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I ANOTHER INSTALMENT OF STRIKING I | BARGAINS AT f ! iUMb- • I THE RENDEZVOUS OF WELLINGTON'S KEENEST DRAPERY BUYERS. 1 I STERLING GOODS AT MATCHLESS PRICES TO BE OFFERED IN THEIR I | VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS TO-MORROW. I | FASHIONABLE CREPON (Plisse # C|MSH fffM . Fp TnWBrTIAI _ J 1 1 stripe)-In novelty plat-., colours, * JRASH ROLLER TOWELLING- J 25 pleces of End of Season DRESS | | including saxe blue, brown, navy, * i^^^^^S * TWEEDS-Dcb.e width, i« wel. I *i amethyst, dead rose, and green; a * " s> **"• J assorted patterns. Usually 1/9 to | | quality usually sold at 9^d. Extra- -M- y ' # 2/11. Sale Price, 1/= per yard I B ordinary Value at s}d. yard. "fr , ■*• 3 I *H # I I COTTON CHANTUN-The most J BROWN TOWELS, with red strfipe- * 1 wanted l |*rt. of the season; aU in * J^^^ J^^J jf » «~ «* «-» good tones of sky, pmk, old rose, * - J FRENCH DE LAINE-Double width saxe blue, browns, navy, green, $ ' * J and guaranteed shrunk . Sale p ricej \ amethyst, hehotrope, etc. Actual %. ' v J , ... . g Rvalue, 9id. Sale Price to Clear, •><• * y l J | I s*d. yard. J # jj 136 in. — # 36in. MADAPOLAM— Strong, pure Jf ! * "| 1 SWISS EMBROIDERFD DIJFSS t cloth ' no dressin S. a good summer # • f» 1 .MUSLIN-White ground, with black J musHn for ladies> ™* chfidren's * * Pieces Cream KHANTONA TAF= | I sprig design; suitable for dressy # wear. New Year Sale Price, 3/ll * FETA — Double width, beautify |j I frocks. The^e will be rushed. Usual # dozen. Swashing quality. Usually lill. B | 10} d. and 1/- qualities. To be m. « c , * . V,„ ' * M I Cleared at 5.d. yard. *' * Sale Price, 1/6 per yard. | g "H" # 6| 1250 SWISS EMBROIDERED MUS= 5 40in ' Heavy Make CALICO -Spe. *■ — 1 I LIN BLOUSE LENGTHS — AH ■#] cia!lv strong and heavy, suitable for J || I white, splendid wearing, and all in •&- pillow cases and anrons. Usual 2 Pieces only Black CHIFFON TAP- H I S!£2iK%-. B ya^a.^/ i s j "*• "trf,. 2: y - ** s mta *«-««»• 1 the length. * Pric *' 8 / 6 do2en ' J special. Sale Price, 2/6 per yard. I 8 _jk „„„„„„„,„„ mm ii K| iimi _____ 1 I A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN LADIES 1 COLOURED MOIRfETTE UNDERSKIRTS 3 1 Usually 4/6 How 2/6 | GKREAT '"" tf= ~~^iA MERRY CHRISTMAS! END-OF-SEASON SALE ! . I And V PLENTY BARGAINS HUNDREDS of Trimmed Hats at 6s T3T?ntTOnnTiTAT t>t A "\rr\a niw n n 01, i • '„_ -, „,, lid, 10s 6d, 12s 6d each. BJl.Uib IJi<JL_V PIAINOS. ?„ »^ }o th Shelving 2d od 4^d ' ' Jlablo GUI Baize, Ib, Is 3d A Splendid Range of Untrimmcd Shapes, __ Tapesicy Mantel Drape, 3d, 4d, 4id, 6d Is 6d and Is lid. " Blouse Pieces, 6£d, B^d, 10^d, Is White Muslin Robes, Blouses, etc., etc., mHE World's Greatest Musicians prefer *'"%! Udf 2S 6d> 2a to clear at ridiculously low prices. this Grand Instrument to any other, Ma.raelia Quilts, 4s lid, 5s 6d, 5s lid SALE NOW ON! SALE NOW ONI for its Purity of Tone and Excellence of Hcceycomb Quilts, 2s 'lid, 3s 6d, 3s lid SALE NOW ONI SALE NOW ON4 Construction. T '«P LAce Curtains, Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid pair MRS. MATHEWSON, MORE BECI-ISTEIN PIANOS ARE ' r will Sheeting, 6^d, 7£d, B^d, 10^d 266, LAMBTON-QUAT. IMPORTED INTO ENGLAND THAN Si^CrTonne^fo^V «m 'i, n r , 2 , M ■ • ALL THE OTHER MANUFACTURES, for 1" M, Is lid, 2s 6<t MILLINER T SCHOOL, IN THE WORLD PUT TOGETHER. 6yds Flannelette for Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s '64 HUME'S BUILDINGS, Tablecovers, 7£d, 9id, Is, Is 6d 102, Willis-street, Wellington. Before buying , pianQ> and gj^^a \^ 2g 6d mHE LEADING SCHOOL OF THE our stook of Fi"t-olass Instruments. LOVELY GOODS— VERY CHEAP. -1 DOMINION. ' _ — Embroideries, l^d, 2d, 2^d, 3d, 3^l Day and Evening Classes held. PhT'wnf V,- 64 , ?f o1?o 1 ? H i ld M MISS M. HAMPTON, Milliner. THE BRITISH AND^ONTIN^NTAL S^s SS" mHE L ANGER DRSSSCUTTLNG ,- wtttts «4TPVfrT WF PTVI? S-r^P^nl l^ 1 SCHOOL.-Miss Kate Stewart begs 55> WILLIS-&TREET. WE GIVE STAMPS OR A to announce that the Dresscutting Classes Sole A ™ ents patt w apt v BoNU Swill resume on Monday, 30th January, bole Agents. CALL IiARLY when she will be m attenditnca to enrol Where y° u Best Value and Most for pupils. Clashes daily, 10 to 12 and 2to W Money— that is 4. Evening ckbses Tuesday and Friday LINBBERG'S. from 7to 9 p.m. Agents required for rn-Ttj a omnnp-n country districts. Miss Ivate Stewart, C-UiJA-blKJiiliji. Principal, Langer Dresscutting School, 94, , l J ai-ceis Free. Willis-street, opp. Shortf a. 'HU ° H DOUGLAS. T ~~~" DISTRESSING BLEMISHES. 9.0-94, VICTORIA-ST., Wellington, Tel 11M Established 188 °- q ACCOUNT, BOOK MANUFACTURER, nii i ¥T r /-•< -o t tt ' "-yiOLET SNOW" CEEAM is a posi- Etc., JV J& AN X (jIIADY, live remedy for superfluous hair BOOKBINDER AxND PAPER-RULER. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER An excellent depilatory is enclosed with ■evj.viiiYi.uivutt, j.Li\yiju.u£j£v, every bottle. Price 4s 6d. Mcc, Salek, Pa t entee _ DOUGLAS LOOSE -LEAF WILLIS - STREET - WELLINGTON. Perrett, and leading chemists. LEDGERS, LOOSE-LEAF PRICE BOOKS, Etc. NEW GOODS _ ATVr ™ ... ' . . , . Proprietor for N.Z. of— FRJNG'S !?„, J^ADIES with prematurely grey hair CHECK-FIGURE SYSTEM, Copy- For should use ths "HEMSLEY BUR- " g ' NEW YEA RFring'a System locates Errors in BookNET" HAIR RESTORER (refuse substK J^^ool^Flß^SHOt! BALANC " HE SHOPS H0P F° R P RESENTS - tuies). Price 4s 9d. Leading chemists. ■ • .—.. — . . — — ~ — — mHE reason why we do all work well Five Per Cent - discount for Cash. RS « ■v * B W TnE ■ *"°H'lJlexion J. and at Buch reasonable ptrices-We • -Specialist, fehamijooing, Hair and employ the largest staff of first-class Manufacturing. ■ Repairing, bcalp Treatment A Barker electric hair tradesmen in the^city. We use only the Engraving. Diamond Setting dryer used for drying the t»»r Manicure best of material. We guarantee all work — and Chiropody. Barkers latest vibrator i. n u ft A nri a anfUfo-tn-iT- -•«<+ r.0,.,™.i ™t for Face an P d Body Massage The London J^AC^^^^^.iSiSJ PRANK GRADY. Lancet the leading medical journal, .and { £ cc- Write or Ring. Telephones : Cte vjxtri.^ j. London Medical Eleccrqiogy, highly recom- 2 043. Karori 2316. * — mend the Barker Vibrator for nerve TTTn<3 a tPTPTTC n^^« o »^_ TTTarn i ™mTTvrc! troubles, electrolvdis. The only perma- THOS. A. WELLS. Decorator. JUST A FEW LINES nent cure for supertiuous hair. "'Holston- — . About Our Many Stj'les of Headwear, leigh." 136. Oriental Ba.v. Tel. 1850. OOST FREE.— Arsenlcirt Pills, la 6d; Wo Crown Man y Heads in This City. i Certicura Soap, Is; Spring ' Blossom Because the various New Jar O S E P H t Soap, 6d : "Hawkins's Instant Relief * » Styles represent everything good • LADIES* TAILOR Asthma Powder." 1b and 2a tin ; Spring and smart that is produced by the most Fi»e Show of M.. 8— Good, on | feS f Bl^in^S ""^l^" U M.nner, *«. <__-. r..» B^T-aHK. *. £1 a.. SdV d: SoKS^r d ILS"AS ___*»______!_________ Ladies' Own Material Made Up. sale Druggists, or Mrs. Louisa Hawkins W A NT iU D KNOWN. BOULCOTT CHAMBERS, Georae-etrest. Dunedio, » ? cl^i^v 'Phone 3085 Boulcott - 6 . treet - . LADIES- and GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR, NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT ONE Morrah's Buildings, WILLISST., _, _ _, Of Is showing best English-made Goods ; also -D-d Am AommrA nTT-D-P M AX KEEISS^' S ICE CHESTS! New Zealand-s,ado Materials equal ia (^JiLAI AfeIJdJMA OUUJi XltX It win Bave itß O wn cost in the first texture and desmn tp am-thin. imported As prepared by H. Brittain, Chemist, ia twelve months, and will last for a life- -^-vry A N T E r> KNOWN having a hi* sale Its effects are t™ 6 - An y perishable article placed in the W Z. trtttv MABViriTnns chest WiU be kepfc Perfectly fresh and ROYS' RPfTnOT X^rrKTr-Rti n« Q a TBULY MARVELLOUS, veet in the uot t e st weather, and nearly v -»"ur,, bu , HUULI DICKERS.— Does _nd the united testimony of grateful at freezing point. Please write for cata- Z™ r p h V3 d . a ? eW > BtmS hu f patients pronounces it to be logue to V ete - „ Th ,W* ehc jP and strong, mads MAX KREISSIG m 6 Ntlvv Serge. A MIRACULOUS CURE. Ice Ohegt &nd Airfci ht Sho^ca^ Manu . Plain Knickers, 2s 6d, 2s lid, 3s 6d, 4s 6<J Prioe, 2s 6d per bottle ; post free, 3s. facturer, Stra P an <* Button, 5s 6d, 5s 9d, 6s, 6s 6d. H. BRITTAIN, 32 and 34, Little Taranaki-utreet. DUNCAN AND MACINTOSH, Chemist. 56. Manners-street. 'Phone 2499. Opposite Opera House. N.B. — If no benefit derived money wil- ~~ ~" linglT retUrne - _. LADIES' COSTUMES! WANT E D _ KNOff * 'PHONE 2349. "P 1 " 115 drapery sales are now on; Ladiee vyATT AND SHENN4N ■pOR TAXI-CABS or TOURING tageouT'puSas^'V irtSf tfkini^: - ATT A ™ BHENNAnI X 1 CARS Ring up 2349. vantage of our prices for making. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S TAILORS; ARCADIA TAXI AND TOURING CAR * Linens made up from 22s 6d each. Cooper's Buildings, opp. Evening Post SERVICE. Tweeds from 455. Careful Drivers," Reliable Cabs and Cars. THE WELLIN GTON TWEED CO ?**¥ RADFORD'S FOR FURNITURE. Long or Short Journeys Undertaken. Qld p Q BuildinS) Ghuznee , Bt " , STAND— Opposit* PTJBLIC TRUST. ~— W^ ls ca r f y a good stock of reliable vmmTTfVNr n- v\TTTAXiTtP -itt Furniture, Carpets, Linoleump, BedAUUJUIUW^VALUABLE OIL ct __ d . Bn{] Bedding . a]go Crockery and ¥> TOURING CAR CO. Ironmongery, and furnish throughout at 'Phone 59. Victoria lowest prices, cash or ternu. 50, MannersSpecial Terms to Doctors and Commercial (Under Vice-Regal Patronage), — 1 At T. BBADNALL AND BON'S. SOC^ R^^ S AP A P N gff T grIONg rI0N Ta^i-Cars at ordinary cab rates. rpHE^ public revested X|LAKE ANi CARLISLE, TRY RADFORD'S FOR FURNITURE. ZilV^Tc" W^^CsolrZfy -3-* General Carriers, m-mrnnA-b-na Z — en „, , , National Mutual Buildings. ' Customs and Forwarding Agents, QIDEBOARDS from 50s, Wardrobes — — — , , . 11, Hunter-street. Telephone 2617 *£ g *°%g£M TxE^S^ °* 19,Pirie^reet ' Telephone 1605. g^ro!?' £%£•&£?£*& T*^^*^ j^i»™ Fuvmtura Carefully Removed by Expen- Couches 27s 6d Estimates given. RAD- 119 Willis street on TT^ln\V- SS J

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 20, 25 January 1911, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 20, 25 January 1911, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 20, 25 January 1911, Page 9