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I EXTMAOEDINARY PURCHASE OF A MELBOURNE \ WAREHOUSE STOCK \ ; Off mer Severn Tfeoesand (7000) yards of < Including Cotton Chantun, Plisse Stripe Crepon, Plain, Stripe and < Check Dress Zephyrs, etc., all of which were purchased by us at < Huge Discounts for Prompt Cash. < > The whole of the Goods will be offered in Six Separate Lots, AX DESPERATE THROW-OUT FRICBS > as follows : > 1250 yards of FASHIONABLE 758 yds WOVEN DRESS ZEPH- 750 yards of SWISS EMBROI- > GREPON (Plisse stripe) — In nov- YRS— In new dark brown, navy, DERED DRESS MUSLIN — > elty plain colours, including saxe helio., green, coloured stripes, White ground, with black sprig > blue, brown, navy, amethyst, also in plain coloured woven navy, design l suitable for dressy frocks, dead rose, and green; a quality brown, fawn, green. Usually sold These will be rushed. Usual io£d > usually sold at 9^d. Extraordi- at 7£d yard. Sale Price to Clear and 1/- qualities. To be Cleared > nary value at s^d yard. 4£d yard. at s£d yard. \ > 3157 yards of COTTON CHAN- gso yards 30-inch CHECK ZEPH- 250 SWISS EMBROIDERED < TUN— The most wanted fabric VRS _ ln eky> navyi nn> ne |i Olj MUSLIN BLOUSE LENCTHS— sky h VinU SOn o;d an rrse SO sa X t e On bLe f aiS ° In Pißln Sr6y ' " aYy ' AU WlhitC ' SJ)!enc!ltl weari^' ™« browns, navy, green, amethyst', s ? lendrd ashing qualities. Actual all In dainty designs. Season's helio., etc. Actual value 9*d. va!ue 9^ d< Crand Bar ß*' m at 5 & rio& 3jU. Marvellous Value at > Sale Prise to Clear s£d yard. yardi Sale Prioe > 2 / 3 the Length. < > Intending buyers will do well to purchase quickly. Mothers will hail with < > delight such an opportune moment to secure these Washing Goods at almost Half Prices.

GIIEAT I^AETFK ANT) ro N A MEBBY CHRISTMAS I END-OF-SEASON SALE ! C^-^ I^^ A *V co - 8. _ And SUMMER SALE NOW ON, ToTS BARGAINS TTUNDREDS of Trimmed Hats at 6j m d 139 C UBA-ST., and at Feilding. Oilcloth Shelving, 2d, 3d, 4^d J-A lid, 10s 6d, 12s 6d each. 8 Table Oil Baize, Is, Is 3d A Splendid Raiige of Untrimmed Shapes, Tapestry Manlol Drape, 3d, 4d, 4id, 6d is 6d and is lid. BIG REDUCTIONS in Ladies' Trimmed fS, H'oetls^X M. 2a White Muslin Robes, Blouses, etc., etc., Hats from 3s lid. 5s lid, 7s lid, 9s u^ 3S3 S 3,. 11(1 to clear at ridiculously low prices. lid up, worth double ; Untnuimei Marcella Quilts, 4s lid, 5s Gd, 5s lid SAIF NOW ON! SALF NOW ON' Shapes, new this season, Is up. Honeycomb Quilts, 2s lid, 3s 6d, Ss lid SALE NOW ON stLE NOW ON! 6d WINDOW-A marvellous variety of up bAiil, i.UW, UiNl bAL-i, iNOW UiN I clean and Fashionable DrapMy Lace Curtains, Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid pair usually 9d to Is lid, now all 6d. Call up M"RS MATTTTUWSON early afc CARTER'S. Twill Sheeting, 64d, 7^d, Bid, 10^d IV±XLD. l\lii.lJiJliV\OUl>i, l 8 WINDO W-Noiv is the time to buy PUlowoovem, 6d, Is . 266, LAMBTON-QUAY. Cheap Drapery. CARTER AND CO. 6yds Cretonne for Is 9d, Is lid, 2s 6d, T T T nnTTnr\T are offering the Biggest Bargains. 2s lid MILLIN UIRX SCHOOL, See thoir Is window. 6yds Flannelette for Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d HUME'S BUILDINGS, COSTUMES of all kinds, many only Tablecovers, 7^d, 9£d, Is, Is 6d 102, Willis-street, Wellington. landed 6, weeks ago, now 5s in the Duohesse Runners, 10£ d, Is £1 discount. Ladies' Duet Coato, Tray Cloths, Is 6d,^ Is lid, 2s 6d THE LEADING SCHOOL OF THE worth 30s, for 10s 6d only afc CAR- LOVELY GOODS-VERY CHEAP. DOMINION. TER AND COS Sale. Embroideries, l{d, 2d, 2id, 3d, 3^cl _ n „ rN , 111 nm isii>mTr"rrr»Mci „„ r)i.;^t-r. tvTi, ii nn Cream Cashmere, 6d, Bd, Is 9d, Is lid Day and .Evening Classes .held. BIG n2S? S?ee?mff B S ra£ G Ifnen Dress P lain White Muriin, lid 2d, 2id, 3d, 3^d MISb M. HAMILTON, Milliner. Materials, etc. Try CARTER AND STACKS OF BARGAINS rsPHE LANGER DRESSCUTTING . °°\ ..e. . . _.. _. WE G IVE ifAMP^OR 1 A i- SCHOOL.— Miss Kate Stewart begs MEN, in want of Shirts Collars, Ties, WJi UiXJ1 ' 1^?. phrTSTMAS TSONTT«i to announce that the Dresseutling Classes Sox Braces, Caps, and Underclothing PATT KAm V BONUS> will rObU'iie on Monday 30th Januurv of »H kinds, will lind CARTER AND _„ ri 1., Ml „M , „ „ when she will be ir aulWansea ulWanse to enrol CO.'S Prices Lowest. you get Best Value and Most for pupils. Classos daily, 10 to 12 and 2to LYELL BAY— Bathers, try CARTER J^ T^ -^ A . A 4. Evening classes Tuesday and Friday AND CO. for Costumes, Ladies' or - t XjINDj3IiJA.Gr b, from 7to 9 p.m. Agents required for Gents', Boys' or Girls Bathing Cos- * CUBA STREET country districts. Miss Kate Stewart, turner Cheapest in town. iV ", "„„„ " Principal, Lauger Dresscutting School, 94, -rarceib x ree. Willis-btreet, opp. Shortt's. — -—--———- ■ ATJPTOTT A ATT4 Established 1880. UlUbli. AJNJL) Tel n3B po Box 2^ 3< *"—" — BREEZY SALE mtj a ivt f f\ t? at» v "yTOLET SNOW CREAM is a posi- NQW QN AT PATHICK , S , y-ItAJJi:, tive remedy for superfluous hair. PATRICK'S hold WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, An excellent depilatory is enclosed with y v their Half-yearly Sovereign every bottle. Price 4s 6d. Mcc, Salek, Stretching Sale great Bargains WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON Porrott, and leading chemists. are wafted in. — Every price is Reduced for tins NEW GOODS ' occasion, and in scores of inTT ADIES with prematurely grey hair "* ano ? B th - e rrOOfsr 00< f s °J P ri . ce - cut : For fj j L °""* l/ ' ci J « iC J' " a " ting has simply played ducks and , -i 1 , .m™.-.™ t.-t,.,, drakes with profit and cost. NTCVV "VKAR should use the "HEMSLEY BUR- Y ou can save a heap of money ' WJJ|W YiiAWl now, Madam, on your Summer NET" HAIR RESTORER (refuse substi- Drapery and Wearing Apparel IT\HE C3HOP "ffJ^OR "ORESENTS by just shopping at X )O Jb, A . tutes). Price 4s 9d. Leading chemists. PATRICK'S SOVETIETGN" Five Per Cent - Discount for Cash. MRS. M. BLYTHE Complexion QU V Jil\<±J±Va IN Specialist, Shampooing Hair and STRETCHING Manufacturing. Repairing. SSS'ftASaSiS SALE! EnSraving " _ Diamond Lttinl. i^^Ao^M^^'Ae^SZ Do Not Miss the Opening Days. PTJADY Lancet, tho leading medical journal, and J), S. PATRICK & CO., ± ±iAjN X tr±Y,AD 1 . London Medical Electrology, highly recom- „._,. „ , mend tho Barker Vibrator for nerve 195. Cuba-street, and 46, Courtenay-place, " troubles, electrolysis. The only perma- Wellington. . vir ANTED KNOWN. nent cure for superfluous hair. "Helston- _ T _. TTr „,.-— . „-. T V lei.-," 136. Oriental Br Tel. Igg. NEW 1 BAR WATT AND^SHENNAN, § JOSEPH, STTTI^S l WATT AND SHENNAN, A- LADIES' TAILOR OUXIO L ADnSS' and GENTLEMEN'S TAILORS* Fine Show of New Summer Goods on AND PRESSED, Coopei-'s Buildings, opp. Evening Post. Costumes from £4 4s. Skirts from £1 ss. FROM ff/m Z ZTZ „',_■,„ XT ~ Ladies' Own Material Made Up. • O/." TXT ANTED KNOWN. BOULCOTT CHAMBERS, " D SANKEY 'Phone 3083 Buulcofct - street - M LADIES 1 and GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR, '- BARBER'S, Morrah's Buildings, WILLIS-ST., Is showing best English-made Goods ; also T H B DYERS AND CLEANERS, 115 CUBA- New Zealand-made Materials equal ia (3-REAT ASTHMA CURE m^vm ■ textlu '° and de3 ~ u to a^i^sjmpoi-ted As prepared by H. Brittain, Ohemist, h A N T BD_ KNOWN. having a bi X sale. Its effects are iror Pupo Fresll Mnk Humanised Milk TRULY MARVELLOUS, 'Phone 226 for Infants and Invalids, supplied iv irad the united testimony of grateful ~ — ~ ' bottles. Buttermilk, 2d quart. Fresh patients pronounces it to be THE WELLINGTON TWEED CO., Cream, Eggb, and Butter. A MIRACULOUS CURE. ' Ghuzneo-street, 'Phoned 6d UP " *"* Price, 2s 6d per bottle; post free, 3s. TOTAVE a few very nico Linen and CITY MILK SUPPLY CO., H BRITTAIN *" Shantun Robe Lengths left, in the Duuni-street. Chemist.' 56. Manncrs-stVeet. season's popular shades. - WANTED KNOWN. NB— lf no benefit derived money wil- While the y last « wo ate clearing them TUX INCANDESCENT KEROSENE Un"i7' wtur-ed aenved money WU out at 10s per costume off our usual low JU GAS LAMPS, tho Cheapest and Must prices. Brilliant Light on Earth. House Lamps, OLD p 0 BU ILDING. GHUZNEE-ST. 22s 6d each. 'PHONE 2349. . SHOP ARC LAMPS, 2000 candle-pow or. FOR TAXI-CABS or TOURING TjiXHIBITION OF VALUABLE OIL U K L I G " T , COMPANY, CARS Ring up 2349. JCj PAINTINGS 35 > 37 » 39 > Old Customhouse-st., Anr'ArvTA TAvr Awn Tr>T T T?T'Mr | cc d T? Back of Opera House. Wellington. ARCADIA TAXI AND TOURING CAR From the Ease i o£ NA YLOR GILL. . 5 . bl(.KVlOii. Victoria . ttj ANTED KNOWN. Careful Drivers, Reliable Cabs and Cars. .__ , __. _, ,_ . . V* - Long or Short Journeys Undertaken. (Under Vice - Rc^ al P«tronage), BATHING SUITS.-You Wouldn't - — At T. BEADNALL AND SON'S, think of wearing another person's UnderSTAND— Opposi*° PUBLIC TRUST. 73, Willis-street. clothing, why a bathing suit? Get a s>ui* — • of your own; get it now — plenty of hot WELLINGTON TAXI-CAB AND TRY RADFORD'S FOR FURNITURE. da y s y et - TOURING CAR CO. N ec k to Knee, Is 9d, 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 6d. , p , ,q QIDEBOARDS from 50s, Wardrobes Canadian 2-piece, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 4s lid. V from £3 10s. Duchosso Pairs 47s 6d. DUNCAN AND MACINTOSH, Special Terms to Doctora and Commercial Chetts Drawers 255. iables Irom 2s 6d, Maimen-street. Chairs 3s llu, BociEteads Beds bs od, ■ — Men. Carpets from 6d yard, Oilcloth from Bd. SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION Couches 27s fad Intimates given. RAD- QF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Taxi-Cars at ordinary cub rates. £°,KD, KD AND C - 50 ' Manners-street, and fTViE public are earnestly requested to . ■* '■'tone. JL kindly communicate" any act of TRY EADFORD'S FOR FURNITURE. JUST A FEW LINES cruolty to animals, that may come under .. , „ „, r,, . „ 1T , their notice to C. W. Carroll, Secretary. About Our Many Styles ot Hoadwear. National Mutual Buildings. J> l^y E carry a good stock of reliablo We Crown Many Heuds in This City. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION!) F~" ** Furniture. Carpets, Linoleums, Bed- TSHSTHY? Because tho various Now "" WOMEN AND CHILDREN rteads and Beddins; also Crockery and * * bv^tif, fS T^ 115 Secretary will bo in attendance T 1 , ■ 1 j.y 1 l i. an " smart Unit is produced by tlie most X ;\t the Rooms Hi-irW* R«i{Mi'n.«T Ironmongery, and furnish throughout at nolcd hat raakers .. * # n i| B h .° st /X O n TI?ESDAY ! nd* lowest prices, cash or terms. 50, Manners- hat BOX, 11, Manners-street, FRIDAY MORNINGS, from 10 to 12 30 1 street, and Petone. Hatters, Mercers, and Clothiers. [ All communications strictly confidential.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 15, 19 January 1911, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 15, 19 January 1911, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 15, 19 January 1911, Page 9