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The Inflexible Rule of the D.I.G. requires that every fashionable article shall be disposed of during the season of importation. Fashion goods must not be carried over till next season, hence the sacrifice. We find " First Loss is the Cheapest Loss."

Conditions of B :. During the Sale every articJe in every l lament will be genuinely reduced in price. All Fa n Goods must be absolutely cleared ; the reducti- varyfng from • 20 to 75 per cent. Every Article is marked at reduced p x o in plain Red figures, which can readily be co. ired with the ordinary price, which is in Black. A rders must be accompanied with cash for amount c jrchases. Cash will be refunded if goods sent are I satisfactory, provided that the goods are retur \to the D.I.C, freight paid, in good condition, bs r : the expiry of seven days. The Guarantee is given that every art" offered at the D.I.C Sale is absolutely fresh sto: nd up-to-date in fashion.

BBBHBBaßManMßHaanaaaiMni^aK^MnßaynaßaßaaaiiMi '* - ' Shopping by Post % is quite easy, and just as satisfactory as shopping in & person. •>• When your order reaches us it is entrusted to a sWlfed •£• buyer, WHO BUYS FOR YOU-buys as he (or she) % believes from your instructions you would buy were you £ here m person, and it is this care and attention to detail I) that is responsible for the growing popularity of the ?; D.I.C. Post Order Department. w ============= - ' * Address all Orders to : .*< THE MANAGER, D.1.C., WELLINGTON. %

Absolute Clearance of all Siimme €oods in the Showroom, I „ BARGAINS TOE, ALL ! * You will, perhaps never get a better opportunity to buy that Coat, Skjirt or Hat you've had in rrnr: . ,an now, for during this clearance prices have been-cut unmercifully, and .y. utterly regardless of cost; in order to find new owners .• these garments immediately.

¦ : U MIIiE -7 DEPABTMEHT— Continued. THIS IS THE LADIES' « Ladies' TOQL --Trimmed flowers and ospreys, finished with *• tulle and ; -3. These are in shades to suit any costume, TTTKTTVIF'd^T' fli^TXY'Krfl' "WBnJf At and are p. ,^rly suitable to take the place of a bonnet., UJM MJMIiM\\jJLA\J A XXXJCW \3T X/JMiTX. »« .Origjnaiij- , 45/-, 49/6, 57/6, 69/6 # »£ u~ «« , I, NEN MArJZyXZPZX DEdDBD BAJMJAIKS IN WOMEH'S J great vr.r: rome in Paisley effects, others in plain self- and fJTTTT TIT? "EN'S UNDERCLOTHING. w colours, i j originally, 7/6, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6, 15/6 ana vniUl/JSail » UflUJiJlUiiUiiuuw. j^ NOW 3/1 s, ; 5/6, 6/6, 7/6 ** Untrimmed ST . HATS-In 'MffiS^K SBIM thlS OpportUn!ty ° f * Mlnß *° yo " r St ° Ck ,?' "f^ * Chip la wtraw and £M^SMflm^^Mi clothing. The superiority of our goods admits of ne plain d.t.c tae^SS^^^MllßMiß^ question, and they are better worth buying t/ia.i the cheap •• g lfu\o :f"si6 lllt soßds wnlch slve vefy llttle " nrtOii prlGes afa at bedrock * * Now 1/6^/ :. ; ,'3/11,4/11, 7^^^^^^^Sw ¦•*••' 5/6 ' 3J X fe^^^^^S. Ladies' LONGCLOTH NIGHT- I" >¦ >>„!,****<* '/ y ' sSc^si^^Sßl j /ra£s^9tek PRESSES— Machine made l^ri* *¥¥¥¥?-,».• • -i £ ¥?¥¥¥'l' and trimmed embroidery l£ A lot of CRt^i £ SHAPES \ «alm' ' and insertion, lace, and to* lously r .o;. ire of 4/11 *\£c^&*b* "' Usual Prices, 6/1 1, 7/6, 8/ti, M^ Some of v' ranged as s&j2%ss x %^ v /^i 10 /6' I2 A J 4/6, 17/6 high as k . /flfcfflfp^br'*' JtC \i^ Sale prtces ' 6 ' 6> 5/11> 7/6f B ' llh #V Children's S* ATS and BONNETS— Trimmed lace and /jjpP^jjfifP'l j,***************^* At ribbon. C Jy 5/6, 7/", 10/6, jia/6, 15/6 yyP^^Vfflil I ****************** yf NOW 3/11, 4/11, 7/6, 8/6, 10/6 /y^n||iy Ladies' FRENCH NICHT- .* ******,:¦; \*f \l|lJfco^ s D S S e?^«ln? S Se n *e, Wf S M X 73NGS AND FEATHERS. * 'JmSfflE*^ * h!gh "^i f* 8111111 *,, h » nd ! !* * Theses . colours and various shapes, from the stiff * /f7^lnH « JJ*SSLfIS « * wine ¦- 1 for the knockabout hats to the soft * W 1 II I artistic designs^and finished £ fealle: it. Originally 3/6 to 10/6 * I#| |/ul hand-worked beating and R.»£l t - A " redUCCd t0 1^ % nil ll Usiafprices, 25/-, 27/6, 32/6, tO ******y:y , J^********************** ll' MM «* B fea*tlK 22/6, 25/6, Cj STRAW PLA T : icice Plait in Yedda and other makes; all Jll jf| Ifll 27/8> 32/6 PH colours - Now reducetl to ld per yard II ****************** jvH afc "¦ SCARVES AND RUCHES. * Ladies' CALICO and LONG- |& * Thess £So ) Moire Silk, and In various colours, such * CLOTH COMBINATIONS B * as vie. :d, navy, tabac, etc. Originally 5/6 and 6/6 * —Trimmed embroidery, in- lAt * Now 2/6 each N "^Pyr sertion, and tucks, or lace, | s|c T&stif motifs, beading, and rib- %S& ******-„. -.£********************+*^ yeoß bons; in usual and Spencer I** ¦»¦¦¦¦¦¦ Mlir - J^ Usual Prices, 776, 8/u, o/ii, '^ TI?T r TS THE , WWI Sale Prices, 5/it, 7/«, 8/6,.8/H, « XJCLi X*9 AHA .'' S 9yn, to 14/6 &* FE-Il' • ISR BOA ; Ladies' NAINSOOK and LONGCLOTH COMBINATIONS— & "*" ' Hand-made and trimmed real Torchon lace and insertion, »# >>iin j also French and wire-gTOund Valenciennes lace, insertion, V? -*"»"' j medallions, and ribbons. ** SUNfI IDE DEPT. ' 1 u SJpSSSii&i^i^i|^^to«i§ J # ; * Ladles' CALICO and LONGCLOTH CHEMISES— * " * Trimmed embroidery, Insertion, and tucks; also with * -f * lace, insertion, and ribbons. I J Usual. Prices, 3/6, 4/6,4/11,5/6,6/11,7/6, to 11/8 J # * Sale Prices, 2/6, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, 5/11, to 8/6 I " Ladies' NAINSOOK and LONGCLOTH CHEMISES-rfand- " made and trimmed fine muslin embroidery, insertion, and •*• motifs, real Torchon and fine French or wire-ground Valea- '* * Ladies' NAINSOOK CAMISOLES and SPENCER BOD I- * Bl * CES— In an sizes, trimmed Valenciennes and T«rcnon * ¦¦ * lace and muslin or cambric embroidery and ribbons- * fli * high or low necks and puff sleeves or shoulder etnas. X * Usual prices 3/6, 3/11, 4/6, &/«, 8/11, 7/6 to «/6 * 1H * Sale Prices 2/6, 3/3, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 5/11 to 18/6 * ***********************************^m

THIS IS THE COSTUME, COAT and FROCK DEPTS. Three-quarter and Full Lengrtfi d^m^M^^ Smartly Cut TWEED SSglriSsESii COATS— SiIk lined, summer '^^^^BSA^^" * weight. Usual Price, 57/6 , j^Sß^^^g|^^ , j NOW 32/6 ysUP* *^ffl^\ Cream HERRINGBONE SERGE * «» W&' I THREE-QUARTER COATS A^^lta*^ / Usual Price, 32/6 Now 1 19/6 «£^i= :^llPw — "^ +*+*************^** 6 CRAVE NETTE COATS— E~fmßH) tmMiWh Three-quarter and full length. JS ffi? ///• WfiWk Mm Usual Price, 27/6 Now 15/6 miFf [ ./ffwl W| ACQUASCUTUM, HEPTON- _J3 &MWM W ETTE, ZAMBRENE, and ZIZS^C-XSiiSM?! 7.|lf/ MACINTOSHES. — ' W^ V '// 4/- in the £ discount hi 1 ! 1/ SICILIAN DUST COATS. ¦ l|j 1 E& 12 only Cream and Champagne ii( I F^l and Grey DUST COATS— ; , 1 \\ - Trimmed check silk collar , ; 1j l \V^ i\ and cuffs.. Prices ranging | !| I | from 43/- to 49/6 'ill I1 It » Sale Price, 29/6 | |j] I |\\ l|| ******************* n« JllJ 1 1 Ij I |u|J 1 Natural Tussore RUSSIAN ifStfl !! I 1 111 COAT— Embroidered pink in is \ H J 111 collar and cuffs. Usual Price, TOI ! j I fit 1 lIH 69/6 ? NOW 10/6 tMH }j \| | \l|| ******************* W ij \ I 1 W 8 SHANTUNG CREPE FROCKS h• \\ .' | | \l — Magyar style, in shades of 11, I ;: , s i || U wedgewood, white, helio., j§ , 1 'j! ,J js mrn[\ trimmed fancy Foulard strap- fr*|r!fHt- M~roi ll ping, Peter Pan collar of gui- II /M ll 1•? 7* « fflLJ^ pure lace. Usual Price, 45/- m Jl* h\ 1 «L~^ 12 CHECK ZEPHYR MAGYAR FROCKS— In reseda, sky, brown, and black. Originally 2§s/6 Sale Price, 19/6 S LINEN MAGYAR FROCKS— In vieux rose, butcher blue, brown, reseda. Usual Price, 39/6 Now 25/- *********************************** * * * 3 LINEN FRENOH FROCKS— Trimmed with thread In- * 3f: sertion. Usual Price, £5/5/- Now 25/- 4c *********************************** |||| THIS IS THE W7 J CORSET DEPT. /^*(Vv_ M /2wl ar & € variety of W.B. and P.D. /iH'*rsm iffl CORSETS— In all colours and / JFm XL j^/| sizes. Usual prices 3/1 1, 4/6, 7/6, / w m&MIMMY I °^ 6> 16/<6 ' Sale Prlces 2^ >1 > 3 / 6 i /C_J^\ Discontinued numbers in La Vida and ifj tiMfto v9W * white coutille. Usual prtces 27/6 if i fHIII Mff to 65/-. Sale Price 9/11 Jail Ladies> CORSETS — tin all reliable OtSLI It mafces, incfadfog the latest models VT^^OM^Wi in WB>l LaVida ' P:D -» anri W* 1 "- * V wHwwfrl 1 *""| ner > s At a discount of 18 per ..P. ¦* cent, off usual prices

COSTUME, COAT & FROCK DEPTS.— Continued WHITE PRINCESS (FROCKS. All the New Season's Goods, lessi 4/- in the £ discount. 3 only BLOUSE and SKIRT STYLE. Usual Price, 22/6 Now ie/6 6 WHITE PRINCESS FROCKS— Witfi hobble skirts, trimmed embroidery insertion. Usual Price* 25/- Sale Price* 15/6 ********#**************) s£SoMsk& ?> 25 ETON COSTUMES — Light summer *''Wms3&' weights, smartly cut skirts. Original Prices, 55/-, 79/6, to sgns. &£§££?'} Prices, 10/6 and 15/6 - ***¦********************% '' <Jm£ms^& 5 STRIPED SiaLIAN COSTUMES— Smartly cut garments. Usual Price, i IllMroSSlL l pale Blue Ch .' tck COAT and SKIRT— a JfTOmßSii^Ma Trimmed silk and braid. Usual Price, § f m^^H ************************ Ml EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN LINEN W^^^^^^P COSTUMES. 40 Assorted LIWEN COSTUMES— JncIUdN 11*§ $ IHlilliii lng 6 Ootton Shantungs, in the newl; 'l^''^^w est Russlan style, pleated basque, IP^l^lf^^^ Ptter Pan coUars - Colours: Reseda, lilJiiiilliiiyip brown, navy, vleux rose, wedgwood, WmWMtWsWlmg sk y< Original Prices, 49/6 and 59/6 pHgS) Sale Price, 29/6 ¥©§PS TUSSORE, SHANTUNG, and SUMMER SftllSi WEIGHT TWEED COSTUMES— >Pj|s %tlU ew s^P ment » having arrived just bemS*l'PMl * ore Christmas. These goods are subI^II^ISiIIb eCt t0 4j/ " in th^ £ discount Sff^Hl ************************ M'#Jll^il\ Wonderful Bargains in SHk Underskirts, 'lliPMii! lllli in Coloured Taffetas. 20 Handsome TAFFETA SKIRTS— In *i ISliHiliPft sky > eau de "Hi brown, mole, navy, '*W#MW&p£* Usual Prices, 42/-, 45/-, 63/JSsjfigw&tj^T'' Sale Price, 15/6 ***********************t 6 Pale Blue and Heliotrope CLOTH SKIRTS— UsuaI Price, 39/6 Now 10/6 5 Navy SICILIAN SKIRTS— UsuaI Price, 25/- - Now 15/Black and Navy CLOTH and SERGE SKIRTS— All less 4/- in the £ discount THIS IS THE MILLINERY DEFT. CLEARANCE OF MILLINERY. THE SUMMER HATS, TOqpES and BONNETS MUST QUIT THIS ESTABLISHMENT. crinoline and fancy jS^^T^rVS^Sstraws, trimmed rib- fKmMM^^S&H' ben, tune, and tips. N^Z^UMF^^A Original Price, sgns 'fIWSreSB&gS'JM flowets. Originaf ,v«^' ' ip^ NOW 32/6, 27/6, 25/-, S\c**> ¦/?%, Ladies' KNOC X- j%r%^ M*»~£J~, // ABOUT HATS— In W* MW rough straw, trim- $W~ Originally, 35/-, 29/6, 25/-, 21/-, sgi6 NOW 17/6, 15/6, 12/6, 10/6, 9/11 > » *>f »»»» #» »' '2f »# » #¥¥

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 23, 28 January 1911, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 23, 28 January 1911, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 23, 28 January 1911, Page 15