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F =zj^^^^^ : — =a=s±&4 GLOVES— In browns, beav- Dome MUFFLERS — Sold ers, white, etc. Worth 2/1 1 ff X£?^, ■■— ■■ ...., iTTTm ,7 everywhere 1/6 or»mor« AU 1/11 palr ' " Sala. Prlco 9£d each . J 9 FANCY DEPARTMENT sAMPLLs-c T hucw r s 4 c,shme|e /"\UR enlarged premises and rapidly-increasing- skejns^of.'^l-eoi- f auC v N Women s . Fabric GLOVES— Two \^ aJ Jjll¥ t t - • • work To Clear 14d' each vieuxVose'aTethVs'r' 11 ' sa?e> trade made the London buyer too optimise 5 coSbs^W^ HAm Worth 1/ For 5 1 d pair • »v> v c • » cuivilib— worth r/fo > M HfeS;l ß Sr d fac> fiecause the manufacturers were all" top- Ks Bundlcs , of ™.l°l olMt " iB l Laa^. notchers," and big discounts were offered to clear **« ■a* $■?*&£> —In cream, navy black, brown, •••• •'LI J I 9 2/11 to 4/11 For 9*d e*oh j greens, etc. Worth 1/11 For 1/3 OUailtltieS He PlUngeCt llOWeVer. We Ye tOO lo x -fc^ d A ie /' B , cad O^amant 1 42 in. Coloured CHIFFONS— In 1. .11 l 1 I „. NECKWEAR -i)d to 1/6 3 cinna vTor\h s iTi c / ?o ooso r ss si-d na yy vv a y rd much to cope with, and have therefore- decided 6 gr OSS machine siuS270 yards Millinery TULLE — , i ii 4*cl (assorted) dozen s^ols, Black, cream. Worth 1/3 1 ■ ■■! .iiiiimmpmmbmcmmmp tO llOlCt a r 1 miwni ■«■■ n m ■« m Odd Shades SYLKO— I For id yard ~ ** t To Clear Gd -dozj MMh!iSiiSZm«iwwi "mmmim\iim7\imtmm\ ■ ■■ ii^miiTiii ii liv iii hi ■im ■ ' im'wi JftimT ~iiiniM^^ Large Round HAIR NETS-All Ladies' Tailored COSTUME 3, Ladies > Straw T SHAPES Children's Grey Fleecy BLOOM- FINLAY'S FAMOUS LINEN- J T s £ ad f s T t-1 KrSS/il? ?on PrfJr tn~^riZ rt^i. 8 I "Black and colours. Worth 4/0 ERS- At 1/6, 1/8, 1/11, 2/e FINISH TWILL SKEETINCS Ladies' Long Lisle GLO/ES— In son Prices to Reduce Stock I For 17- Children's Knitted Wool DRAW- Regular Price !>4-inch— l/3*. 1/6 odd shades. Usually J/i i 1 ° nly L a dies Gre y , COSTUME J Ladies' Black Crinoline SHAPES ERS-Usually 1/11 For 1/6 ' Now 1/Oifi/H For 10-Jd — tfiain cloth collar i «/n to 9/G "— ' ■'■'■'■"■■■ ■Minium ■■■ Regular. Price 721n. — 1/6, 1/I©£ Ladies ''Beatall" French Kid Tadß WFFn VrtV I Boxes FEATHER MOUNTS— AII Children's Knitted Woel POLKAS „ ,* , Now 1/2*, t/S* GLOVE— Stands alone ; perfect l ogiy Ladies r WEED COS- shades and white. Were i/j to - Daintiest styles,- all fresh Regular P.Hce SO-lncb-1/s*,, 2/2 fitting At 2/6 pair A U A }*£-£* _ *"* avy wool dark 2/ F^ 9(J goQas% T o Clear at.7*.d, 1/»i to Now 1/ft*., l/IQfr Boys' All-wool HOSE — Spliced navy tweed ' CU wfi a f«i. c «°/f. Boxes WINGS, Etc.— Showing in 2/9 * ■ ' — knees, seamless. Worth 1/9 to ONE 39 6 for 2 AV windows ed each mm ■■■■■iiiunn — .* 18 pieces 30-inch' LINEN FLAX 2/u NOW 1/- to 1/9 U ™TidW TATTORFD m% Ladies' m Seasonable UNDER- Children's Knitted Wool IN- S . HEE J It^. C Vl W * eaolothß . Ladies' Two-Tone HOSE-Pur- sam° P £ M <2 u "'»-Qu«cK Sale FANTEES-^ etc « Worth B %#Vo«Krd 6 pies, resedas 1/6 For !/• pair rantre • best materials- best Pr «oeß To c oar, 3£d., 6d., 7id. 5/n cozen yaras j Ladies' HAIR NETS- B for 1/- • finifh; perf ec? Tt?ing ; £ V A °f lON^nr Wn ?o?i /?i" 3 dozen Fine BONNET 'FRONTS NOTE -HoTdHnd BoardW 3 " S a™ L 7? =sr^** 'fe^SSx^ hSfc-'-s^ ssSa?SS "SaNdTeßcSl'l?^ SPSS .oMu, Size COSTUMES- Ladies , m « hr^\'« rh d ' »»- M ** "^ ""^t -^t"" _ I** H-*h;d h, navy bla* and tweeds. L^ lO K^ «!, CMi '^ s *$ S^&i 9Jd . Crewdson's Famcus 3 0in. !c "" Worth 1/- To Clear C*d each TUMES-Thrht fitting • W T WW 6 U , vrc -. c cnrM ' on#quarter under worth • ' Horrockses' PILLOW CO3CTONS E.P.N.S. BELT BUCKLES-7*d coat Was SS /- For 8/11 La A CpclllC pc 1111 * 1 SPLN " " " «/ 11 «« 13/9 , Usually ,81d \fow 7*d 10 doz Coloured Tunic Patent 55/ ror o/n CLp o BODICES— At corrcs- Girls' Navy Pleated SERGE Heavy (Casement Herringbone BELTS-6d For 2id each " T 1J ?- nd ? n f v 0 /^ 6 SKIRTS-(Big- stocks in brown, SHEETINGS-nJd .for 9*d ; , ItipTc n«H rnirlßFT TS Chas ' Macintosh's Famous "Mac- L Si es R/«°«R /«°« c /S cream > cardinal). 'Usually 3/3 to i/U ">■" "Wl ifri fori/-<! ,/ si 4 \S, AhT fer £ ££h nnett "Hydrotytes" for Ladies sft> 5/11> 6/9 ' 7/S ' 8/G ' 10 8 t0 5/6. "Qult-It-Qulck" Sale Prise for 1/2*/ Worth 4/ 111 1 For 6d each —selling in town 32/6 . 1^ /9 T „, „ . . ,_ 2/6 to 3/11 mmMMnvKsmmmnmMamimmvjvumim &uede and Now 23/9 "nimnffncrite w C L Gl ' c , y Hundreds of Shrunk Wool JER- 15 pieces Half-scoured ' Ccoy &.P.N.S. BELIS— DIVIDED SKIR IS— Worth 3/3 SEYS — Button neck or open CALICOES — Quite pure. To Clear I9 2 d T .. , „, , ror 2/3 f ront From 2/3 Regular 7£d value. Now 2/fi half Steel KNITTING PINS— 4 d Ladies' "Hydro." COATS— Few L^ d , ies ' 0 , , Navy " — — ' — nrrTi-. dozen Four fond with machine flaws 25/- Worsted BLOOMERS-6/y 18 do2t wh|tß g |c p|NA . mmMMU ._ . /mmz 2d packets STRAW NEEDLES— , , Ff r | 5 / 11 . Ladies' Thick WOOLLY FKLT FORES— Some slightly soiled. QUILTS at Stealing- Reductions 1 For id each 9 only Rubber :-lmed La p d E e | T A: h STS-VVorth 4/3 J fl ° Dh Clear * *^' Hd ™« "*« i^^T 3 ?,/ 01 " 2/ " 5 U New Wide-striped RIBBONS- £ ad fc RAINCOATS -In For 2/11 f aoh JtlffiM **££} ™ 1/- yard "^bbetuned "livdrotvte " Ladie *' Fel t PETTICOATS - -»■*"""" .Mi—Mil— — iimi MARCELLA QUILTS- Satin Ladies' DRESS PRESERVERS "Zambrene,^ and "Kismet'" Double thickness, in dark tar- A Big , Lot of Ghßdren's PINA- p f £ c £ d BEDSPREADsIIW?/? TO Clear 3*d each makes. Town prices 25/- to 84/- tan and stripe effects lORE DtoSSES-To go at II 11I 1 Xs X,« ]»». 2 gross HATPINS - White or Sale Prices 21/9 to 55}- , .Worth s/fi For 3/11 landed cost ; made from reliable u2?tchablc WHItE FLA& black knobs 6 for 1/- Ladies' TWEED COATS- 9 r d^ XLK L n a f' es , L me f . Longxloth cambrics, etc. From 2/6 V*™* ETTES -At 2/11 i ith" ,30 doz Imitation TORCHON „T»„ T» °!j™ «fV«#'ri T/8 ' "'' CAM * SOLEb - Worth & m BB ° Xeb ° f 818 %~ c , ear from 3 , d S/11, i/M/ii, 8/11,* 8/idofc Jfe •'LACES-Usually 1/3 1/4 Maids ?^£ C 7?iV«7e 15/6 iMo«. Ladies' Lon ? doth°KNfe Children's Fd? (I AITEIIS -t Try our "ColwestlUdp'ur FLANNOW 9d dOZ. Ladies' Cream GOLF KERS- Worth 2/6 For 1/6 pr navy, cream, beavers NLLLTTL.— 36m. wide, Ceylon Tremendous Clearance Imitation cqATS- £h? for 2IU Immense Stocks all best makes, Worth 1/4 For 1/- pair stripes, or plain white ■Torchon and Val. LACES Ladies' BLOUSES Ftc which iv Longcloth and Flannelette Children's Knitted Wool BOOT- rT . , vr . T Cljr , A «!,nn en From 4}d doz. pnee will Shift Quickly I underwear All at Big Savins EES-iokl. for B*d, ,/ 2 for 10* d Vr 0 ," 1-LANNLLS-n nieces Fine LACES— Si- to 6 7 only -Ladies" Silk BLOUSFS— Women's VESTS— To Clear from 1/6 for 1/2 ' Lxlr . a ,X vlcle „, Jr 1 *!*?" 1 3 in?hes wide Usutlly Bid to i°/i* 7 Some slightly crushed Wcfrth 4 * d ' 6d ' I^ d - 1 / 3 t0 3/11 Children's Cream FUR SETS- Shrullk Cl ' eam Bal^ F 'ffi™fc All 4id yard 6/11 to 10/6 For 3/11 h^^wß^i^^^a^m. Usually 3/6 tor 2/6, 4/6 for 3/6 D FL ANMFT S17 pieces Good INSERTIONS— 19 samples Black Silk SHIRT 178 Sample Flannelette NIGHT- niir . eo „„„„«, „„„ „.. c 1/8* 1/3* to 1/11 Paris and cream, in artificial BLOUSES-One quarter under GOWNS - Beautifully embroi- °RESS GOODS AND SILKS MOLLETONS-All plain colours silk, guipure, etc. Worth io{d worth From 5/11 dered. Everyone differently AT BARGAIN PRICES. Worth lAi' For i#d I to i/3i All 6id yard Ladies American Silk SHIRT worked. At One Quarter under Lichtweipht Crime-m SHIRT3 pieces Art Silk ALL-OVER B , LO f h S " SphS I^ftwn^lteß/11 27 ends Season's DRESS GOODS i^GS^Vorth i/? FoV B^d ! LACES— In black, cream, ivory 9/" Phenomenal Cut Price 6/11 P M »«uffnmi»wimH»wimH.M. l i iraa—mra —All double width. * w M .., , .i IW iw MIiI ■■ ■ Worth 3/6 For 1/11 yard 1 9 do *- Ladies> Ribbed Woven /3 r?J™ TnnnYmnv**' JOB PURCHASE- !-New seiii S pieces ALL-OVER LACES- 9 doz. Ladies' Printed WIN- COMBINATIONS-In white j Su Js^fJ s^f Cream CORDUROY- sunab!o BLOUS | NGS _ 127 pat . S Ffne makes. XVere 3/6 -t0 ,3/3 ' OETTE BLOU8E8^Krth8(111 ' sha^ ed Waists ' Wort Voti/11 Sh^nfcreamWAiNl^ "^ 6%TIT£ iTilj* 1o Clear iflid, n* yd I For 1/11 , L,. , no , oHiv oviA Now V 3, i/ei, 1/10^ ijd, %d> M, Mto 1 ■ yard Coloured Oriental LACES and ■,■■■!—■■ VllS-Ii? fist dv? Sv? £m 4 pieces MELTON CLOTHS- mmmH^mm^mmmmmimmmiam, TUprTiTTrtwi; t-Tnif to^;^.» D t\Li LiO — 111 last ciye , navy cam- ft. „ , , _ .ij v .a. INSERTIONS-Half Price BLOUSES- brie ; smartly strapped W ? rtl \V id T •« >• Ja°L*M NEW CURTAINS AND o TTT , ,T»5« I Worth 4/6 For 2/11 Worth 3/9 For 2/11 2 0,n"^l t?. 11 ?^ 011 .HARI. HARI > JS DRAPINCS SPECIALLY CUT 10 pieces ART SILK BRAID&-_ j Table F v NEW BLOUSES- 6odoz Rcd-'Cross APRONS 1 WLLDS-Shghtly imperfect DOWN IN PRICE. , in pink, sky. champagne, vieux I At Qu&Hw Under Prlce —Round bib pockets ; extra m we " Hf^J. l^?*: , » MO . th Odd Lengths Long CURTA'lNrfc.ffi^y, white, helio.. navy. LadicsJ Tailo « ed 0 CLOAKS full cut At 1/-, 1/2, 1/B*., IJH, „ ni ecef TWTFDS To, ,H?ff INGS- g To B clea¥ 9d yard, black. Worth M Fo^M -Sample range; exclusive 1/11,2/3 , . 'KStJcl-sVJ^A^ta}^ 6 boxes Frilled Spot HARNESS Black Silk Costume BRAID— 2* styles; newest pastile and use- - benool tracks, Were 1/- to . i/G MUSLIN— Worth i/roj inches wide s|d yard; 3 i inches ful shadings. One Quarter Un- CHILDREN'S COATS, ETC.- - nipce , V OILFS Dofible xvidfh* For 1/I*. ¥»rd . wide B^d yard der Price Creat Feature of Sa , e . S Pieces VOILES-Double width, AU fa N LOQp CURT XrN-'. 10 dozen Fine Embroidery Ame- K *™ l Feature of tnis Sale I blown, black, navy^ INGS- To go-6H for *^d,'; rican COLLARS. 1(J doz _ Lad| , X , tt d CoATS _ 29 Fleecy and Nap Cloth MATI- r piece only Cream All Wool 8 i for ce * d » lo ? d iot 8^' /fl vi'u i' i°" c ., ', ™- /4/ 4 $ cttV In grey, nawy, myrtle, brown, NEE COATS-All samples ; all SERGE-i/n For 1/- yard T irvW^m^ntS' 37^l h^ e 'u- RI V' h i^ CW SILK vleux rose, saxe. Worth 8/6 differently got up. Worth 4/9 to S pieces NUN'S CLOTII-In Bras v \- i Vh°I t th^I LNSION J^± CORDS— Worth 4Jd ' All at 4/11 «/" Sale Prices 2/11 to 5/11, brown, red, nil, pink 1/^,l/6. — Withhttingb 2(1 each For 2id yard 20 Samples Cashmere MATINEE , For 7*.d yard (rinairwiiHiiwi ■■—■■■ 16 doz. Embroidery Peter Pan I .' "~ ""~-°— COATS — (Fond mothers de- 1 piece Grey DELAINE— j/6 150 CURTAIN ENDSCOLLARS— Sid to lo'-d Ladies' fHROWOVLRa— In bea- lighted). Worth 5/11 to 11/6 • For 10* U. yard To Clear 6d, Ocl, 1/To Clear 4£d vcr > seal, grey, black To Go 3/6 to 6/11 Fast Dye Navy SERGES— ,M, MM «»-^ mJ1 y l u,,^ , r mtmm 13 dozen JABOTS— To Clear , F«m 6/6 to 14/9 jl7 Samples -Child's Silk, MATI- • Now 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, a/4i ART SATFKNS— Our 1/3 and i/S QUAKER COL- Ladies' RICH SLIS-Muff and I NEE COATS - All different; S oinch Navy SUITING SERGE ARf SAIL Raduond to 7*d 94ti' LARS CoingatS^d throvyoyer c , P"? m 2 V" I Pettiest been. Worth 7/" to- . skirts 2/3 for 1/s*. CASFMFNT CLOTIIS- - " QUAKER COLLAR and CUFFS Ladies' Walking SKIRTS -In x 4/6 To Co 4/11 to 711 50-inch All Wool C 11 E VI O T CA N^v Ll vVd toT/25- yard Sets 1/0 For 7j-d navy and black . iiG Nap Serge and Ripple PELIS- SERGES— In light navy and „ f , pnfM?n Wl INn^ ' Balls of STAG EMBROIDERY To Clear 2/11, 3/11 to 17/6 SES-Worth 10/9 to 25/- ' grey Worthy, For 1/11 °^o\vi nrkc^/0 oiTrs 1/11 ' To Clear I*d each ? only LadicV Cream Lmbroid- I Now Marked 6/11 to 15/6 4 pieces Cream Fancy ARMURES TA SSELFIS MADRAS- ' Odd Boxes HAIR PADS— ered Delame BLOUSES— 119 Cord Velvet and Ripple Tunic ■■ 2/0, '=/<) for 1/3 yard lA&bLLLU MAD KAh — Usually 1/- 3d each _„ , 7/ 6 TAr f° L r _?/" j COSTUMES - Worth 8/11 to 3 pieces Black LUSTRES- ■ TASSFL FRINCFH i * * SCARF PINS- 2 Cards for Itl j Ladies' DRESSING JACKETS- [ , 6 /6 Sale Prices 5/11 to 9/11 2 / 4 j, 2 /o for 1/- yard f AbS EL .X. X K . IN V*d I md 2id yard 18 yard Rolls of BABY RIBBON j In plain colours trimmed paib- U^..,,^,.,....^..-^. . 2 pieces 44-inch ARMURES— MANTKr DRApFs— All IliXs To Clear 2^d each I ley, etc., smart 4/11 f, on i y , vory oriental SATIN Black, amethyst 3/6 for 1/- yd. majm ll l>kai La ah *nj.des Ladies' Black Italian APRONS- For 3/11 up to 12/9 %E LL y |S SE - Very nandsonie: 8 S yards Brown VELVETEEN- COSIES-Frilled 1/44,1/6,1/5 1/8 for 1/ftid ii ihiiiimiiiiiiiimwiwi»«vii Worth 39 y 6t Spec f a | at 3/11 . 1/3 for 6d yard LACE CURTAINS— u'uallv Coloured Silk VEILINGS — 9 only Samples Black Cashmere All Shades Japanese SILKS— /f /.. ,1, ,/. r K / n (,/,", '«/K Usually 1/-, 1/3 To Clear 2*d yd SHAWLS -With handsome T _. . _..,, , . 7^d ya^c! 3 2/1 1, ;3/3; 3/3 3/11, 4/3,4/1. 1O P iec6s FLOUNCING EM- Spanish fringe. To Clear at Immense Selections ; Children's Heavy-weight Japanese SILKS- 5/1? ■6/11 "'■" <**&%!&?',&&— OM Ld - - SH ,d SHAWLS ■«rt a ?'lffi E }? SlrS 1 r IChl*. TAFFETA 07 Pi«es Wide Sit? fSSo^- ~^ -" black" MAWLS ? if"" * M T ° °' Mr 1/ "' ' /6 ' '^ *" "™ -^ »S , ' '^ Afl shades andsky llool o dozen Clear 2/I^/JI Children's g .^ BABE TES n27 Soiled Embroidered BLC USE 37S yards Striped WWcW^ HOOKS and HAIRPINS- SKIRTS-Worth 2/9 1/6 ' For 9d each PIECEB-3/11 to 5/6 Worth 1/0 For 1/- yard, iiuujva ami iimiuii\a To Clear -J/6 each „,.„,... ,.■■,., ,■■-...- .„..„.■■„.„■—,,,■, To Clear 1/- each 120 dozen . Strong- Absorbent Bnn , rmr AX S!tpp??»t? 9 doz - Samples Good Silky Moi- T7rTT"T^T^£rTTZ!r ■■■■— ■■"■' ■■■ ■'■ '■■» TOWELS— In brown and white' llonc UULLnK aUiIUKIS — ■ j J ... nvni;nc[<-ruTC Ail '• QOZ. GlflS 'Harris TW66d _ _, ,», To l»6 ttlAftfrtH at tho Li»«n<tt'' ~ A.,; T orlioe' "R l -. ,- 1 - V m U-r n i SBIC PrICOS 2/11 tO 18/9 ■■■MIIB ■■■■» „ unWj HJ\\li,l-b At 1/6 08^ 7 dered HOSE- To^ar^pr 6 only Sample UNDERSKIRTS Girls' Cheviot Serge HATS-In SI^ V VELVETifENS-In Cm 5 pieces Grey SILESIA-**! nil r»«o+w lrimimmFßV — ln the window. Worth 7/u saxe, cardinal, navy, etc. nimon tmrnm tnvn mw > 3*d yard 0 f,^, 1 To?lS2°diard t0 10 / 6 All to Co 211 Worth '3/6 For 1/6 each Ss U?b ck clccric ' 18 pieces Coloured SATRfiNS66 941 9 4 1 '{feavy^lSSSio? 1 To?- Ladie , s> T .WEED HATS - Sea- 10 only Cream COATS-Slightly moss ' Wd ___, BjdForej«l : rhnn t AfF> i /A ri.v/f.n son s pnees 3/11, 4/ii to io/q soiled, in bear, cloth, serge. 6o val . t ie SII K PI USII — flnld iiiHiiimiiini imnii miiwiiiiin chon LACLa-i/6 je dozcn Tq bQ c|eared Qu|ofc _ Were 1 1 / 9 to =4/- To Olear from %<]s* bILK ,/u for 1/- yard 18 p.eoes SILK MUSLINS - Odd All our Ladies' Fancy WHITF 6^ ll . ' smmamsmKms^Bmiaaammmsßsiaaaasat] shades; Single width 5 s^d fror APRONS-To Clear 20 per 7 doz ; Laches' 'Paddy .'FELTS cmLDREN , s ATTIRE AT BALES OF FEATHER-PROOF 2?d ; 46-inch 11£ d for 4frt yard cent, off marked price -Stitched brims Woith : hi CH *}'°**"** T ™ t r* T TICK-Bought from the Publio «^MmmMmmmummmmmammmmmum 6 pieces Camisole EMBROID- For 1/11 SLAUGHTER PRICEB. TRUSTEE to close Estate Immense Stocks FANCY LINERY— I/6 For 11£ d yard iuMWHyimii ■nii»imnui l iia 63 Inches Wide— Worth 2. '2 KNS, ART TEA CLOTHS 15 doz. New HATPINS— UsuaIIy Ladies' Black and Navy CHIP J5J 5 TT Wov ;? n „C O^D I^ A " Now 1/7^ yard CRASH GOODS, Etc. To be 7 }d to 1/- To Clear 3d each SHAPES — Worth 5/11. For 1 lONS— Usually 1,6, i/S, 1/10, 87 j ncnes wide— Worth 3/3 Cleared at Intensely Moving 16 doz cards FEATHERSTITCH Qulok Sale 2/11 ?/- to 3/3 , Kow 2/ A yard p ri ces. Slightly soiled W oods To Clear *id doz. iiiimiii ■■■■■■ iih.ii ■ii ■■■n.i»jnni;t ) t Now 1/3, 1/4^, 1/7, 1/0, to 2/9 ■■..■■■mi ..J^L, Half Prlco Carriage paid on Country Orders for 5/- or over. Money refunded if goods not approved

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 97, 24 April 1912, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 97, 24 April 1912, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 97, 24 April 1912, Page 3