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|TO OUR CUSTO- —at the — WE RESPECTSjMERS EVERY- __ mm^ . FULLY INVITE I RALLY WE EX- ■ PINC AT THE I TEND OUR SIN- ECONOMIC AS g CERE WISHES FOR •»• -v, — JL T\'- W l. w _X» Ifl^**,, ««-J| EARLY- AS POSSI' § a happy xmas Biggest Display ol Toys and ble to-morrow, I AND PROSPEROUS _-. . , .»-. \ . . . ' \ _-„ XMAS EVE. I new year. Christmas Novelties in the City ~ 1 TTYVO Special Free Entertainment for TfWS I lUYb the Children. 1 I»J I UNDRESSED STUFFED DOLLS.— | li pprp O r the Children \\ CINEMATOGRAPHS. §j 12 In. high, 6d. ; 17 In. high, 1/-: ) cv I better quality, 1/6 ' mn ~= . COMPLETE, WITH MOVING PIC1 — The Economic ! TUttE FlLMS— Complete- In -all>d«» I WASHABLE FACE, UNDRESSED Is again the | ffiSlfetJßSSnt*" Ohlldril|lt I i^ L ts!^i)r l r^AaK aasr kwt js a La rg ers«^ e8 ' 7/6 ' io/e>aniM2/6 I Prlco 1/1 1 ;, Mother Christmas. V, . ' Prloos, 17/e, M/«, 35/-, to 3 gns. I .O.HTED UMDRESSEO DOLUB- l-SffWftStfSMl ! T """ ""Sft **" """" < "I*'" I *' I Sleeping and non-steeplrig . "Santa" from 11 a.m. i __— « I Very Special Price -fld each ( till 11 p.m. to-morrow, \ > | vary apeciai price, flfl. each Christmas Eve. [ BOYS' TRICYCLES-Strong and well* 1 JOINTED DRESSED DOLLS-iln an I > ™** Pr>oes ' W 6 and ™* I h K. s Kh al llnfis For the Children ;! postcards-** views of wemngton I Prices ed i/ and in ' — • and Suburbs, exoellant aeries * I cs>9d " l/ ■ and 1/3 Mr, Carlßobeni | wot, cd. Mn H Our Marvel Value SLEEPING ) Tho Famous Ameri- ' v • ' 1 DRESSED JOINTED DOLL^With can Ve™S ifoqu Et, X C AN NONS-^Mounted on gun carriage, i shoes and stockings; 12 In. high with his troop ii , with spring for firing peanuts or | Bargain Price, 1/11 of Talking Dolls. '. p * pfer Prtces » 6dt > M^V-i and 1/3; | special 11-Inch SQUEAKING ESQUI- entcrfafnmanT"^" 8 DOLLS' GO-CARTS— On Iron wheels * i MAUX (POLAR) DOLL— unbreak- young and old. Prices, 1/3, 1/9, 2/6, and 3/11 H able; brown plushette coat and xmas Eve, 11 a.m: to , __-__„„ M hood, celluloid face. Worth 2/- ) 10 p.m. {' ROCKING, HORSES— Nice and strong H Special Price, 1/- ■ ' " (': Prices, 3/6, 4/6, and 4/1 1 t» — . ... . h ' v Double rocker — Price, 4/1 1 H Large Assortment FUR and WOOLLY GiiriStlliaS PantOlMllHJ i , . '■ §9 ANlMALS— Rabbits, Dogs, Cats v ocn Diniun unnn n ; DOLLS' PRAMS— Special value, Iron 3 Price, 1/- each > Ktu nIUINb MUUU ' wsicais price, «/ii 3 . ifl with leathor hoods— Price, 7/11 i CHiNA TEA SETS— ) With special scenery Larger— Price, 9/11 $ Prices, 6d M 1/-, 1/3, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6 ' and living Juvenile ( 1 ___ a _ \ Actors, Actresses, v POP GUNS— Prices, 6d., 9d., and 1/I CLOCKWORK MOTOR CARS, VANS, Wild Bears, etc. \l( 1 TAXI CABS, QUACK-QUACK Xmas Evo, 11.30 a.m. .MARVEL ELEVATED RAILWAY— I DUCKS, TRACTION ENciNES > to 10 p.m. Admission '(; With clockwork car; two sizes 3 All at 1/- each by ticket only. i« Prices, 1/3 and 2/6 a.,— ,---,,-^_ t|l^ 1^ 11 _ ||| ..— _, 1,,, n \ ,| 1 — iMiiMiliiiwM lii ii. .■■—■■■;■■■ I Open from 9 a.m. till 11 p.m. To-morrow.

GiOMETHING TASTY SOMETHING TASTY 1 For XMAS DINNER I XMAS DINNER, ! i You used to look forward to MotUer'c Xmas Pudding. Experience told' you, it Would be something to fcmack your lips uver. THAT'S THE KIND OF "PUDDINGS , CAMPBELL IS , SELLING AT SUCH MODEST PRICES ! PEAK FREAN'S PLUM PUDDINGS! lib— Pack-.'d in basin, Is 2d 21b— -Packed in Basin, !is 31b— i J ack^"l in Basin, 3a 4lb— 'Packed in Basin. 4a v THEY'RE JUST LIKE MOTHER'SEVERY BIT AS TASTY I , W.\ CAMPBELL,- , 40 AND 42. MANNERS-STREET, 293. CUBA-STREET, 193, RIDDIFORD-STREET, NEWTOWN J^JEVT SEASON'S FftUIT. TO HAND. OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES! New Season's Currants, 4d lb New Valencia Raisins, 6d lb Now Heeded Raißins, 5d and 6d packet Isew Dateß, 51b for. Is New Figs, 4d and 6d box Now Figs, in layers, 6d lb Good old Figs, for cooking, 71b for Is Good old Prunes, 4d per lb Pure Honey, best quality; 6d lb XMAS HAMS! , XMAS HAMS! XMAS HAM'S! BEST QUALITY. ■% qD PER LB. THE PRICES AND QUALITY OF ALL . GROCERIES ARE RIGHT AT KIL^ATIMCK'S, GROCER, COURTENAY-PLACB. Telephone 9M. ■TT UGH DOUGLAS, 90-94, VICTORIA-ST., WELLINGTON ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER, Etc., BOOKBINDER AND PAPER-RULER. Patentee — DOUGLAS LOOSE-LEAF LEDGERS, LOOSE-LEAF PRICE BOOKS, Etc. Proprietor for N.Z. of FRING'S CHECK-FIGURE SYSTEM/ Copyright. Fring's System locates Errors in Bookkeeping as they occur, thus BALANCING pOOKS FIRST SHOT. DON'T THROW .AWAY THAT SOILED OR FADED SUIT. SEND it to us to bo Clenned or Dyod. You will be amazed by the transformation we shall effect. TJARBER'S STEAM DYE WORKS, 125, CUBA-STREET. Goods Collected and' Delivered. ,- Telephone 226. T3 EGISTER ! REGISTER ! it* ELECTRIC LAMPS. THE NEW WELSBACH. Brhnsdowß, Borgman, or Osrain, When purchasing from F. H. R. NEVILLE, 114 a, Cuba-streqt. This means a thtee months' guarantee* no matter how you break them. Phone 3115. All Metallic Lamps at 2ft 6d each. TO MOTOR CYCLISTS. MOTOR BICYCLES— AH makes Repaired and made equal to now. Satisfaction ( guaraiitoed. < Only skilled workmen employed. Nothing too difficult to repair. All parts and sundries stocked. TI-IOS. H. OATES, • Cycle and Motor Manufacturer and Importer, 133, Willis-street, opposite V.M.C.A. jf _ J" SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. THE publio arc earnestly requested to ' kindly communicate any act of cruelty to animals that may cotno under their notice to C. W. Carroll, Socretaiy, 178, (nptfoiitp G.P.O.'); ,

Ti/TERRY XMAS BARGAINS! Hero's an offer to' all Ladies— During December everything, inchiding Outing Millinery, Blouses, Stylish Washing Frocks, Handsomely Trimmed White Underskirts, Bathing, Costumes, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Hobo and Gloves, are being sold at .SPECIALLY- LOW XMAS PRICES! ' _____ • MRS. MATHEWSON, LADIES' OUTFITTER, Lainbtqn-quay. v MILLIN IMIY COLLEGE, HUME'S BUILDINGS. i 102, Willis-street. BLOCKED Shapes smartly trimmed' at MISS HAMILTON'S. •-• • Trimming Course open from December to end of January. Hours from 10-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m. THE LANGER DRESSCUTTING SCHOOL.— Classes daily, 10 to 12 and 2to 4. Evening Classes Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 9. Petone Technical School, Wednesday, 7 to 9. ■ • Ladies' Tailoring taught. Patterns Cut to any style a speciality. Tuition with or without charts. Needle-painting, Wednesday, 2 to 4.— MISS KATE STEWART, Principal, 94, Willis-street, opp. Shortt's. & BENNETT, THE LADIES' HAIRDRESSERS AND HAIRWORKERS, 123 a, CUBA-STREET, WELLINGTON. For • USEFUL XMAS PRESENTS. USEFUL XMAS PRESENTS. \Ve have a largo selection of Fancy and Toilet; Goods suitable for preeents-*-Brushes, Combs, Manicure Sets, Scents, otc, also a few Dolls with real human hair, 20s to 40s; Dolls Wigs from 7s 6d each. ' Shampooing, Massage, • Manicuring, Hairdressing, etc., by expert attendants in up-to-dato 6aloon. 'Phono 2794. Combings bought or inado up, 2s 6d per oz. XMAS GIFTS! . BE careful in selecting your i Gift. It <will bo viewed and criticised by many. Those whoie opinion you? most esteem will see it. By it may be judged your good taste and judgment— maybe your friendship and hborality. Safeguard yourself by making use of me in your selection. I have the goods that suit. I know the latest 6tvles, best makes, must suitable Gifts. CUT-GLASS, SILVERWARE TOILET-TABLE REQUISITES JEWELLERY. Goods that show refinement, novelty, richness,' at surprisingly moderate prices. See my window.- Open Evory Evening. H. LANGDON, JEWELLER. 38. WILLIS-STREET. By Special OIJRSLk!J§) His Exoellenoy Appointment The to e^rss*S& Governor. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. 48, WILLIS-STREET. fTIHE CIHOP T^OR TJRESENTS. ELECTION IS OVER. Now Buy your ' CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Select them from OUR SPLENDID STOCK. CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. mHE QHOP TOR pRESENTS. Open till 9 o'clock during December. Country Orders receive prompt attention. I^IIANK Q-EA/DY. Tel 1138. Est. 1880. P.O. Box 243 THOSE WHO DESIRE PHOTOGRAPHS Finished in a First-clasa Style, at Moderate Prices, Should call at t ALAN SPICER'S, Cuba-street (opp. Te Aro House). 'Phono 3263. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HPHE Secretary will bo in attendance A ut the Rooms, Bridge's Buildings. 119, Willis-street, on TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS; from \Q to 12.30 AU cojottiuuicatijoas .strictly esafctentisl t

QALEI ' , SALE I OHEISTMA'S SALE 1 SALE I A FEW DAYS ONLY* -•• TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS! ' y IMMENSE BARGAINS! THE WHOLE STOCK MUST GO. Calicoes, Madapolams. Longcloth, • Tucked and Plain Nainsbdk; Zephynt Prints, Cripolines, Lawn, Poplins, barges, Dress Goods, 'Hosiery, Glovek Corsets, Underclothing, Laces, Etui broideries, etc., etc. ■ ALL REDUCED. ALL TO BE SOLD. Silks, Muslins, Cretonnes, Art Mu* > ' lias, Remnants. -THEY ALL MUST GO. ' NOTA~BE'NE. WE GIVE BONUS ,OR STAMPS. VISIT SALE TO-DAY At LINDBEKG'S, TiiE CHEAPEST DRAPERS, CUBA-STREET. SALE NOW ONI VICTORIA LAUNDRY. ~™ TO KELBURNE HOUSEHOLDERS. OUR Vans CollecTand Deliver in KeU burne EVERY WEDNESDAY. # , Telephone "613. VICTORIA LAUNDRY CO., LTD., 68. HANSON-STREET.' FOR TOWNSHIPS AND PRIVATE} RESIDENCES. THE CHEAPEST, CLEANLIEST, and MOST EFFICIENT METHOI) of LIGHTING, HEATING, and COOK•ING, etc., etc., known at tho present time ia by THE BE LAITIE GAS SYSTEM. Gas Produced at from 9d per 1000 Cubio Feet. NON-EXPLOSIVB. - SIMPLE TO HANDLE. A Postcard or Telephone Message puts an Expert at y6ur service FU*SE OF COST immediately. ' R. V, • WALLS* COMPANY,' Boulcott Chambers, Boulcott-akett, WELLINGTON. Telephone 2974 . SPECIALISTS IN every .description of Hiffh-olasa DYEING and CLEANING, ESTALL'S STEAM DYEWORKS, ' (Opp. Salvation Army Barracks) 85, VIVIAN-STREET. . Note Address. • ■ Tel. 3035.' THE QUEAT ASTHMA OITJIE As prepared by H. Brittain, Chemist, it having a? big sale- Its effects are TRULY MARVELLOUS, And tho united testimony of gratotui patients pronounces it to bo 'A MIRACULOUS CURE. Price, 2s-6d' per bottle: post freo, Z*. H. BRITTAIN, ChomUt, 56, Manners-street. N.D.—H no benefit derived money vr UngljT returned. WANTED KNOWN. tF v \ Of ATT ' AND SHENNAN, HIGH-CLASS TAILORS, CObl'ER'S BUILDINGS, Opposite Evening PottTHE METALLIC SIGN* AND PLATING COMPANY., LIMITED. WORKS: 35, Nairn-street , OFFICES: 111, Customhouse-quay. Electroplatcrs in Copper, Nickel, Silver, etc. Makers of Artistic Signs, Name'pUtcs, etc. Autiquo Coppering on Cast Iron or any mettu. Avt Metal Work of every description. Skolohoa, 'Dfcaifln/v and rrico-lfets fyruiehed.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 150, 22 December 1911, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 150, 22 December 1911, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 150, 22 December 1911, Page 9