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Illll^i reauire^ tK«vt every fasMonabl© article shall be disposed of dwing tKe ®ea&on of lifllH ill 9^ importation. FasKion Goods must not be carried over till next sea&on, hence tKe sacrifice. 11! IB Pi I 1 .^tf tt^BS mm JBD^^BBB m 9 IK mm^^^^^ m/t mm m * m^fvm Ev^^^H Bf^^^^ w^^^Qm *B^3^^3 WU 4m*^^m^ m^f^^^ §B 99 ■• m\ 1 • ■ lr Bargains in Sunshades, Feather f Bargains in Haberdashery I Bargains in Children's Footwear * Bargains in Youths' and Boys' tJ •*%o_ •& * *&> ' fit x.% * mr ~g ; BOaS, OCC. |, BUNDLE TAPE— Best duality India tape; assorted widths; 12 |, *********************************** l/lOUlimg t f ' f\ •" our Umbrella Section we are making f BUNDLE TAPE-Same f J M 0^" >AC E SHOES-P.tent toe- * | SUITS- I 9 f f H Drastic Reductions. • f FANCY HAT-PIN-Special linVstoSlS 'regardless !of cost ' f * IK JiV!"!{2B SJS M' S! CKS! $ * cv 51"^^ 9 W SUNSHADES-In red, striped, white, pale blue, • . Usual prices from 3 d to i/ii To Clear from, 1d & * Sizes 11 to 1-Usual price 8/6. Sale Price 6/6 * |, Knickers to fit boys from 12 to 16 A]ff\ ©*-*?§• ft I I uZl'vZ™ fnuVhum SeVricelS? I BEST GILT LACE SAFETY-PIN-Ugal^grfj: e^card^ j £ Usual P^jj-, 37/6 / ) **«[ I I , Na lnTandles\ S rgf S A ?ram^ Van ° US * *********************************** f 60 pairs Girls' Black GLACE STRAP SHOES-Pump soles, for f SStV tt II h TS ~I~ Il J fl = '^llRiMI^ £ 1 ,'i 12% Sale Price 8/6 1 * HOOKS and EYES-ln packets Usual price Id packet * • summer, wear. Sizes 7to 10-Usual price 7/6. Sale Price 4/1 i 1 P ™ l^J n A u st % c , d , d " ls « w "h good WidJ^PM^WN * ft I; n < tr^NfPv %TiM«;wA-npq All mwk«? at * * To clear, 3 dozen Packets for 1/- * f Sizes 11 to I— Usual price 8/6 Sale Price 5/11 • leather belt. Usual prices 7/6 to 8/11 m I fi ° U %pe^Py\ow pS fo fie^ j. *********************************** 4, 36 pairs Girls' PATENT ? VAMP^ BA^R SH P OES-ln ff li?h bake ji Sale Prico 6/9 /Pll|#|il I % (V\ COQUE FEATHER BOAS— In white, 72 inches • DRESS PRESERVERS— Best quality stockingrette i £. Sizes 7to 10— Usual price g/6. Sale Price 4/11 S ************ ********** ««$& **^ $W\ M. « M,, long. Usual price 19/6. Sale Prico 13/6 * . Usual price 6d pair Sale Price 3 pairs for 1/- V Sizes 11 to I— Usual price 1 1/6. Sale Price 6/6 * jtt^¥¥¥^^¥^¥¥¥¥JF¥¥ *SS9WR'M V » *]**& Coloured COQUE NECKLETS— In heliotrope, 1 FEATHERBONE COLLAR FRAMES— Chiffon foundation with ij. 24 pairs Girls' Tan GLACE CROSS-BAR SHHOES— Narrow shape ■£ X SPECIAL * « ' « #^i^v amethyst, green, brown, reseda T silk-covered bones Usual price o.d Sale Price 6*d • Sizes 7to 10— Usual price 8/6. Sale Price 5/6 • X Iflo Bo , WASHING SUITS— In * Mi&S^ffl W W y^ESS^ Usual price 21/.- Sale Price 15/6 * HAIR-PlNS— lnvisible waved hair pins; brown and black * Sizes 11 to i— Usual price 10/6. Sale Price 8/11 * 2 ° Norfolk and Sailor * C S >^^^^^ The /Balance of our OSTRICH FEATHER ! Usual price lid packet Sale Price 12 packets for 1/3 1 J . a . a . a . a . J . a . a . a ... J#J . J . u . J . J . J#J , J . J , a , a , J .^ a . J . a . J . a . a . a . a .. a . & * . shapes! a few sUshSy sofl"3 * X * l^iiillipSßS* BOAS— AII to be cleared at very low prices * RIBBON WIRE— Good colours Sale Price 3 cards for 4d T *********************************** J T !» order to eS a Zsdv * V £ wInXBB f DRESS PLAQUET CLOSER- Usual price 1/6 yard Now 10* d f * * * J we ' will offe? thJ J «S^Wsl I * , * *********************************** £ T ™ "eßiiSi S«kS E bouts— * ,j, * whole lot at a Special Sale * » ft W^jfflSW IS^f^ • * We have a very large assortment of TRIMMING REM- * • I Stem? 1 < ta ift_u«u«i nric* 10/ a s>i« Pri fIA a/r * 5 * Prlco of 2/11 a sult - Th 9 * T U. M WmMSfflM Ws&s!& * * N ANTS, In all lengths. To be Cleared from 2d the * * 5 I »«! 11 to iZuau. Sro. 11/8 IS! pplm t/« S * * usual prices are 7/e to 42/6 * //TTk C 5 t^^^M ISiM^ 1 * Piece. Prices were originally as high as 12/6 the yard * 1 J Sizes 11 to I— Usual prlot 11/8. , Sale Prloe. 7/6 *, • * * ft I' I f W&Wwlk • *********************************** t J*****************^******^***^***** o *****************%**** , y !•■ 1 C KJ SrSBHk ' AU our DRESS TRIMMINGS aria GARNITURE in black and *f ' f 1 « , M ,, rv virT VFT cttttc; t« f,,ni^ '^k. l°fi W I » W|i * colours to be Cleared at Cost Price X Boys' and Youths' Stout CHROME SCHOOL BOOTS— Heeltip A y , /rll, IF C t 7 !„• -'C ft B W \^^^ I^^^^m^k • HAIR ROLL— By the yajd, encased in invisible net: mid, dark, • and toe plates. Sizes 10 to 13— Usual price 1 1/6. Sale Price 8/11 • ?K 1L r usual prices s^^£p*\ * * Wsßm a^^W^^K^SPßk. * light brown, and black ; two sizes Usual prices 1/6, 2/6 nf Sizes Ito s—Usual5 — Usual price 12/6. Sale Price 9/11 %t 5/ ' 7/ 'e«ii Dnimu. mm iiid mv ISB » 5 WSKW«? • ti'ii^ii'^ Mwab»J^.Se«W • Sain Prlras 1/. anrt 1/a uarri • • « • oalß rriCBS lU/O, U/B, 10/H X * Wif METAL BOXES of WHITF PINS HAtRPTNS ll* qafftv^PTN^ —----—-——--------— —^—^——i^« Boys' and Youths' Odd KNICKERS— In good strong tweeds and ft f ' W JSmm^SMSSk^ * S^ldatodb^ A u^^ -x ,** « £ sel^ es To be cleared at 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, to 10/6 '« 111 1 * *********************************** I men tfJ r numbered Ln?eduttverv a^ de^t^lth * — —^ — ™«-- CT _™___-_, } X , W l l3^i%jilw^"^^Wf^rasS£^©i%i3B9HH^\ A. i PELT Rlir.Kl PC llcunl nrlna frnm 1-1. T* Plu. 4il u«k X lllßnt IS 11111111381611 UUIIOOVjU II VCIJ ailU Uoalk W 11.11 T K. 1 1 I U****B**%U **** B **% in rotation. Order early. * Goods cannot be sent out at Sale prices f 6 * sylko embroidery COTTON-Good colour clearing line & . & unless prepaid. No booking during Sale time. f . Jf 1 * 1/3 dozen skeins • • The loss will not justify even a weeks credit. ft % * s ß2^^^^Bss^B* r^ S COLLAR SUPPORTS— I 6 supports on a card ; 2iin. and 2|in. only "R a TO* dine 4fl TVToTl'c "EFnnt Tir^Ql* * ' m ■ , . , , , r ta-pwta i rTirr ctt v m To Clear 2d oard ? J3wl ftwlllO 111 XTXvU. O £ UUUnuwl • ■■■"■■■■'^'■■'■■■■■r^" lll '" l " lll ""'"""' l l l 9 f W M^fe¥TßT% ba rnlour O s .Xseda S bTu brow,? nvv * BACK COMBS-Special line to clear during the sale f ° f "O • • tlir f ! SS PusSlpricTss . .ouru tt rr o s - f eseda ' pale blue ' brow % t n^ I . Usual price from !/6 & Clearing price 9d each j. 18 pairs Men's Patent GOLOSH LACE BOOTS-English make, I BargaillS IB MeFCerV f S Creme and White SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS-New tube shape, T ***************** ****************** £ narrow shape. Usual price ai/-. Sale Price 12/6 S ° I f AD^f L^TiJ^sA Sunß^y^S un ß^y^ 1 *********************************** i |«-ssrtass-. 0 «. t aas£ T ?5i 11l - liri ! * J "jas,^-a J 3>sfi I f .. . „ . . f Every article at the D.I.C. Sale is fresh, new I *********************************** \ % smart stripe designs * i | Ladles can obtain refreshments on the first and fashionable. f r^ f ******************* ' 1 f floor. Take the lift. £ , f 11 a i pairs Men's GLACE DER. * , ISO pairs Men's Fancy Stripe HALF • ' f I — — —————————— | ! " * 1/ s B h Y alP' H b?a E n S d7rouns sS; 4 HOSE - UsUal SPS P i Ce pprp S ri 2 cri'/6 2 pa.r ' 1 I Bargains in Gloves and Hosiery | Bargains in Fancy Goods, Leather- * y^^. Sfee^ 85S?t^ B iBJ t 33P^DE^AiSs- a yn r st£22fe I I | • ware and Pictures J v' '^ ! r^L*aS- w - ?.'- ; f f Manufacturers' Samples of FABRIC GLOVES- ' ' * All Fancy Goods, Toys, Carries, etc., at Enormous Reductions ? • /o|// o |/ SSSPftilfrouSdlcls* 11811 t ******************* IJL _L „■. « .1 % € ? Sale iprice from 6d. to 1/11 per pair • to olear. * // \ LxV] maJce, tuii round toes • * *Vf |W i 111 * » . - *4< • X. 1^4./ Usual price 24/ D. *X* Iltn lUlon'a Whttt NFCLICE * 1 / A ♦ ' m I ! j^. ___^ I Linen Bank WRITING PADS— Salt Price 9d. each & /\ . \ ls^ Sale Price ir/6 ,8 X fashion SHIRTS-Soft * U 1 ' I iSfew ,^rf^ I 1 t Five-quire Packet Ruled Bank NOTE PAPER- * \X \ T^J • * front?, stiff cuffs *' AH' f I T + h fK WJ? * Best ENVELOPES-Foreign opaque SK EX & S£2 \ \X VX\M **************** f * ?SS * ' 1 I % M^i^BSHSP attheD.l.C. 2 Silver-mounted SCENT BSTTLES-7 inches high T >^N\ X\)S * 36nalrs Men's BOX * t * * ■ % -«HflHSr ' fixed at 6 I Nickel-mount ? d TIDIES, POMADE, and TR^KeTbO^ES^ t \XI I bItP" % * $******************,- ' A Q I l^^^^^^^ Bedr ° Sk ' ♦ «— PUFF B^ES-Great value. SS 1 ' \ , 1 ffIKSpSB! t Hk ¥f¥ Wi T S A : f ..^**************** **************** f Framed panel PIC- Sale Price 10K each t U l u , al g r ! ce ?I(2 It i C<X 111 8 .1. II 1 H 3k «V * 'Antoinne" Fine BRUSSELS KID CLOVES— Very soft and * -TURES— Size mm 'Illiii J * Sale Prlce 12/B • /SGrffr^ '*'"" B "" lia ' IU *$fc 3*c pliable, 2-cord twist points; in black, tan, green, navy, * > » xioin. 1/- each iS^^^^^^^^SSSS^SSmomk T \ ifca-a-^a.a.l^a-a.a-a-a-^a.T i 1 «!o only Natural Wool STNrTTTTq J * purple, grey, beaver, pastel. Usua^pjice^/6 pah- * t • VIEW and SEASCAPE 4 **************** j fMgm>m)k 'SSeT^h^hriit $ | *********************************** f PICTURES Framed W^^^^^MiE f 20 pairs Men's Patent Golosh Dull KID LEG LACE BOOTS- !• iffiTfijmlA *"" -2/11 eaoh i - |f "TOURNAI" — Extra quality. Usual price 5/6 pair * ENGRAVING in Ameri- W^r^^^sH^B|| X Bostock make. Usual price 30/-. Sale Price 18/6 jJ: LJBhLh fj^Bj/ffl 150 only Men's Natural Wool 9 x H Sale Price 4/11 pair * can Walnut Frames TJWififii ""Iminßiir^ihi • lo ° P airs Men's BOX CALF and GLACE KID LACE BOOTS— T RSPinil^flli I! fl UNDERPANTS — Unshrink- » ft First Choice 3-Dome FRENCH CHEVRETTE KID GLOVES— • —Size 27 in. x 22 in. TsMm&l&^-^l£^^^^W. * By best English makers. Sizes 8, 9, and 10 ij. Jjfill O^fl j{ I f If I able 2/11 each W V Pique sewn, perfect fitting, in black and colours 4/11 each JBH^^^|JB»i»a^S^a^^^l 2 Usual price 20/- to 28/- Sale Price 15/8 5 Y^jfeJ! ml S Usual price 6/6 pair * Sale Price S/11 pair T Large Stock FRAMED JXSBSffiSSß&s&gMZ^i^^iM. T it'^Jj ****************** * f :{c****************** **************** T PICTURES -At . jF^iH^^^g j, ********************************%** |, CS>*jra!Sl Mr * * S JF * Oddments In KID SUEDE, DOESKIN NAPPA, CASTOR * *h ■25 per cent, reduction JSP^^SSBammmK^^^^^ 5 * * • S pla^ * I(M > Man's PYJAMA * « » * MOCHA— AII sizes in bin to pick from * ,5 TOILET REQUISITES J§SsnßmnamL^^^S^-^^^& * W pairs Men's Tan DERBY LACE BOOTS— With round- * »J« 4 fejS 3 j|ft * SUITS — The D.I.C * X ft * Marked at absurdly lew prices to clear * T —At greatly reduced j^Sag^g^yKSWHS^SSfiS^WE 1 * shape toes and welted soles; English make * .» /f, PA * famous " Cotton ado," * A ¥ *********************************** £ TirA «ts«» rmn . labtolZZ^«(i^|ffl«BMMipS * t Usual price 22/6 Sale Prloe 13/11 * *• hi Mil * smart Btr| P° designs, * » .» Ladies' Black and Tan LISLE THREAD HOSE— Sanitary dye, X L fili,W n^T fflliSMll^^r^lK ? ***************^^t * I// B Hl\ I 8^ flnlßhe( li * Jf I na^wooHee, Usual price | g^^flHHf { f W | ""'WIS f I La ls s nV«L J S f £^i"^BBHf * ' 0^ •*, «- «w f itrTl ***************** 1 I 2/6 Pair S "° Price 1/11 Palr * At 2 5 % reduction f cheapness is not necessarily the .lowest in | " TO Will T WSSarI ol SSe dS I » I^^^M^Mi ic***** ************ * " — ■— i^ "■■ l^ — """^ price. It is price for quality. D.I.C. values are • -I II iII 1 11 signs; made with the famous ' « I ,„, , * 4' All goods supplied by the D.I.C. are noted for |, unassailable. t 1 1 illltt Bi^?'r C "i, finish Hl ,r B^t ult I' f Ladles' LACE. LISLE * • their value •»•"■» «a« • I |l 1 1 |» Black Cashmere HALF HOSE— » S fjW^^W^* * HOSE-Full fashioned, * • tneirvaiue. ««»--—--——■--— —^—— —««—»■ %< U JI I nil- The D. I.C. Special Sale Value » * f^atMWfiSßk * spliced ankles; black, * f M MMMHM B^a^M^iHiB H MMHMM«^^^^ H HM^MaHi^MH * ' , ►*< II «\ 1 II If Three Pairs for 2/6 B 4? i^S^^^HHk. * twl) whlte » and opera * * T "RarCQITIG Itl lyfan'a fSlntlllTllf JL . i*\« IV Mosgiel "Heather" All-wool € i m§Mwb*m^ * "^' WW? J ! Bargains in Ladies' Footwear t Bargains in men s uotning | ai \| I^Ho^-ft 1^ s^j I I1I 1 M^»^^ I***************** ?so pairs Lades' GLACE and BUTTON BOOTS-.'Krippenorf" 1 J***************** **************** J % M$ W '5. WHjgd TIES AU =t ,| . Sa mp ,e S | ' P a teM .oecap, Sm a« shape. Usu a, price „ | { a.r h | £ <^P! .1 I of Ladies' and Children's * • * Sale Price 19/6 * tfr » ' * gFsif^na COT C T A O f MERE " * *********************************** | JM#WWWWMttI|J M#WWWWMttI| ; #<H|l#MMM#Wl|l+w J * **********************************$ I T flies' Fine Blarfc rA^MFRF wncrp - v^ul n ff\S P **a t * 2 * Ladles ' OLACIE BALMORALS— WeIted soles; half peak * T ' „, _ . „, w ' *50 STRAW BOATERS— Slightly window soiled. Usual * J sUkdox Usual prices^fi^^ * * cap. C. P, Ford make. Usual prloe 22/6: Sale Price 13/6 * f gjgk Men^Readgo -Wea^Three-Garment | J prices 6/6, 6/6' " Sale Price iAach * I {Children's Black Ribbed CASHMERE^HOSE-F'aihi^d^ies- f *********************************** | ' <fßßfr Srices^XS Jld 6 * *********************************** i 2,3,4, 5,6 Sale' Prices 1/-, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8 pair * r*%r^_ 24 dies «n at f llt i,»9 OLO . SH L t AC^ * I**s ■> Sale Woes 32%, M/e,' 6? 6 j. Ladies' Black INDIANA HOSE— Fine quality, sanitary dye X I BOOTS — "Bostock" make, Louis A A Men's Ready-to-wear Ene-lish and • o^?^&&&sm*>- *r *.' ' f oJ^tEMfcMfc^^OiMluJ&S I / W and p Ump so,e,Usua. price J»w f •»$&&?*%& I HOSE-Lar ßdy red a «d ; out in b ins ,o pick from . J -Vf J********* ********„,„,** f Xj|(OTDIJSk I Jl^^to§ia fH^li, 71$"""™ I Bargains in Sewing Machines f(\ A I "*«r.,.-affl^S I I Ml! H&k . SEUg£ffiT*T; -^-/»- . 1 »»■ ..-..-. tL \ >-M J X™? s 'u p.lmpp .l mp SO|M ' " eltMI ♦ I ImmWm WT^em f \Jfc^K K^Pll Children's GALATEA I !^T THE. IMPROVED TS i . * WaAI t «sa i tt£s.!SSrr! * I fMlll fJ» 3S M?n ' s DRE I S * . "ifLfESo* i t VI -^i "Jsssss. 4 V^»\ $*********♦****■******* t wl ll wr ******************* | *♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦******♦** **♦♦*♦*♦♦***♦♦*** , • I l^wJ"£S£— — — ■^~— " t pricei9/6 - ! "» ""• « I dHHIM I ""r.i'.TioW, o .^, i t * s » 18 '*• «« "•"• | 3 § I'IACUINE— in V 3 6 Ladies '? LA CE LACE SHOES— "Julia Marlow" make; pump A m&wtiiijiSr ******************! t ***************** *♦♦*♦*****♦*♦***** Jp 3 Pride OT&l— lf^ fflfcfc "i* - c ;>lzes 2i2 i ?> o, and 7 only. Usual price 18/6 Sale Price 8/11 T ////rBW^BHW WT.WWTW WW^VVTT J, : f ..y *'VT^ t 4 ° P odln, L e a nli e^ s °arSie A s CE u^ "SZra^o^ 5 - | /f 11 " f A special Buying Staff I. attached to th. i ' S I MACHINE— llflt;%^^^&?lW^P^l t with round-shape toes. Usual price 18/6 Sale Price 12/- T Ul H Ifij/ -In fawn and green gabardines for the best Care in Selecting gOOdS and prompt .JT I Baie e DJßoount iwte#J®^P"/-^^S^^l f ***************** i«^^^ f 111 If lined wool check. Usual price £ despatch. IHMIMn| ln th ° * ißiS^SSifeS^SS^^Sii ? ** 2 palrß Ladlßß ' CI-ACE * B^^^ 55 "^^^^ "• 118 | l|lf ' Sale Prloe 43/6, 47/6, 53/6 & ' ■ " „ #1 * HH»W^^^^^s>^^S^s2&X;'UA^- l Ai^S-^^wn v J A * KID HOUSE SHOES * », jpsplq^. • *** tflll" 11 mibU ? '<r>..»;*a>' rTiM'PPTrsciTrr* itttidp ctttt tntommtttta C\ ' /*"S Sihl and liK|>**? 3^^SS : "fi^f^&^^M^ |« * medium and' pointed * \^^ * IB lit II *-» j********* T ¥f¥rf^i|| j Speolal Sale Prices 22m., 6/11^24^., 7/11 ; 2 6in., 8/11 j f*3 \^\ light rur- ? * toes - Usual price 12/6 * TWiilhl'Vii < YvfTh »|* W-« IfM *20 only Men's Dark TWEED * • /""^ (j^H !^>^__ nL 'il llib'i^^P 1 "? * to 18/6. Sale Price 9/- * ? -^ 1 W^T l * OVERCOATS — Rang- * * ***************************** O JV| L feTtir« J ?; It 4 Lx^^x.x, * ' m&^llm^ f •SsS^WESB-*- 5 ln ? !? p ; lce . fron l 3!/l 3 ! / ; ;*? $ * * special sale trunk offer. * kF A R I EVe 7, W 4&mo#s3sWm^^f % ***************** mkd I T SS/- TO be Cleared at 26/- * •*• * BLACK OVERLANDER CABIN TRUNK— * w ST^rS A f^B S maclnnß .S^'W^S^^^ :/ V . T,- , w J ■*T2sf ■' " " I " < * -*m£Z ?J? J J . J . J , J . J .^^^* * * Rogulation size for cabin of all steamers} * k. r* O B^-^B « < lfe|^^il^^^H fully >^®#fwll# -' ■ -"" A '6 pairs Ladies' Tan GLACE KID LACE BOOTS— Pump sole, *b ******************* « * 361n. long, I4iln. deep. Usual prlco 63/- * S^lL^V^^rtß M kkWir^H I oiiarsnl.pH ■i^^^^'^^*^ ' J " "' • C. and J Clark make. Usual price 25/6 Sale Price 16/6 • * * Special Sale Price 4S/- * ! 1 IMII SB I f c fjHK^^fe^ -' * * 30 Ladies' GLACE DERBY BALMORALS— Medium toes ; English T TAILORING. ' ,5, ***************************** 1 te^TW $&& mmUmWm WWWM^ - A m?ke V , t 6 , ? ale ,, P !: ICe J 3/11 * For the Sale P «iod we have thrown out thirty lengths of TWEED, $ wwwfWWWWWWWWWW |i I I H» H m fflSm 5 y ears - V 2O p T a T irs Ladies' Tan GLACE LACE BOOTS— "Bhezt" brand • and will make to measure Men's SAC SUITS at 40/6 to 63/-, ALL RUGS, TRUNKS and other Travelling- Requisites I illl i3i illl 111 l - f PnCe 22/ ' Sale Pr ; • ■ the re^ular prices being 55/- and 70/- j, Reduced 3/- In the £ ! | I| | Wmm

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 23, 27 January 1912, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 23, 27 January 1912, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 23, 27 January 1912, Page 17