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\ 48-5O MANNERS STREET On Sale To-morrow [Thursday] at 10 o'clock Showroom Bargains. I only Ladies' Norfolk Tweed 27 only Ladies' SlLK BLOUSES — Ladies' DRESSING TArWFTS COSTUME-In all-wool tweed "some slightly crushed Worth In^ plaS cdourV, trffif P&T 55/- for 13/11 6/1 1 to ig/6 For 3/11 to 8/11 ley, etc. smart 4/1 1 r only Ladies' TAILORED ! ig dozen Ladies' Printed WIN- For 3/11 Up to 12/9 OPERA CLOAK — Newest CETTE BLOUSES — Magyar Old Ladies' Shoulder SHAWLS— style and trimmings (from sam- and shirt style Worth 3/1 1 Grey and black '2/11, 3/11 pie range), very handsome For 1/9 9 dozen Samples Good Silky Moi- - Worth 6s/- for 27/6 TaM F v NEW BLOU SES- r £ tte , UNDERSKIRTS - All II r°n 1 i rr T Ladle w ng /J< WE ££ At Quarter Under Price shade f s «*&» black Worth COAT— Worth 22/6 for 2/11 - ladies' SPORTS mATS 4^ U t0 17 J 6 . I only Ladies' Black DUCHESSE -InVrey navy Seux rS? eTr a r ? ale , ?rA Oe ?J*(]UV O/9 ■ SATIN COAT-Very hand- Worth^B// for' 3/11 7 dozen Ladies' "PaddW' FELTS oTnly Ladies' Ru^Vfd^ Others at 4/I^s, i/6 to ?i/9 Ladies' Black ?S$ Jffl ItV/w 9 rnATQ ,/ f ir c /« Ladies ' WALKING SKIRTS— In SHAPES- Worth s/i 1 t ".- , «ATXTr.«!"Jn ! n navy, avy and black ahd Harris For Quick Sale 1/6, 1/11 270 Ladies' RAINCOATS —In Tweed Boxes WINGS, etc.— Showing- ir, rubbed-hned " Hydrotyte " and To Clear 2/11, 3/11 to 17/6 windows 6d. eao'A "Zambrene" makes 7 only Ladies' Cream Embroid- 9 only Girls' SAILOR DRESSF,S Town prices 23/- to 84/- ered Delaine BLOUSES— —Strong serge 5/1 1 to 8/n Sale Prices 21/9 to 55/- - Worth 7/6 for 3/11 For 1/11 120 Ladies' Imitation Harris Tweed Dress Skirts, 8/6 — For 2/11 Ladies' Underwear Bargains. A Great " Spot Cash " London Ladies' Woven NIGHTS —In Boxes of Sample VESTS— To Purchase, Ladles' RELIABLE natural or cream 4/11, 5/6, Clear at 4id., 6d., IQ4t|., 1/.. WOVEN UNDERWEAR, enables 5/11, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6, 10/6 to 16/9 1/3 to 3/11 *" ' '' us to sell at 20 per cent, or more Ladies' Shrunk Petone Navy o dozen Lidips' Ribhprt w™ «„ under our Famous Cut Prices- Worsted BLOOMERS-6/o 9 coMBINATIO N t_i n d ShJS*. Grey Fleecy BLOOMERS— T,.. « „ pirrTTrf f °r 4/11 shaped waists Worth 3/3 At 1/e i/fi 1/11 911 J-adies .belt ft,l lIL-UAlh — • SftL. m* a ta->lu «/ ' ™X Double thickness, in dark tar- . T.. , t . 1 2* ''" 7 doz. Ladies' Soft Woven COM- tan and stripe effects I 0 dozen Ladies' Dorothy OVER* BIN^.TIONS— Long sleeves Worth s/n for 3/11 ALLS — In fast dye; navy camWorth 3/6 for 2/6 immense Stocks all best makes, bnc > smartly strapped Ladies' Unshrinkable COMBI- in Longcloth and Flannelette Worth 3/ft for 2/8 NATIONS-Usually 4/6, 4/1 1, UNDERWEAR- 60 dozen Red-Cross Nurse 5/11, 6/9 to 14/6 Qult-It-Qulck AU at Big Saving APRONS— Round bib pockets ■ Sale Prices 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, 5/9 10 dozen Ladies' Woven COMBI- extra full cut At 1/-. 1/2. i/sV to 11/8 NATIONS— Worth 2/9 for 1/11 1/7*. 1/11 ' ' ' ' *' 15 Dozen LADIES' WINCETTE BLOUSES, 4/6 I I For 1/6 Bargains in Children's Apparel, eta. CHILDREN'S COATS, ETC., Children's Woven COMBINA- Girls' Navy Pleated SERGF IN IMMENSE VARIETY. TIONS-Usually 1/6, 1/8, i/io, SKIRTS - (Big stocks in 2 9.Cashrn^ere Cloth and Silk 2/- to 3/3 brown, cream, cardinal) Usually Now Marked 6/11 to 15/6 t0 z/9 18 dozen White' Samole PINA9 only Children's SILK HATS- Children's Cashmere FROCKS- FORES-Some sliSlv soiled. Children's FELT BABETTLS— To C | ear 1/6 ftnd 2/6 . each In browns, greens, navys ' ' Boxes of BIBS> Usually 1/6 For 9d. each 37 Samples Children's CARRY- to Clani- frnm a<d II dozen Girls' "Harris" TWEED ING SHAWLS - All cream; Children's GAITERS-ln naw HATS-For school Worth 3/6 one-quarter under worth cream, beavers Worth?/! For 11 * - 4/11 to 13/9 , For ii*d. to 1/3 ' MORLEY FAMOUS KID GLOVES, ALL SIZES ' "I 1/11 pair Fancy Drapery Bargains 10 dozen Ladies' Strong UM- Ladies' HAIR NETS- 5 for 1/- Black Silk Costume BRAID-** BKkLLAb — 3/1 1 for 2/9 Ladies' White Hemstitched inches wide s£d. yards ■*& inrhps 4 dozen " KEEPUDRI " UM- HANDKERCHIEFS- 1/4 doz. wide Iff. yard '3*3 * BRELLAS— Extra large, for E.P.N.S. BELT BUCKLES— 7id. 37 shades Rich New SILK courting: cases 7/6 for 5/11 10 doz. Coloured Tunic Patent CORDS— Worth Hd 18 dozen^.jCream Knitted Dome BELTS— 6d. ■ For 2{6. each . - For 25d. yard MUFFi^RS-Mercerised 4 dor. E.P.N.S. and Gold 13 dozen JABOTS-Tc .Clear 4*d. ci/- H%knj V2 \- ll y for BELTS— Worth 4/t 1 - QUAKER COLLAR and CUFFS bkeins of WOOL — For fancy work For 6d. each Sets 1/0 For 74d ,0 dozen Jewelled HaYr COMBS '* yMd T^ar" KaS Worth 1/6 To Clear 4*d. To Clear lo£d. Ladies' Blade Italian APRONS— Women's Fabric GLOVES— Two Ladies' DRESS PRESERVERS— rf for 1/44 dome ;in beavers, brown, saxe, To Clear 34d. each 47 pieces Silk RIBBONS— vieux rose, amethyst, black 2 gross HATPINS — White or ■ 3 id. to 7 W. All at Ud. yard t a- * y orth A' £?rrs£? r rs£c Pa T fr ,„ black knobs 6 for Id. Cards of SAFETY PINSLadies Gauntlet • GLOVES — In tremendous Clearance Imitation 7id. dozen sheets cream, navy, black, brown, Torchon and Val. LACES— HOOKS and HAIRPINS— greens, etc. Worth 1/1 1 For 1/3 From 4^. dOZ. To Clear 4£d. do*, dkts. Boys' All-Wool HOSE — Spliced 17 pieces Good INSERTIONS— Bone COLLAR SUPPORTS— knees, seamless. Worth i/g 'to Paris and cream, in artificial All lengths 24d. dal^ T 2 i"> tr v -a 1 " t0 17 ! silk, guipure, etc. Worth' io*d. Odd Lengths EMBROIDERY* La w^lir Em i br( ? ldered Mercensed to. l/3 J All 4]-d. yard 4 }d. to 7*d. To Clear lid', yard HOSE— Black mauve, etc. 15 pieces ALL-OVER LACES— r S dozen New HATPINS— UsuaIIy ,o *«-, New jMikLls^ f^f&TnVU .6 ?4 ir '" J& "fUfo&t Worth 1/- To Clear 3*d. each STITCH- To Clear 4*d. doz. Heavy Drapery Bargains. Bales of FEATHER-PROOF 390 yards Famous " Clydesdale " Printed BEDSPREADS— Perfect TlCK— Bought from the Public SHRUNK WINCEY— In plain tubbers Worth 4/6 For 3/6 Trustee to dose estate colours and stripes 2/3 Unmatchable WHITE FIAN. 636 3 inches wide-Worjh 2/2 Fof m yard U^£eTTES -At 2/11, 3/4^ 87 inches wide-Wor?hY/i 37S yards Striped WINCEYS- 3/11, 4/8, 6/11, 6/11, 8/6 dozen »7 menes wme wofJJ 3-J3. yard • Worth 1/9 For 1/- yard yards 69 ends SATEENS, and OPAL- "S^^Sen Strong Absorbent Try our ''Colwest" Velour FLANINES— 2 to 3* yards in a piece; i°WELS— In brown and white NLLETTE— 36m. wide, Ceylou art and everyday shades To "° Cleared at the Lowest stripes, or plain white Usually B>}d., ujd. Prfco on Record from 1/- pair 2/11 half do?,«n To Cloar 3£d. 18 pieces SILK MUSLINS— Odd Shrunk Cream Baby FLANNEL 3 pieces Frilled MADRAS CUR- shades ; single width ; s^d. for i/2£ yard TAINING — White, ecru .2^.; 4S-inch u£d. for 4£d. yard Lic-htweitrlit Crimp-in «;mnr i/irfor 7*d. yard Finlay's Famous Linen-finish fNGS-Worth ffl For S* 9 dozen Linen and Lace TWILL SHEETINGS- inn PtrJrScr v c DUCHESSE SETS— Worth IJ6 Now 1/o£, 1/2*, 1/6*, 1/KJi JO A.ku m nrfckT^c Seak For 10^d each Crewdson's Famous 36 in. CALI- jonablc JLOUSINGS— 127 pat ; IS dozen Large LINEN SERVI- COES— S/1 1 for 4/11 doz.; 6/9 15 -^ ll JVJ 1 * }*}X W ?? th at ETTES— Worth qd. For 4*d. for 5/11 dozen M-i 2 i dl « 3^ d '» 4^ d - *» V" yard CASEMENT CLOTHS— Horrockses' PILLOW COTTONS NE W CURTAINS AND NOW Sid., 7*d., to 1/2£ yard Usually BJd. For 7£d. DRAPINGS SPECIALLY CUT 6 ft. PRINTED BLINDS— Heavy (Casement) Herringbone DOWN IN PRICE. Town price 2/6 Ours 1/11 SHEETINGS— 11 Jd. for Q£d.; Odd Lengths Long CURTAINTASSELED MADRAS— i/i* for 11* d.; 1/2 J for 1/-; 1/5} INGS— To Cloar Cd. yard 1/3*. 1/s£, 1/8* for 1/2* All the New LOOP CURTAINCOSIES— FriIIed 1/4*, 1/6, 1/9 Half-scoured Grey CALICOES— INGS— To go— 6Jd. for 44-d LACE CURTAINS— UsuaIIy 3/6, Now 2/6 half dozon B*d. for 6*d., iojd. for BJd.. Un 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, s/11, 6/11, 8/6 QUILTS at Sterling Reductions ! to 1/9 yard ' l Now 2/11, 3/3, 3/11, 4/3, 4/11, Honeycomb— 3/6. for 2/11 ; 3/11 Brass Loop EXTENSION RODS 5/11, 6/11 for 3/6; up to 8/11 —With fittings 2d. each 7 pieces Long LACE CURTAIN- MARCELLA QUILTS — Satin 150 CURTAIN ENDS— IKLG— BJd. for 4*d. yard faced . 6/11 to 18/6 jo Clear 6d., Bd., 1/Dress and Silk Section. 24 ends JAPANESE SILKS— 5 13 P^ces TWEEDS— For girls' 3 pieces Black LUSTRES— to 11 yards in each; will cut school frocks Were 1/- to 1/6 ■ 2/4s, 2/6 for 1/- yard any length i/i£ to 1/10* To clear 6d. yard All Shades Japanese SILKS— To clear 4*d. yard nieces NUN'S CLOTH In 7 £ dt yard 3 pieces Heavy Black PAILETTE S brown, red, nil, pink ,/ 4 i, 1/6 Heavy-weight Japanese SILKSMERV SILK— Worth 3/6 For 7*d? yard .ll&. l l& fo , r ?i dl I */5* tor 1/For 2/3 yard . _ ft _ T A" ' ,/ ! 37 yards Black Duchesse MERV <;„_„•., r , nnm muniiurtv ! Piece Grey DELAINE — 2/6 2/6 for 1/3 yard bupenor Cream CORDUROY — l J «*„,. in i,i ua --i nuicc* t> a inwr> a e Ir.*'°1 r .*'° »™ ru Double width 1/2 J for 11* d. For 10 * d ' yard - Ch f°" TAI-FETAS — Everyday Shrunk Cream DELAINE- , Fast Dye Navy SERGES- r^mn,l,in, m ntftr Sir/i?s Now 1/3, 1/6, 1/10* Now 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/4* Cream Delaine BLOUSE 'PIECES 4 Pieces MELTON CLOTHS- 50-inch Navy SUITING SERGE 4oin . Moiretto UNDERSKIRT. Worth nid. For 4*d. —tor skirts 2/3 for 1/7* * ING— 1/3 for 7*d. yard 1 piece only Cream All Wool 4 pieces Cream Fancy ARMURES 69 yards SILK PLUSH Gold SERGE— i/h For 1/- yard 2/6, 2/9 for 1/3 yard and ruby 2/1 1 for 1/- yard Carriage Paid on Country Orders for 5/- or over

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 109, 8 May 1912, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 109, 8 May 1912, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 109, 8 May 1912, Page 3