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"Undemocratic, unjuot, and intolerable" -<vas the description applied by tho Wellington City and Suburban Nolicense League yesterday to the thr-fe-Jii't&s majority principle in the Noliconso and Prohibition polls. Thanks were accorded Mr. Blirs and Mi&sWey* Mouth lor their organisation work during tlu> recent carppiiyi, and the- police were alzo thanked for thfcir services to the league in r-ospect to the chilijien'a .procession and the Town Hall me-.-Lin^t:. For the past^ eighteen months the Motorints' Association has been iv comtounication with, tha Featherston County Council re#a.rdinJ the unsatisfactory ■tate of the Rimutaiia-road for motor traffic (etates the' Wairarapa Age), aiotoriste in the district will, therefore, be pleased to lea-rn that the council has Headed to draw up plans for various itn- j pro\ements to the route. They have also given permission to the association j to erect a platform bridge over Abbott'a ! Creek afr the loot of _ the hill, ths completion of which will be greatly appreciated by motoriets The tourists' tracks through the wilds of &he CoW Lakes district are reported fey the Dunedin Stnr to be in good order. .The weather has bern good itt the vicinity traversed by the Te Anau-Mil-iorJ track, which is said to provide "the dinest walk in tiie world,'* and ibe pvosipects are altogether favourable for tourists who contemplate- doing the grand trek next w«>k. The new track from iEtfin Say (Lake Wakatipu) to Lake Te lAnau is also in fine order. The Public (Works D<?paitnient has made good progress on the work of constructing a substantial suspension bridge over the .GrceiMone River, ,and the bridge will te open for traffic abcrttt Christmas. In the statement that during the past [four years 22,214 buildings have been erected in the metropolitan area We get '(says the Sydney Daily Telegraph) a icutnalative icjea. of the great and rapid .expansion of this city. Placed together, instead 1 of tk/ttod here and there as they liave Ibsen, thoee structures would have made a city as impeding as the capitals oi several of the States, Here., irt fipite cf them, the need for residences and shops and stores and office* has never licm more insatiable. This year's ac1 :ty in. the building trade has out' a milled any of the three previous wonderful years, and even so the limit was pat, not by the public deniand, ( but by the capacity of the trade to build. Had lhe artisans been available to do the (Work, it is absolutely certain that many more buildings would have been erected. [What that Would have meant in ii> creased employment and general prosperity *c can assess only whfea w^ follow out the ramifications of building activity. The expenditure on .work* carried out iby the New South Wales Department of {Public Works during the year ended !30th June, 1811, totalled £3,102,284, or an increase of £310,406 on the previous gear's outlay. The figure* iaclude £310^076, expended on behalf of other State departments, and £101,669 for the Commonwealth Government. Details of the expenditure are i Railways and traniiways, £923;280j public buildings. £640,356} irrigation, drainage, and sewerage, £421,192) harbours and water supply, £39.1.963; local government, £331,978 ; roads, bridges, etc., £133,029 ; fibzroy dock, £63,271. The acquisition of private property for public works enlaifod iM expenditure of £71j853. Resumptions In tJonnecfcion with, the Darlin* Harbour and Rocks resumptions absorbed 1016,107, making a total expenditure to Ha,te of £4,837,611. . There were 732 Wrmanent officers ol the department drawing sn annual salary of £166,500. la addition/. there wex& 571 temporary employee* receivingan aggregate salary. pi. £109,182, and £399,929 was paid in y/a,ges to 'daily rate men. The cost of 'administration^ design, add supervision Absorbed £202,558, and represented 6.59 pt jthe total expenditure. „ Th© Variotia seaside municipalities of Sydney are considering the question, of Recking the abuses of feun-baking, and i-egulations will be drawn, up dealing jwith tite. question. ' The council* do not altogether complain, of the stm-Saking .within the enclosures, although several jtfi the aldermen at Manly noldl very strong views regarding sun-baking oh ihe beach or insid* ihe sheds. ' Alder* man Paterson, speaking on the Subject, paid the nuisance should be nipped in ihe bud. He had visited Coogee on. a Sunday afternoon and witnessed scenes where men and women loitered on the [beach for hours. In most caaes the pffenders wore costumes, but the con* iduct of some of the men was simply disgraceful. As far as Manly beach was, concerned 1 , Alderman Patei'son said that complaints had been few, but lately the practice of sun-baking was becoming abominable, and the Manly Council should take a firm stand and prevent Manly from becoming an undesirable place for visitors and surf-bathers. He jwould welcome a new ordinance to check offenders, so that women and children .patronising the beach would not have id witness any objectionable conduct. 'He strongly disagreed 1 with the Minister for Works (Mr. Arthur Griffith) "that pun-baking should be allowed at any |time on the beaches." This ie the day of "The Drummer's (Withdrawal " from country centres (rejmarked the Sydney Daily Telegraph on the 15th iiist.). Practically every commercial traveller connected with houses *" West o' George-street " closes his isaraplo caaee to-day and starts hi* (journey citywafdd. Some houses ■ call their travellers in a day or two earlier, but by far the greater number do not issue the order until Friday. That •nea-ns that merchants aHo\v themselves a week wh«r©in to deaoatch. the final of the Christmas ordere. And those orders amount to a, respectable amount. TTtere are always buyers, there always {wilt be buyers, who hesitate or put oil (urderinp; until the last moment. They, at coarse, take the risk of non-receipt in time, but that does not seem to deter them, as each year brings forth a similar crop. Nevertheless, it is an indication that merchants are allowing thoughts to stray towards the fediive fceaeon, when the edict goes forth. And ! ''the drummer"? Doets ho complain | (when he receives the order? One merchant stated yesterday that many homeloving < travellers, when Christmas was in the air, did' not wait for a notification i inquiring their mttrn, bat, leaving instructions for their batch of owkrs to foe posted, on receipt of the intimation, came quietly to town many days earlier. i So soave of them are probably in town now. The merchant was TX>sitive in his information. He knew aß'ab^ut it. He lWrt» ones a hoi&e-lovrdg traveller himself. The Matron o£ the Wellington Preebytcrian Orphanage* desires to scknowledgs with thanks Christmas donations aa fol- | iows: — St. Andrew's Sunday School, £4; Collected by Mfg. M. H. Munfc, Masterton, £1 10s ; Messrs. Campbell and Burke, ft. Hannah and Co., Walter M'Lay, W. Hughe3 (Levin). £1 Ie each; Mre. James Humgay, £1; T. 9. Young, 6s j Rev. R. In^lie and Miss Cable, 2s 6d each; also ftiStn in kind, Mrs. U. Hannah, Mrs. Flint, jriddiford-atrcet, Mrs. Haigh, Wilsonplr&ei, Mfe. Scott, Constable-street, Mr 3. ET. M'fildowney, Hobeon-stre&t, Messrs. Cooper and Carrard, W. F. figfeere, W. fe. Kellow, Y.W.C.A., and Sunshine Club. Investors in Wellington svotsidd properties will find on another page a list of properties for snle at Rona and Muritai, 3nsorte«i by Messrs. Ba^raud an<l Co., Crtjy-stj-eof;. Messrs. Hill Bros, ai'c -naking a specially of Christmas hum*, which ai'e obtainable .'it thuir, sho|T,', Cttba-sh'eei> aud Lambtoc quay. • Alesnrs. Len/iit', oi Ilawker-stret*; and yiviart-strosfc, adyortisa Christmas ggod.s i , i

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 150, 22 December 1911, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 150, 22 December 1911, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 150, 22 December 1911, Page 7