unmmmea sikaw atiftrw Torchon or Valenciennes lace and insertion, beading and ribbons 5 m usual or EM ■m •. 36 pairs Ladies' GLACE, LACE, and BUTTON SHOES^Size 2 . t^WSmWBSBL Black Untrimmed STRAW SHAPES— Spencer shapes, with high or low necks, and puff or elbow sleeves or shoulder ML ■ M ■ Usual pnee 1 S/6 Sale Price 6/6 macK untrunmett oikaw DnAr£.a v * Usual prices 2/1 1, 3/6, 4/6, S/6, s/n, 6/6, 7/6, to 25/6 fiffl m 80 pairs Ladies' WHITE and COLOURED SATIN EVENING SHOES- . 'ff^MSK^V% FFATHF-R MOUNTS— ' To clear Odif- each Sale 2/3, 2/11, 3/6, 4/6, 4/11, 5/6, 5/11, to 18/6 ffl m •r ,■ ,«tr- a _r» b^^aVl^^l l2^ Special Sale Price 6/n ,iiH|^^|l ror OllßFn ?TOWFp"q- Ladies' UNDERSKIRTS-In cream washing, silk, with deep knife-pleated flounce, ■ m Kg 18 pairs Ladies' "Krippendorf" BOX CALF BOOTS-Sizes 23, 6, 7 COLOURED FLOWERS— . trimmed Valenciennes lace and insertion , - -^ Usual price 22/6 Sale Price 13/11 \ f^m^k^T^lmS^, To clear 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- Spray Usual prices 17/6. 10/6. 22/6, 25/6. to 45/- Sale Prices 14/6, 16/0, 17/6, 10/6, to 35/6 m m a 6 pairs Ladies' "Bostock" LACE BOOTS-Plain, wide toes -sizes 2, 3, and 6 \ ? *9^M^^BP# TINSEL' FLOWERS-For evening wear - tadies , pRINCESS PE TTICOATS-In cream or ivory washing silk, extremely well §g I «D.i SUPP.R r . |BP I rS^LUNBRV^NS- S Z £jZ WiSSfiSf ßß^^!^^^^,^ 1 Sfi fc«uieo aurrtno. f 2ißiim*si%2&P*' _ .V Small MILLINERY PINb — TO Clear 9d card _ „ , t, T » ■KTivTr'T TrT>T>TT xrrr^TTT'rMDi?cor?c r'-^™^ f*;^.t«o/1 frtr^nn lar«« n»- Km fl 6f O 5S S Ladfe S BLA^K K vI?VET S^^ Wide CRINOLINE STRAW and Fancy MIL- I jm 60 p^irs Ladies BLACK VELVET OLIPPERS-WIA Leather Sole >[SggPf \ LINERY RINGS-For making hats, etc. 10 / 6) t0 IS % Sale Prices 5/11, 6/6, 7/6, 7/11, 8/6, to 12/6 ' M M 30 pairs Ladies' RED FELT SLIPPERS-Leather Soles vl^^l"«^ wnTTCimATiw rAPQ t« S -JhaS S Ladies> PRI - NT OVERALLS-Navy, butcher, and striped effects; plain, or piped M Ha Usual price 6/- Sale Prloe 2/11 < **^^^\\vm> HOUSEMAIDS' .CAPS-. To clear 3d, 6d, 9d contrasting colours; princess, panel, and sac shapes , fflß 36pairs Ladies' Sample EVENING SHOES— , .Usual price io/6' Sale Price 4/11 .Usual prices 3/6, 3/", 4/6, 4/xi, to 6/6 Sale Prices 2/9, 2/11, 3/6, 3/<l, to 8/6 HS

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 154, 29 June 1912, Page 18

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 154, 29 June 1912, Page 18

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 154, 29 June 1912, Page 18