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For most of us half the pleasure of knowing consists in telling, and half the pain of knowing is taken away .by eonfiding.—R. L. Stevenson. Mrs. Costello arrived from tho South | toons of lycopodinm, and bowls or arum yesterday, and is the guest of Mrs. C. | lilies, interspersed with palms. Among Tringham, Talavera-terraca. those present were :— Mrs. Henry, pale • " — blue taffetas, with silver trimming; Mr. and Mrs. Harbottle have returned Mrs. Monk, creme silk ; Mrs. Nash, from their trip, and leave to-day for white taffetas, with touches of pale Nelson. j bj ue ; jj rs _ Page, gown of „. _, _.. TTT _ heliotrope taffetas; Miss Collins, white Miss E. Fitzgerald has gone to Dun- charmeuse satin ; Miss Barnett. white edm ior a visit. Ninon . Misg si nc i a i r> pre tty pale blue ; _ r . — - •!-.■, l -.r — Misa Wilmot, graceful gown of ivory t,, Mi ? i. \P a :1 y ls t the B uest <* MM- X" , charmeuse, with gold tissue; Miss _alBlundell, Mufphy-stveet. loway> cveam ii o o ° issine) trimmed with „. — „ i , . /r • \ • i • dewdrop net; Miss Murphy, white silk ; M,ss Fitzherbert (Levin) is staying in Miss Bon^ d> heliotrope taffetas, with town, and is tho guest of Miss V. Ken- trimming; Miss Ward, princess nedy, CLfton-terrace. of old ro^' chi ff on velv ; t l . Miss ■, r . .V> •■> • j i „, „ , , Fricdlander, black ninon. Among the Irfroei nan. Porter, Page, Turnbull, Perrett, Reid, Mrs. Sidey gave a morning tea at und Co S lan - Kirkcaldie's tea-rooms yesterday. ' . A successful euchre party and dance Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barton, who left under the auspices of the Maranui at the beginning of the year for a tour School Committee was held in the round the world, are returning by the school-room lasfc evening, the occasion Moana next Wednesday. being to celebrate the opening of the new wing of the school. Mr. Lee, Mrs. Daniel, daughter of Mrs. Bright, chairman of the Education Board, Welsenr., who lies seriously ill at Otaki, ""gton, in. a lengthy speech touched is at present en a visit to her mother. U P OII educatiou matters, and congratulated the residents of the district for Mrs. Hervey, of Ghuznee, street left the interest they had taken in the school for Sydney yesterday, where she will sl , nce lts inauguration. He then declared spend' a few weeks. e « new wmg open - Mr< J - P - Luke ' M.P., was also present, and in a brief Mr. Roland Griffith, of Hamilton, speech endorsed ilr. Lee's words, and and son of Mr. Jos. Griffith Otaki also congratulated the school committee was quietly married at Ofcaki on Wed- and "sidents for their efforts in obnesday to Miss May Colwell, of Pahia- ta ' nn S such a valuable asset to tho tua. Miss Griffith Vis" bridesmaid, and sch ,° ol - About 75 couples were present, Mr. Len Griffith best man. Tho Rev. and ° lal 'B e number entered for the Mi-. Rands was the ofileiatiun. clergy- euchre tournament, lhe laches' first rnan> " J prize — a silver watch presented by Mr. Jlobertson — was won by Mrs. Carman ; Charming preparations are being made the gentlemen a prize— a presentation by the Orphans for the entertainment clock '. presenleH by Mr. Dillon— being at the ladies' evening to-night "in the v ' on b ? Mr - Lamberg. After the tour-Sydney-street room, and a laree gather- "ament supper was served and tho ing wiU be present. remainder of tne evening devoted to dancing. Mr. Kenny and Mrs. M'KerAmongst us we have the microbe of Son officiated at the piano, and Mr/ Carphilanthropy, and it is marvellously in- man , ac * ed , as , r M -9'. Muß " !al 1 ltems wer , e fectious. Great ingenuity is being dia- rendered by Mr. Lrnest Park.* (encore, played in the methods suited for got- ? Ir - Ke " n 7. (encore), Mr. J oolc, Mr. Milting money for our charities, and, as a ler, and Mr. tardmer. lhe committee rule, they are most successful. Just w , lsh J° thank Messrs. Scoullar and Co., now pleasure and profit aro to R o hand also the JJ.I.C, for their kindness in i« bind,, and an evening bridge party lending the furniture for the occasion. is* planned for. the benefit of the Boys' , Institute Fund. It has been arranged An enjoyable and succssful euchre to take place on Monday, 19i.h inst., in par ty an d dance was given by tho Wel-Kii-kcaldio tea-ronma. The mndns oper- lington Rowing Club in the New Cenancu is for four ladies to combine to tury Hall last evening, which was aptako a table togothei'. They pay 14s propriately decorated for the occasion, all told, aud this includes 'entrance fees a largo number of guests were present, and supper for four playeis, or 3s 6d an d dancing was kept up till a late each Any ladies wishing to enter for a nom .. prizes in the euchre tournament a table should send in their names to were won by Miss Chatiield and Mrs. Mrs. JNiowman, Mrs. Tweed, Mrs. Mor- Kelly and Messrs. W. Shicly and W. rison, or Miss Joseph. This plan proved Sievcrs. The succss of the evening was remunerative on a former occasion, and largely due to the efforts of the enerthe Boys Institute will surely benefit ge i ia commit te.- Exclleni music was oy this pleasant bridge evening. supplied by Miss Hawthorne's band. It is the little graceful acts of life T . ~ , , that make its pleasures. So often good, In a comparison between American solf-sacrificing work, if it is done modest- and English girlhood the London Times ly and unobtrnsivelv, is not noticed. It hdS something to say incidentally about was, therefore, a pleasure to tho Pioneer lhe American man. By nature, «c Club members to impress Miss Kane, aro , assured, the American girl is colder their secretary, in a mstorial way with and less emotional than (he Enghsn girl, a knowledge of their appreciation. A and her attitude towards men is one number of ladies assembled at the club of unfailing good comradeship. Yet at last cvenintc as a courtesy to the occa- the a:| i me tlmo wom en aie considered by sion, and Miss Richmond presented Miss American men as a race apart, who Kane with a moat covetable little ele- must be placed on a pedestal and pro-phant's-skin reticule purse, silver-mount- P ltlil tcd by much attention and many ed and beautiful, which contained the offerings. In a sense the chivalric ingolden coins which constituted tho gift. stincfc ]S almost too deeply implanted The courtrous little speech with which tho in tno American man, and in many of presentation was made was one of tho llis ideas concerning women he is, algood parts of the little ceremony, which though ho would be horrified to be told we all enjoyed. Miss Kane, in a depre- so » curiously mediaeval. And here again eating and whimsical reply, expressed her we come u P on one of tnose dl;e P lines thanks for the kind " "feeling which ot cleavage which divide the American prompted the gift. Mrs. Fitcliett, who ideal s of womanhood from the English, undertook the lion's share of the trouble, In England, before marriage, the man spoke a few words in connection with it. and the g irl see comparatively little of Miss Winder recited, also Miss Kane and eacn other, but alter marriage the comMiss Myers. Several other membei-3 "ion life is a necessity, and the woman were incited to help in entertaining, but, must be prepared to study his interests if one has any ideas, thoy are sure to and to make them more or less her become will-o'-the-wisps at the critical own. In America, before marriage, tho moment, and can't be laid hold of. raan &nd the girl are excellent friends Refreshments, and a pleasant rcminis- and comrades, enjoying much freedom cence of a voyage across the Atlantic ' n then- intercourse ; atter marriage the in a Cunaid liner by Miss Richmond, tAVO seem to lead separate lives. The brought a very pleasant evening to a man * s wholly wrapped up in his busiclose. ness, and the woman, wnen her work in the house is over, devotes most of The Flower Pageant secretary and h , el ' energies to the pursuit of social committee are making strenuous efforts P !ea8 ure- In fact, they cannot really to make its third performance a- very be sald to lead a common life. lo a great success. The committee had a Iar S? cxten " tlhlst I hls ls .™* man 's fault ; splendid rehearsal on Thursday in the lo1 " V.° as a , mle considers his wite such Town Hall, when there were a great a dellcate object that she is, so to speak, number of children present. There pufc under a g* ass case, and all cares will be another rehearsal on Tuesday "ij d worries and even rightful responaftornoon, when there will be a good Slblll ties are carefully kept from her. trial o'c the new items that aro being >:)no ta kes no active part in the mans introduced for varying the programme 0 evel '.V d ay life, for she is often comThe ticket office at the Dresden opens pletely ignorant of his financial position, an Monday, when there will be a busy and * s absolutely dependent upon him demand. " The llev. Mother Aubert is for every penny. The idea of marriage to have a third of the protends handed settlements or a definite allowance is abto her as a gift from the more fortunate horrent to the American mind ; and yet, and healthy children of the Pageant when all is said and done, the American for her poor little incurables she is so woman, with all her independence, is good to. the most dependent of women ; for is not lie who holds the purse-strings after The Arts Club management is won- all lhe real master? derf ully enterprising and energetic. The members are having a most alluring and The new Vicereine of India, Lady si^sSoSna'ssa tte o b re^3fie f s < s r H* rr\ h tr absolutely enjoyable from beginning to r g i u7i h ° lrjoked afc &&11& 1 end. The pretty rooms are sufficiently J" r , face and yo^hful appearance She commodious lo enable the club to wel- h , as se ? n f a Sf.f deaJ of th * world and corns a limited number of outside , s0?1^s 0 ? 1^- *"!» a good wife, she folfriends, and tickets may bo bought owe ? . her husband in his diplomatic from the committee. wanderings, and made a real success ii her position in Paris and St. Peters Another pleasant little party was J> vl "g- And she has always been in high given for Miss Nest Lambert. Mrs. favour w »th .Royalty, and for some years Percy Brandon had a bridge evening "as been a Woman of the Bedchamber for her, and just before supper a "sur- *° Queen Alexandra. Her elder son, prise" basket of pretty wedding gifts Edward, is a godchild of the late King, was handed to the bride-elect. Mrs. an .d her only girl, the ten-year-old Miss P. Brandon wore an eau de nil gown, Diamond Hardinge, received her jewelend Miss Lambert had a turquoise name at ths express wish of his late crepe de chine frock with lace yoke and Majesty, who desired that . the baby sleeves. Amongst Ihe guests were should be named after his horse, DiaMrs. Koch, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Waters, mond Jubilee, that won the Derby in Misses Kennedy, Turton, Laishley, the year of her birth, 1900. Marchant, Sutton, Macintosh, and Lambert. Ihe French League for tho Protection T , „•, , ««, j. , „ , .., of Birds is greatly concerned about the Last night was "ladies night of the vast s , BUght H er 0 / birds caiised by the Wellington Railways Mutual Improve- fashion £ r « Chantec l er » hats, writes meno and Social Club, and it was cele- the Paris corres p on dent of a London brated by a well-attended "social and journal . Tho lei [ gae assevt3 thafc 3uo danco m the Marine Institutes build- 000 000 bjrds are 6 kined yearly for the ing. A feature ot the evening was an adornment of women. Last year a ingenious contrivance tor announcing sin b Lolldon merch ant is asserted to the dances in the iorm of a miniature have aold 32000 humming-birds. Oddly semaphore signal. This was the mven- enoughi the Society for the Protection turn of Mr. Cassic, secretary ot the of Animals this year presented its anclub. The music for the evening was nmjl »,, ran d pr i x » \_ Q }[, Roßtand,R oR tand, the played by Mr. Williams, and songs were au th or "of "Chantecler." sung by the following : — Messrs Boyd, T. Hodges, Bruce, Comatte, Martinson, Weslbury, Cassio, and Sharp. . Violets.— Miss Cooper, 16, Manners-street Messrs. F. G. Craig and A. F. Shabb !s! s waving fresh every day her well- ■• „, t l- c -\r n ' i<.i known beautiful violets. I'loral designs performed the duties of M.C. s, and tho „.c ated with skill and careful attention r.r c-alonng was done by Mr. Jacobs. r ,. a?o , iab i e prices. 'Phono No. 882.— Advs. Among the ladies precont were Mesdames Bsitton, Cassie, Welsford, Allnn, Floral art in its perfection is peen at Lee, West, Misses M'Lean, Gordon (2), Miss Murray's, vice-regal florist, Willis-st. r.' ir>\ ' l -tTiif,.liinr<! Exquisito baskets, posies, and floral deiiose (£), and lluuJimc,s. choicegt flo? . erg in ticautiful colour „ ... , - , , i c schemes. Decorations for dinner/, at One of the most enjoyable dances of ho and weddlllgß ._Advt. the season was given on Wednesday evening by the members of the Welling- SPRING GOODS— LINEN DRESSES, ton Physical .Training School The Wn arc making smart linen dresses fron) gymnasium was decorated with masses £4 4s. Nodino and Co,, Ltd., 76, Wei» of pink and white apple blossom, fes- lington-terrace.—- Advii " *

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Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 62, 10 September 1910, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 62, 10 September 1910, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 62, 10 September 1910, Page 7