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EXTRAORDINARY i §rw% fljr W7\ *■;% g~S jf^ TfcTJ"* ikM ¥f* *»l OFFERING AT. . * 1 T%SLt HfC/OIN U MIU. | Great Atastralian, Ptsrclia&e. I Over 1000 Choice I WHITE MUSLIN and LAWN BLOUSES, t DRESSES and COSTUMES I Bought by our Miss Castle from a leading manufacturer at practically her own price, and to be 6 offered. TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) MORNING in TEN SPECIAL LOTS, as follows: 1 L ° B TAi7c L p A c? iE r w hT e r u ?H I I BLOUSES.-Four different styles, Nice full blouses with yokes offlne I trimmed embroidery. Usually Val. and insertion, and full, well- ■ sold at 5/11. shaped skirts with wide or njarrow 1 ' 9/11 tucks at foot. Usual price, 21/- B Onr Special Sale Price is /£/ 1 1 - -%a in B • Onr Special Sale Price is 1 U/O | LOT 2. -LADIES' WHITE MUSLIN LOT 7.-LADIES' WHITE MUSLIN"! BLQUSES. -* Yokes of fine white DRESSES. —In several smart B Val. lace and insertion. All new styles-all yokes of fine Val. lace I goods and styles. Usually sold at ?Sund^sS^and^^'^apes" * I 6/1 •• Nicely cut skirts. Usual prices "B Oar Special Sale Price is 3/11 are 21/- and 23/& *±.-.jM . Onr Special Sale Price, I«/IT| LOT 3.-LADIES' WHITE MUSLIN lot 8 I AniF«s- umrrc fumci m S BLOUSES- All nicely trimmed, L< S?IsiES D -®n "Kyle's! - 1 Val. lace and insertion. Fancy Fancy yokes and fronts ofVa.l.. fe I yokes in square, round, and V and embroidery. Tucked skirts. . 1 shapes. Usual price, 10/6. t . Usual P r « ce » 27/6. ; - -^ y| Onr Special Sale Price 4/11 Onr Special Sale Price is t7/ffJ =;======^ LOT 9.-LADIES 1 WHITE " MUStl'lT I LOT 4.-LADJES' WHITE MUSLIN - P RES SES.-ln different^tytes^all, g rioiiqfq Fino +„«uo o«h \i i fanc y y°^ es ' and nicely trimmed j BLOUSES, — Fine tucks and Val. Val. lace, Tnsertien and fine tucks. 1 lace yokes. All newest styles in Skirts are full, well shaped, with § very fine quality muslin. Usual tucks at foot. These gtfools were | price, 12/6. 32/6> O1 / „ .. m . ft/11 0»r Special Sale Price is Air Special Sale Price O/ll == LOT 10.-LADIES' WHITE MfUSLIN i /vr r i AniPQ' whitf MJiQiiM DRESSES. —In different styles*. LOT 5.-LADIES WHITE MUSLIN FronU artd yokes- are' Widely BLOUSES— Fine val. lace and em- trimmed lace and embroidery. All I broidery yokes. Extra fine quality well shaped skirts nicely tucked at; | and n^rfpet rut eood* Uqijjil foot ' ' ne usual Pnce- of these D and Perfect cut gooas. usual gowns would be 39/6 -we are I price, 10/o. are offering them at 3 Special Sale Price, 8/11 23/6 AND 27/6 1 ON SALE IN OUR SHOWROOM— FIRST FLOOR— SEE WINDOW. | NOTE.— Miss Castle writes :—" These are the greatest bargains I have/ g ever secured. I consider they are. worth double what I paid for them. -You | will sell them readily. Advise customers." i George & Kersley, Limited. 1

BECHSTEIN PIANOS. rTIHE World's Greatest Musicians prefer *"- this Grand Instrument to any other, for its Purity of Tone and Excellence of Construction. MORE BECHSTEIN PIANOS ARE IMPORTED INTO ENGLAND THAN ALL THE OTHER MANUFACTURES IN THE WORLD PUT TOGETHER. Jr Before buying a Piano, call and inspect our stock of First-class Instruments. THE BRITISH AND CONTINENTAL PIANO CO., 35, WILLIS-STREET, Sole Agents. -VIAVI NOTICE. LADIES — If you are in search of health, understand first why you suffer as you do. Do sot torture, maim, or cripple Nature ; but learn how operations may be • avoided and health restored by NATURAL MEANS. Health Talks: Tuesdays, 3 p.m. Interviews daily, 10 to 5. ■ Free to all, without any obligation. Viari Hygiene (posted), Is 4d. Viavi Booms, Panama Chambers, Panama-st.. opp. D.I.C, Wgtn. ; BENDALL - CHAR£JBS*> • LADIES' TAILOR AND DESIGNER, (20 Years' Home Experience), Was brought out from the West End of 1 London by Mr. Nodino as Cutter, and has now started in business for himself. Ladies will receive prompt attention and the Latest London Cut and Style, at I 143, WELLINGTON-TERRACE. MILITARY AND NAVAL EMBROIDERESS. MISS A. B. HEAT ON, No. 2, P|RCIVAL-STREET Telephone 3078. Estimates given for Banners, Lodge Regalia, Badges (gold, silver, and silk). Club Monograms, etc., etc. Ecclesiastical Embroideries a specialty. TTy A N T IS D KNOWN. D. SANKEY, LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR, Morrah's Buildings, WILLIS-ST., Is showing best English-made Goods ; also New Zealami-made Materials equal in texture and diriutn to 'anything imported EXHIBITION OF VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS From the ' Easel of NAYLOR GILL, Victoria (Under Vice-Regal Patronage), At T. BEADNALL AND SON'S, 73, Willis-street.' OOST FRBB.-^Arsenicttl Pills, Is sd; JL. Certicura Soap, Is; Spring Blossom Soap, 6d: "Hawkins's Instant Relief Asthma Powder," Is and 2s tin; Spring Blossom Ointment, 6d and Is; Spring Biossom Pills, 6d and la; Bloomine Corn Cure, od: Mandarin Laundry Glaze. 6d amd Is. Sold everywhere. From Wholesale Druggists, or Mrs. Louie* Hawkins. George-streot. Dunedin. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN., - THE Secretary • will be in attendance at the Rooms, Bridge's Buildings, U9, Willis-street, on TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS, from 10 to 12 30. All communicfttioßS strictly confidential.

MUCH CHEAPER THAN BANKRUPT STOCK. Lovely Prints, Is lid, 2s lid, 3s lid dress Nainsook, 3|d, 4d, 4R' s£d Tucked Nainsook, from 7£d up White Book Muslin, 3d, 3id, 4Jd< White Lawn, 6£d, 7id, 3id 42in Cream Lustre, Is 6d Cream Corduroy, lO^d, Is, Is 3d Galatea, 2s lid, 3s lid full dress syds Lace Curtain Is 9d, Is* lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d pair Bed Quilts, 2s 6d, 2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s lid Striped Ginghams, 6£d, 7£d 6yds Flannelette for Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d 6yds Cretonne for Is 9d, Is Ud 6yds 40in Art Muslin for Is -lid Honeycomb Shawls, Is Ud, 2s Ud, 3s Ud Whits Calico Nights, 2s Ud, 3s 6d,- 3a 'Ud Chemises, Is 6d, Is 9d, Is Ud, 2s 3d, 2s 6d Snickers, from Is up HUNDREDS OF OTHER LINES CHEAPER STILL. WE GIVE STAMPS. " ' CALL EARLY UNPBERG'S, * CHEAPEST DRAPER, CUBA-STREET. Parcels Free' of Charge. CARTER & Cl£ CUBA-STREET, Invite'the Ready-money Public to test the Extraordinary Value they, can. obtain by dealing with CARTER AND CO., who now hold- -the Choicest and Most Fashionable Drapery obtainable- in N.Z. ; Is in the £1 discount; ask for coupons. CARTER AND CO. for Trimm.ed Hats. We can't g«t a. big stock — as fast as our milliners' trim' them they^aro sold. See our windows. Prices' to suit all purses- _ . CARTER AND CO. for Embroidery; £100 worth just landed; all kinds, from 2d to 4s, lid .yard. Sea" window. " Lovely- -Embroidered' Blouse Pieces, 3s lid, "4s lift, oVll'd up.';' CARTER AND 'CO. for' Fancy' DraperySee window. Newest- Glot«s^ is/ le 6d: Reliable Kid Gloves, -2s lid, 3s Ud. Besfc Jot Neckwear -ever -held by us, 6d to 4s lid. New Hose, black, tan, and colours, -Is up. CARTER AND CO. for New Washing Linens, shantungs, 6id,_BiciL, <1 3j&ia Linen, ls-ffi, all best colour&. Novelties' for Blouses alnd Dresses .e'hetip*. CARTER AND' CO, for.' gprsetsT^all bought from makers, and cold at keen cut pricos. ' ' "'".,!. : V GIVE CARTER AND CCT'A TRIAL. "Y^T ANTED KNOWN. WATT AND SHENNAN, - WATT A.ND SHENNAN,- - LADIES' and<3ENTLEMEN'S TAnJOBS^ Cooper's . -Buildings,, opp, ",Eren jn'g tost. ARNER'S Safe Cure, -4s ; AngiVa, 2s 4d, 4s 4d; Kepler Malt and" Oil, 2s 3d, 3s 7d: Fellows' Syrup, 5s 9d; j Pcott's Emulsion, 2s 3d, 3s 10d;; Blau'd"» ! Tonic and Blood Pills (as prescribed in allthe leading I'ospitals), Is and Is 6d per 100 : new season's Hot Water Bags at I wholesale prices. We would remind fresh 1 customers that i our Compounding of Physicians' Prescriptions ' and 1 all other Dispensing is eonduole3>\vith extreme c»re and -absolute fidelity.-G. and H.- EVENS, Manners-street. Chemists. Telephone^-HBS (J3LEI3P In Comfort.— Buy a "Her<;vije^" £3 Ular.op.d Link Math-ess (patented). Will not rust. All house furnishers-- and iroampusorjs,

MILLINERY SCHOOL, ROOM 8, HUME'S BUILDINGS, 102, Willis-st. (Miss Davey'B Old Room). ri\HE CORRECT~SYSTEM AND THE 1 SMARTEST STYLES. EVENING CLASSES HELD. M. HAMILTON, Milliner. THE LANGER DRESSCUTTING SCHOOLARE you able to cut out and make your own dresses? If not, learn the Langer System at once ; perfectly 6imple ; no calculations. Ladies' Tailoring taught. Patterns a speciality. Vacancies for Agents. Classes daily,. Tuesday and Friday Evenings. Needlepainting Class, Monday, 2to 4. Miss Kate Stewart, Principal, 94, Willis-st 1 (opp. Shortt's). MILLINERY DISPLAY. A SPLENDID Show of Trimmed Millinery, in the very smartest styles, at 19s 6d and 21s. See Window Display during this week. Smart Ready-to-Wears, from 8s 6d. MRS. MATHEWSON, 266, LAMBTON-QUAY. IS YOUR COMPLEXION PERFECT? A SOFT clear Complexion just as sweet and fresh in the morning as in the evening is undoubtedly the most alluring charm a woman can possess. Of_ what consequence is a good head' of hair and a lovely figure if the skin is marred, by freckles, wrinkles, roughness, tan, superfluous hair, etc. ? How can a woman ever hope to be attractive if she allows every one of these blemishes to go .unchecked? Daily applications of VIOLET SNOW CREAM will entirely prevent and remove these disfigurements, and at the same time preserve, beautify, and nourish the skin. For superfluous hair it is undoubtedly the most effective remedy procurable. 4s 6d, from G. Mcc, W. Salek, C. H. Perrett, and leading chemists. MRS. STAMFORD, HAIR SPECIALIST. Ladies who require artificial aid need fear no detection ; shade and quality perfectly matched. Every description of Hairwork manufactured. Agent Royal Face Cream Hair Dye, etc. ' 'Phone, 2319. Bradford Woollen Company, Entrance Lambton-quay. OPPORTUNITY FOR LADIES. DURING sl«ck times Siegel'g, Ladies' Tailors, Manners-street, have decided to let the ladies have smart Costumes and Long Coats for £3 3s. Our £1500 worth of stock to choose from, all the latest shades. Do not delay. Only address— SIEGEL'S. LADIES' TAILOR, Manners-street. LADIES' SUMMER COSTUMES. WE .have recently received a Plant of up-to-date Machinery, which enables Us to turn-out Linen Costumes very cheaply • Purohase your material where you like. We undertake to make up from 25s eacb. THE WELLINGTON TWEED CO., Ghuznee-street ' (One door from Cuba-street). IT O S E' P H, • LADIES' TAILOR Fine Show of New Spring Goods on / View. Costumes from £4 4s. Skirts from £1 sb. BOULCOTT CHAMBERS, Boulcott-etreet. •'Pfagno sfißs,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 83, 5 October 1910, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 83, 5 October 1910, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 83, 5 October 1910, Page 9