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I io? L t_a E ?n_. A FM.h BA ja A^^^ 7 p^ 8 erea p t^c yy e reduced in I j S^^'^^TiSS.SS: Extraordinary H __r^gg_oT^: I I ißin. wide; beautifully embroidered T\^ vnftn .i^ n 3to 4 in. wide, effective Clunv pat- 1 1 silk patterns. Usual Price, 4/6. Ban&lllS terns ' suitable for making-" bed- 1 I New Year Sale Price, 1/11 per yard. uai&ailL* spreads, pillowshams, etc. Usual I I NEW VEILING* AT «.. YARD. jfl "™ I I 3310 Yards of the Very Latest VEIL- m 1 ' » H ING — In plain and fancy mesh; SUIT-ALL TORCHON LACE fl p brown, green, heliotrope, magpie, T OfA»C BARGAIN. I I navy blue, etc. ; every length guaran- i/a^Vj 200 Dozen Fine TORCHON EDG- I I teed to wear well. Usual Prices, 1/3, INGS and INSERTIONS— Extra fine k_ 1 i/6, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3 yard. New Year VpiiltiCKC linen nnisn > guaranteed to wash and | I Sale Price, 6cl. per yard. V Wiillgo wear equally as good as real torchon, 1 I ——-—-—--—---—-■—--——--—--———-— 'all widths from Ito 4in. New Year 1 I BLACK NET VEILINGS AT LESS KmhmifSpnVc Sale Pr «ces, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3 I I THAN HALF PRICE. ElUulUluCllCi par dozen yards. | I fi£=S l iSS d ____f T^__: Flnimrinir« ~- E NEW corset cover uaoe I yard. New Year Sale Price, 9d. yard. Chiffn-nn T 1 ■/, Wlde> scolloped with holes | I — _ LfllllOflS for ribbon threading ; a very dainty 1 I "MERRY WIDOW" BLAOIC NET camisole for present wear. Usually 1 I veiling. r«:iM MM ~ A sold at 2/6> New Year Sale prloe » I I 12 Pieces of 2 7 in "iSe CHENILLE FrilllllgS " U P er *««' I I SPOTTED NET VEILING-Rus- PLEATINGS AND FRILLING 1 I sian net pound, extra wide for large I^liriiinp-C REDUCED. 1 I hats. Usual rnce, 1/6 per yard. IVUVilllisO ao Boxes ACCORDFON PT FATFn 1 I New Year Sale Price, 9d. per yard. * CHIFFON -6b wid!^ vvkh ™ 1 I EMBROIDERIES AT NEW YEAR EtC. 1 I 10,800 Yards of LONGCLOTH EM- fl^vJ^k PHco' 1 1 BROIDERIES-Edgings and inser- ■■i— ■■■■■ lh V^ll% 24 yards fir 1/11 I i tions to match; good, open, effective Bn Bnvi ?HTFKnT? RnrmwrQ 1 1 patterns worked on fine longcloth. p Ar ?o Boxes CHIF_ ON RUCHINGS— £ 1 Now on sale at half usual price. * Or J? white, cream black pink, and 1. I New Year Sale Prices, 3d., 4^d., 6d. suitable for neck Jrilhngs. 1 1 ncr yard TBTP^I^AV Usually 6d. per yard. New Year Sale i I _. , pel yy J T " TATr , TNTr , _, r laJ^WAY Prlce 1/e per do2en yards -, n box |. g 14 Pieces of 12m. FLOUNCING EM- complete. fl I BROlDEßY— Effective open designs aß[^[ s i n . w id e PLEATED CHANTILLY I I for underskirt flounces strong cam- LACE— In black; the new millinery 1 I bnc specially adapted? for hard wear. wg7n«D e ni V pleating. Usual Price, 1/- per yard. I I Usual Price, 1/6 per yard. New WflitfWfo&WAY New Year Saie Price, 6d. per yard; I I Year Sale Price, 1/- per yard. 5/6 pe r dozen yards. I I PLEASE NOTE— I - | "The Economic" will-Remain Open ALL DAY WEDNESDAYy— 2Sth | I tat— w_^___i!_j— __i— f_ w___ra__^ — - a

END OE SEASON SALE 1 I/ DIBS - - «-*« tl^^^^^^^^JSTMAS V J_JN JJ-Ul! -biliAoUJN bAJjJ_ JLi mendous Bargams in Drapery. If And • you want to spond 6d, Is or £1, try PLENTY BARGAINS HUNDREDS of. Trimmed Hats at 6S6 S Great Sale, (Wstreet. TO, ALL I Ud, 10s 6d, 12s 6d each. 6d wi ND OW-Hair Nots. 6d ; Uy ds Veil. Tablf Oil Szef 'ifls'td '^ A Splendid Ran ra Of d Un S mmed Shapes, SL_T A SS SS^i^ii^f $& 4 * « White Mualin Robe.. Blouses, etc., etc., ' uSy^d^eaot ™ §f% f^ &2s 6d, 282 8 to clear at ridiculously low prices. Thousands of other Bargains. CAR- Marcella Ouilk 4, 11,1 * fi-j k n i ' SALE NOW ON! SALE NOW ONI ™* Sale, CubVsfcreet. HoTeycomi" Qu'nS 'l ,6%, 6 % % U l lld SALE NOW ONI SALE NOW ON. „ WINDOW _ BlouseS( 2s nd to 4s '"" ™ now la; Black Sequin Peter Pan aC ? Curtalns « ls IW, 2s 6d, 2s lid pair MRS. MATHEWSON, %JFK£\ "^tTuJ'i^S g^ 81 -^.^ ™«. iw 266, LAMBTON-QUAY. Hose, black and colours, ls. Thou- fivJUfW*™' 7 i oj , „_, „ • r- sands of other Bargains. CARTER'S 6ydS o L^ oanQ tot ls 9d, ls lid, 2s 6d, MILLINERY SCHOOL, Sale « Cuba-street. eyds'Vlanneletto for Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6<J HUME'S BUILDINGS, MILLINERY-Clearing Prices! Straw £ ab } e °°vers, W, 9^d, Is, ls 6d 102, Willis-street, Wellington. Shapes, 6d and ls up ; Trimmed Hats t^ Cloths 11 "" 01 ' 8 ' 10^ d> 1S THE LEADING" SCHOOL OF THE fow P Nei°^earo_%ate "ifd l^que^for J^ Vl^' GOODS-VERY CHEAP. DOMINION. race week. CARTER'S Sale Embroideries, l£d, 2d, 2^l, 3d, 3^l ■ Day and Evening Classes h6ld Cream Cashmere, 6d, Bd, ls Od, ls Ud MISS M HAMTTTON Millin-r CARTER AND CO., Cuba-street, are of- Plaln White Muslin, Ud, 2d, 2^l, 3d, 34d MISS M. HAMILTON, Milliner. ieling tremendous Bargains in all STACKS OF BARGAINS nrwrir t aWpttp n-ni7aar<nrrrnTTur< kinds of Drapery, Plain. Colour Linen REAL PLUMS. T SCHOOL^Mis, k£s sK™t£S and ,F°S?? Shan H ng i Or Dresses ' WE GIVE STAMPS OR Ato announce that U ™ My 9^' nn ° W yard " 1^ BONUS - Sen r |rwil?\e^ n &ndSet n S LAD C^| yy ° U l pupils. Classes 10 to 12 and 2to the T ™ Z Wnl «nnin« s n?n yOUr Mon ey-thafc is country districts. Mies Kate Stewart, CLBA-STREET. Principal, Langer Dresscutting School, 94, . .. Parcels Free. Willis-street, opp. Shortt's. . ■ ■ — „. : A BRISK AND DISTRESSING BLEMISHES. BREEZY SALE „ , Established 1880. ' Tel. 1138. P.O. Box 243. NOW ON AT PATRTPK""?! « yiOLET SNOW CREAM is a posi- W HEN PATRICK'S Ld F»ANKQ Ii AD V , tive remedy for superfluous hair. Yt their Half-yearly Sovereign An excellent depilatory is enclosed with Stretching Salo great Bargains WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, every bottle. Price 4s 6d. Mcc, Salek, ar £ waft ed in. WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON Perrett, and leading chemists. occS^nd 'hfl^res *% ' — t — _ stances the process of price-cut- NEW GOODS ting has simply played ducks and TT ADIES with prematurely grey hair drakes with profit and cost. For JLJ You can save a heap of money should use the "HEMSLEY BUR- P° w > M atlani, on your Summer NEW YEAR. Drapery and Wearing Apparel NET' HAtB _„»__ „_. .»«. * T HE gHOP ™ pp E ESE SK NT S . tutes). Price 4s 9d. Leading chemists. SOVEREIGN M~~— - mvT _ r " T7~ STRETCHING Fh ' 6 Per Cent - discount for Cash. |RS. M. BLYTHE Complesuon __^ L Specialist, Shampooing, Hair and SALE ! Manufacturing. Repairing Scalp Treatment. A Barker electrio hair .„- „ . _. pn.,,,,p n .,,,,: n . s 7-.; *, vc g""!"s* dryer used tor drying tho hair. Manicure Do Not Mlss the Opening Days. Engiaving. Diamond Setting, and Chiropody. Barker's latest Vibrator T) S PATRICK &, CO for Face and Body Massage. The London W Ui » T?P ANTC fi-"R A T)T Lancet, tile leading medical journal, and 195, Cuba-street, and 46, Courtenay-place, ■*" XVXi - 1 - 11 •"- vxxvx_oj ± . London Medical EJectrology, highly recom- Wellington. mend tho Barker -Vibrator ior nerve . ' ■ " troubles, electrolysis. Tho only permanent cure tor superfluous hair. "Helston- XT UGH DOUGLAS. leigh." 136, Oriental Bay. Tel. 1850. JtJ. 90-94, VICTORIA-ST., Wellington, I: Tln LP m ,s r E P H, ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER, JL * LADIES' TAILOR Etc.. BEOHSTEIN PIANOS Fine Show of New^Suminer Goods on BOO KBINDER AND PAPER-RULER. ' ' Costumes from £4 4s. Skirts from £1 ss. "~" ""*"""" Ladies' Own Material Made Up. Patentee — DOUGLAS LOOSE-LEAF nrimr w \a> r< t 1 „ ■ . , BOULCOTT CHAMBERS LEDGERS, LOOSE-LEAF PRICE T HE , rld S Greatest Musicians preffe Boulcot^Btreet BOOKS, Etc. A this Grand Instrument to any other, •Phone 3085. " Proprietor for N.Z. of-FRING'S for its Purity of Tone aud Excellence o£ ■ — CHECK-FIGURE SYSTEM, Copy- Construction. right. m?I?AT aI?TTMA PTT-RT7 Fring's System locates Errors in Book- MORE BECHSTBIN PIANOS ARB $jj-±y_Al AbiJtLJMLA t-UJiJ- keeping as they occur, thus BALANC IMPORTED INTO ENGLAND THAN" As prepared by H. Brittain, Chemist, i. ING BOOKS ™ ST SHOT - L™ B HBtt MAN UFACTURE 3 having a bie sale. Its efiEects are IN THE WORLD PUT TOGETHER. TRULY MARVELLOUS, THE WELLINGTON TWEED CO., &ud the united testimony of grateful Ghuznee-street Before buying a Piano. call and inspet* patients pronounces it to be ' our stock of First-class Instruments, A TUTR Ar'TTTHTTQ rtTTRT? AVi! ' a feW Ver y mcc LIUB- and A MIRACULOUS uURE. Jti shantun Robe Lengths left, in the v Prioe, 2s 6d per bottle ; post free, 3«. fceason'e popular shades. H. BRITTAIN, While they last, wo are clearing them THE BRITISH AND CONTINENTAL Chemist, 56. Manners-street. out at 10s per costume off our usual low PIANO CO., N.B.— lf no benefit derived money wil- P rice - -,c WTTXTK STRRITT lin_Lv returned. OLD P.O. BUILDING. GHUZNEE-ST. 55> WlL_lb-bI«BBT. Sole Agenta. 'PHONE 2349. T7IXHIBITION OF VALUABLE OIL -OOR TAXI-CABS or TOURING -^ • PAINTINGS J- CARS Ring up 2349. From tha Easel of NAY LOR GILL, ARCADIA TAXI AND TOURING CAR Victoria SERVICE. /t- J it- n Ir. 1. Careful Drivers, Reliable Cabs and Cars. (ljnder Vlce " Re S al Patronage), -^ Long or Short Journeys Undertaken. At T. BEADNALL AND SON'S. TRY RADFORD'S FOR FURNirURKT 73, Willis-street. STAND— Opposite PUBLIC TRUST. \W E Cnrry a B °° d bt ° rk of rfiliilb! * -RAnTnTjn'C! t?or WTTRXfiniTTTJTP Furniture, Carpet", Linoleum!!. IkdWirrTTMnTnu rrAVTOAW at\jt> Ijax l\_..u_ UxvlJ is x'Uxt J! UJKJMI U±\ii. , ,_ , „ wirnirvp n in nn Eteads ttnd Beddin s; also Crocker* and: lUUKIJNU UAK LU. SIDEBOARDS from 50s, Wardrobes Ironmongery, and furnish throughout at 'Phone 59. £3 from £3 10s Duchesse Pairs 47s 6d. j owest prires> cash 0 , terms 50 M ?nnorg. Chetts Drawers 255, Tables from 2s 6d, . , , — 1 Special Terms to Doctors and Commercial Chairs 3s lid, Bedsteads 21s, Beds 8s 6d, street ' nc^ cc ™ 10 j .. Carpets from 6d yard, Oilcloth from 9d. anw^m^ -r^^-n _„.,_, Men. nouches 27« 6d Estimates givon. RAD- SOCI l P T }, ni ?O R ™E PREVENTION FORD AND CO., 50, Manners-Btreet. and __, °,F, F UR,V ELTY T0 ANIMAJ.S. Taxi-Car3 at ordinary cab rates. I'otonc. 'Bs±iJ!< public nro earnestly requested U» , , . - 1 - kindly communioat© tiny act 08 ■OLAKE AND CARLISLE, JUST A FEW LINES thei^nJlTTOto"^^'^^!^^-?^ - fIJ General Carriers, About Our Many Styles of Headwear. National Mutual Buiidimrs ° ' - X ° "^ Customs and Forwarding Agents, W o Crown Many Heads in This City. gnflTr -.. T ,-_ _ * 11, Hunter-street Telephone 2617 H)n Bec ~ ause the varioug &O^S?^° A R N g H gJfCTION OF 19, Pi,e-.treet. '^Telephone 1605 sJ^JT^^f^ "S T^lft^^ Furniture Carefully Removed by Experi- noted hat makers. ,* wm^L^Z ' Bt n^%j?^ dni^ eaced and Expert Workmen, H AT BOX, 11, Manners-street. ' FRIDAY MORNING^ Swo to v"At Lowest Rate.. Hattera. Mercew. 6 ad Clothiers. AS^S^Sr^l^^Ul^

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 9