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c Extraordinary "Saturday" iargaisis <• V> AT < > The Economic Grand Mldseasoii Mark-down Sale > For To-morrow, Saturday, we shall offer a large number of specially attractive < bargains in all departments, in addition to which we shall offer a full selection of Fancy Glassware, Picture Frames, &c, displayed on Centre Bargain Tables, and to be cleared at exactly " HALF PRICE." > The following Price Concessions will appeal to Shrewd Bayers. ' > FANCY EMBROIDERED LINEN COLLARS— Em- Ladies' Black and Navy SERGE & CLOTH DRESS < broidered with lace edge, mushn inlled; celluloid, size SKIHTS— Some plain, others trimmed braid, all Entr- ( 13 only; Peter Pan Pique Collars \ ish tailor-made, splendid value X, AH at Saturday Bargaro Price, 6d each Saturday Bargain Price ,12/6 <v > SPOT AN.D PLAIN NET VEILINGS-All colours, nmFS" 1 t«si w thpwati wpdir m 1 j , ( Chiffon Veiling, black, white, cream, etc. Usually LADIES LISLa IHRLAD HOSE-Black and • col- ) 1/9 yard "' Saturday Bargain Price 6d yard iTeIV SS UauSy'l/ll tOC " 5 * 300 nieces of SILK RlßßON— lfcin wide, all colours, Saturday Bargain Prke 1/6 ; sky blue, pink, hello., etc.; also odd shades in Satin- . .^ < back Ribbon Velvet, l£in LADIES' FRENCH KID GLOVES— In grey, brown, Saturday Bargain Price 2d yard beavers, and pastelles, soft pliable, well-cut glove. Usual price 3/6 Saturday Bargain Price 2/3 Ladks' Very Handsome COLOURED THICK SERGE COSTUMES— Coats well lined with long fashionable COQUE FEATHER BOAS— In helio., navy, and * moire roll collar, finished off jet buttons, very smart green. Ladies should not miss tbes,c bargains. Übur and up-to-date Saturday Bargain Price 39/6 ally 14/6 Saturday Bargain Price 7/6 £ fe™ 8> J ul tf enst^ NA T\ BL f U ! : S3^P E PALE ; 355 yds FLANNELETTE BLOUSING-In navy and > TOTS— Double and single-breasted, with new panel < green grounds, new stripes. Was 6id yard V back, a good warm coat Saturday Bargain Price 21/6 Saturday Bargain Price 4*d yard < C Extraordinary " SATURDAY " Bargains. * > 630 yds NEWEST STRIPE BLOUSING— AU good BLACK VENETIAN COSTUME CLOTH-44in * V colours, latest designs. Were /£d yard guaranteed shrunk and unspottable ' / Saturday Bargain Price 6d yard Saturday Bargain Price 2/6 yard > Other Good Values, 2/11 and 3/6 yard C 760 yds ALL-WOOL DELAINES— In pretty figured ( and striped patterns. Were 1/9 and 1/11 Specially Heavy WHITE TURKISH TOWELS— S6in \ Saturday Bargain Prices 1/=, 1/2, and 1/6 yard x 30in, strongly made, and a good dvyer. Worth 4/11 < ( paii" Saturday Bargain Price 3/9 pnlr > BLOUSE LENGTHS AT BARGAIN PRICES— „._._ _ „ , V From I/=, 1/3, 1/6, to 5/6 length I'OKFAR— For kitchen towels or aprons, stout make, C ' an " a mosti reliable cloth, 40in wide. Wortii 1/3 yard > REMNANTS LINING— At Bargain Prices ' . Saturday Bargain Price 1 1/6 dozen < ( 100 pieces STRIPED HOCKEY TWEEDS-42in wide, JJ? I Z lEZI1 E ZIK lL SHEET ] NG .- 8 0in wide, extra strong < > in good serviceable colours, for everyday wear and n ° dressl "g-a Brand winter sheet Worth 2/- ( Saturday Bargain Prices 1/3 and 1/6 yard " Saturday Bargain Price 1/6 yard i CREAM ALL-WOOL FRENCH* DELAINE-42in ESPJSuS^SfSS? ****' X Wldo Saturday Bargain Price 1/6 yard Saturday Bargain "Price 1/8 yard < Q Also, about 500 Remnants of Dress Materials to be thrown oat at " HALF PRICE " C 6EHEGE & KERSTIF.Y Itd WeUin g to n's Popular > IFIJV»IgIJ <SB Jl^lLigt^ljEi I , gjWlo p ra pprye r y store :: :: ) MILLINEE.Y SCHOOL, "*^~ WE GIVE BOULCOTT CHAMBERS, niBOODKT STAMPS CTPP T TXTP QTT BOULCOTT-BTREET. U olJcjllJjljNCr SILVER T HE < ggg^ga s J NB ' XHE yd"| l e|s, ap id 4 if BSi\Sc eB , loi d, is, GIKCS POll CHILDREN. ' EVENING CLASSES HELD. Dre dd e rr P fuT e vVI 3 uo Ud ' * S 1H 5B Ud- W °"' M. HAMILTON, Milliner. Table Oilcloths, Ib, Is 3d, Is 6d ; Table A CHOICE Selection of Silve^ mHE LANDER SCHOOL OF DRESS- Bed^uinSVS: L^ild^Ss 6d. 3, lid; f °\ JL CUTTING— The marvellously simple Down Quilts, 4s lid, 5s lid, 6s lid lor Uuldlen 1S now "cinq shown by Blouse and SkiTt Cutter, the Latest In- Blankets, la 6d, Is lid, 2s 6cl ; Whito us - Exceptionally noßt designs ar» vention puts it within the power of any Blankets, 4s llcT, 5s lid pair shown in Cups, Cases of Knife, Fork ordinarily intelligent woman to make her Lace Curtains, Sheetings, Towels, Forfars, „„ , o \' 1 , c. , own Blouses and Skirts. Classes daily Tickings, Window" Blind, Hosiery; and oon > iork and Spoon only, 10 to 12 and 2to 4. Tuesday and Fri- Gloves, Corsets, etc. SPECIALLY Spoon only, etc. Sco Display ia day Evenings 7 to 9.— MISS KATE REDUCED our Centre Window STEWART Principal, 94, Willis-street, French Canvas 3id Window. opp. Shortt's. Silesia, 3id, 4d, 4id xr ., rTnv .. T MnTTPvn .,, Ms Flannelette, for Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d NATIOIsAL MOURMMt. 6yds Cretonne for Is 6d, Is lid, 2s 6d r* JP. m V/^tt>t/-i , anT , - Sateen Cretonne, 4Jd, 5Jd tr. & 1. lOUNCj, A 1 SPECIAL DISPLAY Ticking, 3W, 4^d -tV Of Towelling, Is lid dozen " 252, LAMBTON-QUAY. ' ': -r,T-«,^r ,-.,^ T „„..„,„.„ Wide Lace, Id; Wlialebono, Id dozen - ' BLACK AND ROYAL PURPLE 2 packets Hooks, Id ; Thread, Id reel MILLINLRY. Heaps of other lines cheaper etill — — — — * 200 Exceptionally Smart HATS, trimmed By Special - JjgL^gPjte His Excellency with velvet and wings, silk and vio- MUST MAKE ROOM. CALL EARLY. Appointment |S|ii6& tho iet 9- 1, to *^SSilssJ Governor. ALL ONE PRICE, -J n //» bt™ a -vrv mi V TkV — ±^/b. LINDBERG'S, Jh RAjS L. GRADY, Sgb Winrlnw Disnlav JEWELLER, " bee Window Display. OUBA-STREET. __ CUBA-STREET. WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. MRS. MATHEWSOIST, — HANNAH'S BUILDINGS, 266, LAMB- Parcels Free of Charge. fJSHE gHOP J^OE pRESENTS, ton-quay. WARM KNITTED COATS — MADAME TUTSCHKA, ARE FASHIONABLE. Gold and Silver Rotherhnm Watches •n-RwacTv* ATTT7B a -Mr* Bracelet Wat eh cs LADIFS' T4HOR Artistio Genuine Jewellery ' "I^ASHIOXS and Rumours of Fashions Kngagement Rings a specialty 7, BOULCOTT CHAMBERS. X 1 oome with the dawn and pass with Silver and Ebony Brushwjtro J~~ . old lal& > i ; in bb n UU oo t va 3 «on« t hlg'comJ to°Bt2yf l ° MANUFACTURING, ENGRAVING, Eto, Ladies Own Material Made Up. Thig is the KNITTED C OAT. You'll ". " sco it worn by every woman who wishes Fivo per cent. Discount for' Cash. ICILMA SHAMPOO SACHETS to impart a new, bjnart, .ami practical . touch to her Winter Wardrobe. rrvwr- rvwm> -mnr> Trvnvavvva Require no Rinsing Afterward.. PATRICK'S are Rowing Rome T S F p^ENTS. , .~, „ T>l eially good values in these. To wit- Country Orders reoeire prompt nttenUom Are prepared with the Famous Icihna Long Knitted Coats, all wool, white and Telo. 1138. Established 1880. .Elements. w m, f ancy trimmings, Collars., otc. • '. . ...... „ „ , Also NorfoUc Coats, shaped in at waist, ■tfHTTHY should you n.iv rivn rfr* ni* 1. Their cleansing action on the scalp vprv n ,v o rmnrU iq« m ?k ?9» a,i VV ■ snou ' a ' o " P n J nvo . or Bl * and hair is unmWfiil jeryiuco goods, l«s ba, iis btl, V t guinons for a Costume when you and hau i a «ondeitul. 2 5g, 27s 6d can get rho latest Stylo for three guineas. 2. They leave the hair bright, glos&y, and -j; wo on i y 3 \ QVi v\.\\ 45= AlrO Cos tumes and Skirts. Plenty ia silky, and havo no effect on its . ' "_' stock, ready to wenr. Beforo you fro colour. elsewhere givo us a try. 3. They stimulate tho natural oil glands **' "• -PATRICK & CO., SIECEL'S and they renew the life of the hair and CUBA-STREET AND COURTENAY- 46, Manners-street, prevent it from falling. i PLACE. Tel. 2258. Obtainable from all Chemists in boxes , n -n xr ~~ ~"~ of seven at 2s uer bos. 1 U B KEEP WARM GREAT ASTHMA CURE J^akai. GREY HAIR. As prepared by H. Brfttain, Oliemut, ii T° WTVTrp"' U^nvr prOTHT^r' MJ" ™ I %* S GffeCtS are What'XlnP^it^HviU o™l^0 ™ 1^ " A P ART'S" PFTP'nRATTrn upvp li'-UJjY MARVELLOUS. another in woijrht and texture. We A. -pt »xt t T^--v-f ISCxYP- and the unitod testimol J v o{ grateful are SPECIALISTS, and ►tctk all -*-•■- HAN HEiSJNA, Pyramid Brand patients pronounces "it to bu weights and sizes in registered, Is 6d, and 3s 6d, just recuived. A MIRACULOUS CURE PURE WOOL GARMENTS, • • SHAKLAND AND CO., LTD.) p r i oe , 2s 6d P er bottle ; post free, 3s. UXSHMXKABLK. Agents. H. BSITTAIN '" a fac f t ' lal *° a SAVE MONEY . — • Chemist, 35. ilannJrs-st'reet b *' P«»' c ha«ii:s our goods at prices from NfJ LADIES, this is for you. Be- N.8.-If no benefit derived money wil- A/Ct TO I A /ft oMU» fore purchasing, call and 111- i; nJr i v returned '*/ O JLri:/ O SsSir SK^^*! ppHßliSllllllFi WALLACE GIBSON, ' Tresses of Long Hair. Gooeh's Vegetable j b attracting more attention, receiving "THE KASH," WDLLIS-STREET Hair Colouring will stain Grey Hair to any :* moro . favourable comment, and enjoyshade of brown. It is the most successful ! n * * re » t ? r popularity than all other sewfn^Se^fo^omi;; L^tend "to AIR-TIGHT SHOW CASES Se^ee^sXf 1 HairdreSEer> 295 ' P^ct > youX^l%e^%tS°nS George-street, Sjdne}. do more and beUef wmk> comfort md SHOP EITTJKGS VTAVT MnTTPT.* pleasure to your sewing, and save a lot of viAVIJNUiILU time and worry and money. All duplicate OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS^ milE VIAVI CO. wish to notify tho C °' ne Ah °- S public that they are opening offices f" jw FFAR STANDARD. nTT l? «,,, va in Panama Chambers, opposite tho D.1.C., l " J " W --p,rf I1 .' nn ,, T f 1(ylil on 26th May, where business will be eon- Engineer and Importer ducted as formerly. In the meantime all n . L .„ AI a ,' c ,.Jf?i ii GfEE our Iptest make Xo wood n<» comninnieatioiiß directed to Viavi Co., E6 ?a b P lished°lßßo *" SklUully -?r87 6 fe me(al - a » " ««. 20 percent Royal Exchange, Christchurch, will re- ifWW>siie_a_jLßUU. rJLLZIE: in K lass insurances (Ftcps taken for rejfig- • oivp prompt attention. TfiXHIBITION OF VALUABLE OIL tration). S " PAINTINGS ' Kirkcaldio and Stains' Emporium the "OOUQUETS for Weddings and Presen- From tho Eabcl of NAYLOR GILL, largest of its kind, has been fitted throughXJ» tations, dainty Floral Tributes for Vietor-ia out by MAX KREISSIG Birthdays, Bon Voyage etc. Mips Mm- (Under yjce-Regal Patronage), We are the largest, the best, and cheap, ray, \ ico-Kcgal Florist, 06, Willis-street ° " pc; i rniniifnnfiir»^ v.,,,. ' (Bix doors above Grand Hotel). Tel. 265. At T. BEADNALL AND SOX'S, "% *»»»*■«*«"»"• k n«> w n. . „. Tir-if / Factory and Showroom— Nos. 32 and 34. Ij O S E^ P U, 73. Willis-street. LITTLE TAEAXAKI-STREET. • LADIES' TAILOR "I C. BUTLER. 'Phone 2499. (Late of Nodine and Co) . ' SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OP " Fine show of New Autumn Goods on Special Exhibition of NEW PICTURES WOMEN AND CHILDREN r. * , «*V BW "c- , TW Tllll^T 1111^ S( : cr< ' t « r y will bo in attendant . Costumes from £* 4p. Skirts from £1 ss. *& -*- at ihe Rooms, Bridge's Buildintrs. BOULCOTT CHAMBERS, ENGLISH and COLONIAL ARTISTS, 119, Willis-street, on TUESDAY and Boulcolt-street. Now on View. FRIDAY MORNINGS, from 10 to 12.30. _ 'Phone 3083. LAMBTON-QUAY. WELLINGTON. communications strictly confidential. JjMNE TAILORED COSTUMES! ANTE D__ KNO WN. ,^y ANT E D X N OWN. Ladies who care for their appearance go to l^lt^Ll?F m f D " SANKEY. Manufacturer 0 Samples, in dark and light LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S T4.ILOR HAY WARD, 6had "' t0 " fc 5) " M ' UomV. Buildings, WILLIS ST^^ THP 1 TATITFC5 1 TATT OP XU/O * ' Is showing best English-made Goods; also ,M, M t v TAILOR ' DUNCAN AND MACINTOSH, j New Zealand^made Materials equal in 284, Lambton-quay. Opposite Opera Hou»« j texture and dsiign to anything imported

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Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 112, 13 May 1910, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 112, 13 May 1910, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 112, 13 May 1910, Page 9