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J New & Tit I Season's If 1 The I (Bostumes I Economic I Again the Spring Season has brought with it a decided change of style in the costumes, the i tendency now > being for the very short coats, hanging quite loosely from the shoulder^, which, y when worn with the required straight, but not extremely narrow skirt, gives the desired slim I effect to all figures, as no waist line is defined. B Below are particulars of a few of the smartest numbers taken from Our large shipment just B i opened. It will be noticed that the whites and blacks, and blacks and whites are among the most § g popular designs and colourings. A visit of inspection will be esteemed a favour. fl I INEXPENSIVE COSTUMES-In cream serge; are Several Chic COSTUMES— Ift white, with flhe Mack 1 H made With plain, well-cut coats, about 28 inches , stripe, fine all-wool summer suiting; lmve short fl B l°ngj finished with self band roufld hips and Bacque coftt, with panels at Bides of the Btripe Q g trimmed groups of small white bone bnttons ; reversed; collars of coloured satin, 'outlined dttll ffl H straight falling panel skirts; coat lined Price 65/. gold braid, lftrge revers of self, with corners of W H * 'I'^'i;^^ ' » „ „. . l " c Bat J n > braided to match collars j smart, high* Hj Ml Smart, yet .useful COSTUMES— In white and black waisted skirts with rounded loose box pleats at H H striped suiting; have short, semUfitting coats, back, and hem of reversed Rtripes; the whole H g| with > three rows of black military braid over. smartly touched with pipings of black satin ; lined ■ gg lapping, rmind hips and cuffs, collars and revers silk „«.,.,-,..„.„., „,«■.»., ■» Price, d£6/C/» H H outlined black and piping of either cerise, emerald, New TUSSORE CASEMENT CLOTH COSTUME-- H B or coronation blue heading the black trimmings ; With semi-fitting coat with panels and piopeß over m Eg straight panelled skirts j coat lined white hips, piped bright red satin ; collar of black and B H ««„„ +,* „„ + » Prlce » 69 / 6 * ni l 6 B H k owtlined piping of red, and groups of B B A VERY PRETTY COSTUME— In fine cream serge, . small red ornamental btittons. The panelled skirt, B B with tan "pirt'line") has short coat, with rounded is piped and trimmed to mnt'ch Price, £6/16/8 fl H fronts, square revers of tan corded silk, ahd -. , 9 ■ collar of black satin ? enffs of black and tan to DAINTY COSTUMES— In the very newest Eton 3 fl correspond; Jplain skirt with box pleat at back; shape in soft grey satin j coat Is cut with Magyw II m lined silk. mm^ mm^ mmmmmmmmm p r i Cet £S;S/ 4 top, and is outlined band of black satin; daifvty H | A VERY NEAT AKt) STYLISH COSTUME— In coUar of fine embroidery- falls over back of nook, i fl nary lustre, with whit* pin-line ; haa short loose which has folds of black and white on inside J3 U coat, with collar, large revers, and cuffs of white edge ; plain, Well-cut corselet Bkirt Price, £8/8/* fl n and blue check lustre ; trimmed over hips with a- _ BB _ —^——^^^^^^^^^^^^ n B bands of reversed stripe and small buttons ; m y skirt with panel back and front, and deep hem NEW SUMMER BLOUSES—In white crystßline, k| g at sides of reversed stripes; lined Bilk with soft Paisley designs, Some very smart aj M __________ p r j cc> £5/15/6 , hlotiseß have just been opened— Magyar ishape, B H STYLISH COSTUMES —In light grey and black mounted ofi firm net, find vests and under-sleeves M SB striped suiting, with short, high-waisted Bacque of spotted net ? outlined fold of coloured silk to H H coat, with square collar ahd deep cuffs of black blend with Paisley Price, 15/11 H m satin with white embroidery on top ? below waist- ■"■■■■ — — , B B , line back and front are panels of black satin with Very Smart ALL'OVER • LACE *BLOUSfiS— With |i B patterns in thick self-covered pipings appliquedj narrow side frill and broad hand of insertion §3 Qj the corselet skirt has loose pleat down back, and down front and forming collar, mounted on net B B bands of satin appliqued to match coat at sides ; and well cut ; ih white and Paris shades fl m lined grey satin Price, £6/6/= « ' Price, 25/8 H I CHARMING SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY DISPLAY IN WINDOW AND I I SHOWROOM TOMORROW. | I George & Kersley, Ltd. |

MILLINERY UP TO DATE A CHARMING Display, of New SPRING MILLINERY \& now on view at MES. MATHEWSON'S, 266, LAMBTON-QUAY. Right Up-to-date Millinery in all the Newest Shades. Very smart Ready-to-wear Hata are a feature of the season's display, and these are very reasonably priced. 266, LAMBTON-QUAY. MILLINERY COLLEGE, HUME'S BUILDINGS, 102, Willis-street, Wellington. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND MODERATE PRICES At MISS HAMILTON'S. Burbetrys to Match Costume i Remodelling a Speciality. mHE LANGER DRESSCUTTING X SCHOOL.— CI*sb(SB daily, 10 to 12 Mid 2, t0 4. Evening Classes Tuesday artd Friday, 7to 9. Lower Hutt, Towft Hall, Wednesday, 3to S. Petone Technical School, Wednesday, 7 to 8. Ladies' Tailor, ing t*ught. Cut patterns a. speciality. Tnitiofi with or without charts. Needlepaintintf and Stencilling, Wednesday, 2 to 4.-Mlfs KATE STEWART, Principal, S4. Willis-st.. opp. Shortt's. f IJ O 8 B P H, • LADIES* TAILOR Costumes from £4 4s. Skirts from £1 6s, NEW SPRING GOODS TO HAND. BGULCOTT CHAMBERS, Boulcott-strtst. 'Phone 3083. STAMEORD & BENNETT. 123&, CUBA ST., WELLINGTON. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HAIRWORK Done on thß Premises. Up-to-date Saloon. Hygienic Methods, Ladies should try a bottle of The Hair Tonic, price 3s afid ss; and Royal Face Cream, price 2s 6d and 4*^ Only to be obtained from above. -Highly recommended. Combings bought or made up into any style. _ 'Phone 2794. WATCH WORDS ! THE average number of jewels* in an ordinary decent watch is seven. Thousands, of course, have less; while many have hone at all. Hitherto the price for a high-grade watch has been too expensive for Many people. Here, however, are three watches at prices to suit everybody-*-Silver Hunting Keyless Lever, IB jewels and compensated balance, £3 lZg, od. Silver Hunting Keyless Lever, 12 jewels and compensated balance, £2 IDs. Silver Hunting Keyleite Lever, 7 jewels and compensated balance, £1 17s 6d. Post Free. Guaranteed two years. H. LANGOON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, J; 38, WILLIS-STREET. JPRANK (JIUDY, Estd. 1880. 48, WILLIS-ST., Tel. 1138. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. mHE gHOP TpOR pRESENTS. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS 1 \ WATCHES A SPECIALTY. BANGLE 3, BROOCHES, CHAINS, CHOICE PENDANTS, AND NECKLETS. ENGAGEMENT RINGS. SILVER NOVELTIES, BRUSHWARE, ENAMELS. NKW ZEALAND GREENSTONE. MANUFACTURING. ENGRAVING. All Work Guaranteed. Country Orders Receive Prompt Attention mHE QHOP TOR pRESfiNTS. PE AN IC~Q. EA D Y. SOCIETY" FOR TH2 PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. THE public are earnestly requested to kindly communicate any act of cruelty to animals that may come under their fiotica to C. W. Carroll, Secretary, ftatioaal Mutual Bujldiofii

S RISKS • ' HIGH^CLASS LADHSS' TAILOR, 87, OUBA-ST. (Opp. T« Aro M«u«e). OPPORTUNITY FOR LADIES; £2 saved on each T«lor*tnade Costume at C6mp»red with prices charged by ether tailon. Fit and ntyl« t<iw*nteed. Own tnaterkt mad« up at lowest price. All work mada by tneh. "PASS THE HONEY, PLEASE !" PUT honey on the table and tailing appetites will revive wonderfully. Honey is nourishing, & (splendid appetiser; and CAMPBELL'S Prices Assure yon that you get your moneys worth her*. Pure Honey, lib block -m . 6d Pure Hon«y, in jars «* 'Bd Pure Honey, in -bottles t T *» 1«. W. CAMPBELL, 40 AND 42, MANNERS.STREET, I 293. CUBA.STREET, ' 163. RIDDIFORD-3T,. Newtown. \ rrfffjT N^OT E D Sli O P For GENUINE CHEAP GROCERIES I« KILPATOIOK'S. Why? Yon can buy good Prunes at 4d Why? You can buy packets Seeded Rai* sins at 3d Why T You can buy Fanning* Te,a at Is Ib Why? You can buy Cookihg Figs at 4d lb Why? You eah Buy 61b Dates for Is Wby? You can buy Large Safeties at 6d packet. NOTE.-'The Shop Where you Can Buy to the Beet Advantage is KILPATEIOK'S, 120 COURTENAY-PLACE. Telephone 844. TTtJGH DOUGLAS, GO-94,' VICTORIA-ST., Wellington, ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER, BOOKBINDER AND PAPER-RULER, Patentee -DOUGLAS LOOSE- LEAP LEDGERS, LOOSE.LEAF PRICE BOOKS, Eto. Proprietor for N.Z. of-FR!NG'S( CHECK-FIGURE SYSTEM, Copy. right. Friflg's System loeatei Erron in Bookkeeping aa they occur, thus BALANOING BOOKS FIRST SHOT. THE OHEAT ASTHMA CUKE As prepared by H. Britt&in, Chemist, h having a big sale. Its effects are TRULY MARVELLOUS, And the united testimony of grateful patrehts pronounces it to be A MIRACULOUS CURE. Price, 2s 6d per bottle : post free, 3s. H. BRITTAIN, Chemist, 56, Mannerß-street. N.B.— lf no benefit derived money willingly returned. If all Ale-rtiefs were Connoisseurs j GOLD TOP . ALE OLD TOP ALE Wauld have a. monopoly ot the bars. T^HE NOttT^RrTlsll.AND MER CANTIMB INSURANCE CO., LONDON AND EDINBURGH Subscribed Capital £2:750,000 Paid-up „ £637,600 Fire Funds exceed ...£3,000,000 MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO., LTD., Agents. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. THE Secretary will be in attendance . >. .& 1 :..t' lie Rooßns > Bridge's Buildings. 110, LWillis-Btreet. on TUESDAY am FRIDAY MORNINGS, from 10 to 12.30 All compußie>tiot» fcWiotly oonii<kntial.

A CLEAN SWEEP TO-MORROW I WE are goirfg to Sweep Out ell Goofo left over from our 50th Sale al NOMINAL PRICES. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD. Blankets. Sheetings, Lace Curt&ina Bed Cjuilts, Uups, Mauds, Towela Tickirtgfß, Shirkngi, Drees, Goods ' Prints, Muslins, Men's Shirts Trousers, Onderdothing Ladies' Underclothing Hosiery and Gloves Corsets, Sfcflylmtitis, Serviettes Ribbons &ad Laces ' Tft fact, EVERYTHING LEFT OVER^ ' WE GIVEJTAMPS. CALL ALL I CALL EARLY t At LINDBERG'S, CUBA-STREET, farcele Free of Charge. HOW YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR FIGURE t DISCARD your old Cornets— < more than likely they're twisted out of Bhape nnd have ft 'few bones broken here, ahd there. For the Siiwewful Spring Gown you need tho New Spring Corset. , . For the New Spring Corset PATRICK'S, OF COURSE 1 Thefe you will find the famous P.D. 6hd Warner's Rustproof Corsrfcs— the kind thfct improve the figure and retain their shfcpe. P.D. Corsete are 4s lid, 6? 6d, 6s 6d. 7s 6d, 8s llfi, fthd 12* 6d— but only tit Patrick's. Other makes we have specially rnnnufKetured lor us ftt HonSfi» ftnd tost as little bs 2? od, 2* lid. 3s lid, 6» 6d, *nd %>. lid. New Models showing to»dfty. D. S. PATRICK & CO., 195, CUBA-ST., snd 46, COURTENATPtiACE. DON'T THEOW AWAY THAT SOILED OR FADED SUIT. CjEND it to us to be Cleaned or Dyed. lO You will be amazed by the transfer* mation we shall effeot, "gARBER'S STEAM DYE WORKS, 125, CUBA-STREET. Godds Collected and Delivered. Telephone 526. DID you rise up bright und strong this morning, with Bteady herves, or were you tired and listless? If you don't get &11 the refreshment you should from yout night's Bleep, you must look to your herves. They need revitalising, ahd Marshall* Fo^pherine will do it. Ifc nourishes the herve». Price, ls, 1b 6d, and 2s 6d, nt chemists and wares. TtT ANTED KNOWN. MESTON'S UNLAUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS. Pure linpn. All Bizp«, O/(v eae^' Best Value in New 55e»,l»nd. Onl? ftt MILTON'S, Tuilor and Merctf,, \^ ANTE D_^ KNOWN, SMART HATS FOR MEN. The Utmost in Quality, in Style, i« Firri«h, Workmanship, *nd Perfect Kit. Bwt of all, the Pvioc is v ONLV 10/6. miNCAN AND MACINTOSH, Op"V««jte Opera 1 Hotrte, "^wTntrij "kkownTTT WATT AND ,<MKN'>}ANli»vb received KISW cOtfrOMff LT3NGTHS tti<l SUITINGS, SMAUt RAINPROOFS. Ladies' und Gowttemon's TaUon. COOPISR'^ BUILDINGS, Oppesile Eyentos Po»K

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 48, 25 August 1911, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 48, 25 August 1911, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 48, 25 August 1911, Page 9