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HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE. "mHE THIRD DEGREE" Props., John Fuller and Sons. JL ■— ■l.««^i j . THF PT?rnrN™m w™,m ™ A GREAT > ENGROSSING PLAY. PERFECT PirrnmrS E ° P Re P lete with the elel » cnts w »ich consti{.Kt i £§5. ST^mTrKSS Show A stol> >" o£ tho lloroic fi S h t of a devoted I'ULLLRS' PICTURES The World. self-sacrificing wife against the iJIegiSAND FIRST-CLASS ORCHESTRA n . latG an 4 inhuman methods of a perni- ' TO-NIGHT! sAt 8. TO-NIGHT! ciollb l lolice Procedure. A MAGNIFICENT NEW SERIES ■ "7TIHF TRTPn rnrnrm^T, A MAGNIFICENT NEW SERIES i T THIRD DEGREE," ALL THE LATEST IMPORTATIONS By thD author of "The Lion and the Judiciously Chosen, comnriiiine— Mouse," in which Miss Katherino Grey SOFNTP i Wlll a PP Gar as Mrs. Howard Jeffries, INDUSTRIAL p* 0 / 1 Jun> This P ol ' tr ayal will solidify the fact iiISTOmrAT ? 1C^ re thafc Miss Gre y is unquestionably the DRAMATIC $ Masterpiece most AND ' i" s TALENTED DRAMATIC ACTRESS SS^PJL, Particular That llas ever visited New Zealand. PRODUCTIONS. Line. "THE THIRD DEGREE" A REFINED AND ENLIGHTENING Will be Presented A PIPTOPTAT wr*iS? N 'f L TO-MORROW (Tuesday) EVENING, A PICTORI AL^E b AST And Three Following Nights. FULLERS' PICTURES! _Phms to-day at Opera House. TO.NIGH U T LLERS> PICTU \ E o S Lht. O P RAL. H ° ' A BEPOY'I Wlfl' Direction of J. C. Williamson, Ltd. A SEPOY'S WIFE) A Drama written on Fact during tho TO-NIGHT MONDAY TO-NIGHT. . THE FUGITIVE POSITIVELY THE LAST KIGTHT The La?Sf T?2P IT^ E ' *• ° f Charles Klein>s Wonderful Drama, Th ° SS"2 Hos? oF^lTrf ™ ™ AND THE MOUSE," D.C. and O.S. Is Stalls 6d. ' "THE LION AND THE MOUSE,". Plan at Christeson's. 'Phone 5153. Presented by rf^REAT HOLIDAY PROGRAMME. MISS CATHERINE GREY, SJT AT THE THEATRE ROYAL. • Supported by - TO-N^T! J ° hn A f r an TO°NIGH T5 WI^AM j. c. WILLIAMSON'S COMPANY. COMPLETE CHANGE PROGRAMME d.^.^ a L° P . B ft ?e° U p^chas e ed! Re-apS^^of the tO ™™- DO RA ME TRIO, as ÜBuaL 111 thGir coTedrfnusSS eCC<mtri ° ™B QUESTION OF THE HOUR AND ElSil^VaS^S i^ ANYTHING r |£^o| \W G HT ? seated to a Wellington audience. ANYTHING GOOD ON TO-NIGHT V W^V^WALLACLE T HE I NG' S "t HEA TR E (Fascinating Sen^and Refined Come- P roprieto i,_w es fs~Fictu r e, Ltd, ,nd CHARLES HEATH (the Singing Collier), w &± 01^^ t THl W M'COITMfcK U SIST C ks SUPERIog'^ICTugEIP^PERIOR Tho Groafc Scotch Comedian in an Ori- AND &UPLR B ORCHESTRA. ginal Programme. n.,-ii;-«f « - a r> MISS JOLLY COLEMAN, -Brilliant, Su g«'i« Programma A Jolly Confedia^llM 1 HOWARD. Newest ' Greatest, -and Grandest CombinAnd many other artists of recognised re- v '« • "7. G £ ms - '- pute in a programme which has not been frlflL a? 1 o R tho Domimo ?; surpassed « ul?-to-dateu l?-to-date Scenes of Travel ! Owing to to-day being Anniversary Day Sensational Dramatic Studies and the- Box Plan will bo on view at tie Highly Amusing Comics. Theatre Office from 10 a.m. to 4 p-m -p • J i fc the , L " nit D in Excellence. P "— '- SSi^efo?- T&^Lt^ TOWNT OWN HALL. _ TOWN HALL. « T . THOMAS' sIIIZITnE^TO Direction John Fuller and Sons. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT r - FULLEt^pTcTFR?? STAR PICTURES ' STAR PICTURES. FULLERS' ggruSi TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT I Wellington Province has now reached ___ tho allotted human span of threo score years and ten, and is still "going strong." COMPLETE HOLIDAY CHANGE. . Ino event will bo celebrated by a great - — and magnificent exhibition of THE WELLINGTON TRUST, LOAN ' FULLER'S PICTURES! AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, FULLEPv'S PICTURES! LTD. In Wollington-a capacious TTKm THIRTY -EIGHTH Annual GenTOWN HALL TO-NIGHT eral Meefcin B o£ the Shareholders of Old Identities and descendants ' of the T a £ ovo pompany will bo held at the bravo old pioneers will muster in force V-r a a r • .V om s} e r, ce .< National Mutual to celebrate L " c Association Buildings, Customhoußer J i-HS GREAT EVENT quay, Wellington, on WEDNESDAY, the Citizens of Wellington and visitors from 1 ? t vu < T y , t ! f f ebruar r> 1911 « afc tbe h °ur of other parts of tho Dominion will also o clock p.m. attend in large numbers, because it hath i n -j i- - tsu i !im , eßS : . ,_, , been decreed by the voico of the people L Lo n si deration ot Report and Balance* that sheet and Declaration of Dividend. FULLERS' PICTURES EXCEL 2 " Election of .Directors and to fix their' FULLERS' PICTURES EXCEL! , remuneration. . Tho pictures to bo screened to-night 3- Blectlon °* Auditors and to fix their coustituto the finest collection of pictorial —mtion 2 °* Janu?^^ B^' SeCretary " TO-DAY'S ENGLISH MAIL " pAClpic £^ DRmDg> N^FULLERS' TOWN HALL PICTURES. ■ A *-pvnAT «m^ „. . Thrilling Dramas •- Dainty Comedies- A M^iiffi^^A" l^ Beautiful Scenes from Foreign Lauds- £m L ,? ds °, wIU c held I ?t l fe T , DD ™ ldß Hilarious Comics-Films of g Indus ry- H $, N ftj > r t tT^fi ° ?1 f WB P N fSOAY Bioeranh Novelties JiV-lilM-UNO, the 25th inst., at 7.30 p.m. Photographed, Produced and Projected T°^° nSltler ° rd(U " Pnpet °' Grand by veritable masters of tho art/ -L.oage. Jull Symphony Orchestra in attend- * Ord - G> z QVARRm> Prices Is and 6d. Secretary. Doors open 7 o'clock. Overture afc 8. — — _ _ ■ NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. WTVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ONDERLAND. WONDERLAND, i^ Ordinary General Meeting of the ONDERLAND. WONDERLAND. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, will bo hold at the Registered Office of the Company, 107, — — Queen-street, Auckland, on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of February, 1911, at 2.30 o'clock p.m., for the purposo of , TO-NIGHT, receiving tlie Directors' Report and Bal- ' TO-NIGHT, ance-sheefc for the 12 months ended 30th TO-NIGHT, November, 1910 ; for the Election of throe , Directors in the room of Messrs. R. 0. 7.30 to 10 p.m. Carr, 0. V. Houghton, and Arthur ' M. Myers, who retire by rotation, but are eligible, and who offer themselves for re-election ; for tlie Election of two AudiALL SHOWS FREE. tors, and to transact the ordinary business of the Company. The Transfer Books of tho Company will be closed from the 25th instant to the 7th Special Trams from "'ourtenay-place. proximo, both days inclusive, preparatory to payment of dividend. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that immediately upon the coli« Admission, Is ; Children, 6d. elusion of the business of the above-men-tioned meeting an Extraordinary General Meeting of tho Company will be hold afc the same place, when the subjoined reso- • — — lution will be proposed: — rgTOWN HALL CONCERT CHAMBER; ■ RESOLUTION THURSDAY, 26th, FRIDAY, 27th, Th at the obfects of the Company be SATTTttOAV s>BfVi tatvtttatjv extended by tho addition to Clause 3 of &AI UlxD A \r,j2Bth JANUARY. tho Memorandum of Association of the RETURN VISIT words following, that is to say— .„.,,-. „„,,. .. (°) To undertake and execute trusts of (Special Request Wellington Public) all kinds and to act as trustee, LAWRENCE CAMPBELL. wcecutor, or administrator, receiver, LAWRENCE CAMPBELL. guardian, committee, or m other LAWRENCE CAMPBELL. liduciarv position, and generally to LAWRENCE CAMPBELL. transact all kinds of trust and agency business, either gratuitously "The audience cried for more."— Auck- , „ ,?, r ° tllGr "'if !• , land Star ("' *° "° au kinds of guarantee business. M EUGENE OSSIPOFF ' c * To entur into Pa i ' tncr ship or into M. EUGENE OSSIPOFf! any^ a r ™ n semont for 4arin* n . pronts, union of interests, recil^rancl Upera House, Moscow). proeal concession or otherwise with MISS INA GOW, L.A.8., A.T.C L , any ! Jerson or liim >d company ,D., D . , 1 „ , „. ' carrying on or engaged in or about (Pianoforte Soloist). to carry on or ollgagQ in any bu j. MISS RENE LEES (Special Accompanist) " ess or transaction whicli this attdc! onTA-mr „.,,„„ Company is authorised to carry oa MKb. bJfcIAW MAYkR or engage in or any business or (Monologue Pianist). traiu>aclion capable of being con- ,-, „ r ,, c _ ducted so as directly or indirectly Entire Change of Programmes. to benefit this Company. Popular Prices, 3s, 2s, and Is. (f) To rake or otherwise; acquire, hold. _^?yJ > }niLOp2n_Tue_Bday,_Drosden. and dispose ot shares, stock, or THERE is a prevalent belief that all debentures, in any other limited Talking Machines are company ha\ing objects altogether or in part similar lo those of this GHA'AIOPI-IONES Company, or carrying on any busivjj.^i.^jiV7X j_L\jn_UD. neS3 capable oi being conducted ,. T . , , , , po as directly or mdiiectly to JNo greater mistako can be made, be- bfiioiit this Company. cause the word GRAMOPHONE is tho (g) To promote any limited company instrument thai, is made only by or companies ior iho pmpoee of THE GRAMOPHONE CO., LTD ucnuirintr all or any of tho proLONDON Pcrty and liabilities of this ComAnd which in companion with other ™ h £ on aUkfffi^^o^ .talking Machines, any other purpose which may sooia STANDS ALONE calculated, tlirectlj. ov indirectly, [ ' to benefit this Compary. ! As do (h) To establish suWchea- or ait' any i MELBA, CALVE, TETRAZZINI institution, association, clubs, and CARUSO conveniences tor tho braoiit of the Company's employee oi ox. Amongst ordinary singers. employees and lo giant morov ior , Theso artists will sing into no other A tl \ cs A. ' U "", |JOS^- or auy of thcin - machine. Ancl tllc Director's lie am! thoy aro hereby authorised to apply to Another Shipment of Records iusfc tho Com>fc io confirm this robohi. landed. tlon ,«n«cr "The Companies Act, j.y(jo. _ PTTAQ T»pnn p. nn TmT , Should such Resolution or any part VjXLilO. JDjiljrVjr (X L>U., JjTD,, thereof be passed by the required majority 11R WTr TTKj <2ttjwt?t , tlle Resolution, or such part thereof, will va > WILLIS-STREET. bo submitted for confirmation m a Special W. .. „, „ "" Resolution to a second Extraordinary ANTED X N 0 t. >i, Mooting which will bo subsequently eon- — — vened. „ Any person writing to the EVENING Dated at Auckland this 17th day ofi POST OFFICE for information iv regard January, 1911. to advertisements already appearim? in the By order of the Board, paper, must =.sad Stamped Addressed JAMES BUTTLE. Envelope in order to ensure reply/ General Manager. ,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 8