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P&RT OF WELLINGTON. SlOfl WATfcit, To-day— flh 40m a.m. s iOh 6nr p.m. To-morrow— loh 80m n.m. ; lOh 68ap.m, ARRIVALS. July 31— OtteheaS, B.d, (4 p.m.), 808 ton*,. WiifeMu, ffotti Lyttrttoii, August l— Marui-oiiu s.s, (0.45 a.m.), 2698 ftms, Stntffliflg, ffottt Lytteltoft, Passengers! Sftteori--Mis{ies Arrow, Cullmaa, Witty, duho, o<3oke, Wiwy, fierring, Sflblngton, Macoh, BeuJiett, Doy» Siivage, Oootiib«, Drayton, Nurse C'umbeiiistl], Mewames Manaway, Graham, ttfwdtey and child, Burnett, Perry, Arnold. El[Mi, Horn Cfrftham atid 2 children, Addes, It6ad, I'urchas, Kout, frail, MoGfregor, MltI'liell, Hardier, fliicHftttafl, Blf James Ckrrdll, Htm. Paul, Hen. Caracrosß, 3m. fl. *\ Wigliitii. Sou, Q. tfowtdii, Hoa, Buddo, Rev. J. iXWtoti, Rev, Cotnrie, Rev. Buchanan, Rev, Purehftg, Messrs. Crow, Black, StudtoUne, Oordon, Jfotoii, Bradley, Helyer, Cross. Luke, dreen, McLaren. Speight, fetheriek,, Russell, Da^oy, Poole, Burnett, Bakef, Witty, Withers and KJfe, Kee«, Bay>ttlHl, NeWcoffle, Uriiliam, Bantati, Forbes, Bar»«jod, Aiflfrt, PeN ter. liinnen, Osborne, MbKefif.k, she.rJff, Murray, HantiaH, Pye, fitaghM, Hartley, Morgan, Mitchell, Bfughani Healy. Btoffn, MeNfta, apragg, Luke. Atklusoo, BlekTrell, Donovan, Young, SiWth, Paif&et, IH*«6ft, Siaden, Mother(Jill, Woodley, Riteßie, Thttcker, MarUn, Reid, flfadley, Gtlflllan, Robinson, Maleolffl; C 3 Bteef« August I— Nlkittf, ».B. (7 a.m.), 262 tbn«, flay, ffom Nelson. August I— Afonowal, s.s. (7.60 aju.), 8483 toft«. Rbbertson. fwm Auckland, Oieborue, and Nnpicr. Pftieenrfatß : BnJoon-=-MJsseß ingle, Meighboitr. Orfthatu. Mi's, lnnes, ftev. Father Film, Meftrfs, Mflfiohala, MflAlnine, Light, Brewlfc. Price, Rided, Innes, Kirke, Harrison, Jrtrael, FflfbJHt, dorddflj 11 steerage. August I—Hftiipirj. p.«. (10 d,.«.), 71§ tons, Hobs, from Auckland, Qisborne, and Napier, O£PAHTUR£S .Tttly 31— •Wotrttoo, ejf. (4 p.ffl,), 161 tons, Larsen, for Jfydia Bay. July 31— Kgatoro, s.B. (4.40 p.m.), 118? tonij ChristlaH, for Greymotrtli. Jtuf 31-^Rflfthiiie, 6.n, (5,S p.m.), 10,769 kat, feihei, for lyWehoii, July 31-^-MAuaroa, s,s. (6^5 p.m.), 122 tons, flttrt, for M&tueka. July 31— Tatawera, »«, (6.60 p.m.), 2008 twin. McLean, fof Nuttier, Qtebotne, and Auck< July 31^Maorj, s.s, (8 p.m.), 3899 tons, AidweU, lor LytteltW. July 81-Maaa, i.i, (8 p.m.), 184 tons, dlbeon, for Patea. , ... July dl-KttfjUni, 8.8, (8 8.ff1,), 276 t6n«, Jackson, for Wflngtmui. July 31— Queen of tile Soatli, .8,8. (B,S(J jj.m,), Harvey, for fdstdrt. July 31— Stormbird, 8.8. (9 p.ffl,), 217 totin, Donfell, (or W*mganitl. July 31— Rosrtfflond, 8,8, (fflidnight), 7SI tOng, Wallig, for Pletou, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Oiiehun^a, August i— Blenheim, s,B, (2,), 120 toss, Watsoti, fdr" Blenhelfn. VESSELS IN PORT THIS AFTERNI6N Clyde<qusy Wharf,-«^o]|ran, I'aranßkt'slfeet Whrtrf.—Poherua, Jervftis-tiuav Wlmrf^HaufljrJ and Motiowaf. Queen'B Wbfti'f.— (SOtitll) Kennedy, Mafaroa, and Sussex; (ndrth) Aorere, Eiripaka, and o{ia.w.i,, Customhouse -quay Wharf.— LMe , Taylor, Railway Whaffr^Clyde, Helen. Denny, Ko> flirt ta, 4ad Kowhai, Kifl^'# WhAff.—Ai'apawa, flula, and MspoufljsiWH UhMt-futanek*!, In Btreaai/»»Atnok«ftt. 6XP6OTBD AMRIVALi ' Wdkdtti, Lytteltou nod tsMm, Ut Kapit), Wrttigiaui, let Te Ahau, 'Nelson 'Add PictOfi, Ist NgaHeaw, OfeyaieutU, let ' Queen of the Foxtoa, Ist P^beena, Onehutfga, 2nd Wauaka, W«etport. 2nd Cdrin&di SmtHiem ports, sod Waßerflaixt, TJfflttru, Sad Poherua, ttreymouth, and Manama. Mot«ekft, 2nd Sktffflbffd, WaHgahdl, find KttpUnl, WAUfantli, 2nd M&ta, Pat«w Hid , Maori, LyttefMrn, iM Slenhdm, Blenheim, Snd filfflitangi, Chaihama, mid Lyltelton, 2nd PaUki, finiirfu, 2nd . WarrtnWO, flydneyi 2«l Afahtira, Gfeyatt>uth i ia por^i and ..Waittiea,,,Pietott, 2nd .„ Wifflfflfifd, UUflsdteMd Lyfcteltott, 3rd • "Kiripaka, Patea, 3rd • Kuitoa, Neieott.via, Tonga Bay, Bfa Wdlpofi, W^tport, 3rd Kahu, Napief via cosist, 3rd^ tnitoa/oa, Melboufffle via Sotltn, m Corlnthfc, Lyttelton, 6th ftoeaawod, Ofldmngft, ttsw fljmoutU, etb Tnrawertt, »or«i«B uorffl, «ft PtiOJeCTED DEPAHTUBII, IJikAit, Nelson and Motwk*, lit Mararoa, hyiteltota, Is 6 ' 'Kirl^Aar Patea, i«t KowhAt, aMjmouth, Ist Moflowa), Lytteltoft and Dttnedifl, lsi Nefcsofl and W«t Coast, i« Rippfe, NAptef AttA distolie, IBt Eaniii, Wangamii, let - Muk, Wttnganui. fc* Kennedy, Nelson md .W«st Coset, lM Atuere,' Patea, let Opawa. Btenhetai, M> Storm, wangaflui, lsb ffftupW, Wwtrjeft, fed Moorl. Lytteifcoo, 2nd Stormbird, Waflgasui, 2nd Queen of the South, Poxtotl, 2nd nietktteim, Bleoheiai, 2ttd Mflna, Paten, 2nd Manama, Haretoek and baya, 2nd Te Aima, Weetport, 2nd Komftta, Westpoft., aid , WaitemaiU. Auckland ti* port*. 2nd Corinna, Pkton, Neleon, BTew HynKmth, and Onehunga, 2nd W4k4tti, KAikoura and Lyttelton, 2fld WalMea, Neluoa and West Coast, 2nd Pateena, Ploton and Nelson, 2nd Wakfttn, Kjdkoura and Lyttelton, 2ndWltnmera, Auckland and Sydney, 3rd Warriiiioo, Melbourne, via Soutn, 3rd Putiki, Gretfflouth, 3rd KaJtoa, Nelson, and West Coast, 3fd Afftpftwa, Wdnganul, 3rd Kahu, Ba#t Coaat. 3rd mimarofl, Sydney direct, 4th Stisses;, LyUelkm and Dnnedlaj Sib Arahura, Picton, Neleoo, West Cocst, Uh Roaamond, Picton, Nelwn, New Plynioutb, and onehutwA, 7th Uaurotd, LyttetWn and Bunedift, 7tb Tatawera, Lyttelton asA DttnediQ, 8(b OVBR3EA VE6SBLB STBAMSRS fiOtWD FOR WELtI»OTO», Murltftl, I«f6 London 31st May via Au#< iralia, Auckland, ami Napier; due abotrt the 6th Auflßfrt. Ara»», left Plymouth 24th June, tit Cajh<own and Hobat'tj due about the 9Hi A«gas6, fi«n <rf flinmis, left New York l«th M*y f«r 'AttstraUaa and New Zealand portßj due llta August, Wslmate, left Montreal sth .Tune tla Amtfalia and Auckland; due about 14th Angus*. Byfldtord, left New York 20th Miiy vto 'AncKl««d ; <l(Ic about 16th August. , W*twera, left London 3rd June, via A«ek« land; due about «ie leth Attgwst. Cape Breton, left New York 14th .Tune, tJ* tmne6lß antf tjttelton; due nbout isth Aug. net, Ruftpehu, left London 6th July, via, flyfnoutb, Marseilles, dnez Canal, Colombo, Aid Hobafti dde AbOßt 23fd Artglist, KarAnieft, left Montreal 15th Jmie, via Australia and Auckland; due about 26th August, lmfralema, left London ISth June, via Auß> tfflJla, A4ickf*o<l, and Napier; due obout 21th August, Surrey, lefb Liverpool 24th Jims, via Capetown, Hobart, Auckland, Napier; *tie ab«nt the 30th A«fti«t. ftitnntaks, left London Bth July, Tla Auckland; due ftbotit 2nd September, Talflttt Krffc Plymouth 22nd July, via (s*p«tomv nod Hoosrt; due tbottt 4th September, Anglo ffcfcagotttftn, left New York 2nd June, vi* Anstmlia and Auckland; due *b«u« Sth icptember. WhAkAfoa, left London ah July «!* Auiir*t(a, Anckl»nd, and Napier; doe abotrt the Tth Sirtember. C»p« Ortegal, left Hew York 17th Joae, y!» AtttXtffttin, nnd AtKktand; duo oboue 13th September. Wafture, left i?ew York Ist Jaly, *la Auckland ; *lt» about 18th September. tndfftb&pali, left London 22nd July, tla. Aitttrul'ta, Auckland, and Napier; due abonb the S3fd BcptefDber. Kemt, left Liverpool 29th July, via Capetown, AdfltfaMan porte, and Auckland; due abotrt the 2nd October^ Tomoana, left New York 17th July, via Australia and AtJekhwdr; dtw flbotlt 16th Oo< tobet 1 , SaHlng Veweti, Australia, Italian ship, left Marseilles sth 'April. •y mseitAi»H. SYDNEY,, 31st July. Salted— Mitfflflw. (2 P-m.). for Vancouver, via Auckland. Ist Augvtst. Arrivetl-"Mttnul«i (9.30 a.m.), from Vfeltiogt °"' WILSON'S PROMONTORY, 31*t Jnly. fljnfotd, ittm N« York to New Zealand, fMMd hero «^»y kEWCASTt , E# 31sfc July . Sailed— ffsittffift (9 pjnJ, tor Nafier tmd WeUiflgWfl. AtjofttASfi. »m July. ; •Silled-Jfabwjrf («<& P.ffl-), * >plsdJgp 1 5 d Jg* Mr Arfived-Oceimtt <1 »an.)i tm S»n Fr'an« eieco.

WAllAftA, Ist Augttstr Sailed— Tatout (2 a.m.), for Wellington. SSW PLYMOUTH* 31st July. Sailed-oPftteena (8,30,), lor Onehuitga, NAl'lfill, 31st July. , Sailed— gfthu (10 t>.ttO, for Wellington tla the coast} Lauderdale, for flokianga. PttiTON, 3lst July. Arriwd— flora (4,60 p.tfl.) and Te Anau (6.1S p.m.). ffotn Wellington, Saued--Te Afiiut, for Nelßon. , _ NBLSON. Ist August. AMi*ed--fe- Aflfttt (1 ».«,), froffl tteton. Saited-^Te Ansui (10 a,ntj, for t>i<fton aid Wellington. FAREWELL SPIT, Ist August, Ngafiere passed east at 8 a.m. GfifitftfOtJTif, 31st July. Suited— Jfg&here (4 p.m.), for Wellington. Ist August, tolled— l'oheroa (2.15, for Wellington, LTTTELTON, 31afe July. Sftiled-'Ellfti Firth, sctaoofler, for Kaipara, SftUed-'WakEltU, fof Kaikoura tied Wellington Ist August, AfttwA-MaOHi, (7,) nad ftuatae (8 aJH.), from WetUfflion. Td sail— Maori, (8,20 p.nO. for Wellington. BLUFF, 3lßfc-July. | Sailed— Mean*, (4.20 p.m.). for Hobarfc and Melbourae, dkMO Otf Tfifi TOKGAftIRO. In addition to that sßieped at Wellington the Tofigftfift), Which aailed yesterday for Lofldoa, took the following <ssufgo '.^Vtom Lyttelton =-H9 tasks tailott, 194 tanks peltd, 632 bates wool, 3b casks oleo, 66 bales Bkiflg, 80 cMes sheep tongues, 4 casks casiHgs, 3 casks sweeplap, 10 packages sundries, Pram TUB. aftl— 42 Casks sallow, 16 casks pelts, 411 bal« Wool, 20 bates skins, 13 casks casings, 52«9 cafcaees mutton, 10,041 carcases lamb, 1 pack' age sundries, 1794 piece* mutton, From oam-flfU-^-17 bale* skins, 3 bates wool, from Duti-edlh-^99 casks tallow, ?8 Sales wowl, 120 bales sheep ski&s, 92 bales rabbit skitie, 2844 carcases mutton, 208 ft carcases laftib. 1000 crates tab* bits, 12 packages 6Uftd>ii», 109 dffttes kidney^, 4 cratee sweet*feads. Fratn Ulufl — ■ 111 cask* tallow, 11 casks pelM, 563 bales wool, 8 bales skins, 6 bales rabbits, 12 casks casings, 4518 carcases mutton, 19,600 carcases lamb, 138 bales hemp, 1500 crates rabbits, 202 sacks fescue, KENT LEFT M?ER£QOL, ' flailed adtifie Is to hand that the Federal* flottldef-Shife steamer Kent left Liverpool on Saturday. 29th July, for Capetown, Hobart, Auckland, Wellington, tytteitot), JJtmedin, and Bluff, Wellington should be reached about the 2nd October. COMING fIY THE ARAWA. The following passengers are on board the Shaw, SaviJl, stnd Albion liner Arawa, which \i due «t welllflgfcen on the 6th July from London via .Tefleriffe, Capetowa, and fiobart :-= First saloon ! Mr, ¥, W, Mtiflseil, Wellington} Mrs. aad Miss Maswell and Mr. C, Shlllltoe, Auckland. Secotid saloen! $6t Weilin§tolp-MUs C, Knight, Mrs. Homer, aud Messrs, J. Bruce, A, Horfler, A. Jager, w, Kidston, C. Knight, For Itffcteltan i Mrs, Burgees, Messrs. fi, Bur« g&as, A. G. Oarless, W, C. Hawking, For POH Chftuil§rs! Mr, A,, Mi's., and Master Shirtiag, aiid tit. J. McGregor. For Bluff.' Messte. 3, TttVendale, L. A, Ta*endale, It. WUaoa. for Auckland : Mr, A, stewar*, ThJrd'clasß! For Wellington-=Misseß Ash, Bryant, Cooper, GfiftHlis, Hamilton, Hinchltff, Hodgson, Kenny, Neweombe, Pea.fßoß, Edyle, Thorpe. tJrcphaft, WhaUey, Mesdattes Boon, Bfufflblecbthbe, fiavldEoa (21, Gerard, Hindi* Cliff, flodgson, fajis, atid Scritnidger, Messrs. Allflfl (2), Baliard, Beffidge, Brewer, BfUfflble* cofflbe, Carl«en, Ooßnoi', Davidson (2), Eadie, KIUB, Gerard, OUthrle (2), Hill, Hodgson, Ja« melon, Howard, Jensen (2), Moore, Pickebt, PaHs, Piflder, Berlmiflger, Stewart. Tnoinßdi!, Storey, Thorne, Turner, WatsOfl, willofl. The Atahura. afflted at Westport from Grey« mouth at 6 o'clock this morning, and Wa« to sail ttt aooH for Nelson, fletoa, and Wel« liflgttifl. Th# Wflimate, wllich is due at Wellington about ttie 14th August from Montreal, arrived at Melbourne on Saturday, 29Mi July. The coastal steamer ftttfu, which k at pre* setlt employed in the Gisborne'Tokotnuru Bay trade, is expected at Wellington about the middle of tfie month, Tfie fioffiata, is expected to get away for Westport topflight, The Cdrifliia, wai to sail from LyUdtOn at a o'clock this afternoon for Wellington, The Wattaka- Js to leaVe Westport at mid« right for Wellington, The Sterna, flashed working East dApe yestefday, and left in the afternoon for cv* vkt telfUW, She should be at Auckland to> night, And Will sail about Friday mottling in cotttiuua-HoH of her round trip to northern ligtithmwes. Mr. C. T, De B, WWtehouse. third mate of the Komata, sighed off the Vessel's articles this fflof&ing. Temporary wpalr* ha.te been effected to the damaged steamer Hatiroto, enabUflg the vessel » geb away frdffl ffapier Borne time tonlay fof Auckland direct, on Thursday ev^iiag she it eipected to leave Auckland for Gls< boffle, Napier, and Wellington, being due here ofi Monday, the 7th August. The t/.ti. and A. Line steamer Anglo Pata« gofiitin re^hed Melbourne last Wednesday froßi New Ifftf k. Firs* calling at Auckland the vessel is due at Wellington on the 23rd August. The rigging of the ketch Ltoie Taylor i» being thoroughly overhauled, and in conse* qtteiice the vee«et-wiU not get away for Have* lock to load for Tinmru before tsexb week. The CorjatWc is due at Wellington from Lytoeltott oa saiurdaiy, She will complete loading, and sail for London via ports on ThflWday, the 10th August. The Lauderdale got away 4mm Napier on Saturday night for Hokianga, There she will take to pan cargo of timber for Aus> tralfa. The Efl.plti Ik due at WetHngton. today from WattgantH to ondergo overhaul. She will go on the Slip in a day or so, The Tyeer lm&r Mitfitai is due At Wellington Beit Sfttordfty from London via, AtMWailan porits, Auckland, and Napier. An expected arrival at Wellington next Fri> day to the tJnion Company's collier Waiport from Westjpwti The Kaitoa it eipeoted at Wellington on Thuredfty f*o» Tonga Bay. She will leave the 6am6 day for Nelson and West Coast, The Wait«mata< is timed to leave Timaru t*day for Wellington, from which port she wilt sail to-morrow night for Napier, Gisborne, acd Auckland. The KalMwrt. left Newcastle at 9, on Saturday for Napier and Wellington. she should arrive At NApJer About Friday.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 27, 1 August 1911, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 27, 1 August 1911, Page 6

SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXXXII, Issue 27, 1 August 1911, Page 6