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— — ! — ¦¦ — f ! — ! ! — -™™ ! 11 — — { fe^iiil^!t^^|^vl;:;|^'|^^;./^^^iS^ ,a BLANKET and FLANNEL DEPT.-Continued. THIS IS THE THIS IS THE feUi oM^^oMM^W)'^ \'-\ MANCHESTER DEPT. HOSIERY BEPT. Pl^Mpiaii^illiPl^^ ¦' *^IZ'^.1 Z '^. \: 1 Sale Prices 7/6 and 9/6 the dozen t \&,\,3 u t '£ l "& •!¦ P!^| ; HOf -•>'- ' Vv ¦¦¦' > ' '>' '^" ' \" ' oeylon smßTiHos. GENDINE BAEGAINS IN THE MANCHEETER SEEV icEABI.E STOCKINGS AT &SM WOSSMMO) WmSM^€ : . -\^ .'¦!'] 6 Pieces of Superior Quality CEYLON SHIRTINGS— In good DEPABIffIHHI. effA-RPTY TJ-pmiCED PRICES P f :! f-V"*!,*S ftr^'^iil rpi? jS<^ r S-*s!iVii^SH W'^'i'V" ; .•'¦'"' 'ill jS^SS^ea^^?^ 0 «,tS?;/?nS ! HOUSE & TABLE LINENS GBEATLY REDUCED. SHAEPL¥ REDU S ' fSfiSS '^Tl W&»^^W^- -M H : Sale Price 1/4* yard D.I.C. Hosiery stocks must be greatly | y .^<S^ ?\'a.l M.-iB j! ,<*W I^^^'^U^l ' --•" ,-:^: .» -'^ " I •'! **????***?*??*??*****??*****?****** ! »z^rs?^sxs'z%^r^T. rr«Tirhr^«r teJH^^^^^ra^^ir?^^^ n * , eucc -r, M n e $ ! Ireat deal of stock to be cleared, and the prices have been t to effect this we have made radical ra- H |^.-^ n^ t |^y -;;^^4J^#^^4' V" ' v|i Ii 1^; '* i^^^.^ .1 t * EM mH>l S **% f * S n H f E pTA N N C^,« J made as attractive as possible in consequence. ductlons in the price. D.l.d. Stocking S % 3%^^'^^ 5 * REMNANTS Of FLANNELS. * Bargains are very temotins X ''^ '^t 'w^4^^W.-v ST'nX^V^ v^(fli fJ 1 1' ! i'l! ri^'l?*"l Bid J REMNANTS of FLANNELETTES. * PILLOWCASES. Bargains are very temptm*. | t-^-^^. ?A^ r^ || X REMNANTS of WINCFYQ i r " >l>l ' n »/««»-»*¦ , q t :s^.- v-irirv 1 * tiLt l " -^hS* ji *,--(.¦•' „t- k^iffiz «<• L >s».. *"- '"•^f'-*^'iS i '-)ll'? !i ' -i c X REMNANTS of BLOUSINCS * Our Cotton Pillow Cases are all made In our own work- Manufacturers' Samples in WOMEN'S and | f^&=H^HSi£^P^^ 3 1 I MUST BE CURBED OUT , | *— -*• Ca shm e re ..^g »i ndyU* || |^ fe^^^^iMfiJ^f^ g ! t*«****«*««»**********«*«***3[ *************** ** ** *************** plain black CASHMERE _ Seamless feet . %sss pso% m&ffifmffcmg m f #r ;: 1 , ii i i ii i i i i fl * 90 dozen full-size PILLOW CASES— Made from Crewd- * Usual price 2/-. Sale Price 1/3 j K'^^'iVfcl?^^' «^Cf^M i l^^-^r ' t' s*"-* C* v^^-^^li^lU^V^tr^'j;-*^-^ II 11I 1 :: j ._i^ -- ~4 lit I * son's caHco, good quality and thoroughly well made. * 1 ! b* r si^sM*'#ii<£^^ l \* I' r^ojK^ t-< HTTTTQI TQ TM?H SWF.I!!TIIfffI- 9 * Usual price Hid each. . * ************************** 1 03f4.^fS7^ pi lJllid A» AJ^LXK >3JjLJajJSaiL JLUJHJT g * Sale Price 9£d each, 9/3 dozen * * * i &&&&,-& i?;A*''<<-i.'*>-X-V t J • .-; Si.;^ 1 • -'>-,^ I ,^ I'll -h-tm-^ --«_. I * * * PLAIN BLACK LLAMA HOSE— * j J&iAi'^i^ Vl^'^'V \": ' 'Vi > .^^-.S^^ia^W^^i^^&'^^M F# AND CALICO DEPT. I ********************************** * usual price 2/3 Sale Price 1/3 * j (SSi^j*^ p| » * „. 173 Dozen Linen Finish PILLOW CASES — Full size and best ************************** | . JIWM> . ,^ ummHMllU m lMl mwmm^. feSi The D.I.C. have always been noted for their Sheetings and fl /J quality. The best wearing pillow case that can be bought *++**+>*• -r^^^^^^^ , WMMMK t » M3MMjßgm n M . m « m H. a a M^^ Calicoes; nothing stacked but the most reliable makes. I Usual price 1/4 each. Sale Price 1/2 each, 13/9 dozen PLAIN BLACK CASHMERE— Indiana Llama or Viyella \ nn^nr^reH im^'B'VT^J "ST "W^^nr^ r»< » Sheetings are either Finlay's and Horrockses', or Crewd- | Frilled PILLOW CASES— Made from Crewdson's calico, with four- Usual prices 2/6, 2/9, 2/1 1, 3/6, 3/11 J^Jr£A^ Jl^ XjHJ^ JL^jBwJOAS^ M son's. These names are a guarantee of the wi.HU... I inch frill of good muslin. Usual P-e^ each g TAN s fisJggg£sg!_*> 2/6,2/11,3/3 OT f M fWI© IWIPT I Single Bed SHEETINGS— In linen finish or twill. Usual Prices, 1 Hem-stitched PILLOW CASES-Full size and very nice quality, Usual prices 1/6, 1/9, 2/3, 2/6 JM JU^M^ M.X AxJjflLlDk MJPMSX JL* A 1/3 and 1/6 yard Sale Prices, 1/- and 1/3 yard I with deep hem-stitchmg. Usual pnce 2/3 each Sale Prices 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11 g For three-quarter beds— Linen finish or twill. Usual Prices § Sale . Prioe 3 /?* h . e PPra ' r r, lack ot Tan LA CE CASHMFRF T-Tn^F TTc, i Ladies' Vcrv Dainty MUSLIN and LACE JABOT "GIBSON" IJ 1/10 and 2/- yard Sale Prices, 1/7 and 1/9 yard B Frilled Irish Lmen PILLOW CASES — Both plam and with beauti- .j&mk, -BiacK or lan i-^^V « , £¦• liObfc- — Usual mT TAR -m tn mm frnnf- fill in wVitfp nnlv TTcini Prim il* For full-size 7 beds-Linen finish or twUL Prices g &1 embroidery. Usual prices 3/1 1, , 4/1 1 , 6/6, 8/6, 1 1/6 each Prices, 2/3, 2/6, 2 y 11 Sale Pr.ces, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3 ' I 2/3 and 2/8 yard Sale Prices, 1/11 and 2/3 yard I . . Sale Pnoßß s/b, 4/2, 5/8, 6/11 9/6 each Blaok or Tan LACE LISLE HOSE-Usua! Prices ' Sale Price, '1/- 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 2/3, 2/9, 2/11, 3/9 each I A .Very Special Quality of HORROCKSES' WIGAN SHEETING- I Hem-stitched Irish Lmen BILLOW CA ES -Plaxn an WH "¦^."SSL.T'i/?! % Ladies' Very Dainty MUSLIN and LACE PIN-ON JABOT-White feS^FSSb ° S ize tW bS S fKr PS, «ale Prices 3/IV, U e/4' 8// I,' 9//1 each «B Blac{ or Tan PLAIN LISLE HOSE-Cashmere soles onl - Pri - Price, f^,^ 1/11, 2/9 each Extra width full she Usual Price^VySl **" FANCY UNEN G °° DS ' JB **' ' Prices 1/11 2/3 2/G | Ladies' PETER PAN COLLARS-In net ite/ and sis emExtra width full size. Usual Price 0/6 yard The who|d flf OUf Enopmous stock of Tea and Tr CJoth JB| I p1 • rnTTnw HnqF T " '" !7 ' „' , broidered muslin Usual Price, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, i/o, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6, | &aie price, z/n yard sideboard and Duchess Covers, Cushion and Cosey Covers iSii Plain COTTON HOSE— In white, black, tan. Usual 2/1 1, 3/6, 3/" each £ iiiiiiiiiiiiAii ** ** ±±±±±±±*±**±±*± Table Centres, D'Oyleys, etc., will be re-marked at very BS 1 Prices, 1/11, 2/3, 2/G Saie Pnces, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11 Sale Price, lO^d, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11, 5/-, 2/6, 2/11, 3/3 each | mW *m*m M.? WWWWWWJ considerably Reduced Prices. WMM Plain Coloured LISLE HOSE-In sky, pink mole, Ladies' SOFT EMBROIDERED MUSLIN COLLARS and TIES- * SPECIAL. * QUILTS. liil reseda, amethyst, green, ivory, bronze, prunele ' WhUe only. Usual Price Bd, gd 1/- 1/3, , i/e each *58 Pairs of FINLAVS TWILLED SHEETS— For single * y W^ Usual Price, 1/11 . Sale Price, 1/7 I Sale Price, ed, 7ld, lo^d, 1/-, 1/3 each if. beds, ready for use. 5/6 the pair sjs White MARCELLA QUILTS — In our celebrated ''Standard" IHHi 8 if. if. quality, bought at old prices, splendid patterns, in three sizes Hirai Coloured LACE LISLE — In champagne, sky, pink, ;g-88-gMawMWwwfffcTOww*T<fc*^wriwmn s *3|c2tt>|t^c+3(c+3(cs)t3jt3^*^3jt j(cj}c 3sc lf. jsc^c^j jjc jjc jsc jjc^c + j^c j(t J^t 3^ Single Bed Size — Usual price 12/9 Sale Price 9/11 each lUi mastic, salmon, gold, old rose, ivory, sag-e, navy, . _ - .... , , i Three-quarter Bed Size— Usual price 14/6. Sale Price 11/9 each 9i| jjj bronze, tan. Usual Price, 2/3 Sale Price, 1/9 \ . Should cause for complaint arise in regard to lateness & 10 Pairs of Hemstitched COTTON SHEETS— Special quality, g Full Bed Size— Usual price 17/6. Sale Price 14/11 each «|| BLACK LISLE— With fancy coloured vprHml stri™ !°f delivery Or Otherwise, prompt notice should be I I larse s tagl « bed __. Usual Price, •«*££ „,„ in l£fVSS£? eaoll A "^ "^ * *"* SfrtSfSS | .bV-W to the M ? na ge Lo f B p^onatf, !„._. J • 13 Pairs of Full Bed Size Hemstitched COTTON SHEETS— | From 16/6 to 45/- Black and Coloured LISLE HOSE— With wide col- » igate tne matter. fJB Extra quality. Usual Price, 2q/6 pair Sale Price, 21/- pair I White HONEYCOMB QUlLTS— Special quality, with deep-knotted *^OT^ oured vertical stripe. Usual Price, 2/ 11 !_.__ m^ m __^ m j._ L . JI _*.^ -.-—»—- „¦_—_-—, Hemstitched IRISH J^gNgEETSj- Beds _ Usua] price 10/6 Sa!e Price g/11 eacn Sale Price, 1/9 i_ _ """1 S Sale PricSsl/G and 45/6 SS I For Full Size Beds-Usual price 19/6 Sale Price 13/6 each *************** ** ** *************** S T<W¥^ T^ TPWW 1 For full size beds : Usual Prices, 59/6 and 69/6 pair g White DAMASK QUILTS— Light and easily washed— * * JLjDUIS* A» A_J_,JS_I j§| Sale Prices, 49/6 and 57/6 pair B Single Beds — Usual prices 10/11, 14/6. Sale Prices 8/9, 11/9 each * Black, Brown, Creen, or Amethyst LISLE — With coloured * iffl Pure IRISH LINEN SHEETING— For single and double beds S Full Size Beds— Usual prices 15/6, 19/6. Sale Prices 12/11, 16/6 # vertical stripe. Usual Price, 2/9. Sale Price, 1/11 * ; "Eff H ¥^1711^ Tj> H STTISI3fV P UllCl^f H 72m.: Usual Prices, 3/1 1 and 4/" yard g white EMBROIDERED BED SPREADS-Hem-stitched * . J . Ju^. J , a . J , J J _,_, a. a. a. _._-_-_._,_. a- _a -_u«* ! J^^^-O_^J^_L#_H6 k a_nLie4J_^ X MJMiJr A. £| Sale Prices, 3/5 and 4/2 yard g For Single Beds— Usual prices 22/6, 29/6, 39/6, 49/6 59/6 *************** ******************j»c| ¦ m 9 oin.: Usual Prices, sg j and : 6/6 yard I _.-.„-.-,, Sale Prices 18/6, 25/-, 29/6, 37/6, 47/6 each l^-^,^-,^-^^^,^.,^, CT , CTMmfmmM .! BELT BUCKLES-An enormous stock of Nickel, Electroplate, B Sale Prices, 4/9 and 5/4 yard U For Full Size Beds — Usual prices 29/6, 39/6, 49/6, 69/6, Bg/6 1 c Rrn<;? Rpit Rurl-lp? Prirp? nnw fmm t/.i fn 'r/ fi *"i" i " <llc » |s^ HORROCKSES' LONGCLOTHS- 3 6in. wide. Usual Prices, yd., | Sale Prices 2«/G, 32/6, 39/6, 56/-, 75/- each Persons residing at a distance from Wellington buy on and Brass Belt Buckles. Prices range iiomi/n to 4/6 84, 9*d „»d. W J"« 'J^^V'TrSJ^' 1 l m T S TOWELS. fAe same advantage as town customers in Wellington, ™ * V eaCh I HORROCKSES' and CREWDSON'S CALICOES - 36m. .wide, tj WH ITE TURKISH TOWELS providing their order is in hand early enough for our ********************************** % Usual Prices, 7a d., 8,d., 93 d. ygd^ I B ROW|i TURKISH TOWELS. spec mf buying staff to deal with it. * BELT BUC KLES-A splendid line of Clt Buckles, in one % 1 HORROCKSES' and CREWDSON'S TWILL CALICOES— 3 6in. H STRIPE TURKISH TOWELS 1 ,1,., ,..¦ „ i,..^-.^.^^ ¦¦¦ i,,,,, ,n, M |, , * fancy shape only. Usual Price, 1/6 Now 3d each * | wide. Usual Prices, gid., ic4d., 1/- yard H WHITE KNOCKABOUT TOWELS * * 0 CKEWDSON'S INDZA LoMGa.Sfes3S I J__?J l a. - !S L __^^rHrrH_DAIIA.K TOWELS THIS IS THE . ! *************** ** ** ***?****?*?**** material for underwear m the market, beautifully fine and U-" "' '""" '¦- - ' ¦' ¦-'— — — — — - -nrr™--™, -- -^ —-.-_- min^wTi%m'»i ß "M' B vm ' COLLAR FRAMES— A Silk Chiffon Frame on featherbone fourvdu- I yet strong, 36m. wide. Usual Prices, g-|d., 11 id., 1/4 yard - H exchanged or |*TjO¥E Oel^ Affl^ bW^WT 1 tion, all sizes, in black only. Usual Price, gd. - P Sale Prices, s/6, 19/6, 13/6 dozen | returned WJU%^ Jt Jfci .JLTit-UL. _t_k_Kk_ft._»Hl_B__Lsl Jk. , Sale Price, 7^d. each i 3 6in. MADAPOLMIS-Fine and soft and specially recommended j ¦¦.¦.¦¦ wm , Mtt^____ M _..__ .._^J ' WAWnTfRH-ITT MAW TJA^ATMP PATENT WIRE DUSTERS-The '« Dust-all " flexible wire | for ladies' and children's wear. Usual Prices. S/6, 9/6, 10/6 giwu-iw iimi_-im_m— — a— iiimi-iii wii^wi**'JMiiitiUM,-i,it-rtiimmaMtfW-| WONDEKFUL CrLOVHii 3 AKG AIJN S). Dusters, for curtains, furniture, clothing, furs, etc dozen Sale Prices » 7 / 6 > 8 / 6 « 8 / 3 d< >* en I nnTTTCt X£^ FH'F-nSI 'WITTTC&ISK"B > '6C?Tnr"r'BKT/r < « XJnsaTTTVTi 1 r«T 1? ATO A Tlffr«F Usual Price, io|d Clearing Price, 84cl each j A SPECIAL MAKE, 45m. wide, in a very fine soft finish. Usual I THIS IS TMEJ JT U MMI^JOULKI IjT POSITIVE OLIiAEAIMOIii. HAIRPINS-Waved, Straight, and Holdfast; a nicp smooth fine I Price, 1/- yard Sale Price, 10/11 dozen g tp^tt* trt -b^tb-< -ra w T^Tr^TT*nn The Clove Counter is always the scena of keen excitement ; P in - Usual Price > ld l Dacket Sale plice » 6d dozen Packets | NAINSOOKS— 3Bm. wide. Usual Prices, 1/-, 1/6, 2/- yard | JO^^^ £& JS. X JJ^JrX. at our Half- Yearly Sales, because of the genuine character [ MENDING WOOL BALLS— One ounce of fine quality Black Wool I Sale Prices, 10id., 1/3, 1/8 yard | -«^^».-> — . Qf thg bargains> Theye y, nole of our stock goes on sa!e at A real bargain. Usual Price, 6d Sale Price, fl^U ball i INDIAN LINEN — 32m. wide. Usual Prices, ioid., 1/3, 1/6, 2/- yd. B T » T « t»t n<vnm ™™-»TTnTTT»rrt« reduced prices, and the following are some special rATT?><? ct<-tbt prtp ti,» k«i c,,™nvt« »v m i?¦ t- » I sale Prices, ad., 1/ej, i/3, 1/8 yd. I BAEGAINS IN SOFT FURNISHINGS. bargain. .> G^!b^i^^^^ l T^^i&T^' PS I — — ¦— — — ¦ a — " m >"¦¦ '""" ¦¦iiifc-«^-i— .l nur|njz th _ sa , e SDOCIa i reduclions will ba made on all MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. /^w. [ Sale Prlce > 1/4^ R Should any misdescnption occur, money Will be curtains and other soft furnishings. Besides this we have FABRIC GLOVES— In Lisle, Imitation d^T*^\/ >#*?& LIJNfc-JN BUI lUW ,i>blb— lhe Avon set, containing 6 cards of & refunded. quite a number of extraordinary bargains to offer. The Suede, Linen Finish, 2 or 3 dome or f#-';.M *A-f finest quality Linen Buttons, plain or two-hole Usual Price, 6d H following are leading items: — button; assorted points. %# ---'A Jff^'J pnce, 4^ set || —^•^« ,« ™ W^, nnTTnT , I Special Reductions in White and Ecru LACE CURTAINS-The From M, M, 1/-, t. 1/11 PUT V, J^f ********************************** I THIS IS THE HOUSE ™?SJZt£^ E^^JS l:>!ff:f ! I STO .F!EZ^T n E a, l^s ESS vs Ua i ; i l. E f Po! R 9 v t , E 1 , R i !r Kloine "' 8 i I ¦ LIKEN DEPT. **. .»»,: 1 5/9 - «-. <* "» W.\| | Astor ' ma " sIM! - u-«rMtTUu -«rMtTU. *^ 1.1 Sale Prices, 6/3, 7/3, 9/-, 10/9. 13/6 IMITATION SUEDE— 2 dome, 3 cord W..-W- 1 ***A*AA*iA4*sl(** *± ** *jk&********^^o,^ I RTFArHFD TABLE DAMASK— By the yard- guaranteed all 4yds. long: Usual Prices, 14/6, 17/6, 21/6, 25/6, 29/6 point; In beaver, grey, pastel, white, ife-VU. X *************** ** ** *************** | BLE p A u?e H Irish T lfn ß enrfi2t^^^ Saie Prices, 1 2 ) 6 , 14/9, 13/6, 21/6, 25/6 pair b ,ack, drab, oak, navy. Usual Price, 2/3 k±V\A CELLULOID COLLAR SUPPORTS-The « Outosfeht » Card I Usual Price, 2/6,2/^,3/6, S/" yard | ********************************** ' ' /i|wA T^ ""^ SUPP ° rtS; fl 66in wide Usual Pricf V^/u '^ ! * White and Cream FRILLED MUSLIN CURTA,NS-,n t ELB I^ m S I ?^ de^^iSnSt" F«KVW LACE fP^ La^ Or T^ P ? S; sh 4 d ffolf ! 66m. wide Usual Price, , J spo| and flora| des|gnSj ny^ |ong< Usua , Pf .j Ces in imitation aueoe.^sie^ paSj% &£^:VW4 and hocke y stlcks - Usual Prlce ' 4*d To clear at 2£d each | 72 in. wide: Usua^rig^i^^ji.^7/11 jard | W, "/B, 19/6, 2^ n/6 * imitatiqn mqcha GLOVES^ In gaunt . W|#^M *************** ** ** *************** ' TA^ N^^^ o 9^^s^£ Ibett1 bettw qualities - Usual I************** ******************s Ir^g 1 HAi a^»*sjiuw 1 1 Sale Price, 9/11, 12/9, 16/6, 21/-, 25/- dozen Cream MADRAg CURTAINS _ wi^ scolloped edge , Usual -Price, ,/xx i/§ * coiffuro - A » shades - " s ««« Price. •- M clj| h* j *************** ** ** *************** 3iyds. long:. Usual Prices 24/6, 32/6 Sale Prices, 20/-, 26/6 pr. X s>nie mcc » ** a eaon * ' * SPECIAL ' * CHILDREN'S FABRIC GLOVES From 3d pair ********************************* J | * g Pieces only of Pure BLEACHED DAMASK— In spot and * J Coloured MADRAS CURTAINS— Very handsome effect, ' 3 Jyds. ********************************** .^^.^^^.^^M^^T^Bnmmniw in rrmmmmmnvvmnm »J * floral patterns, suitable for everyday wear ; BBin. wide. * | Usual Price, 27/6 . Sale Price, 22/6 pair * n , n . . „ n<4 .. nnint hts . wr 1 I , * usual Price, 2/3 yard. Sale Price, 1/9 yard * EXTRA SPECIAL-? pairs only ALL WOOL CURTAINS- * ETN^i D^ V^ w V«V.f°iw m^ * \ The inflexible rule of the D.I.C. requires that every ********************************** B Cream ground, with dainty applique design in pinks, greens, X ' '* : article shall be disposed of during the season of 3 *************** ** ** *************** | dbl Usual Pruje 6s/- pau; Sale Pnce, 30/- pair *************** ** ** *************** j imputation. Fashion goods must not be carried o£ aTt SS^^^V^^^ RT^^^ r VI^^S& CAST OR GLOVES-2 pearl buttons; in white or natural shades; till next season, henc* the sacrifice. We find << First V and Table Napkins »,l I o e , Mtand at f GUIPURE D »ART CURTAINS-The most durable curtain ever ° all sizes Usual Price, 2/1 1 Sale Price, 2/6 | loss is the cheapest loss." U prices. These are too well known to need description as . I manufactured, 3 i and 4 yds. long. Usual Prices, 27/0. 33/6, The DI C "SPECIAL' 1 KID GLOVE— In pastel, lavender, putty,. L , 1 it is freely acknowledged that we stack by far th® best | ' 39 /6 3 49/6 Sale Prices, 23/6, 28/6, 3*/6, 43/6 cream' purple, navy, white, beaver, grey, mole, brown, green, a*"""™— » — "¦ himm»i| assortment of good Irish Table Damask in the Deminlen, 1 SWISS APPLIQUE CURTAINS— 4yds. long. Usual Prices, 42/6, Usual' Price, 4'/" ' Sa!e Pl " lce> 3/ " < pun^"B"ET#N Tr« mwv« i t, mcniTwirwTimirnnTHQ i 52/6 Sale Prices, 37/6, 45/- YO RK KID GLOVES-Pique stitched, 2 dome (real hard wear ' THIS IS THE 1 Pure IRISH LINEN TABLECLOTHS— g Cream LINEN and CRASH CURTAINS— With woven design at glove); in tan, brown, beaver, grey, white. Usual Price, 4/11 ; H Size 2 x 2yds. : Usual Prices, 6/6, 8/6, 12/6, 16/6 bottom, guaranteed to wash. Usual Prices, 32/6, 45/6 Sale Fnce, 4/3 { t™ M 'WT^'^F 4T* lthd?\irbG&. US 'Kf"B l^ Vma^>XS' H Sale Prices, 4/11, 6/9, 9/11, 13/6 each s - * Sale Prices, 28/6, 37/6 u,o, JE MLR® %J X M.MMJ TOY i Size 2 x 2*yds. : Usual Prices, 10/6 15/6, 19/6, 29/6 z p a i rs only Cream REPP CURTAINS— With stencilled border all *************** ** ** *************** , M Sale Prices, 8/9, 12/9, 15/11, 2*/6 each round, very handsome effect. Usual Price, 39/6 * „ ,„„, _ wee , n H „ rort , X : Tfe'^'P M "B5 r Pl^T'BT'"Ml|l 11 ' Size 2 x 3yds. :. Usual Prices, is/6, 21/6, 25/6, 35/6 Sale Price, 29/6 * CRANLEICH BRUSSELS KID CLOVES— 2 dome, 3 cord * ; JIJJgU JCjKL JX A MLMi M A • 1 Salo Prices, 12/9, 17/11, 21/-, 29/6 each * point; in purple, beaver, brown, navy, gresn, tan. * . m Size 2 x 3 iyds.: Usual Prices, 2i/-, 29/6,35/6, 45/6 ******************* *************** * Usual Price, 5/11 Sale Price, 4/11 * ; STAB tling RARrAINS in thp pampv rnnne I Sale Prices, 17/6, 24/8, 29/6, 38/6 each * * 5 * . ...... T i STARTLING BARGAINS IN THE FANCY GOODS, I SPECIAL' SIZES and SPECIAL QUALITIES— For extra large * 36 Pairs of CURTAINS— An assorted lot, marked at * *************** ** ** *************** ; TOYS, PERFUMERY, LEATHER GOODS, AND I dining tables. * x 2*yds. : gSl ß^^^^^ * Special Clearing Prices. * yASCOT Km pTQTJE GLOVES _ SUtched> 2 dome> 3 ord po i nt , [ ™TURE DEPARTMENT. j ¦«*^''-V^*™>gfcJiy£>Jß!f> W to \ ********************************** in beaver, brown, navy, green, and purple. Usual Pnce, 6/6 f ( j 3^^/^^ ENGRAVINGS __ ske a 6 x \ i\ v Usual Prices 4«;/6 go/6 i PORTIERES in White and Green Repp, with beautiful stencilled ¦¦¦ininum m¦¦ ¦¦¦!!¦— —mm I¦¦ iinwnwwiiiiinwni „ DlinTf > m. , rT , c .„ . To clear at 5/" 11 each \ 2i 3iY Sal'ePriceT'aV-r S7?A?Wf each ! design, 2l yds. long. Usual Price, %!- Sale Price, 22/6 «„»« v « r« CT^ 1 PriSs 1/6 V 5? A i "Sfc S' 1/ US l^ I 2i x 4yds. : Usual Prices, 39/6, 40/6, 6Q/66 Q /6 SPECIAL— 3 only SILK CHENILLE PORTIERES— Extra heavy, flfTg Tg THIS * Dozen FRAMED PICT Ws-CoWd chromol ' ' V 6 Sale Prices, 32/6, 41/-, 57/6 each ; in good mixed shades. Usual Price, 21/6 Sale Price, 11/6 each AJOLiIKI AS3 A JDLJ&I j- S uozen ikamlu uliukm Coloured chromos^ | TABLE NAPKINS— In the same qualities and designs to match Heavy HALL CURTAINS— In serge, tapestry, and chenille; all "OTTESls&tfTfclfir THi^CTD W" l& r l!P'Wf' l Sß[Ts£ r T i % 3 Dozen FRAMED PANEL PICTURES— Sepias ' I tablecloths. 22 x 22m.: Usual Prices, 10/9, 18/6, 24/6, 35/- colours, with fancy borders and dadoes. Usual Prices, 15/6, JSX.AJE»I»^jP I JEI JLJjEUJt: jfiKLKk JL HHLffi4i?y A« ; To c|efir at 1/fi . b Saie Prices, 8/11, 15/6, 19/11, 29/6 dozen I iq/6, 25/6, 35/- Sale Prices, 12/6, 16/6, 21/8, 29/6 | i oioi 0 Dozen OAK PHOTO FRAMES— For groups |i 24 x 24m. : Usual Prices, 14/6, 21/-, 28/6, 37/6 | Cream MADRAS MUSLINS— FriIIed and tasselled. Usual Prices, AL t SILK MOIRE ANTIQUE RIBBON— Gin. wide; colours as | r To clear at 11-Jd. each I . Sale Prices, 12/6, 17/8, 23/11 31/6 dozen 2 /., 2 / 6) 3/6, 4/0 Sale Prices, 1/8, 1/11, 2/9, 3/6 yard follow: Helic £ saxe, tiiac, WnT amethyst, pruneiie, moss, 50 only JAPANESE FIRE SCREENS 27X27 soii tr S i«l iSSfV/o Ar iflSiioSn Coloured MADRAS MUSLINS— In dainty colourings, suitable for myrtle, olive, reseda, electric, paon, wine, and coronation blue, j To clear at 2/11, 3/6, and 3/9 each | Sale Prices, 16/6, 24/9, 32/9, 41/-, 43/6 dozen bed hang . ings# Usual PriceS) l/6> 2 f j Usua i p rice , x / 6, 1/9 yard Sale l-rlce, 1/3, 1/6 yard | ............ ... „ t , . I The better qualities amongst the above tablecloths and g Salß Pr -, BeSj 1/3> 1/9> 2/6 yard JL pURE Sl lk MOIRE ANTIQUE and MERV COMBINA- > *************** ** ** *************** §g napkins are woven on the old-fashioned hand looms, and will 1 EXTRA SPECIAL— 3 pieces s oin. SPOT MUSLIN— White TION RIBBON— In all the latest colours. Usual Price. 2/6 yd. ! *„„ rnn . ..„.„,„.,. __„_ onnijr „ *!^ give the greatest satisfaction as regards i\ ear for which the | ground, with blue, green, and yellow spots. Usual Price, 1/3 huinwmuh a Sale Price, 1/11 yard i * 200 Coplos UNIVERSAL SONG BOOK, with music, * M best Irish linens are so justly famous. g Te be Cleared at 9d yard ¦ * containing 57 songs and vocal duets m ** 4* Wi^i********* I SPECIAL.-2 Pieces only soin. Cream SPOT MUSLIN Usual j^^************* ******************* ! * To clear at 1/11^. each *|1 ********************************* J H Price, 1/- Sale Pnce, g^d. yard 3 X r^^rr-r- , * * * cDPPi*. J I CASEMENT CLOTHS-In plain colours, also in quaint and * ALL PURE SILK SOFT FAILLE SASH RIBBON-9in. * j *************** ** ** **************^ m o, n«..hi- n« M ftow TAELPPLOTHq— size 2 x 2J- yards * 9 floral designs, all marked at Specially Tempting Prloes. * wide; o»lours as fellaw : Turqusise, sky, pink, rose, * i WORSLFY'S NEW ZEALAND spfnfrv W *37 Double DAMASK TABLECLOTHS— size 2x 2a yaras, k spfcial — ? v\pc^ nnW att woot TAQFiVTrTvTT * hello., white, cream, ooral. Usual Price, 3/11 yard * \ soo wuio^ax a i\tw bObisERY *i * with slight imperfections in the weaving; beautiful * I EAIKA bi luial.— 3 lieces only all wool CASEMLNT * " B ' ' ' Sale Price. 2/11 yard * i „ „ , To clear at «d. oach or sot of 4 for 1/- m * patterns and very fine quality. Usual Price, 29/6 each * | CLOIH— In green, rose, and fawn, 50m. wide. Usually Sold * »a» rnw, </n »« j 250 Boxes JAPANESE PAPER SERVIETTES m %6 ° sSghtly imperfect, in two sizes— breakfast and dinner * | ********************************** CHENE FL ORAL and FANCY STRIPE RIBBONS— Large ! 300 Caskets &Best& Best FRENCH TOOTH POWDER* *~& 6 S fOr 1/3 |j I us " al " iOSi IG/6 "W'Ss i M -, i M «- $ * •"gj.Vrtwar.ja ! ssr^s^ colours ' 6in - "sfi *%%?s;¦& \ g^j^jj,^™ I i^^ijrjr********* ******************* S * pink, green, and yellow. Usuai Price, 2/6 * ALL SILK GLACE RIBBONS— In black, white, ivory, cream, \ 25 Dozen best Jiklb ILL HAIR BRUSHES , m *************** ¥* W ,p^^^^^^ T^^^^^^^ g ga|Q pr| n brown, green, pruneiie, saxe, amethyst, sky, rose, \ MTCTTr T To clear at 1/3, 1/6, 1/8, 2/3 i *xi ?•? v. j TißfirrTnTHS-, x 2vds our- Irish linen S * * tabac, cinnamon, helio., seal. Übual Price— 4im., gd; S in., i/-: 12 Dozen Best BRISILL CLOTHLS BRUSHES B d^Sk Usual Price 18 6 '" SaJePrioe, 14/9 each | *************** ** ** *************** cm., 1/3 Sale Price-4*in., 7id; sin., io^d; 6in., 1/- per yard | To clear at 1,3, 1/8, 1/9, 2/3 J|

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 23, 28 January 1911, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 23, 28 January 1911, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 23, 28 January 1911, Page 17