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Furnishing Bargains Dress and Silk Bepk Special Glove and Hosiery Bargains A Few Specials from the Mantle 1 S * The following few lines contain explicit TJpnflrtimpntf" II IM ' This is a golden opportunity for the The following few lines give only the information about being well hosed at the , - i/cjj<u uiiciii ■ I housewife who has an inkling of providing merest hint of the tremendous bargains lowest possible expense. Ladies > shower-proof coats_ah this season's goods; in fawn, M new lace Curtains. ... . Drocurec i a + the dress Standard makes in plain and RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE— brown, and greeri shades; smart panel back and loose style, M max may oe procurea ai me aress * v Two pajps fQr 2^ 2^ 3/6 Wltn Raglan sleeve Sale Price 12/6 to 16/9 9L ' T t'„, AW MmTATMP T .- Counter. Hundreds Of DreSS and Silk ' A Manufacturer's Sample Range , of Ladies' and Children's HOSE— Our entire stock of TWEED and CLOTH COATS— In good fashion- YA 11,35? pairs of Real BRITISH-MADE LACE CURTAINS— In white, Rpmnflnk ._ rPQPt-vpd thrnuah thp <5Pa s P ecia * reductions r to clear Sale Price 1/- per pair able shades. , All reduced to less than cost M ivory '^nd ecru To be Cleared at 1/6, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6, 3/6, 4/3, KemnantS are reserved inrOUgn tne Sea- 2?Q p^ irs children « s All-wool CASHMERE SOCKS (oddments and One Special Line of good FAWN CLOTH COATS— Beautifully trim- M 1/9, 5/6, 6/3, 7/9, 8/9, 10/6, 12/6 pair SOn for this Sale period. Come and Se- samples)— ln black and tan Sale Frico 6d pair mcd Reduced to 5/11 m 33in. RCAJL EIDERDOWN QUlLTS— Purified and ventilated; frilled . . . ... .^ . . rtM . . nnii ■ . Bays' Black Knicker RIBBED HOSE— Marked to half usual price; TWEED COATS— In grey, green, and heather shades; full length M ' and piped ; in a splendid range of colours leer at halt and. less than the usual prices. ' sizes 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Sale Prices 2 pairs for 1/6, 1/8, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6 Sale Prices 7/11, 10/6, 15/6 m Usual prices»2i/- to 39/6 Sale Prices 15/6, 17/6, 21/-, 23/- . • 300 pairs Ladies' and Children's FABRIC GLOVES— Assorted col- MIXED TWEED COSTUMES— NorfoIk style ; in green, grey, heather §1 V 4 .While planning your purchases, remember C. Smith's BLANKET H , rDT?alu rnTTnM rACUU ; DI7 n „ .... ours and sizes Worth 1/- to 1/6 per pair Sale Price 6d pair and brown mixtures Were 39/6 to 50/- Sale Price 29/6 M |sj ' SALE To-morrow, all the best makes at reduced prices ? - 520 yards CREAM COTTON CASHMERE-Double width 2so pairs Ladies « an d Children's FABRIC GLOVES-In a wide range Another Line in Smart NAVY SERGE COSTUMES— Medium length H m Single Bed— 9/11, 12/11, 14/9, 17/6 ' ...... TO »c Cleared during Sale at 6fi yard of- colours and sizes; all this season's stock Worth 1/9 to 2/6 coat, with braid trimming Sale Price 25/- M Uf Double-bed size— l 3/11, 18/11, 21/-, 22/6, 23/6 12 pieces 42-inch All-wool NAVY SERGE— Fast indigo dye. Sale Price 1/- pair Balance of a big job purchase of Ladies' TWEED COSTUMES— In a ' §6! M 2,500 yards FIGURED CASEMENT CLOTH —In pretty shakes ' l - Worth 2/-: Sale Price 1/4 per yard 55° pairs Ladies' KID GLOVES— Assorted colours; all sizes. A wide range of styles To Clear at 9/11 each" m M - bordered or plain r fast colours; 38, 49x42 inches wide , ■ /s'pieces FASHIONABLE DRESS TWEED— Double width, check well-finished glove and worth 2/ 11 to 4/6 .-.„'„ „.„ 200 Ladies' BLACK and NAVY DRESS SKlßTS— Suitable for M m . . Usual prices 6|dißJd, io^d Sale Price 5d per yard , and stripe design. This season's stock . _.., _ T _._„. ri7XTr , TI v , vorn? t??J?A r J??Jfc " P8 $ w , ea r' £ , T «^ During ; Sale at 4/6 each M M 060 yards HEAVY".OKCLOfH-2 yards wide in a large range of - Original prices 1/6, 2/- to 3/6 < Sale Price 1/-, 173, 1/fr i°° P airs Ladies ELBOW LENGTH 7HITE KID GLOVES-All sizes 30 only Infants' COLOURED CASHMERE FROCKS-In sky, rose, B 1 Z^f^^*™^^ c:, m 'r Sale p SCC m 370 yaxds COLOURED MOREEN SHEETINGS-In a fine ELBOW-LENGTH SILK GLOVES-In cream and bla!f *" ' I ffi :3 y P iecesof Vefy Heavy L^OLEUJV^-Splendid quality. Pnces.cut range of shades These Will be Cleared at 1/- yard Sale Price 1/- per pair 20 only Children's 2nd size FROCKS-4n goocl "vf lity cashmer^ I m ...... down on account of ;beittg shghtly soiled and damaged ; good Ii3OO yards ALL-WOOL DRESS FABRlCS— lncluding poplins, cash- nicely trimmed ; in cardinal, pink, and sky Usual price «s/6 and W m patterns., Usual-prices 4/6, 4/n>. 5/6 mere, san^toyi .Venetian, taffetas, etc. This season's stock C\ t T\ • * ,1 %J 1* r* , ?fi ! Sale Prioe 3/6 and 4/6 8' i' .1 c -it- MlfniW^l • Usually sold at 1/6 to 2/1 1 Sale Price 1/- yard Sak PriCeS ftt the NoVeltY CoUllter Children's CREAM NESTLING COATS-Trimmed silk, brakl I \Jl 1 m Also a Special Lme of LINOLEUM— 2 yards wide. Usual pnce 3/1 r 4 pieces 54-inch INDIGO GOLF SERGE— . UaiV X «.l uiv j.wtvjh.j. v^vwjui^r lar and cuffs ; 22 to 28 inches 1 H ' ' Sale Price 3/3 .•• • Usual price 2/6 Sale Price 1/11 per yard 60 dozen STRAP TUNIC BELTS— Assorted tans: Our usual 1/- line • Reduced to Half Price 3/11, 4/11 to 8/6- 13 m 150 CARPET SQUARES— Which must be cleared this sale. Real I 0 p i eces ALL-WOOL NUNS' CLOTH— 42-inch wide- in reseda - ' ■ Sale Price 6d each The Remainder of our CREAM BEAVER PELISSES , Usual season's m g§ Axminster- and Velvet Pile Carpet Squares at Special Prices - sky, nil brown, pink, yellow. A cloth worth 1/6 Yard " ' 80 lbs. "Beehive" WOOL I !— Heather and Mottles. Usual price 4/6 prices .6/6 to 1 5/6. Sale Prices 4/Q to 7/11 .Hj H . 65/-, 78/-, 82/6, 87/6, 99/- y> fP Now Clearing at 6d yard Sale Prices 3/6 per ISoz. Ib. X m ENGLISH TAPESTRY SQUARES— AII sizes, and the best patterns <;o only COSTUME ENDS— A useful tweed for oresent wear Prices 20 S ross Dressmakers' HOOKS and EYES— Black and white id dm S and colours Sale Prices 25/9, 29/6, 34/6, 39/6, 45/9, 49/6, 55/- S ° ° c^t down to LFto^ the lot P ICCb _ J™*** Trricpc P p *»•? Mff V- P« box of 36 packets FlifQ ♦ FllV^ t FfllfC t 9 g 2,500 DOOR SLIPS— In Jute, Austrian, Brussels, velvet pile, mohair Sale Prices 4/11, 6/11, 8/11 six yard lengths 18 dozen BELT CLASPS— E.P.N.S. Usual price 2/6 and 2/1 1 JF UK» • JL 1 UFb i JTlirS* I s^=^ in KE^SSSffi'SSjJSy^ 119 - rdS^ WOOLCOL 7^ L SS p D n^ h '^^^^^^^^ SOd °-" SYLKO " EMBROIDERY - V B lT^^ -— • " "*-*« """. -^*, «h. " 1 I *"*"■ -tSrSffS SdTt- Pta y^ CREAM RADIANTA-Doubie » dozen Rea. Wha-ebone HAJR BRUSHES-Wo^/n J-« ayr^^JTtW & tL&i ■ i i 7007 oo HEARTH RUGS— Of every description and colour ; suitable for ' . ALL-WOOL NAVY COATING Imnerishable dye •ai inrh lo ° dozen Children's PATENT LEATHER BELTS^-All .dolours Down in most cases Less than Half Price. See these goods I! I any and every room in the house 2 5 P»cg ALL WOOL JNAVY COAiING-Impenshable^dye, 42-mch ga , e pp|oe M eftch , To .morrow; If out of town, write for particulars. M I- At 1/11, 2/6, a/6,4/6, 4/11 to 17/9 Wlde at 2/0 Sale price 1/10 yard 1 8 dozen Jekn CORSET SHIELDS— Oktis shape Sale Price 7^d pair , ■ • I S f ' ' 11 ## /#^ ~\V BBS* I MAIL ORDERS WINTER SALE REMNANTS 1 I We will pay freight on all parcels to the value of 20s. and up. All .^ nHQ m marlfor) .'. . - . All over the Store customers will find opportunities to save |i I m : wards on all sale purchases with the exception of Furnishings. A " goods are marked tn plain figures for H i All orffpr* mu«st Hp arrnmnanipd 'hv PO and if vnn u#ich tr» v j _i ...... money. Remnants, oddments and broken lots marked at prices i m | mm oraers must oe accompaniea py r.u., ana it you wish to cash, and no goods will be exchanged or .. . ... . .-. . . . , . . , A1 . m 1 take advantage of the prices quoted for this Annual Whiter , ■ . that will convince that we are determined, to clear this Uj- ■ I - ' ■ Sale, mail your orders at once. sent on approval during Sale. season's stock irrespective of price. | M 1 '" », ' ~~^ v I Ladies 5 Underclothing Millinery Bargains in Men s and Boys' Men's Mercery I ■^ j V • . S* h^L of a our^ l!Iine ;y Se^ tt H he ; c . " Clothing . ! I i gone carefully through this department, still remains a number of Trimmed Hats. sale Prices «/e, 2/11, 3/6, s/ii, 4/6, 4/11 M ■'■ and all this season's goods are marked Rather than carry them over to next note this line --50 Men's Paramatta waterproof over- AlsO aZs?i ire i\ O B^ I m * at quick-Selling prices. Season, we now Offer, at 50 per Centre- COATS— -With Talma sleeves ; in the most up-to-date style and Prices Range from 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/3, 2/6 %| i t ,a«- T7T antnft fttf K-NTnfFRc; S aiA Prim>Q 1/ mr iir duction in somp on*** loqq thin nrHln^u shades. Usual prices 3;/6 to 45/- Sale Price 30/- 5 o dozen Boys' and Girls' JERSEYS— In a big range of self colours, 1 1 --PJ 'vt^^^^^^^t^M^^^\V!u^ ' QUCtlon m SOme Cases, leSS than Ordinary Men . s aB . MOTOR COATS-In dark, serviceable tweeds, with or with fancy cuffs and collars From 1/11 to 4/6 I Eg • Ladies J^LAJNJNfc-LtLl It. LniLMlbt-b Sale Prices 1/3, 1/11, Z/6 10 4/6 nvineiei > rWn rniiar and vfnt af hark 34/fi M I Ladies' Long Sleeve KNITTED SPENCERS— In cream or pink prices. deep collar, and yent at back M/b „.,,.,,., | PsP s . • iniri panh i • v 75 only Men s Boxed SUITS — Correctly tailored in style, fit and finish _ , , . „ . . . „ it . .. . _ ma I Ladies' Grev'Woven BLOOMERS— ' 2/- 2/3 216 2/11 This Season's Models-Reduced from io/6, 12/6, 21/-, 45/- to There is no need to pay £5 for a Suit while our Sale is on. Cut SP 60 "* 1 opportunity for men to purchase Half Hose at R«- | I_/ t^ Orey Woven BLUUMEKb— v z/-, 2/3, 2/6, 2/n 3/11,, 5/", 3/11, 10/6, 17/6 this out and come early 40/- during Sale only duoed Prices— a big reduction in PlaSn Black or Fanoy | g ' Ladles' Sample Lawn and Calico UNDERCLOTHING at About 30 of this season's TRIMMED BONNETS- Coloured *o Men's TWEED OVERCOATS— SpeciaI values at less than half * . Stripes. Here are two Specials : 1 H*"" ' Special Reductions for Sale. The Garments are too numer- Usual prices range from 10/6 to 21/- P" ce , —--* ttj^ttcitdc a j sale Price IS/- each m E o« S to mention in this Hmjted space and include-Night- TINTRTMMFD c TRAW HAT, T 'If *T T' *" sdTct S from EE 3yi1 T p^ SERS - A °* *° Men' S Black CASHMERE SOCKS-£ood quality ; fast dye f Sj. 1 dresses, Combinations, Chemises, Knickers, Camisoles, 200 UNTRIMMED STRAW. HATS-In all colours ; fine or coarse t, o Mean's FANCY WINTER VESTS-This season's will ' ( Two Pairs for. 1/3 and 1/6 f M and White Sheets. ■ Inspect this tine at once straw^ and thls season s sha P cs ' * <*«> Vi V" J s ° n^ ce s a * oo O d fittine sLs and7onlv Usual orfces 7/6 Tnd COLONIAL ALL-WOOL HALF HOSE- Three Pairs tor 2/6 M M . "•"-• 20 Boxes MIIJLINERY, FLOWERS and WINGS-Sold during the sea^ make a good htting. bizes 3 and 4 only^sua^priccs 7/6 and 50 doze n Men's CAPS-In this season's most approved shapes ; com- | H 'Tlwm are a few Special Lines 4aken from our CORSET list:— son 6d to 4/$ , Sale Prices 3d, 6d, 9d, 1/- ' . rt mw * *** ana ' s/o 3 prising samples and broken lots i B- . ' ■ FELT PADDY HATS-AU colSurs 1/6, 1/11, 2/6 - • 1 * V pf]^ s Q^ Q^ to | m . ODDMENTS in-.WARNER'S CORSETS-Skes 20 to 30 VELVET RINK CAPS-Usual price 3/6 . Sale Price 1/- Parents all specially requested to take note of the 1 ffl " . Usual prices 5/6 to 12/9 Sale Prices 3/11 to 9/11 , v tniintuino lines* I H About 100 pairs LADIES' CORSETS— Broken lots and.small sizes Toiiowmg unes.— Special Purchase of Men's Mercery Samples, Woollen Un- H I Spec£ciearingL^£cT|^ Manchester Goods- at Sale PriceS looßoys'D.B. REEFER COATS-With «ulor collars attached. Big } I m sizes. Usual prices 9/6 to 15/9 Sale Pr.ces 5/11 to 10/6 ... Reductions to Clear Sale Prices 3/11 and 4/1 some years. AH to be Cleared at Landed Cost. I raj *" • * * • • ' Our policy Of not Carrying Over blOUSingS Special Clearing Line in Boys' NAVY REEFER JACKETS— Finished ' - g| Mk ■ FailCy B^r^aiHS fasm one Season to another, Combined' ,20 B^ B^own^SCOTCH TWEE^ReVfER S COATS— With 100 dozen Gents' TIES— In the narrow or wide-end variety ; good I 9k ,!. . . . . With the necessity Of reducing StOCk prior ' washable sailor collars. Prices reduced less than cost. 3/9 each designs and colours 3 for 1/-, 2 for 1/«, 1/3, 1/6, 1/4 Ei HE' "•• This Sale Of Ribbons affords Out* CUS- +o nr U^k\nfr hac r»romn+oH nnr Man 100 Boys' Wanted for a Line of Boys' Strong Dark Tweed 'VARSITY Our stock .of Men's HARD HATS to be reduced in quantity and price. || M tomerS an ODDOrtunitt for SUDOlvine SlOC^xawng, nas prompiea our man- SUITS— Good cut and finish Sale Prices 5/11 to 10/6 This season's shapes at Quick-selling prices m m IZ^lxnZ \n£ZF^ Chester buyer tO reduce the entire StOCk 5o Mid-brown Imitation Bannock Tweed 'VARSITY SUITS-Just , „._.. _ From 3/11, 4/11, 5/6, 6/6 I m < their Wants in ribbons at about half USUaI . ' - ac9Qe e n p> q^ o QM + the thing for school wear ; all sizes 8/11 Men's UNDER FLANNELS —In Shetland, Orkney, grey and f§ IS A Prices ' most cases OU per cent. 200 Boys » Cotton BLOUSES— Trimmed, Boston collar, and bow in navy. A good selection, and marked low to Clear , M ii ? , X . rnTnTnjrnnniTMUßTnncrarc a n 1• j .v- front . Sale Price 1/3 each 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11 m; ffl Mo pieces All-silk MILLINERY, RIBBON— 6-inch wide ; in a wide 500 pieces COLOURED DELAINE BLOUSINGS— AII wool, and this * MM — JM ,.. J , IM ,, MM , M . Tl I i ran e° co ours. v' sual p ' ric r e 7/6 yard Sale Iptlc^ 6d yard Sale Prices 7^d, 9d and 1/- yard ms^k m f 1 56 pieces All-silk STRIPED RIBBON— A wide range of widths and , .Also our Entire Stock FLANNELETTE BLOUSINGS— In a wide Eg ' I 1 - colours to select from. Sold during the season 'at 1/6 range of patterns Sale Prices .3£d, 4-Jd and ©d yard W& M BQ^^p tßUHkpajE|j|pi mpp "^j^ l "'^Btekw *^P jP^^^^P ßß *^, lEgM|BfflWßE|i|^. Kj^PSlSSggb^ II '80 pieces RIBBON-VELVET — Cotton back, 4 inches wide ; assorted To-morrow will be Bargain Day in the Manchester Depart- H il v!tA Jffl £& fflB& f^^ra^Ji I^^ B BEAdId^CHHIFFON, Etc.— ln cream, black and whife. nC These designs. Unbleached from 10^d yard; White, 1/1£ yard P I V V WfflTO # i UHS iMkl H goods well worth 6?u Sale Price 1/11 Special Clearing Lines in IANCY DRAPERY— AII good values M • m Wk ■a 2 dozen Ladies' Imitation MALTESE and LACE TIES— In a large ' ' At Redliced Prices ffl W tSji ■ variety of patterns. Usual price 5/6 Sale Price 1/6 each TRAY CLOTHS— Good quality materials ; in hemstitched and drawn fffl i . H . Usual pricese 2/1 1 to 3/6^ S Safe° Price 1/- each A wide range of A. T. CLOTHS and RUNNERS— Hemstitched and Hi * mSi ' B& «k ffiH h| . Usual price 10 Jd and 1 /- During Sale 6d each 500 CRASH; CUSHION and COSY COVERS — Embroidered ; in vari- §| M MsN wh nH 'Wm H HANDKERCHIEF Prices Cut to Half— All sorts and kinds done up ■ ous colours Sale Prices IQ£d and 1/- M M g^ Vo M» S irrhalf dozen lots: Lace trimmed, embroidered, hemstitched — in 1 ,000 yards WHITE FLANNELETTE — Good quality ; in I dozen yard ' lH ' H o**^£*z£RES&fflLißß fflfi& V^ ra^ * ra -fact all kinds that have been selling from 6d to 1/6 each Sale lengths'. Usual price 6/6 Sale Price 4/11 dOZ yds H& ' m ' ™*s «M& S^K H- Prii-es— Him^iit bed, 9d, 10|d, 1/-, 1/3 half doz. 20 pieces CREAM NUNS' VEILING and DELAINE— 2B-inch wide. ffl M ~%J T-Jjß^ fPBPiSiWBik mm Wg M Ladies' FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS— I/11, 2/6, 3/3, 3/11 half dozen Useful for ladies' or children's wear To be Cleared at 7£d yard 1111 €rfP?Xb V M? Jlfr^ wik B J^ H

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 153, 28 June 1912, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 153, 28 June 1912, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 153, 28 June 1912, Page 4